Practicum in Management


This is an experiential, project-based course where students work on projects for an actual business. Students work in a consulting role for a local company. Practicum in Management is designed and developed for students from all educational backgrounds who want to learn the fundamentals of business as they apply to satisfying a "customer's need". Students will work on a team or individually on projects and communicate to the class frequently to facilitate student learning from one another. We begin with some basic tenets of business and an overview of how to develop and oversee a project plan. The course will give you first-hand experience understanding the needs of a consulting client, articulating a plan and executing the plan to fill their needs.

3 credits

Past Term Data

Not Offered
Offered as Cross-Listing Only
No Term Data
Spring Summer Fall
(Session 1) (Session 2)
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 0/45
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 49/45
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 6/15
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 27/30
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 5/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 7/15
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Michael Begley
Seats Taken: 10/10
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 12/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 4/10
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Susan J Freeman
Seats Taken: 4/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 7/10
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Susan J Freeman
Seats Taken: 2/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Clinton T. Ballinger
Seats Taken: 5/30
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 2/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 5/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • David Rainey
Seats Taken: 8/25
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 4/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Philip William LaBatte
  • Jeffrey F. Durgee
Seats Taken: 12/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • James P. Stodder
  • Susan Sanderson
Seats Taken: 29/78
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 8/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • James P. Stodder
Seats Taken: 10/35
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Susan Sanderson
Seats Taken: 17/48
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 4/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Susan Sanderson
Seats Taken: 4/30
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Jeffrey F. Durgee
Seats Taken: 16/48
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 9/20
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Jeffrey F. Durgee
Seats Taken: 11/30
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Jeffrey F. Durgee
Seats Taken: 25/44
Practicum In Management (2147483647-0c)
Seats Taken: 0/0
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Jeffrey F. Durgee
Seats Taken: 35/44
Practicum In Management (3c)
  • Thomas Triscari
Seats Taken: 6/20
Practicum In Management (1c)
Seats Taken: 0/0
Practicum In Management (6c)
  • Pier A Abetti
Seats Taken: 1/1
Practicum In Management (1c)
Seats Taken: 0/0
Practicum In Management (1c)
Seats Taken: 0/20
Practicum In Management (1c)
Seats Taken: 0/20
Practicum In Management (1c)
Seats Taken: 0/20