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ARCH-5140: Structures 1
<meta property="og:title" content="ARCH-5140: Structures 1">
<meta property="og:description" content="Introduction to Structures introduces the student of Architecture to the principles of structural mechanics and their application to basic architectural structures comprised primarily of wood. The fundamentals of statics are presented in order to gain an understanding of the way in which external forces produce internal stresses in individual members and, in essence, flow through the building system to be resolved at the foundation level. The principles of strength of materials are studied to understand how particular structural materials and configurations manage to resist these forces without unacceptable distortions, or even failure. Wood structural properties are studied in all their complexity as a means to internalize the more theoretical topics broached. Through in-class presentations, reading, homework and project work, computer lab, field trips, and case studies, the student will be aided in developing this intuitive (while practical) understanding. It is recognized that intuitions of building technologies are not acquired quickly but result from much study, observation, and practice. Introduction to Structures makes use of the several approaches above to ensure that the beginning student is provided with a broad, solid base for future structural investigations. WebCT will be used to expand the student's access to course materials and allow for a measure of distance learning. Sustainability: the following notions are introduced as important attributes of sustainable structures and construction: durability and service life and life cycle cost. This course is required of all architecture graduate students in the M.Arch. program.">
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<h1 id="name">
Structures 1
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Introduction to Structures introduces the student of Architecture to the principles of structural mechanics and their application to basic architectural structures comprised primarily of wood. The fundamentals of statics are presented in order to gain an understanding of the way in which external forces produce internal stresses in individual members and, in essence, flow through the building system to be resolved at the foundation level. The principles of strength of materials are studied to understand how particular structural materials and configurations manage to resist these forces without unacceptable distortions, or even failure. Wood structural properties are studied in all their complexity as a means to internalize the more theoretical topics broached. Through in-class presentations, reading, homework and project work, computer lab, field trips, and case studies, the student will be aided in developing this intuitive (while practical) understanding. It is recognized that intuitions of building technologies are not acquired quickly but result from much study, observation, and practice. Introduction to Structures makes use of the several approaches above to ensure that the beginning student is provided with a broad, solid base for future structural investigations. WebCT will be used to expand the student's access to course materials and allow for a measure of distance learning. Sustainability: the following notions are introduced as important attributes of sustainable structures and construction: durability and service life and life cycle cost. This course is required of all architecture graduate students in the M.Arch. program.
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<span id="credits-pill" class="attr-pill">
3 credits
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<a class="course-pill" href="ARCH-2330">ARCH-2330 Structures 1</a>
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Detailed View
<table id="years-table">
<th class="spring season-label">Spring</th>
<th class="summer season-label" colspan="2">Summer</th>
<th class="fall season-label">Fall</th>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<th class="summer2 midsum-label">(Session 1)</th>
<th class="summer3 midsum-label">(Session 2)</th>
<th class="year">2024</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer unscheduled">
<td class="term fall unscheduled">
<th class="year">2023</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=202309&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures 1 (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Marc Anthony Tatarsky</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/15
<th class="year">2022</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=202209&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures 1 (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Justin Henry Den Herder</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 1/15
<th class="year">2021</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=202109&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures 1 (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Justin Henry Den Herder</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 3/15
<th class="year">2020</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=202009&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures 1 (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Dominick Richard Pilla</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 1/15
<th class="year">2019</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=201909&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures I (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Dominick Richard Pilla</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 1/15
<th class="year">2018</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=201809&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures I (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Dominick Richard Pilla</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/15
<th class="year">2017</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=201709&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures I (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Dominick Richard Pilla</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 1/15
<th class="year">2016</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=201609&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures I (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Ivan Markov</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 4/15
<th class="year">2015</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
<a href="https://sis.rpi.edu/rss/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=201509&subj_in=ARCH&crse_in=5140&schd_in=">Structures I (3c)</a>
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Ivan Markov</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 4/15
<th class="year">2014</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2013</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2012</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2011</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2010</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2009</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2008</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2007</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2006</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2005</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2004</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2003</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2002</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall offered-diff-code">
<th class="year">2001</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall not-offered">
<th class="year">2000</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall not-offered">
<th class="year">1999</th>
<td class="term spring not-offered">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall not-offered">
<th class="year">1998</th>
<td class="term spring unscheduled">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer not-offered">
<td class="term fall not-offered">