ARTS-6050: Rethinking Documentary: Video Production
<metaproperty="og:title"content="ARTS-6050: Rethinking Documentary: Video Production">
<metaproperty="og:description"content="The course is designed to help students continue to develop as media-makers/filmmakers. Students will work on short video projects that are shot in the studio and in the field. Studio experimentations, including projection work, multi-camera production, generating ideas, and realizing a well-developed final project. Students write their own scripts, learn new technical skills and direct videos.">
The course is designed to help students continue to develop as media-makers/filmmakers. Students will work on short video projects that are shot in the studio and in the field. Studio experimentations, including projection work, multi-camera production, generating ideas, and realizing a well-developed final project. Students write their own scripts, learn new technical skills and direct videos.
<ahref="">Rethinking Documentary: Video Production (4c)</a>
<li>Branda Miller</li>
Seats Taken: 0/10
<tdclass="term spring not-offered">
<tdcolspan="2"class="term summer not-offered">
<tdclass="term fall offered">
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<ahref="">Rethinking Documentary: Video Production (4c)</a>
<li>Branda Miller</li>
Seats Taken: 3/10
<tdclass="term spring not-offered">
<tdcolspan="2"class="term summer not-offered">
<tdclass="term fall not-offered">
<tdclass="term spring not-offered">
<tdcolspan="2"class="term summer not-offered">
<tdclass="term fall offered">
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<ahref="">Rethinking Documentary: Video Production (4c)</a>
<li>Branda Miller</li>
Seats Taken: 0/19
<tdclass="term spring not-offered">
<tdcolspan="2"class="term summer not-offered">
<tdclass="term fall not-offered">
<tdclass="term spring offered">
<divclass="view-container detail-view-container">
<ahref="">Rethinking Documentary: Video Production (3c)</a>
<li>Branda Miller</li>
Seats Taken: 4/5
<tdcolspan="2"class="term summer not-offered">
<tdclass="term fall offered">
<divclass="view-container detail-view-container">
<ahref="">Rethinking Documentary: Video Production (3c)</a>