
191 lines
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// This file is part of the BWEM Library.
// BWEM is free software, licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
// A copy of the license is provided with the library in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Igor Dimitrijevic
#ifndef BWEM_AREA_H
#define BWEM_AREA_H
#include <BWAPI.h>
#include "bwapiExt.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "defs.h"
namespace BWEM {
class Mineral;
class Geyser;
class Tile;
class Base;
class ChokePoint;
class Map;
namespace detail { class Graph; }
// //
// class Area
// //
// Areas are regions that BWEM automatically computes from Brood War's maps
// Areas aim at capturing relevant regions that can be walked, though they may contain small inner non walkable regions called lakes.
// More formally:
// - An area consists in a set of 4-connected MiniTiles, which are either Terrain-MiniTiles or Lake-MiniTiles.
// - An Area is delimited by the side of the Map, by Water-MiniTiles, or by other Areas. In the latter case
// the adjoining Areas are called neighbouring Areas, and each pair of such Areas defines at least one ChokePoint.
// Like ChokePoints and Bases, the number and the addresses of Area instances remain unchanged.
// To access Areas one can use their ids or their addresses with equivalent efficiency.
// Areas inherit utils::Markable, which provides marking ability
// Areas inherit utils::UserData, which provides free-to-use data.
class Area : public utils::Markable<Area, int>, public utils::UserData
typedef int16_t id;
typedef int16_t groupId;
// Unique id > 0 of this Area. Range = 1 .. Map::Areas().size()
// this == Map::GetArea(Id())
// Id() == Map::GetMiniTile(w).AreaId() for each walkable MiniTile w in this Area.
// Area::ids are guaranteed to remain unchanged.
id Id() const { return m_id; }
// Unique id > 0 of the group of Areas which are accessible from this Area.
// For each pair (a, b) of Areas: a->GroupId() == b->GroupId() <==> a->AccessibleFrom(b)
// A groupId uniquely identifies a maximum set of mutually accessible Areas, that is, in the absence of blocking ChokePoints, a continent.
groupId GroupId() const { return m_groupId; }
// Bounding box of this Area.
const BWAPI::TilePosition & TopLeft() const { return m_topLeft ; }
const BWAPI::TilePosition & BottomRight() const { return m_bottomRight ; }
BWAPI::TilePosition BoundingBoxSize() const;
// Position of the MiniTile with the highest Altitude() value.
const BWAPI::WalkPosition & Top() const { return m_top; }
// Returns Map::GetMiniTile(Top()).Altitude().
altitude_t MaxAltitude() const { return m_maxAltitude; }
// Returns the number of MiniTiles in this Area.
// This most accurately defines the size of this Area.
int MiniTiles() const { return m_miniTiles; }
// Returns the percentage of low ground Tiles in this Area.
int LowGroundPercentage() const { return (m_tiles - m_highGroundTiles - m_veryHighGroundTiles) * 100 / m_tiles; }
// Returns the percentage of high ground Tiles in this Area.
int HighGroundPercentage() const { return m_highGroundTiles * 100 / m_tiles; }
// Returns the percentage of very high ground Tiles in this Area.
int VeryHighGroundPercentage() const { return m_veryHighGroundTiles * 100 / m_tiles; }
// Returns the ChokePoints between this Area and the neighbouring ones.
// Note: if there are no neighbouring Areas, then an empty set is returned.
// Note there may be more ChokePoints returned than the number of neighbouring Areas, as there may be several ChokePoints between two Areas (Cf. ChokePoints(const Area * pArea)).
const std::vector<const ChokePoint *> & ChokePoints() const { return m_ChokePoints; }
// Returns the ChokePoints between this Area and pArea.
// Assumes pArea is a neighbour of this Area, i.e. ChokePointsByArea().find(pArea) != ChokePointsByArea().end()
// Note: there is always at least one ChokePoint between two neighbouring Areas.
const std::vector<ChokePoint> & ChokePoints(const Area * pArea) const;
// Returns the ChokePoints of this Area grouped by neighbouring Areas
// Note: if there are no neighbouring Areas, than an empty set is returned.
const std::map<const Area *, const std::vector<ChokePoint> *> & ChokePointsByArea() const { return m_ChokePointsByArea; }
// Returns the accessible neighbouring Areas.
// The accessible neighbouring Areas are a subset of the neighbouring Areas (the neighbouring Areas can be iterated using ChokePointsByArea()).
// Two neighbouring Areas are accessible from each over if at least one the ChokePoints they share is not Blocked (Cf. ChokePoint::Blocked).
const std::vector<const Area *>&AccessibleNeighbours() const { return m_AccessibleNeighbours; }
// Returns whether this Area is accessible from pArea, that is, if they share the same GroupId().
// Note: accessibility is always symmetrical.
// Note: even if a and b are neighbouring Areas,
// we can have: a->AccessibleFrom(b)
// and not: contains(a->AccessibleNeighbours(), b)
// See also GroupId()
bool AccessibleFrom(const Area * pArea) const { return GroupId() == pArea->GroupId(); }
// Returns the Minerals contained in this Area.
// Note: only a call to Map::OnMineralDestroyed(BWAPI::Unit u) may change the result (by removing eventually one element).
const std::vector<Mineral *> & Minerals() const { return m_Minerals; }
// Returns the Geysers contained in this Area.
// Note: the result will remain unchanged.
const std::vector<Geyser *> & Geysers() const { return m_Geysers; }
// Returns the Bases contained in this Area.
// Note: the result will remain unchanged.
const std::vector<Base> & Bases() const { return m_Bases; }
Map * GetMap() const;
Area & operator=(const Area &) = delete;
// Details: The functions below are used by the BWEM's internals
Area(detail::Graph * pGraph, id areaId, BWAPI::WalkPosition top, int miniTiles);
Area(const Area & Other);
void AddChokePoints(Area * pArea, std::vector<ChokePoint> * pChokePoints);
void AddMineral(Mineral * pMineral);
void AddGeyser(Geyser * pGeyser);
void AddTileInformation(const BWAPI::TilePosition t, const Tile & tile);
void OnMineralDestroyed(const Mineral * pMineral);
void PostCollectInformation();
std::vector<int> ComputeDistances(const ChokePoint * pStartCP, const std::vector<const ChokePoint *> & TargetCPs) const;
void UpdateAccessibleNeighbours();
void SetGroupId(groupId gid) { bwem_assert(gid >= 1); m_groupId = gid; }
void CreateBases();
std::vector<Base> & Bases() { return m_Bases; }
const detail::Graph * GetGraph() const { return m_pGraph; }
detail::Graph * GetGraph() { return m_pGraph; }
int ComputeBaseLocationScore(BWAPI::TilePosition location) const;
bool ValidateBaseLocation(BWAPI::TilePosition location, std::vector<Mineral *> & BlockingMinerals) const;
std::vector<int> ComputeDistances(BWAPI::TilePosition start, const std::vector<BWAPI::TilePosition> & Targets) const;
detail::Graph * const m_pGraph;
id m_id;
groupId m_groupId = 0;
BWAPI::WalkPosition m_top;
BWAPI::TilePosition m_topLeft = {std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max()};
BWAPI::TilePosition m_bottomRight = {std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int>::min()};
altitude_t m_maxAltitude;
int m_miniTiles;
int m_tiles = 0;
int m_buildableTiles = 0;
int m_highGroundTiles = 0;
int m_veryHighGroundTiles = 0;
std::map<const Area *, const std::vector<ChokePoint> *> m_ChokePointsByArea;
std::vector<const Area *> m_AccessibleNeighbours;
std::vector<const ChokePoint *> m_ChokePoints;
std::vector<Mineral *> m_Minerals;
std::vector<Geyser *> m_Geysers;
std::vector<Base> m_Bases;
} // namespace BWEM