
419 lines
14 KiB

// This file is part of the BWEM Library.
// BWEM is free software, licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
// A copy of the license is provided with the library in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Igor Dimitrijevic
#include "exampleWall.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "base.h"
#include "neutral.h"
#include "mapDrawer.h"
#include "bwapiExt.h"
#include <numeric>
using namespace BWAPI;
using namespace BWAPI::UnitTypes::Enum;
namespace { auto & bw = Broodwar; }
using namespace std;
namespace BWEM {
using namespace utils;
using namespace BWAPI_ext;
namespace utils
static bool canBuildWall(const Map & theMap, BWAPI::UnitType type, TilePosition location)
TilePosition dim(type.tileSize());
if (!theMap.Valid(location)) return false;
if (!theMap.Valid(location + dim - 1)) return false;
for (int dy = 0 ; dy < dim.y ; ++dy)
for (int dx = 0 ; dx < dim.x ; ++dx)
TilePosition t = location + TilePosition(dx, dy);
const auto & tile = theMap.GetTile(t);
if (!tile.Buildable()) return false;
if (tile.GetNeutral()) return false;
return true;
// Returns a small list of buildable Tiles in the seaside (minimal altitude) of 'area',
// starting at the ChokePoint end 'cpEnd'.
// 'area' should be one of the two Areas of the ChokePoint (the intent is to restrict the Tiles to one of these areas).
// If 'area' == nullptr, any area's seaside can be searched, allowing the Tiles to cross the ChokePoint.
static vector<TilePosition> findBuildableBorderTiles(const Map & theMap, WalkPosition cpEnd, const Area * area)
vector<TilePosition> BuildableBorderTiles;
// Although we want Tiles, we need to use MiniTiles for accuracy.
vector<WalkPosition> Visited;
queue<WalkPosition> ToVisit;
int seasideCount = 0;
while (!ToVisit.empty())
WalkPosition current = ToVisit.front();
for (WalkPosition delta : { WalkPosition(-1, -1), WalkPosition(0, -1), WalkPosition(+1, -1),
WalkPosition(-1, 0), WalkPosition(+1, 0),
WalkPosition(-1, +1), WalkPosition(0, +1), WalkPosition(+1, +1)})
WalkPosition next = current + delta;
if (theMap.Valid(next))
if (!contains(Visited, next))
const MiniTile & Next = theMap.GetMiniTile(next, check_t::no_check);
const Tile & NextTile = theMap.GetTile(TilePosition(next), check_t::no_check);
const bool seaside = (Next.Altitude() <= (seasideCount <= 8 ? 24 : 11)) &&
(area ? Next.AreaId() == area->Id() : Next.AreaId() > 0);
if (seaside || NextTile.GetNeutral())
if (seaside) ++seasideCount;
if (seasideCount > (area ? 130 : 260)) return BuildableBorderTiles;
// Uncomment this to see the visited MiniTiles
/// bw->drawBoxMap(Position(next), Position(next) + 8, Colors::White);
if (NextTile.Buildable() && !NextTile.GetNeutral() && (Next.Altitude() <= 11))
if (!contains(BuildableBorderTiles, TilePosition(next)))
if ((BuildableBorderTiles.size() >= 3) && (roundedDist(TilePosition(next), TilePosition(cpEnd)) > 12))
return BuildableBorderTiles;
return BuildableBorderTiles;
class BorderTileInfo
BorderTileInfo(const Map & theMap, const TilePosition & t)
m_topBorder(minAltitudeTop(t, theMap) <= 11),
m_bottomBorder(minAltitudeBottom(t, theMap) <= 11),
m_leftBorder(minAltitudeLeft(t, theMap) <= 11),
m_rightBorder(minAltitudeRight(t, theMap) <= 11)
bool TopBorder() const { return m_topBorder; }
bool BottomBorder() const { return m_bottomBorder; }
bool LeftBorder() const { return m_leftBorder; }
bool RightBorder() const { return m_rightBorder; }
bool m_topBorder;
bool m_bottomBorder;
bool m_leftBorder;
bool m_rightBorder;
static bool tightEnough(UnitType type, const BorderTileInfo & BorderTile)
if (type == Terran_Barracks)
if (BorderTile.TopBorder()) return true;
if (BorderTile.RightBorder()) return true;
if (BorderTile.BottomBorder() && BorderTile.LeftBorder()) return true;
return false;
return true;
// //
// class ExampleWall
// //
ExampleWall::ExampleWall(const Map & theMap, const ChokePoint * cp, tight_t tight)
: m_theMap(&theMap), m_cp(cp), m_tight(tight)
void ExampleWall::DrawLocations() const
const BWAPI::Color colorWall = BWAPI::Colors::Purple;
for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)m_Locations.size() ; ++i)
TilePosition pos = m_Locations[i];
TilePosition dim = m_BuildingTypes[i].tileSize();
for (int n = 0 ; n < 2 ; ++n)
bw->drawBoxMap(Position(pos) + n, Position(pos + dim) - n, colorWall);
void ExampleWall::Compute(int wallSize, const vector<TilePosition> & BuildableBorderTiles1,
const vector<TilePosition> & BuildableBorderTiles2)
map<TilePosition, BorderTileInfo> map_BorderTile_Info;
for (const TilePosition & t : BuildableBorderTiles1) map_BorderTile_Info.emplace(t, BorderTileInfo(*m_theMap, t));
for (const TilePosition & t : BuildableBorderTiles2) map_BorderTile_Info.emplace(t, BorderTileInfo(*m_theMap, t));
TilePosition dimDepot(UnitType(Terran_Supply_Depot).tileSize());
TilePosition dimBarrack(UnitType(Terran_Barracks).tileSize());
m_BuildingTypes = {Terran_Barracks, Terran_Supply_Depot, Terran_Supply_Depot};
vector<TilePosition> BuildingDims = {dimBarrack, dimDepot, dimDepot};
TilePosition wallMaxDim = accumulate(BuildingDims.begin(), BuildingDims.end(), TilePosition(0, 0));
for (const TilePosition & borderTile1 : BuildableBorderTiles1)
for (const TilePosition & borderTile2 : BuildableBorderTiles2)
if (abs(borderTile1.y - borderTile2.y) < wallMaxDim.y)
if (abs(borderTile1.x - borderTile2.x) < wallMaxDim.x)
for (int permutation = 0 ; permutation < wallSize ;
// left rotate for next permutation
rotate(m_BuildingTypes.begin(), m_BuildingTypes.begin()+1, m_BuildingTypes.end()),
rotate(BuildingDims.begin(), BuildingDims.begin()+1, BuildingDims.end())
if (!tightEnough(m_BuildingTypes.front(), map_BorderTile_Info.at(borderTile1))) continue;
if (!tightEnough(m_BuildingTypes.back(), map_BorderTile_Info.at(borderTile2))) continue;
for (int dy1 = 0 ; dy1 < BuildingDims.front().y ; ++dy1)
for (int dx1 = 0 ; dx1 < BuildingDims.front().x ; ++dx1)
for (int dy2 = 0 ; dy2 < BuildingDims.back().y ; ++dy2)
for (int dx2 = 0 ; dx2 < BuildingDims.back().x ; ++dx2)
if ((wallSize == 1) && ((dx1 != dx2) || (dy1 != dy2))) continue;
m_Locations.front() = borderTile1 - TilePosition(dx1, dy1);
m_Locations.back() = borderTile2 - TilePosition(dx2, dy2);
if (wallSize == 1)
if (!overlap(m_Locations.front(), BuildingDims.front(), borderTile1, TilePosition(1, 1)))
if (!canBuildWall(*m_theMap, m_BuildingTypes.front(), m_Locations.front())) continue;
if (wallSize >= 2)
if (!canBuildWall(*m_theMap, m_BuildingTypes.back(), m_Locations.back())) continue;
if (overlap(m_Locations.front(), BuildingDims.front(),
m_Locations.back(), BuildingDims.back())) continue;
if (wallSize == 2)
if (disjoint(m_Locations.front(), BuildingDims.front(),
m_Locations.back(), BuildingDims.back())) continue;
int minX = (wallSize < 3) ? -1 : min(m_Locations.front().x, m_Locations.back().x) - BuildingDims[1].x;
int minY = (wallSize < 3) ? -1 : min(m_Locations.front().y, m_Locations.back().y) - BuildingDims[1].y;
int maxX = (wallSize < 3) ? -1 : max(m_Locations.front().x + BuildingDims.front().x, m_Locations.back().x + BuildingDims.back().x);
int maxY = (wallSize < 3) ? -1 : max(m_Locations.front().y + BuildingDims.front().y, m_Locations.back().y + BuildingDims.back().y);
for (int y = minY ; y <= maxY ; ++y)
for (int x = minX ; x <= maxX ; ++x)
if (wallSize == 3)
m_Locations[1] = TilePosition(x, y);
bool middleBuildingHasBorderTiles = false;
for (const auto & BuildableBorderTiles : {BuildableBorderTiles1, BuildableBorderTiles2})
for (const TilePosition & t : BuildableBorderTiles)
if (overlap(m_Locations[1], BuildingDims[1], t, TilePosition(1, 1)))
middleBuildingHasBorderTiles = true;
if (middleBuildingHasBorderTiles) continue;
if (!canBuildWall(*m_theMap, m_BuildingTypes[1], m_Locations[1])) continue;
if (overlap(m_Locations[1], BuildingDims[1], m_Locations[0], BuildingDims[0])) continue;
if (overlap(m_Locations[1], BuildingDims[1], m_Locations[2], BuildingDims[2])) continue;
if (disjoint(m_Locations[1], BuildingDims[1], m_Locations[0], BuildingDims[0])) continue;
if (disjoint(m_Locations[1], BuildingDims[1], m_Locations[2], BuildingDims[2])) continue;
bool zealotTight = true;
for (int b = 0 ; b < wallSize ; ++b) if (m_BuildingTypes[b] == Terran_Barracks)
for (int d = 0 ; d < wallSize ; ++d) if (m_BuildingTypes[d] == Terran_Supply_Depot)
if (!disjoint(m_Locations[b], BuildingDims[b], m_Locations[d], BuildingDims[d]))
if (m_Locations[b].y + BuildingDims[b].y == m_Locations[d].y)
zealotTight = false;
if (m_Locations[d].x + BuildingDims[d].x == m_Locations[b].x)
zealotTight = false;
if (!zealotTight) continue;
if (m_tight == tight_t::zergling)
bool zerglingTight = true;
for (int b = 0 ; b < wallSize ; ++b) if (m_BuildingTypes[b] == Terran_Barracks)
for (int d = 0 ; d < wallSize ; ++d) if (m_BuildingTypes[d] == Terran_Supply_Depot)
if (!disjoint(m_Locations[b], BuildingDims[b], m_Locations[d], BuildingDims[d]))
if (m_Locations[b].y + BuildingDims[b].y == m_Locations[d].y)
zerglingTight = false;
if (m_Locations[d].x + BuildingDims[d].x == m_Locations[b].x)
zerglingTight = false;
if (m_Locations[b].x + BuildingDims[b].x == m_Locations[d].x)
zerglingTight = false;
for (int d1 = 0 ; d1 < wallSize ; ++d1) if (m_BuildingTypes[d1] == Terran_Supply_Depot)
for (int d2 = d1+1 ; d2 < wallSize ; ++d2) if (m_BuildingTypes[d2] == Terran_Supply_Depot)
if (!disjoint(m_Locations[d1], BuildingDims[d1], m_Locations[d2], BuildingDims[d2]))
if (m_Locations[d1].x + BuildingDims[d1].x == m_Locations[d2].x)
zerglingTight = false;
if (m_Locations[d2].x + BuildingDims[d2].x == m_Locations[d1].x)
zerglingTight = false;
if (!zerglingTight) continue;
const altitude_t maxAltitudeOfCP = m_theMap->GetMiniTile(m_cp->Center()).Altitude();
const int lengthCP = 2*maxAltitudeOfCP;
bool blockingDepot = false;
if (lengthCP < 5*32)
for (int d = 0 ; d < wallSize ; ++d)
if (m_BuildingTypes[d] == Terran_Supply_Depot)
Position centerDepot = Position(m_Locations[d]) + Position(BuildingDims[d])/2;
if (roundedDist(centerDepot, center(m_cp->Center())) < 2*32)
blockingDepot = true;
if (blockingDepot) continue;
// left rotate until back to first permutation
while (permutation++ < wallSize)
rotate(m_Locations.begin(), m_Locations.begin()+1, m_Locations.end());
rotate(m_BuildingTypes.begin(), m_BuildingTypes.begin()+1, m_BuildingTypes.end());
// Try to find a wall inside 'area' that blocks the ChokePoint m_cp.
// If 'area' != nullptr, 'area' must be one of the two Areas of m_cp.
// If 'area' == nullptr, the wall may cross the ChokePoint.
void ExampleWall::Compute(const Area * area)
// Since the wall must block m_cp, it must touch the seasides of 'area' next to both ends of the ChokePoint m_cp.
// So, for each end of m_cp, we first retrieve a list of candidates buildable, border Tiles for the Wall:
vector<TilePosition> BuildableBorderTiles1 = findBuildableBorderTiles(*m_theMap, m_cp->Pos(ChokePoint::end1), area);
vector<TilePosition> BuildableBorderTiles2 = findBuildableBorderTiles(*m_theMap, m_cp->Pos(ChokePoint::end2), area);
// Uncomment this to see the visited retrieved Tiles
/// for (auto t : BuildableBorderTiles1) bw->drawBoxMap(Position(t), Position(t) + 32, Colors::Orange);
/// for (auto t : BuildableBorderTiles2) bw->drawBoxMap(Position(t), Position(t) + 32, Colors::Orange);
// Prefer a small wall rather than a bigger one:
for (int wallSize = 1 ; wallSize <= 3 ; ++wallSize)
Compute(wallSize, BuildableBorderTiles1, BuildableBorderTiles2);
if (Possible())
void ExampleWall::Compute()
// First, look for a wall in m_cp->GetAreas().first only.
// If not found, look for a wall in m_cp->GetAreas().second only.
// If not found, look for a wall in both areas.
// We could easily use a better strategy here.
if (!Possible()) Compute(m_cp->GetAreas().first);
if (!Possible()) Compute(m_cp->GetAreas().second);
if (!Possible()) Compute(nullptr);
void ExampleWall::PostCompute()
if (Possible())
m_center = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)m_Locations.size() ; ++i)
m_center += Position(m_Locations[i]) + Position(m_BuildingTypes[i].tileSize())/2;
m_center /= m_Locations.size();
vector<ExampleWall> findWalls(const Map & theMap)
vector<ExampleWall> Walls;
for (const Area & area : theMap.Areas())
for (const ChokePoint * cp : area.ChokePoints())
Walls.emplace_back(theMap, cp);
return Walls;
}} // namespace BWEM::utils