////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file is part of the BWEM Library. // BWEM is free software, licensed under the MIT/X11 License. // A copy of the license is provided with the library in the LICENSE file. // Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Igor Dimitrijevic // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "bwem.h" using namespace BWAPI; using namespace BWAPI::UnitTypes::Enum; namespace { auto & bw = Broodwar; } using namespace std; namespace BWEM { using namespace utils; namespace detail { void onAssertThrowFailed(const std::string & file, int line, const std::string & condition, const std::string & message) { unused(file); unused(line); unused(condition); unused(message); assert(false); throw Exception(file + ", line " + std::to_string(line) + " - " + message); } } // namespace details } // namespace BWEM