import { Bot } from ""; import { configs } from "./configs.ts"; import { getChannel, getChannels, getGuild, sendMessage, type BigString, type CreateMessage, type Embed, type InteractionCallbackData, type InteractionResponse } from "./deps.ts"; import { bot } from "./main.ts"; export function channelIsAllowed(guild: string, channel: string) { if(`${guild}:${channel}` in configs.allowed_text_channels) { return true; } return false; } export async function ensureVoiceConnection(bot: Bot, guildId: BigString) { const channels = await getChannels(bot, guildId); const guild = await getGuild(bot, guildId); let channelId = ""; for(const [id, channel] of channels) { if(! continue; if(channel.type == 2 && configs.allowed_voice_channels.includes(`${}:${}`)) {// voice channel channelId = id; } } await getChannel(bot, channelId); try { await bot.helpers.connectToVoiceChannel(guildId, channelId); } catch(err) { console.error(err); } } export function formatCallbackData(text: string, title?: string) { if(title) { return { title: title, content: "", embeds: [{ color: configs.embed_color, description: text }] } } return { content: "", embeds: [{ color: configs.embed_color, description: text }] } } export async function getAllowedTextChannel(bot: Bot, guildId: bigint) { const channels = await getChannels(bot, guildId); const guild = await getGuild(bot, guildId); let channelId = BigInt(0); for(const [id, channel] of channels) { if(channel.type == 0 && configs.allowed_text_channels.includes(`${}:${channel!.name!.toLowerCase()}`)) {// text channel channelId = id; } } return await getChannel(bot, channelId); } export const waitingForResponse = { type: 4, data: { content: "waiting for response..." } }; function errorMessage(message: string) { return { embeds: [{ color: configs.embed_color, description: message }] } } export async function errorMessageCallback(guildId: bigint, message: string) { const channel = await getAllowedTextChannel(bot, guildId); await sendMessage(bot,, errorMessage(message)); } export function isPlaylist(query: string) { if(query.includes("playlist")){ return true; } return false; } export function parseYoutubeId(url: string) { return url.substring(url.indexOf("?")+3); }