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ENGR-2050 - Introduction to Engineering Design
<meta property="og:title" content="ENGR-2050 - Introduction to Engineering Design">
<meta property="og:description" content="A first course in engineering design which emphasizes creativity, teamwork, communication, and work across engineering disciplines. Students are introduced to the design process through a semester-long project which provides a design-build-test experience. Oral and written communication are important elements of the course. The course meets with ENGR 1010 .">
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<h1 id="name">
Introduction to Engineering Design
<h2 id="code">
A first course in engineering design which emphasizes creativity, teamwork, communication, and work across engineering disciplines. Students are introduced to the design process through a semester-long project which provides a design-build-test experience. Oral and written communication are important elements of the course. The course meets with ENGR 1010 .
<div id="cattrs-container">
<span id="credits-pill" class="attr-pill">
4 credits
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<div id="prereq-classes" class="rel-info-courses">
<div class="pr-or-con">
<div class="pr-or-title">
one of:
<div class="pr-or">
<a class="course-pill" href="ENGR-1100.html">ENGR-1100 Introduction to Engineering Analysis</a>
<a class="course-pill" href="ECSE-1010.html">ECSE-1010 Introduction to Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering</a>
<div class="pr-and">and</div>
<div class="pr-or-con">
<div class="pr-or-title">
one of:
<div class="pr-or">
<a class="course-pill" href="ENGR-1200.html">ENGR-1200 Engineering Graphics and CAD</a>
<a class="course-pill" href="ENGR-1400.html">ENGR-1400 Engineering Communications</a>
<a class="course-pill" href="CIVL-1200.html">CIVL-1200 Engineering Graphics for Civil Engineers</a>
<div class="pr-and">and</div>
<div class="pr-or-con">
<div class="pr-or-title">
one of:
<div class="pr-or">
<a class="course-pill" href="PHYS-1200.html">PHYS-1200 Physics II</a>
<a class="course-pill" href="PHYS-1250.html">PHYS-1250 Introductory Electromagnetic Theory</a>
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Detailed View
<th class="spring season-label">Spring</th>
<th class="summer season-label" colspan="2">Summer</th>
<th class="fall season-label">Fall</th>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<th class="summer2 midsum-label">(Session 1)</th>
<th class="summer3 midsum-label">(Session 2)</th>
<th class="year">2023</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Daniel Chapman Lander</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Julia D Carroll</li>
<li>Tathagata Bhaduri</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Jordan L Vener</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Kimberly Irene Oakes</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 163/218
<td colspan="2" class="term summer offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jason Mark Warner</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/168
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Jordan L Vener</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Robert John Niemiec</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Tathagata Bhaduri</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Fred Thomas Willett</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/224
<th class="year">2022</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Jordan L Vener</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Etana Alemayehe Ferede</li>
<li>Corey Christopher Woodcock</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Tathagata Bhaduri</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Daniel Chapman Lander</li>
<li>George Jiren Lee</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 153/252
<td colspan="2" class="term summer offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Tathagata Bhaduri</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>George Jiren Lee</li>
<li>Kimberly Irene Oakes</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Jordan L Vener</li>
<li>Zhaoran Huang</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 117/172
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Jordan L Vener</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Robert John Niemiec</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Tathagata Bhaduri</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Fred Thomas Willett</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 156/224
<th class="year">2021</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Etana Alemayehe Ferede</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Daniel Chapman Lander</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Randall Charles McFarlane</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 192/232
<td colspan="2" class="term summer offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engr Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Mohammed Galal Alnaggar</li>
<li>James D. Rees</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Hisham S. Mohamed</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 143/192
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Etana Alemayehe Ferede</li>
<li>Corey Christopher Woodcock</li>
<li>Robert John Niemiec</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 168/224
<th class="year">2020</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>George Gela</li>
<li>Etana Alemayehe Ferede</li>
<li>Randall Charles McFarlane</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Rostyslav Korolov</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Ahmad Emad Abu-Hakmeh</li>
<li>Zhaoran Huang</li>
<li>Omar Osama El-Shafee</li>
<li>Jordan L Vener</li>
<li>Mohammed I Abdellatef</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Daniel Martin Gordon</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 261/392
<td colspan="2" class="term summer offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engr Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Rahmi Ozisik</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Xun Wang</li>
<li>Rostyslav Korolov</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Mohammed Galal Alnaggar</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Corey Christopher Woodcock</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 154/204
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Corey Christopher Woodcock</li>
<li>James D. Rees</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Robert John Niemiec</li>
<li>Zhaoran Huang</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 220/340
<th class="year">2019</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Mohammed I Abdellatef</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Daniel Martin Gordon</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Spencer Michael Scott</li>
<li>Audrey Katherine Scranton</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Yuri Alan Gorby</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Omar Osama El-Shafee</li>
<li>Kyle Richard Wilt</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 241/359
<td colspan="2" class="term summer offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engr Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Mohammed I Abdellatef</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 30/30
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>George Gela</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Amar Khoukhi</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Daniel Martin Gordon</li>
<li>Audrey Katherine Scranton</li>
<li>Mohammed I Abdellatef</li>
<li>Omar Osama El-Shafee</li>
<li>Jordan L Vener</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>W. Randolph Franklin</li>
<li>Randall Charles McFarlane</li>
<li>Karyn K. Dyer</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Sarah B. Dinolfo</li>
<li>Robert John Niemiec</li>
<li>Corey Christopher Woodcock</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 264/364
<th class="year">2018</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>James Elliot Young</li>
<li>Karyn K. Dyer</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Susan Victoria Henry</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Omar Osama El-Shafee</li>
<li>Xun Wang</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>John Francis Drazan</li>
<li>George Gela</li>
<li>Daniel Chapman Lander</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 336/436
<td class="term summer2 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engr Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Partha S. Dutta</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Asish Ghosh</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 24/37
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engr Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>James Elliot Young</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 18/28
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Audrey Katherine Scranton</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<li>Karyn K. Dyer</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Daniel Chapman Lander</li>
<li>George Gela</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>Yuri Alan Gorby</li>
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Ahmad Emad Abu-Hakmeh</li>
<li>Robert John Niemiec</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Randall Charles McFarlane</li>
<li>Susan Victoria Henry</li>
<li>W. Randolph Franklin</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 330/392
<th class="year">2017</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Kenneth Scott Manning</li>
<li>Karyn K. Dyer</li>
<li>Chad Edward Christensen</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Omar Osama El-Shafee</li>
<li>Yuri Alan Gorby</li>
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Xun Wang</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Jeremy Laflin</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Michael Joseph Conroy</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>W. Randolph Franklin</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 322/364
<td class="term summer2 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>Hisham S. Mohamed</li>
<li>Dana M Chichester</li>
<li>Chad Edward Christensen</li>
<li>Asish Ghosh</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 27/50
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Karyn K. Dyer</li>
<li>Dana M Chichester</li>
<li>Hisham S. Mohamed</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 17/28
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Susan Victoria Henry</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Zhaoran Huang</li>
<li>Asish Ghosh</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>W. Randolph Franklin</li>
<li>Partha S. Dutta</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Peter F. Caracappa</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Yuri Alan Gorby</li>
<li>Karyn K. Dyer</li>
<li>John Francis Drazan</li>
<li>George Gela</li>
<li>Amy Corron Youmans</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 366/420
<th class="year">2016</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Sastry Ramachandra Sreepada</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Ali Shahsavari</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Theresa Swett</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Xun Wang</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Jeremy Laflin</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Lai Jiang</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 331/390
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Chad Edward Christensen</li>
<li>Xun Wang</li>
<li>Deanna Marie Thompson</li>
<li>Karyn K. Dyer</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>Sastry Ramachandra Sreepada</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Asish Ghosh</li>
<li>Hisham S. Mohamed</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Jeremy Laflin</li>
<li>Partha S. Dutta</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 325/364
<th class="year">2015</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>Bharat Bagepalli</li>
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Uwe Kruger</li>
<li>Jeffrey H. Braunstein</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Ali Shahsavari</li>
<li>Dana R. Swalla</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Navid Khaje Ahmad Attary</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Cameron Jady Harris</li>
<li>Doug Brian Schumer</li>
<li>Michelle Evangeline Caminos</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 309/360
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Asish Ghosh</li>
<li>Judith A. Obiero</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Peter F. Caracappa</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Theresa Swett</li>
<li>Casey T. Jakubowski</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Zhaoran Huang</li>
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Xun Wang</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 308/336
<th class="year">2014</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Sastry Ramachandra Sreepada</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Wei Zhou</li>
<li>Dana R. Swalla</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Derek Alan Westbrook</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Cheng Hsu</li>
<li>David Joseph Mendonca</li>
<li>Hisham S. Mohamed</li>
<li>Doug Brian Schumer</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 306/336
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Uwe Kruger</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Cameron Jady Harris</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Peter F. Caracappa</li>
<li>Bharat Bagepalli</li>
<li>Navid Khaje Ahmad Attary</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Dana R. Swalla</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Doug Brian Schumer</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 350/364
<th class="year">2013</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Joshua Lucas Hurst</li>
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Silvestro Barbarino</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>W. Randolph Franklin</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Nelson John Tacy</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 287/336
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Casey Jay Hoffman</li>
<li>Peter F. Caracappa</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Glen R Gross</li>
<li>Derek Alan Westbrook</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Tyler W. Van Buren</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Doug Brian Schumer</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 342/364
<th class="year">2012</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Valerie J. Masterson</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Nelson John Tacy</li>
<li>Mark W Olles</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Matthew Adam Oehlschlaeger</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Venkata Ramana Gadhamshetty</li>
<li>Aren Yale Paster</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>W. Randolph Franklin</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 331/336
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>Venkata Ramana Gadhamshetty</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Thomas Clark Haley</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Wallace James Morris</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Nelson John Tacy</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 299/308
<th class="year">2011</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Charles Sanford Goodwin</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Thomas Clark Haley</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Wei Zhou</li>
<li>Venkata Ramana Gadhamshetty</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Aren Yale Paster</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 333/364
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Venkata Ramana Gadhamshetty</li>
<li>Mark Walter Steiner</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Aren Yale Paster</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Charles Sanford Goodwin</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 303/308
<th class="year">2010</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Charles Sanford Goodwin</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>Biplab Sikdar</li>
<li>Valerie J. Masterson</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>William Robert Mielke</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Wei Zhou</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Nelson John Tacy</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Venkata Ramana Gadhamshetty</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 337/364
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Mark Walter Steiner</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Nelson John Tacy</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Aren Yale Paster</li>
<li>Wallace James Morris</li>
<li>Charles Sanford Goodwin</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 304/336
<th class="year">2009</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Valerie J. Masterson</li>
<li>Charles Sanford Goodwin</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Thomas Clark Haley</li>
<li>Partha S. Dutta</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Gregory J. Hampson</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Guohao Dai</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Wei Zhou</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Lupita D. Montoya</li>
<li>Paul R. Moon</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 358/364
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Charles Sanford Goodwin</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>Sastry Ramachandra Sreepada</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Valerie J. Masterson</li>
<li>Mark Walter Steiner</li>
<li>Achille Messac</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>William Robert Mielke</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 304/336
<th class="year">2008</th>
<td class="term spring offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Burt L. Swersey</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Jeffrey H. Braunstein</li>
<li>Syed Murtuza</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>W. Scott Adams</li>
<li>Biplab Sikdar</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>William Robert Mielke</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Lupita D. Montoya</li>
<li>Kimberly A. Foore</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Miki Fukunari</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 364/364
<td class="term summer2 not-offered">
<td class="term summer3 offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro To Eng Design (2147483647-0c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 0/0
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Mark J Anderson</li>
<li>William John Foley</li>
<li>Charles Sanford Goodwin</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Stephen James Derby</li>
<li>Christine M Allard</li>
<li>Valerie J. Masterson</li>
<li>Mark Walter Steiner</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>William Robert Mielke</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>Kimberly A. Foore</li>
<li>Aleksander G Ostrogorsky</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>W. Scott Adams</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Jianqiang Lu</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>John R. LaGraff</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 324/336
<th class="year">2007</th>
<td class="term spring unscheduled">
<td colspan="2" class="term summer unscheduled">
<td class="term fall offered">
<div class="view-container detail-view-container">
<span class="term-course-info">
Intro Engineering Design (4c)
<ul class="prof-list">
<li>Don L Millard</li>
<li>Catherine F Persoon</li>
<li>Miki Fukunari</li>
<li>James A. Reed</li>
<li>Syed Murtuza</li>
<li>Kimberly A. Foore</li>
<li>Leik N Myrabo</li>
<li>Linda T. McCloskey</li>
<li>Stephen James Derby</li>
<li>Tracy N. Sullivan</li>
<li>Randy James McDougall</li>
<li>Biplab Sikdar</li>
<li>Annie J. Virkus</li>
<li>W. Scott Adams</li>
<li>Jeffrey Phillip Morris</li>
<li>William Robert Mielke</li>
<li>Lawrence Edward Ruff</li>
<li>Graham C. Knowles</li>
<span class="course-capacity">
Seats Taken: 322/336