import json import html import sys import re import os.path import traceback from time import sleep import random from signal import alarm, SIGALRM, signal from fake_useragent import UserAgent from selenium import webdriver from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException def raise_(ex): raise ex def normalize_class_name(input): text = list(input) for i in range(1, len(text)): if (text[i - 1] == " ") or (text[i - 1] == text[i] == "I"): continue text[i] = text[i].lower() return "".join(text) def wait(ec): global driver WebDriverWait( driver, 20, ignored_exceptions=[StaleElementReferenceException] ).until(ec) sleep(random.uniform(400, 1900) / 1000) def scrape_course_card(html_id, i, note): global driver trs = ( driver.find_element("id", html_id) .find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".course-detail")[i] .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr") ) course_name_and_id = trs[0].text.split() course_desc = "" if trs[1].find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "td").get_attribute("colspan") == "2": course_desc = trs[1].text course_department = ( next((x for x in trs if x.text.strip().startswith("Department:"))) .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")[1] .text.title() ) course_catalog = ( next((x for x in trs if x.text.strip().startswith("Source catalog:"))) .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")[1] .text ) try: k = 1 + next( i for i, v in enumerate(course_name_and_id) if bool("\d", v)) ) course_id = " ".join(course_name_and_id[0:k]) course_name = normalize_class_name(" ".join(course_name_and_id[k:])) except StopIteration: # Handling for Not Transferrable course_id = course_name_and_id[0] course_name = normalize_class_name(" ".join(course_name_and_id[1:])) if not note: try: course_credits = ( next((x for x in trs if x.text.strip().startswith("Units:"))) .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")[1] .text.strip() ) except: course_credits = "" return { "id": course_id, "name": course_name, "credits": course_credits, "desc": course_desc, "department": course_department, "catalog": course_catalog, } else: course_note = driver.find_element("id", "lblCommentsPublic").text.strip() return { "id": course_id, "name": course_name, "note": course_note, "desc": course_desc, "department": course_department, "catalog": course_catalog, } def main(): global driver if len(sys.argv) != 4: print( f"USAGE: python {sys.argv[0]} " ) exit(1) transfer_json_path = sys.argv[1] state_json_path = sys.argv[2] timeout_seconds = int(sys.argv[3]) * 60 # Set up timeout so that the GH action does not run forever, pretend it's ^C signal(SIGALRM, lambda a, b: raise_(KeyboardInterrupt)) alarm(timeout_seconds) options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() user_agent = UserAgent().random print(f"Using randomized user agent {user_agent}", file=sys.stderr) if sys.argv[-1] != "gui": options.add_argument("--headless") options.set_preference("general.useragent.override", user_agent) driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) driver.get( "" ) num_pages = int( driver.find_element("id", "lblInstWithEQPaginationInfo").text.split()[-1] ) print(f"{num_pages} pages detected", file=sys.stderr) state = {"inst_pg": 1, "inst_idx": 0, "course_pg": 1, "course_idx": 0} institutions = {} if os.path.isfile(state_json_path): with open(state_json_path, "r") as statejson: state = json.load(statejson) if os.path.isfile(transfer_json_path): with open(transfer_json_path, "r") as transferjson: institutions = json.load(transferjson) print("Loaded state: ", end="", file=sys.stderr) json.dump(state, sys.stderr, indent=4) print("", file=sys.stderr) try: curr_page = 1 while state["inst_pg"] <= num_pages: page = driver.find_element("id", f"gdvInstWithEQ") if state["inst_pg"] != 1: while curr_page != state["inst_pg"]: print(f"Jumping to institution page {curr_page}", file=sys.stderr) jumpable_pages = { int(x.get_attribute("href").split("'")[3][5:]): x for x in driver.find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, """a[href^="javascript:__doPostBack('gdvInstWithEQ','Page$"]""", ) } curr_page = int( driver.find_element( "id", "lblInstWithEQPaginationInfo" ).text.split()[-3] ) if state["inst_pg"] in jumpable_pages: jumpable_pages[state["inst_pg"]].click() curr_page = state["inst_pg"] elif state["inst_pg"] < min(jumpable_pages): jumpable_pages[min(jumpable_pages)].click() curr_page = min(jumpable_pages) else: jumpable_pages[max(jumpable_pages)].click() curr_page = max(jumpable_pages) wait(EC.staleness_of(page)) sleep(random.uniform(3, 6)) page = driver.find_element("id", f"gdvInstWithEQ") inst_list_len = len( page.find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[id^=gdvInstWithEQ_btnCreditFromInstName_]" ) ) while state["inst_idx"] < inst_list_len: institution_link = driver.find_element( "id", "gdvInstWithEQ" ).find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[id^=gdvInstWithEQ_btnCreditFromInstName_]" )[ state["inst_idx"] ] fields = institution_link.find_element(By.XPATH, "../..").find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".gdv_boundfield_uppercase" ) inst_name = institution_link.text.title().strip() city = fields[0].text.title().strip() us_state = fields[1].text.strip() wait(EC.staleness_of(institution_link)) try: course_pages_len = int( driver.find_element( "id", "lblInstWithEQPaginationInfo" ).text.split()[-1] ) except NoSuchElementException: course_pages_len = 1 try: courses = institutions[inst_name]["courses"] except: courses = [] while state["course_pg"] <= course_pages_len: course_links_len = len( driver.find_element("id", "gdvCourseEQ").find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[id^=gdvCourseEQ_btnViewCourseEQDetail_]" ) ) while state["course_idx"] < course_links_len: course_link = driver.find_element( "id", "gdvCourseEQ" ).find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[id^=gdvCourseEQ_btnViewCourseEQDetail_]" )[ state["course_idx"] ] try: wait( EC.element_to_be_clickable( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".modal-header button") ), ) transfer = [ scrape_course_card("lblSendCourseEQDetail", i, False) for i in range( 0, len( driver.find_element( "id", "lblSendCourseEQDetail" ).find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".course-detail" ) ), ) ] rpi = [ scrape_course_card("lblReceiveCourseEQDetail", i, True) for i in range( 0, len( driver.find_element( "id", "lblReceiveCourseEQDetail" ).find_elements( By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".course-detail" ) ), ) ] print( f"{inst_name} ({state['inst_idx']}:{state['inst_pg']}/{num_pages}): {transfer[0]['id']} {transfer[0]['name']} -> {rpi[0]['id']} {rpi[0]['name']} ({state['course_idx']}:{state['course_pg']}/{course_pages_len})", file=sys.stderr, ) begin_date = driver.find_element( "id", "lblBeginEffectiveDate" ).text end_date = driver.find_element( "id", "lblEndEffectiveDate" ).text driver.find_element( By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".modal-header button" ).click() courses += [ { "transfer": transfer, "rpi": rpi, "begin": begin_date, "end": end_date, } ] state["course_idx"] += 1 except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: institutions.update( { inst_name: { "city": city, "state": us_state, "courses": courses, } } ) raise e state["course_idx"] = 0 state["course_pg"] += 1 institutions.update( {inst_name: {"city": city, "state": us_state, "courses": courses}} ) state["course_pg"] = 1 state["inst_idx"] += 1 driver.find_element("id", "btnSwitchView").click() wait( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element( ("id", "lblInstWithEQPaginationInfo"), str(state["inst_pg"]) ), ) state["inst_idx"] = 0 state["inst_pg"] = (state["inst_pg"] % num_pages) + 1 except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: print("Program hits exception and will save and terminate", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) print("Program will terminate with state: ", end="", file=sys.stderr) json.dump(state, sys.stderr, indent=4) print("", file=sys.stderr) with open(transfer_json_path, "w") as transferjson: json.dump(institutions, transferjson, indent=4) with open(state_json_path, "w") as statejson: json.dump(state, statejson, indent=4) driver.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()