

Active participation in research, under the supervision of a faculty adviser, leading to a doctoral dissertation. Grades of S or U are assigned by the adviser each term to reflect the student's research progress for the given semester. Once the dissertation has been publicly defended, approved by the doctoral committee, and accepted by the Office of Graduate Education, it will be archived in a standard format in the library.

1-15 credits

Past Term Data

Not Offered
Offered as Cross-Listing Only
No Term Data
Spring Summer Fall
(Session 1) (Session 2)
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Shun Uchida
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 18/115
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Shun Uchida
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/100
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Shun Uchida
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 16/115
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Shun Uchida
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 17/100
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Shun Uchida
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 20/135
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Shun Uchida
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 19/100
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 24/135
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 21/125
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 23/135
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 26/145
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 21/180
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Michael Symans
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaozheng He
  • Shun Uchida
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
Seats Taken: 26/145
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 18/180
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 22/145
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 24/170
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 18/135
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Michael Symans
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Jacob Fish
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
Seats Taken: 20/170
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Shun Uchida
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 23/135
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Jacob Fish
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 24/150
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Mohammed Galal Alnaggar
  • Victoria Gene Bennett
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 21/125
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Jacob Fish
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 22/150
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 25/105
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Jacob Fish
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 22/150
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 25/105
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 23/130
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Christopher W Letchford
  • Xiaokun Wang
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 24/105
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 19/330
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 24/85
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 15/330
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 19/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Michael J O'Rourke
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 16/325
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 0/50
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Xuegang Ban
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 19/310
Dissertation (1-15c)
  • Satish V. Ukkusuri
  • Tarek H Abdoun
  • Jacob Fish
  • Thomas F Zimmie
  • Jose E. Holguin-Veras
  • Mourad Zeghal
  • Gianluca Cusatis
  • Michael Symans
Seats Taken: 18/285