#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; struct quatalog_data_t { Json::Value terms_offered; Json::Value prerequisites; }; using course_handler_t = void(const Json::Value&,const std::string&,quatalog_data_t&,const Json::Value&); void handle_term_dirs(const std::set&,quatalog_data_t&); void handle_term(const fs::directory_entry& term_entry,quatalog_data_t&); void handle_prefix(const Json::Value&,const std::string&,quatalog_data_t&,const Json::Value&,course_handler_t*); void handle_course(const Json::Value&,const std::string&,quatalog_data_t&,const Json::Value&); void handle_course_summer(const Json::Value&,const std::string&,quatalog_data_t&,const Json::Value&); void handle_everything(const Json::Value& sections, const Json::Value& title, Json::Value& course_term, Json::Value&); void handle_sections(const Json::Value& sections, Json::Value& course_term); void handle_instructors(const Json::Value& section, std::unordered_set& instructors); void handle_multiple_instructors(const std::string& instructor_str, std::unordered_set& instructors); void handle_attributes(const Json::Value& section, Json::Value& course_term); void handle_attribute(const std::string& attribute, Json::Value& attributes); int main(const int argc,const char** argv) { if(argc < 3) { std::cerr << "Bad number of arguments " << argc << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } const auto& data_dir_path = fs::path(argv[1]); const std::string& terms_offered_filename = std::string(argv[2]); if(!fs::is_directory(data_dir_path)) { std::cerr << "Data dir argument " << data_dir_path << " is not a directory" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Sort term dirs chronologically using a std::set std::set term_dirs; const auto data_dir = fs::directory_iterator(data_dir_path); for(const auto& term : data_dir) { term_dirs.insert(term); } // Begin JSON manipulation quatalog_data_t data; handle_term_dirs(term_dirs,data); //terms_offered,prerequisites); std::fstream terms_offered_file{terms_offered_filename,std::ios::out}; terms_offered_file << data.terms_offered << std::endl; terms_offered_file.close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void handle_term_dirs(const std::set& term_dirs, quatalog_data_t& data) { for(auto term : term_dirs) { if(!fs::is_directory(term)) { continue; } handle_term(term,data); } } void handle_term(const fs::directory_entry& term_entry,quatalog_data_t& data) { const fs::path dir = term_entry.path(); const auto dirname = dir.string(); const auto term = dir.stem().string(); const auto courses_filename = dirname + "/courses.json"; const auto prereqs_filename = dirname + "/prerequisites.json"; std::fstream courses_file{courses_filename,std::ios::in}; std::fstream prereqs_file{prereqs_filename,std::ios::in}; std::cerr << "Processing term " << term << "..." << std::endl; data.terms_offered["all_terms"].append(term); Json::Value courses; Json::Value prereqs; courses_file >> courses; prereqs_file >> prereqs; course_handler_t* course_handler; if(term.substr(4,2) == "05") { course_handler = handle_course_summer; } else { course_handler = handle_course; } for(auto& prefix : courses) { handle_prefix(prefix,term,data,prereqs,course_handler); } courses_file.close(); prereqs_file.close(); } void handle_prefix(const Json::Value& prefix, const std::string& term, quatalog_data_t& data, const Json::Value& prereqs, course_handler_t course_handler) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "\tProcessing prefix " << prefix["code"] << " - " << prefix["name"] << "..." << std::endl; #endif for(auto& course : prefix["courses"]) { course_handler(course,term,data,prereqs); } } void handle_course(const Json::Value& course, const std::string& term, quatalog_data_t& data, const Json::Value& prereqs) { const auto course_code = course["id"].asString(); auto& course_term = data.terms_offered[course_code][term]; const Json::Value& sections = course["sections"]; handle_everything(sections,course["title"],course_term,data.prerequisites); } void handle_course_summer(const Json::Value& course, const std::string& term, quatalog_data_t& data, const Json::Value& prereqs) { const auto course_code = course["id"].asString(); // sections[0]: Full term sections // sections[1]: First-half term sections // sections[2]: Second-half term sections // Of course, a course will never be offered // in both the full term _and_ one of the // half-terms, but there are a few that // are offered in both halves (e.g. STSO-4100) std::array sections; // We will loop twice over the sections, // once here and once in handle_sections, // but frankly I tried to make it all in 1 // loop and the code was a total unreadable // mess. So I don't really care int subterm; bool subterm0 = false, subterm1 = false, subterm2 = false; for(const auto& section : course["sections"]) { const auto& timeslot = section["timeslots"][0]; const std::string& dateEnd = timeslot["dateEnd"].asString(); const std::string& dateStart = timeslot["dateStart"].asString(); subterm = 0; if(dateStart.substr(0,2) != "05") { subterm = 1; subterm1 = true; } else if(dateEnd.substr(0,2) != "08") { subterm = 2; subterm2 = true; } else { subterm0 = true; } sections[subterm].append(section); } auto& course_terms = data.terms_offered[course_code]; if(subterm0) { handle_everything(sections[0],course["title"],course_terms[term],data.prerequisites); } else { if(subterm1) { handle_everything(sections[1],course["title"],course_terms[term+"02"],data.prerequisites); } if(subterm2) { handle_everything(sections[2],course["title"],course_terms[term+"03"],data.prerequisites); } } } void handle_everything(const Json::Value& sections, const Json::Value& title, Json::Value& course_term, Json::Value& course_prerequisites) { course_term["title"] = title; handle_sections(sections,course_term); handle_attributes(sections[0],course_term); //handle_prereqs(sections[0],course_prerequisites); } void handle_sections(const Json::Value& sections, Json::Value& course_term) { int credMin = Json::Value::maxInt, credMax = 0; int seatsTaken = 0, capacity = 0, remaining = 0; std::unordered_set instructors; for(const auto& section : sections) { // Get min/max credits *of all sections* // (RCOS looking at you) credMin = std::min(credMin,section["credMin"].asInt()); credMax = std::max(credMax,section["credMax"].asInt()); // Add seating data of all sections together. // remaining might get clobbered by some sections // having negative seats, but this probably won't // be too much of an issue seatsTaken += section["act"].asInt(); capacity += section["cap"].asInt(); remaining += section["rem"].asInt(); handle_instructors(section,instructors); } course_term["credits"]["min"] = credMin; course_term["credits"]["max"] = credMax; course_term["seats"]["taken"] = seatsTaken; course_term["seats"]["capacity"] = capacity; course_term["seats"]["remaining"] = remaining; for(const auto& instructor : instructors) { course_term["instructors"].append(instructor); } } void handle_instructors(const Json::Value& section, std::unordered_set& instructors) { for(const auto& timeslot : section["timeslots"]) { handle_multiple_instructors(timeslot["instructor"].asString(),instructors); } } void handle_multiple_instructors(const std::string& instructor_str, std::unordered_set& instructors) { // Pseudo-string split on commas const auto delim = std::regex(", ?"); const auto end_itr = std::sregex_token_iterator(); auto instructors_itr = std::sregex_token_iterator( instructor_str.begin(), instructor_str.end(), delim, -1 ); for(;instructors_itr != end_itr && !instructors_itr->str().empty(); instructors_itr++) { const std::string& str = instructors_itr->str(); if(str == "TBA") continue; instructors.insert(str); } } void handle_attributes(const Json::Value& section, Json::Value& course_term) { // This mess is basically C++'s string split but not using // as much memory as an actual string split const auto delim = std::regex(" and |, "); const auto attributes_str = section["attribute"].asString(); const auto end_itr = std::sregex_token_iterator(); auto attributes_itr = std::sregex_token_iterator( attributes_str.begin(), attributes_str.end(), delim, -1 ); // Makes the JSON list of attributes Json::Value& attributes = course_term["attributes"]; attributes = Json::arrayValue; for(;attributes_itr != end_itr && !attributes_itr->str().empty(); attributes_itr++) { handle_attribute(attributes_itr->str(),attributes); } } void handle_attribute(const std::string& attribute, Json::Value& attributes) { if(attribute == "Communication Intensive") { attributes.append("[CI]"); } else if(attribute == "Writing Intensive") { attributes.append("[WI]"); } else if(attribute == "HASS Inquiry") { attributes.append("[HInq]"); } else if(attribute == "Culminating Exp/Capstone") { attributes.append("[CulmExp]"); } else if(attribute == "PDII Option for Engr Majors") { attributes.append("[PDII]"); } }