
164 lines
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// This file is part of the BWEM Library.
// BWEM is free software, licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
// A copy of the license is provided with the library in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Igor Dimitrijevic
#include "mapPrinter.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "../EasyBMP_1.06/EasyBMP.h"
using namespace BWAPI;
using namespace BWAPI::UnitTypes::Enum;
namespace { auto & bw = Broodwar; }
using namespace std;
namespace BWEM {
using namespace BWAPI_ext;
namespace utils {
// //
// class MapPrinter
// //
const string MapPrinter::m_fileName = "bwapi-data/map.bmp";
std::unique_ptr<BMP> MapPrinter::m_pBMP;
MapPrinter MapPrinter::m_Instance;
const Map * MapPrinter::m_pMap = nullptr;
const bool MapPrinter::showAltitude = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showAreas = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showContinents = !showAreas && true;
const bool MapPrinter::showLakes = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showSeaSide = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showUnbuildable = false;
const bool MapPrinter::showGroundHeight = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showChokePoints = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showResources = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showMinerals = showResources && true;
const bool MapPrinter::showGeysers = showResources && true;
const bool MapPrinter::showStaticBuildings = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showBlockingBuildings = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showStackedNeutrals = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showStartingLocations = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showBases = true;
const bool MapPrinter::showAssignedRessources = showBases && true;
const bool MapPrinter::showData = false;
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::higherGround = Color(0, 0, 0);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::unbuildable = Color(0, 0, 0);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::terrain = Color(164, 164, 164);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::sea = Color(0, 0, 192);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::seaSide = Color(0, 0, 100);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::lake = Color(0, 100, 200);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::tinyArea = Color(50, 50, 255);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::chokePoints = (showAreas||showContinents) ? Color(255, 255, 255) : Color(0, 0, 0);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::minerals = Color(0, 255, 255);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::geysers = Color(0, 255, 0);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::staticBuildings = Color(255, 0, 255);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::blockingNeutrals = Color(0, 0, 0);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::startingLocations = Color(255, 255, 0);
const MapPrinter::Color MapPrinter::Color::bases = Color(0, 0, 255);
void MapPrinter::Initialize(const Map * pMap)
bwem_assert_throw_plus(canWrite(m_fileName), "MapPrinter could not create the file " + m_fileName);
m_pMap = pMap;
m_pBMP = make_unique<BMP>();
m_pBMP->SetSize(bw->mapWidth()*4, bw->mapHeight()*4);
if (canWrite(m_fileName)) m_pBMP->WriteToFile(m_fileName.c_str());
// Uncomment the 2 lines below to write one more copy of the bitmap, in the folder of the map used, with the same name.
// string twinFileName = bw->mapPathName().substr(0, bw->mapPathName().size()-3) + "bmp";
// if (canWrite(twinFileName)) m_pBMP->WriteToFile(twinFileName.c_str());
void MapPrinter::Point(int x, int y, Color col)
bwem_assert((0 <= x) && (x < m_pBMP->TellWidth()));
bwem_assert((0 <= y) && (y < m_pBMP->TellHeight()));
RGBApixel rgba;
rgba.Red = col.red;
rgba.Green = col.green;
rgba.Blue = col.blue;
m_pBMP->SetPixel(x, y, rgba);
void MapPrinter::Line(WalkPosition A, WalkPosition B, Color col, dashed_t dashedMode)
int N = max(1, roundedDist(A, B));
if ((dashedMode == dashed) && (N >= 4)) N /= 2;
for (int i = 0 ; i <= N ; ++i)
MapPrinter::Get().Point((A*i + B*(N-i))/N, col);
void MapPrinter::Rectangle(WalkPosition TopLeft, WalkPosition BottomRight, Color col, fill_t fillMode, dashed_t dashedMode)
for (int y = TopLeft.y ; y <= BottomRight.y ; ++y)
for (int x = TopLeft.x ; x <= BottomRight.x ; ++x)
if ((fillMode == fill) || (y == TopLeft.y) || (y == BottomRight.y) || (x == TopLeft.x) || (x == BottomRight.x))
if ((dashedMode == not_dashed) || ((x + y) & 1))
MapPrinter::Get().Point(x, y, col);
void MapPrinter::Square(WalkPosition Center, int radius, Color col, fill_t fillMode)
for (int y = Center.y-radius ; y <= Center.y+radius ; ++y)
for (int x = Center.x-radius ; x <= Center.x+radius ; ++x)
if ((fillMode == fill) || (y == Center.y-radius) || (y == Center.y+radius) || (x == Center.x-radius) || (x == Center.x+radius))
if (m_pMap->Valid(WalkPosition(x, y)))
MapPrinter::Get().Point(x, y, col);
void MapPrinter::Circle(WalkPosition Center, int radius, Color col, fill_t fillMode)
for (int y = Center.y-radius ; y <= Center.y+radius ; ++y)
for (int x = Center.x-radius ; x <= Center.x+radius ; ++x)
WalkPosition w(x, y);
if (dist(w, Center) <= radius)
if ((fillMode == fill) || (dist(w, Center) >= radius-1))
if (m_pMap->Valid(w))
MapPrinter::Get().Point(x, y, col);
}} // namespace BWEM::utils