import { configs } from "./configs.ts"; import { Bot, createBot, Intents, startBot, upsertGlobalApplicationCommands } from "./deps.ts"; import { parseCommand } from "./commands.ts"; import { cyan } from ""; import { helpCommand } from "./commands/help.ts"; import { leaveCommand } from "./commands/leave.ts"; import { loopCommand } from "./commands/loop.ts"; import { npCommand } from "./commands/np.ts"; import { pauseCommand, stopCommand } from "./commands/pause.ts"; import { playCommand } from "./commands/play.ts"; import { skipCommand } from "./commands/skip.ts"; import { unloopCommand } from "./commands/unloop.ts"; import { enableAudioPlugin } from "./discordeno-audio-plugin/mod.ts"; const baseBot = createBot({ token: configs.discord_token, intents: Intents.Guilds | Intents.GuildMessages | Intents.GuildVoiceStates, }); export const bot = enableAudioPlugin(baseBot); = async function () { //await registerCommands(bot); console.log(`${cyan("permanent waves")} is ready to go`); } // Another way to do events = async function (bot, interaction) { await parseCommand(bot, interaction); }; await startBot(bot); async function registerCommands(bot: Bot) { console.log(await upsertGlobalApplicationCommands(bot, [helpCommand, leaveCommand, loopCommand, npCommand, pauseCommand, playCommand, skipCommand, stopCommand, unloopCommand])); } /* import ytdl from ""; const stream = await ytdl("DhobsmmyGFs", { filter: "audio" }); const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; for await (const chunk of stream) { chunks.push(chunk); } const blob = new Blob(chunks); await Deno.writeFile("video.mp3", new Uint8Array(await blob.arrayBuffer()));*/