import json import html import sys import re import os.path from time import sleep import random from fake_useragent import UserAgent from selenium import webdriver from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.common.exceptions import ( StaleElementReferenceException, NoSuchElementException, ) # Fix course titles accounting for Roman numerals up to X def normalize_title(input): s = " ".join(input.split()) s = re.sub(r"[A-Za-z]+(['‘’][A-Za-z]+)?", lambda m:, s) s = re.sub(r"\b(Viii|Vii|Vi|Iv|Ix|Iii|Ii)\b", lambda a:, s) return s.strip() # Waits until EC plus some random wait time def wait(ec): global driver WebDriverWait( driver, 35, ignored_exceptions=[StaleElementReferenceException] ).until(ec) sleep(random.uniform(400, 1900) / 1000) # jump_to_page: navigates to a paginated page on this insufferable website # # curr_page: the current page number # to_page: the page number to jump to # num_pages: the total number of pages # postback_type: javascript:__doPostBack('','Page$3') # pagination_type: PAGE 1 OF 27
def jump_to_page(curr_page, to_page, postback_type, pagination_type): global driver wait(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID, postback_type))) page = driver.find_element(By.ID, postback_type) try: num_pages = int(driver.find_element(By.ID, pagination_type).text.split()[-1]) except NoSuchElementException: return 1, page if to_page > num_pages or to_page < 1: raise ValueError( f"to_page was out of range ({to_page} not in [1, {num_pages}])" ) while curr_page != to_page: jumpable_pages = { int(x.get_attribute("href").split("'")[3][5:]): x for x in driver.find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, """a[href^="javascript:__doPostBack('""" + postback_type + """','Page$"]""", ) } curr_page = int(driver.find_element(By.ID, pagination_type).text.split()[-3]) if to_page in jumpable_pages: jumpable_pages[to_page].click() curr_page = to_page elif to_page < min(jumpable_pages): jumpable_pages[min(jumpable_pages)].click() curr_page = min(jumpable_pages) else: jumpable_pages[max(jumpable_pages)].click() curr_page = max(jumpable_pages) wait(EC.staleness_of(page)) sleep(random.uniform(400, 1900) / 1000) page = driver.find_element(By.ID, postback_type) return curr_page, page # scrape_page: Scrapes a page of institutions # # page_num: The page to scrape. # Note that the current page before running this function must be 1. def scrape_page(page_num): global driver global options for i in range(1, 15): try: driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) driver.get( "" ) jump_to_page(1, page_num, "gdvInstWithEQ", "lblInstWithEQPaginationInfo") break except Exception as e: driver.quit() print( f"Attempt {i} failed due to {type(e).__name__}, retrying in 25 seconds...", file=sys.stderr, ) sleep(25) else: raise Exception(f"Failed to load the main page after 15 attempts, aborting.") num_institutions = len( driver.find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[id^=gdvInstWithEQ_btnCreditFromInstName_]" ) ) driver.quit() print(f"Scraping page {page_num}, found {num_institutions} links", file=sys.stderr) return [scrape_institution_safe(i, page_num) for i in range(0, num_institutions)] def scrape_institution_safe(index, page_num): for i in range(1, 15): try: return scrape_institution(index, page_num) except Exception as e: driver.quit() print( f"\tAttempt {i} failed due to {type(e).__name__}, retrying in 25 seconds...", file=sys.stderr, ) sleep(25) else: raise Exception(f"Failed to scrape {index} after 15 attempts, aborting.") # scrape_institution: Scrapes an institution by index. # # index: the 0-indexed index of the instituion to scrape on the page we are on. def scrape_institution(index, page_num): global driver global options driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) driver.get( "" ) jump_to_page(1, page_num, "gdvInstWithEQ", "lblInstWithEQPaginationInfo") inst_link = driver.find_element( By.ID, f"gdvInstWithEQ_btnCreditFromInstName_{index}" ) [inst_name, inst_city, inst_state, _] = [ e.text for e in inst_link.find_element(By.XPATH, "../..").find_elements( By.TAG_NAME, "td" ) ] inst_name, inst_city = normalize_title(inst_name), normalize_title(inst_city) wait(EC.staleness_of(inst_link)) print(f"Scraping {inst_name} ({inst_city}, {inst_state})", file=sys.stderr) # Add all courses try: num_pages = int( driver.find_element(By.ID, "lblCourseEQPaginationInfo").text.split()[-1] ) except NoSuchElementException: num_pages = 1 try: for i in range(1, num_pages + 1): jump_to_page(max(1, i - 1), i, "gdvCourseEQ", "lblCourseEQPaginationInfo") driver.find_element(By.ID, "gdvCourseEQ_cbxHeaderCheckAll").click() except NoSuchElementException: # Institution has no data return { "institution": inst_name, "city": inst_city, "state": inst_state, "courses": [], } # Open list driver.find_element(By.ID, "btnAddToMyEQList").click() wait(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID, "gdvMyCourseEQList"))) # Scrape list tds = driver.find_element(By.ID, "gdvMyCourseEQList").find_elements( By.TAG_NAME, "td" ) transfer_courses = [ { "transfer": parse_course_td(transfer_course), "rpi": parse_course_td(rpi_course, note.text.strip()), "begin": begin.text.strip(), "end": end.text.strip(), } for transfer_course, rpi_course, note, begin, end, _ in zip( *[iter(x for x in tds)] * 6 ) ] driver.quit() return { "institution": inst_name, "city": inst_city, "state": inst_state, "courses": transfer_courses, } def parse_course_td(td, note=None): course_info = ( html.unescape(td.get_attribute("innerHTML")).strip().split("
")[0].split() ) # Not all schools use the same course code format, so this figures out how long # it is if it exists, it will not exist for Not Transferrable. try: course_id_delim = 1 + list( bool("\d", s)) for s in course_info ).index(True) except ValueError: course_id_delim = 1 # Same deal with credit counts. try: cr_delim = ( len(course_info) - 1 - list(bool("^\([0-9]", s.strip())) for s in course_info[::-1]).index(True) ) assert bool("[0-9]\)", course_info[-1])) except (ValueError, AssertionError): cr_delim = len(course_info) # note serves as a credit count override, since the RPI-side credit counts # are inaccurate out = { "id": " ".join(course_info[:course_id_delim]), "name": normalize_title(" ".join(course_info[course_id_delim:cr_delim])), "catalog": td.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "span").text, } if note is None: out.update({"credits": str(" ".join(course_info[cr_delim:])[1:-1]).strip()}), return out else: out.update({"note": note}) return out def main(): global driver global options if len(sys.argv) != 3: print( f"USAGE: python {sys.argv[0]} ", file=sys.stderr, ) return 1 PAGE_NUM_TO_SCRAPE = int(sys.argv[1]) OUT_FILENAME = sys.argv[2] print(f"Setting up selenium Firefox emulator", file=sys.stderr) options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() options.add_argument("--headless") user_agent = UserAgent().random options.set_preference("general.useragent.override", user_agent) print(f"Using randomized user agent {user_agent}", file=sys.stderr) with open(OUT_FILENAME, "w") as transferjson: json.dump(scrape_page(PAGE_NUM_TO_SCRAPE), transferjson, indent=4) driver.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())