use num_traits::abs; use crate::common::Direction; use crate::framework::error::GameResult; use crate::game::npc::list::NPCList; use crate::game::npc::NPC; use crate::game::player::Player; use crate::game::shared_game_state::SharedGameState; use crate::util::rng::RNG; impl NPC { pub(crate) fn tick_n212_sky_dragon( &mut self, state: &mut SharedGameState, players: [&mut Player; 2], npc_list: &NPCList, ) -> GameResult { match self.action_num { 0 | 1 => { if self.action_num == 0 { self.action_num = 1; self.y -= 0x800; } self.animate(30, 0, 1); } 10 | 11 => { if self.action_num == 10 { self.action_num = 11; self.anim_num = 2; self.anim_counter = 0; self.target_y = self.y - 0x2000; self.target_x = self.x - 0xc00; self.vel_y = 0; self.npc_flags.set_ignore_solidity(true); // Co-op if players[1].cond.alive() { let mut npc = NPC::create(370, &state.npc_table); npc.cond.set_alive(true); npc.parent_id =; npc.x = self.x; npc.y = self.y; npc.action_num = 200; npc.direction = Direction::Right; let _ = npc_list.spawn(0xAA, npc); } } self.vel_x += if self.x >= self.target_x { -8 } else { 8 }; self.vel_y += if self.y >= self.target_y { -8 } else { 8 }; self.x += self.vel_x; self.y += self.vel_y; self.animate(5, 2, 3); } 20 | 21 => { if self.action_num == 20 { self.action_num = 21; self.npc_flags.set_ignore_solidity(true); } self.vel_y += if self.y >= self.target_y { -0x10 } else { 0x10 }; self.vel_x += 0x20; self.vel_x = self.vel_x.clamp(-0x600, 0x600); self.x += self.vel_x; self.y += self.vel_y; self.animate(2, 2, 3); } 30 => { self.action_num = 31; let mut npc = NPC::create(297, &state.npc_table); npc.cond.set_alive(true); npc.parent_id =; let _ = npc_list.spawn(0x100, npc); } _ => (), } self.anim_rect = state.constants.npc.n212_sky_dragon[self.anim_num as usize]; if players[0].equip.has_mimiga_mask() && self.anim_num > 1 { += 40; self.anim_rect.bottom += 40; } // Switch uses the extra space on the sprite sheet for 2P's Curly if state.constants.is_switch { if self.anim_num <= 1 { += 8; = 0x2000; } else { = 0x3000; } } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn tick_n213_night_spirit( &mut self, state: &mut SharedGameState, players: [&mut Player; 2], npc_list: &NPCList, ) -> GameResult { // Nicalis if state.constants.is_cs_plus && self.tsc_direction != 0 { self.direction = Direction::Right; } let player = self.get_closest_player_ref(&players); match self.action_num { 0 | 1 => { if self.action_num == 0 { self.anim_num = 0; self.target_x = self.x; self.target_y = self.y; } if player.y > self.y - 0x1000 && player.y < self.y + 0x1000 { self.y += if self.direction != Direction::Left { 0x1E000 } else { -0x1E000 }; self.action_num = 10; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 1; self.vel_y = 0; self.npc_flags.set_shootable(true); } } 10 => { self.animate(2, 1, 3); self.action_counter += 1; if self.action_counter > 200 { self.action_num = 20; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 4; } } 20 => { self.animate(2, 4, 6); self.action_counter += 1; if self.action_counter > 50 { self.action_num = 30; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 7; } } 30 => { self.animate(2, 7, 9); self.action_counter += 1; if self.action_counter % 5 == 1 { let mut npc = NPC::create(214, &state.npc_table); npc.cond.set_alive(true); npc.x = self.x; npc.y = self.y; npc.vel_y = self.rng.range(-0x200..0x200); npc.vel_x = self.rng.range(2..12) * 0x80; let _ = npc_list.spawn(0x100, npc); state.sound_manager.play_sfx(21); } if self.action_counter > 50 { self.action_num = 10; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 1; } } 40 => { self.vel_y += if self.y >= self.target_y { -0x40 } else { 0x40 }; self.vel_y = self.vel_y.clamp(-0x400, 0x400); self.y += if self.shock > 0 { self.vel_y / 2 } else { self.vel_y }; self.animate(2, 4, 6); if player.y < self.target_y + 0x1E000 && player.y > self.target_y - 0x1E000 { self.action_num = 20; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 4; } } _ => (), } if self.action_num > 9 && self.action_num <= 30 { self.vel_y += if self.y >= player.y { -0x19 } else { 0x19 }; self.vel_y = self.vel_y.clamp(-0x400, 0x400); if self.flags.hit_top_wall() { self.vel_y = 0x200; } if self.flags.hit_bottom_wall() { self.vel_y = -0x200; } self.y += if self.shock > 0 { self.vel_y / 2 } else { self.vel_y }; if player.y > self.target_y + 0x1E000 || player.y < self.target_y - 0x1E000 { self.action_num = 40; } } self.anim_rect = state.constants.npc.n213_night_spirit[self.anim_num as usize]; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn tick_n214_night_spirit_projectile( &mut self, state: &mut SharedGameState, npc_list: &NPCList, ) -> GameResult { if self.action_num == 0 { self.action_num = 1; self.npc_flags.set_ignore_solidity(true); } if self.action_num == 1 { self.animate(2, 0, 2); self.vel_x -= 0x19; self.x += self.vel_x; self.y += self.vel_y; if self.vel_x < 0 { self.npc_flags.set_ignore_solidity(false); } if self.flags.hit_anything() { npc_list.create_death_smoke(self.x, self.y, self.display_bounds.right as usize, 4, state, &self.rng); state.sound_manager.play_sfx(28); self.cond.set_alive(false); } } self.anim_rect = state.constants.npc.n214_night_spirit_projectile[self.anim_num as usize]; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn tick_n215_sandcroc_outer_wall( &mut self, state: &mut SharedGameState, players: [&mut Player; 2], ) -> GameResult { match self.action_num { 0 | 1 => { if self.action_num == 0 { self.action_num = 1; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 0; self.target_y = self.y; self.npc_flags.set_shootable(false); self.npc_flags.set_ignore_solidity(false); self.npc_flags.set_invulnerable(false); self.npc_flags.set_solid_soft(false); } let player = self.get_closest_player_mut(players); if abs(self.x - player.x) < 0x1800 && player.y > self.y && player.y < self.y + 0x1000 { self.action_num = 15; self.action_counter = 0; } } 15 => { self.action_counter += 1; if self.action_counter > 10 { state.sound_manager.play_sfx(102); self.action_num = 20; } } 20 => { self.anim_counter += 1; if self.anim_counter > 3 { self.anim_num += 1; self.anim_counter = 0; } match self.anim_num { 3 => self.damage = 15, 4 => { self.action_num = 30; self.action_counter = 0; self.npc_flags.set_shootable(true); } _ => (), } } 30 => { self.damage = 0; self.npc_flags.set_solid_soft(true); self.action_counter += 1; if self.shock > 0 { self.action_num = 40; self.action_counter = 0; } } 40 => { self.npc_flags.set_ignore_solidity(true); self.y += 0x200; self.action_counter += 1; if self.action_counter == 32 { self.action_num = 50; self.action_counter = 0; self.npc_flags.set_solid_soft(false); self.npc_flags.set_shootable(false); } } 50 => { if self.action_counter > 99 { self.y = self.target_y; self.action_num = 0; self.anim_num = 0; } else { self.action_counter += 1; } } _ => (), } self.anim_rect = state.constants.npc.n215_sandcroc_outer_wall[self.anim_num as usize]; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn tick_n347_hoppy(&mut self, state: &mut SharedGameState, players: [&mut Player; 2]) -> GameResult { match self.action_num { 0 | 1 => { if self.action_num == 0 { self.action_num = 1; } self.anim_num = 0; let player = self.get_closest_player_ref(&players); if player.y < self.y + 0x10000 && player.y > self.y - 0x10000 { self.action_num = 10; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 1; } } 10 => { self.action_counter += 1; if self.action_counter == 4 { self.anim_num = 2; } if self.action_counter > 12 { self.action_num = 12; self.anim_num = 3; self.vel_x = 0x700; state.sound_manager.play_sfx(6); } } 12 => { let player = self.get_closest_player_ref(&players); if player.y < self.y { self.vel_y = -0xAA; } else { self.vel_y = 0xAA; } if self.flags.hit_left_wall() { self.action_num = 13; self.action_counter = 0; self.anim_num = 2; self.vel_x = 0; self.vel_y = 0; } else { self.vel_x -= 0x2A; if self.vel_x < -0x5FF { self.vel_x = -0x5FF; } self.x += self.vel_x; self.y += self.vel_y; } } 13 => { self.action_counter += 1; if self.action_counter == 2 { self.anim_num = 1; } if self.action_counter == 6 { self.anim_num = 0; } if self.action_counter > 16 { self.action_num = 1; } } _ => (), } self.anim_rect = state.constants.npc.n347_hoppy[self.anim_num as usize]; Ok(()) } }