2023-02-10 05:09:16 +00:00

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MGMT-7740 - Accounting for Reporting and Control
<meta property="og:title" content="MGMT-7740 - Accounting for Reporting and Control">
<meta property="og:description" content="This course introduces theories and practices of financial as well as managerial accounting. The financial accounting sessions provide an overview of external financial statements. The managerial accounting sessions focus on how accounting information is used in the internal managerial decision making process within a firm as well as cover cost accounting, budgeting, and performance evaluation tools.">
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<h1 id="name">
Accounting for Reporting and Control
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This course introduces theories and practices of financial as well as managerial accounting. The financial accounting sessions provide an overview of external financial statements. The managerial accounting sessions focus on how accounting information is used in the internal managerial decision making process within a firm as well as cover cost accounting, budgeting, and performance evaluation tools.
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<span id="credits-pill" class="attr-pill">
3 credits
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Detailed View
<th class="spring season-label">Spring</th>
<th class="summer season-label" colspan="2">Summer</th>
<th class="fall season-label">Fall</th>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<th class="summer2 midsum-label">(Session 1)</th>
<th class="summer3 midsum-label">(Session 2)</th>
<th class="year">2023</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Meimuneh Sumadi</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/60
<th class="year">2022</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Meimuneh Sumadi</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 50/60
<th class="year">2021</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jamshed Jal Mistry</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 32/55
<th class="year">2020</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jamshed Jal Mistry</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 43/55
<th class="year">2019</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jamshed Jal Mistry</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 33/54
<th class="year">2018</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jamshed Jal Mistry</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 46/54
<th class="year">2017</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jamshed Jal Mistry</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 26/54
<th class="year">2016</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jamshed Jal Mistry</li>
<li>David Alan Scott</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 35/75
<th class="year">2015</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>David Alan Scott</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 42/50
<th class="year">2014</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>James P. Stodder</li>
<li>Randall George Peteros</li>
<li>David Alan Scott</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 39/65
<th class="year">2013</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Seunghan Nam</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 32/70
<th class="year">2012</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Seunghan Nam</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 61/106
<th class="year">2011</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Accounting For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Seunghan Nam</li>
<li>Yinghong Zhang</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 101/106
<th class="year">2010</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Acct For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Seunghan Nam</li>
<li>Sonja Dennis Francis</li>
<li>Kevin Francis Wall</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 90/100
<th class="year">2009</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Acct For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Louis William Gingerella</li>
<li>Jong Chool Park</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 53/150
<th class="year">2008</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Acct For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Dale Harris</li>
<li>Jong Chool Park</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 84/156
<th class="year">2007</th>
<td class="term spring unscheduled">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer unscheduled">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Acct For Reporting And Control (3c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Louis William Gingerella</li>
<li>Yong-Chul Shin</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 42/140