
146 lines
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import {
type ApplicationCommandOption,
type CreateSlashApplicationCommand
} from "../deps.ts";
import { ensureVoiceConnection, formatCallbackData, waitingForResponse } from "../utils.ts";
function addedToQueueResponse(interaction: Interaction, title: string) {
return formatCallbackData(`${interaction.user.username} added [**${title}**](${[0].value}) to the queue.`, "Added to queue");
function alreadyPlayingResponse(bot: Bot, interaction: Interaction) {
const player = bot.helpers.getPlayer(interaction.guildId);
return formatCallbackData(`The bot is already playing.
Currently playing: **${player.nowPlaying.title}**, added by ${player.nowPlaying.added_by}`);
const emptyQueueResponse = formatCallbackData(`There's nothing in the queue to play right now.`);
function nowPlayingResponse(bot: Bot, interaction: Interaction) {
const player = bot.helpers.getPlayer(interaction.guildId);
return formatCallbackData(`The bot has started playing again.
Currently playing: **${player.nowPlaying.title}**, added by ${player.nowPlaying.added_by}`);
export const playCommand = <CreateSlashApplicationCommand>{
name: "play",
description: "Adds a song or playlist to the queue and starts the music if it's not already playing",
dmPermission: false,
options: [
type: 3, // string
name: "url",
description: "The URL or video ID of the song or playlist to play",
required: false
// todo it crashes when a timestamp is offered
export async function play(bot: Bot, interaction: Interaction, _args?) {
if (!interaction.guildId) return;
await ensureVoiceConnection(bot, interaction.guildId);
const player = bot.helpers.getPlayer(interaction.guildId);
await sendInteractionResponse(bot,, interaction.token, waitingForResponse);
if( {
const parsed_url = new URL([0].value);
let href;
if(parsed_url.href.indexOf("?t=") !== -1) {
href = parsed_url.href.substring(0, parsed_url.href.indexOf("?"))
} else {
href = parsed_url.href;
// TODO: maybe switch to ytdl and not have to use the deno youtube library?
const result = await player.pushQuery(interaction.user.username, href);
if(parsed_url.href.indexOf("") !== -1 || parsed_url.href.indexOf("") !== -1 && result[0].title) {
await editOriginalInteractionResponse(bot, interaction.token, addedToQueueResponse(interaction, result[0].title));
} else {
// restart the player if there's no url
if(player.waiting || !player.playing) {
if(player.nowPlaying) {
await editOriginalInteractionResponse(bot, interaction.token, nowPlayingResponse(bot, interaction));
} else {
await editOriginalInteractionResponse(bot, interaction.token, emptyQueueResponse);
} else {
await editOriginalInteractionResponse(bot, interaction.token, alreadyPlayingResponse(bot, interaction));
/*import { exists } from "";
import { configs } from "../configs.ts";
import { Bot } from "../deps.ts";
import { download, ensureVoiceConnection } from "../utils.ts";
import { type Command } from "../types.ts";
export async function play(bot: Bot, command: Command) {
await ensureVoiceConnection(bot, command.guildId);
const player = bot.helpers.getPlayer(command.guildId);
await player.pushQuery(command.params);
/*const parsed_url = new URL(url);
let video_id = "";
if(parsed_url.href.indexOf("") !== -1) {
video_id =;
} else if(parsed_url.href.indexOf("") === -1) {
video_id = parsed_url.pathname.substring(1);
} else {
return {
status: false,
message: "This URL is invalid"
if (!(await exists(`${configs.project_root}/music/`))) {
await download(video_id);
// single video
href: "",
origin: "",
protocol: "https:",
username: "",
password: "",
host: "",
hostname: "",
port: "",
pathname: "/watch",
hash: "",
search: "?v=DhobsmmyGFs"
endpoint: "",
sessionId: "74d4d31a8f5c507f9852278867d42c05",
token: "08b9f3bc65a233d5"
// playlist
/*URL {
href: "",
origin: "",
protocol: "https:",
username: "",
password: "",
host: "",
hostname: "",
port: "",
pathname: "/playlist",
hash: "",
search: "?list=PLvNazUnle2rTZO7OVYhhRdzFb9W4xSpNk"