
122 lines
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// This file is part of the BWEM Library.
// BWEM is free software, licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
// A copy of the license is provided with the library in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Igor Dimitrijevic
#include "cp.h"
#include "mapImpl.h"
#include "neutral.h"
using namespace BWAPI;
using namespace BWAPI::UnitTypes::Enum;
namespace { auto & bw = Broodwar; }
using namespace std;
namespace BWEM {
using namespace detail;
using namespace BWAPI_ext;
// //
// class ChokePoint
// //
ChokePoint::ChokePoint(detail::Graph * pGraph, index idx, const Area * area1, const Area * area2, const deque<WalkPosition> & Geometry, Neutral * pBlockingNeutral)
: m_pGraph(pGraph), m_index(idx), m_Areas(area1, area2), m_Geometry(Geometry),
m_pBlockingNeutral(pBlockingNeutral), m_blocked(pBlockingNeutral != nullptr), m_pseudo(pBlockingNeutral != nullptr)
// Ensures that in the case where several neutrals are stacked, m_pBlockingNeutral points to the bottom one:
if (m_pBlockingNeutral) m_pBlockingNeutral = GetMap()->GetTile(m_pBlockingNeutral->TopLeft()).GetNeutral();
m_nodes[end1] = Geometry.front();
m_nodes[end2] = Geometry.back();
int i = Geometry.size() / 2;
while ((i > 0) && (GetMap()->GetMiniTile(Geometry[i-1]).Altitude() > GetMap()->GetMiniTile(Geometry[i]).Altitude())) --i;
while ((i < (int)Geometry.size()-1) && (GetMap()->GetMiniTile(Geometry[i+1]).Altitude() > GetMap()->GetMiniTile(Geometry[i]).Altitude())) ++i;
m_nodes[middle] = Geometry[i];
for (int n = 0 ; n < node_count ; ++n)
for (const Area * pArea : {area1, area2})
WalkPosition & nodeInArea = (pArea == m_Areas.first) ? m_nodesInArea[n].first : m_nodesInArea[n].second;
nodeInArea = GetMap()->BreadthFirstSearch(m_nodes[n],
[pArea, this](const MiniTile & miniTile, WalkPosition w) // findCond
{ return (miniTile.AreaId() == pArea->Id()) && !GetMap()->GetTile(TilePosition(w), check_t::no_check).GetNeutral(); },
[pArea, this](const MiniTile & miniTile, WalkPosition w) // visitCond
{ return (miniTile.AreaId() == pArea->Id()) || (Blocked() && (miniTile.Blocked() || GetMap()->GetTile(TilePosition(w), check_t::no_check).GetNeutral())); }
ChokePoint::ChokePoint(const ChokePoint & Other)
: m_pGraph(Other.m_pGraph), m_index(0), m_pseudo(false)
Map * ChokePoint::GetMap() const
return m_pGraph->GetMap();
const BWAPI::WalkPosition & ChokePoint::PosInArea(node n, const Area * pArea) const
bwem_assert((pArea == m_Areas.first) || (pArea == m_Areas.second));
return (pArea == m_Areas.first) ? m_nodesInArea[n].first : m_nodesInArea[n].second;
int ChokePoint::DistanceFrom(const ChokePoint * cp) const
return GetGraph()->Distance(this, cp);
const CPPath & ChokePoint::GetPathTo(const ChokePoint * cp) const
return GetGraph()->GetPath(this, cp);
// Assumes pBlocking->RemoveFromTiles() has been called
void ChokePoint::OnBlockingNeutralDestroyed(const Neutral * pBlocking)
bwem_assert(pBlocking && pBlocking->Blocking());
if (m_pBlockingNeutral == pBlocking)
// Ensures that in the case where several neutrals are stacked, m_pBlockingNeutral points to the bottom one:
m_pBlockingNeutral = GetMap()->GetTile(m_pBlockingNeutral->TopLeft()).GetNeutral();
if (!m_pBlockingNeutral)
if (GetGraph()->GetMap()->AutomaticPathUpdate())
m_blocked = false;
} // namespace BWEM