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Equality: fix links
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# Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on LGBTQ Rights Legislation (MARCH 17, 2021)
## [Senate Judiciary Website](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/the-equality-act-lgbtq-rights-are-human-rights)
# [Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on LGBTQ Rights Legislation (MARCH 17, 2021)](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/the-equality-act-lgbtq-rights-are-human-rights)
Take anything said by a congressperson with a grain of salt. It's not the witness testimony in the same way as what is said by the 5 witnesses (though only really is Mr. David a worthwile expert)
I highly suggest checking out Alfonso David's testimony, written and spoken, and his answers to questions.
@ -21,8 +20,7 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
- 2013: SCOTUS strikes down DOMA
- 2017: Trump bans transgender military service
- 2020: SCOTUS held that title VII of the Civil Rights Act bars firing someone for being LGBT
- 2020 study found that 1/3 LGBT Americans, 3/5 trans, experienced discrimination in that last year
- https://www.americanprogress.org/article/state-lgbtq-community-2020/
- [2020 study found that 1/3 LGBT Americans, 3/5 trans, experienced discrimination in that last year](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/state-lgbtq-community-2020/)
## Religious Freedom Arguments (Provided by Sen. James Lankford, R-OK)
- 1990: SCOTUS decision of Employment Division vs. Smith
@ -38,8 +36,8 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
- 2020, Duke Law School professor Doriane Coleman testified before the committee
- Regarding women's athletics, looked at 3 female athletes who won Team USA gold medals
- Compared with thousands of "2nd tier" male atheletes
- Sex in Sport: https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/lcp/vol80/iss4/5/
- She says in an article and in parts of that paper that HRT should mean being allowed to participate: https://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/article250396106.html
- [Sex in Sport](https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/lcp/vol80/iss4/5/)
- [She says in an article and in parts of that paper that HRT should mean being allowed to participate](https://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/article250396106.html)
- Tone of the text toes the line with some transphobic rhetoric but it doesn't seem to be making an argument for exclusion when HRT is involved?
- Seems to run a lot on the "gender identity" aspect and kinda just ignores HRT? Decently about intersex women with elevated T.
@ -66,8 +64,7 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
- "Drafted with an agenda and not to rectify seeming inequality in civil rights laws..."
- Female athletics!!!
- Testimony from four female students is included in the record... which I have no idea how to access
- https://adflegal.org/blog/i-was-fastest-girl-connecticut-transgender-athletes-made-it-unfair-fight
- Not necessaily the same document but by those girls
- [Not necessaily the same document but by those girls](https://adflegal.org/blog/i-was-fastest-girl-connecticut-transgender-athletes-made-it-unfair-fight)
## Rep. Marie Newman D-IL
- That one rep with a trans daughter, who she spends her time talking about
@ -78,15 +75,13 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
## Alfonso David, President of the Human Rights Campaign
- [Opening arguments](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Written%20Testimony%20of%20Alphonso%20David%203_15_2021.pdf)
- 1 in 3 LGBTQ and 3 in 5 trans Americans experience discrimination
- https://www.americanprogress.org/article/state-lgbtq-community-2020/
- [1 in 3 LGBTQ and 3 in 5 trans Americans experience discrimination](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/state-lgbtq-community-2020/)
- Written copy has a few sources on housing discrimination, denial of service
- **Vocal opening arguments discuss continued discrimination felt by people of color and the failings of the original Civil Rights Act**
- The addition of the definition of public entities thus is just as impactful for these groups as it is for LGBTQ people
- Page 6 on the Virginia Values Act, it is the first southern state to implement comprehensive LGBTQ protections
- Only 22 states have statutory exmployment nondiscrimination protections of LGBTQ people
- Provides a source for high percentage of support for these laws
- https://www.prri.org/spotlight/americans-are-broadly-supportive-of-a-variety-of-lgbtq-rights/
- [Provides a source for high percentage of support for these laws](https://www.prri.org/spotlight/americans-are-broadly-supportive-of-a-variety-of-lgbtq-rights/)
- Written text argues that the government has a compelling interest to limit RFRA applicability in order to eliminate discrimination
- RFRA has been used to justify firing trans people, see page 16
- The RFRA "is not to be used as a sword to impose religious beliefs on others but instead a shield against discrimination" (Resonse to Coons, 2:01:00)
@ -122,14 +117,12 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
- Jury service: gay men can be dismissed with no protections from federal law
- Taking an Uber or Lyft in states without protection: you can get kicked out of the vehicle without recourse
- Visiting a store: no recourse for any discrimination under federal law that happens there
- She mentions the Business Coalition for the Equality Act, made of 388 employers
- She mentions the [Business Coalition for the Equality Act](https://www.hrc.org/resources/business-coalition-for-equality), made of 388 employers
- Including 3M, General Mills, Delta, Nike, Target
- Collective $6.4 trillion revenue and employs 13.5 million US workers
- Why does this coalition exist? Why do businesses support this?
- Solving discrimination helps the employees get their work done; it helps the bottom line
- Note from me: highly likely that they have given money to anti-LGBTQ lawmakers, though:
- https://www.hrc.org/resources/business-coalition-for-equality
- https://popular.info/p/florida-politicians-behind-dont-say
- Note from me: [highly likely that they have given money to anti-LGBTQ lawmakers, though](https://popular.info/p/florida-politicians-behind-dont-say)
- Just looking through, at least Duke Energy and AT&T have and are in the coalition
- Queer people overall are 30% more like to have lost their jobs due to COVID. LGBTQ POC are 70% more likely. Why the difference?
- David: Trans people have almost 3x the general unemployment rate
@ -154,9 +147,8 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
- She sources herself on this part!!!!: Even prominent gender therapists attest [i], that people can be on a “gender journey” and identify as one thing one day and another the next.
- On the women's prison thing, uses a single source with only anonymous employee claims with no formal backing
- SHE FUCKING CLAIMS THIS: "One of the inmates raped a female in the women’s prison upon arrival. [ii]" AND THE ARTICLE IS ABOUT A TRANS WOMAN BEING RAPED WHEN FORCED WITH A CIS MAN
- Another article *is* what she claims but she just put something contradicting her in her source I can't even: https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/lawsuit-female-prisoner-says-she-was-raped-transgender-inmate
- And that article has the Department of Corrections claiming that it was a false complaint and the sex was consensual but it *is* the US penal system so take that with a grain of salt
- https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2021/03/03/transgender-female-prisoner-forced-bunk-rapist-and-got-raped/6894034002/
- [Another article *is* what she claims but she just put something contradicting her in her source I can't even](https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/lawsuit-female-prisoner-says-she-was-raped-transgender-inmate)
- [And that article has the Department of Corrections claiming that it was a false complaint and the sex was consensual but it *is* the US penal system so take that with a grain of salt](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2021/03/03/transgender-female-prisoner-forced-bunk-rapist-and-got-raped/6894034002/)
- For physical difference arguments, once again sources something comparing cis men and women, not trans and cis women
- Asked by Grassley about sports, and I just realized they don't have a medical doctor here to discuss puberty, hormones, and whatnot (1:35:00)
- The Equality Act does not override medical requirements for athletics but they keep acting like it does
@ -168,8 +160,7 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
## Mary Rice Hanson, fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center
- [Opening arguments](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Testimony%20Mary%20Hasson%20EA%20Judiciary%203.17.2021%20FINAL.pdf)
- Sex matters, imposing an ideology of identity, yadda yadda yadda
- Alexis Lightcap shocked to see a boy in the bathroom and the school didn't listen and then sued and lost
- https://adflegal.org/client-story/alexis-lightcap
- [Alexis Lightcap shocked to see a boy in the bathroom and the school didn't listen and then sued and lost](https://adflegal.org/client-story/alexis-lightcap)
- Reading this like... is this trans girl washing her hands the same as seeing you peeing?
- They keep trying to have it both ways arguing the religious freedom shit and that harming women stuff
- Religious schools that give Pell grants will stop if they have to help trans kids because it violates their beliefs so deeply
@ -225,8 +216,8 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
- Real governor of Texas blaming the Green New Deal for the 2021 power outages energy here; the bill isn't law idiot!
- "Let me ask you, as an expert" to Abigail Shrier, lady who conveniently is not an expert
- Shrier claims that 13/14 championship titles in CT in girls sports track in 2019 were taken by just two high school "biological boys".
- https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/Division/Event.aspx?DivID=103101&Event=46
- At least one of the girls wass not on HRT, reportedly due to financial barriers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andraya_Yearwood
- [Some Googling shows this results page as a source](https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/Division/Event.aspx?DivID=103101&Event=46)
- [At least one of the girls wass not on HRT, reportedly due to financial barriers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andraya_Yearwood)
- This is I think actually a fairish claim. Hormones do, in fact, do stuff and we need to like recognize that?
- I wish this conversation could instead be about how some trans folks don't want HRT and how we're going to handle that in these situations
- Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) does not reqiure HRT. A Daily Caller article said ABC said they have, though they may not have been on for long at the time of these 2019 claims
@ -238,7 +229,7 @@ He's also one of the only senators to only ask questions rather than wax on abou
- Reminder that this is happening without the act and is due to states not considering HRT in their laws, something that is not the fault of trans people
- Kennedy: "Would the man [...] be required to take chemicals to block his masculinity?" Shrier: No
- What I'm noticing here is, due to its connection with education, this is a state level issue
- https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2022/1/27/transgender-participation-policy.aspx (College level requires HRT, because the organization decided this)
- [College level requires HRT, because the organization decided this](https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2022/1/27/transgender-participation-policy.aspx)
- Would the bill force trans kids to take HRT (maybe in the context of athletics, it's unclear) (3:08:30)
- Shrier: Uhh I don't know but it seems like it would make it "difficult for parents to exercise their own judgement"
- Shrier: "There will be more danger of coming under pressure and the possibility of losing custody"
Reference in a new issue