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// This file is part of the BWEM Library.
// BWEM is free software, licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
// A copy of the license is provided with the library in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Igor Dimitrijevic
#ifndef BWEM_CP_H
#define BWEM_CP_H
#include <BWAPI.h>
#include "bwapiExt.h"
#include <deque>
#include "utils.h"
#include "defs.h"
namespace BWEM {
class Neutral;
class Area;
class Map;
namespace detail { class Graph; }
// //
// class ChokePoint
// //
// ChokePoints are frontiers that BWEM automatically computes from Brood War's maps
// A ChokePoint represents (part of) the frontier between exactly 2 Areas. It has a form of line.
// A ChokePoint doesn't contain any MiniTile: All the MiniTiles whose positions are returned by its Geometry()
// are just guaranteed to be part of one of the 2 Areas.
// Among the MiniTiles of its Geometry, 3 particular ones called nodes can also be accessed using Pos(middle), Pos(end1) and Pos(end2).
// ChokePoints play an important role in BWEM:
// - they define accessibility between Areas.
// - the Paths provided by Map::GetPath are made of ChokePoints.
// Like Areas and Bases, the number and the addresses of ChokePoint instances remain unchanged.
// Pseudo ChokePoints:
// Some Neutrals can be detected as blocking Neutrals (Cf. Neutral::Blocking).
// Because only ChokePoints can serve as frontiers between Areas, BWEM automatically creates a ChokePoint
// for each blocking Neutral (only one in the case of stacked blocking Neutral).
// Such ChokePoints are called pseudo ChokePoints and they behave differently in several ways.
// ChokePoints inherit utils::Markable, which provides marking ability
// ChokePoints inherit utils::UserData, which provides free-to-use data.
class ChokePoint : public utils::Markable<ChokePoint, int>, public utils::UserData
// ChokePoint::middle denotes the "middle" MiniTile of Geometry(), while
// ChokePoint::end1 and ChokePoint::end2 denote its "ends".
// It is guaranteed that, among all the MiniTiles of Geometry(), ChokePoint::middle has the highest altitude value (Cf. MiniTile::Altitude()).
enum node {end1, middle, end2, node_count};
// Type of all the Paths used in BWEM (Cf. Map::GetPath).
// See also the typedef CPPath.
typedef std::vector<const ChokePoint *> Path;
// Tells whether this ChokePoint is a pseudo ChokePoint, i.e., it was created on top of a blocking Neutral.
bool IsPseudo() const { return m_pseudo; }
// Returns the two Areas of this ChokePoint.
const std::pair<const Area *, const Area *> & GetAreas() const { return m_Areas; }
// Returns the center of this ChokePoint.
const BWAPI::WalkPosition & Center() const { return Pos(middle); }
// Returns the position of one of the 3 nodes of this ChokePoint (Cf. node definition).
// Note: the returned value is contained in Geometry()
const BWAPI::WalkPosition & Pos(node n) const { bwem_assert(n < node_count); return m_nodes[n]; }
// Pretty much the same as Pos(n), except that the returned MiniTile position is guaranteed to be part of pArea.
// That is: Map::GetArea(PosInArea(n, pArea)) == pArea.
const BWAPI::WalkPosition & PosInArea(node n, const Area * pArea) const;
// Returns the set of positions that defines the shape of this ChokePoint.
// Note: none of these MiniTiles actually belongs to this ChokePoint (a ChokePoint doesn't contain any MiniTile).
// They are however guaranteed to be part of one of the 2 Areas.
// Note: the returned set contains Pos(middle), Pos(end1) and Pos(end2).
// If IsPseudo(), returns {p} where p is the position of a walkable MiniTile near from BlockingNeutral()->Pos().
const std::deque<BWAPI::WalkPosition> & Geometry() const { return m_Geometry; }
// If !IsPseudo(), returns false.
// Otherwise, returns whether this ChokePoint is considered blocked.
// Normally, a pseudo ChokePoint either remains blocked, or switches to not blocked when BlockingNeutral()
// is destroyed and there is no remaining Neutral stacked with it.
// However, in the case where Map::AutomaticPathUpdate() == false, Blocked() will always return true
// whatever BlockingNeutral() returns.
// Cf. Area::AccessibleNeighbours().
bool Blocked() const { return m_blocked; }
// If !IsPseudo(), returns nullptr.
// Otherwise, returns a pointer to the blocking Neutral on top of which this pseudo ChokePoint was created,
// unless this blocking Neutral has been destroyed.
// In this case, returns a pointer to the next blocking Neutral that was stacked at the same location,
// or nullptr if no such Neutral exists.
Neutral * BlockingNeutral() const { return m_pBlockingNeutral; }
// If AccessibleFrom(cp) == false, returns -1.
// Otherwise, returns the ground distance in pixels between Center() and cp->Center().
// Note: if this == cp, returns 0.
// Time complexity: O(1)
// Note: Corresponds to the length in pixels of GetPathTo(cp). So it suffers from the same lack of accuracy.
// In particular, the value returned tends to be slightly higher than expected when GetPathTo(cp).size() is high.
int DistanceFrom(const ChokePoint * cp) const;
// Returns whether this ChokePoint is accessible from cp (through a walkable path).
// Note: the relation is symmetric: this->AccessibleFrom(cp) == cp->AccessibleFrom(this)
// Note: if this == cp, returns true.
// Time complexity: O(1)
bool AccessibleFrom(const ChokePoint * cp) const { return DistanceFrom(cp) >= 0; }
// Returns a list of ChokePoints, which is intended to be the shortest walking path from this ChokePoint to cp.
// The path always starts with this ChokePoint and ends with cp, unless AccessibleFrom(cp) == false.
// In this case, an empty list is returned.
// Note: if this == cp, returns [cp].
// Time complexity: O(1)
// To get the length of the path returned in pixels, use DistanceFrom(cp).
// Note: all the possible Paths are precomputed during Map::Initialize().
// The best one is then stored for each pair of ChokePoints.
// However, only the center of the ChokePoints is considered.
// As a consequence, the returned path may not be the shortest one.
const ChokePoint::Path & GetPathTo(const ChokePoint * cp) const;
Map * GetMap() const;
ChokePoint & operator=(const ChokePoint &) = delete;
// Details: The functions below are used by the BWEM's internals
typedef int index;
ChokePoint(detail::Graph * pGraph, index idx, const Area * area1, const Area * area2, const std::deque<BWAPI::WalkPosition> & Geometry, Neutral * pBlockingNeutral = nullptr);
ChokePoint(const ChokePoint & Other);
void OnBlockingNeutralDestroyed(const Neutral * pBlocking);
index Index() const { return m_index; }
const ChokePoint * PathBackTrace() const { return m_pPathBackTrace; }
void SetPathBackTrace(const ChokePoint * p) const { m_pPathBackTrace = p; }
const detail::Graph * GetGraph() const { return m_pGraph; }
detail::Graph * GetGraph() { return m_pGraph; }
detail::Graph * const m_pGraph;
const bool m_pseudo;
const index m_index;
const std::pair<const Area *, const Area *> m_Areas;
BWAPI::WalkPosition m_nodes[node_count];
std::pair<BWAPI::WalkPosition, BWAPI::WalkPosition> m_nodesInArea[node_count];
const std::deque<BWAPI::WalkPosition> m_Geometry;
bool m_blocked;
Neutral * m_pBlockingNeutral;
mutable const ChokePoint * m_pPathBackTrace = nullptr;
typedef ChokePoint::Path CPPath;
} // namespace BWEM