#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")] use std::process::exit; fn main() { let args = std::env::args(); let mut options = doukutsu_rs::LaunchOptions { server_mode: false, editor: false, }; for arg in args { if arg == "--server-mode" { options.server_mode = true; } if arg == "--editor" { options.editor = true; } } if options.server_mode && options.editor { eprintln!("Cannot run in server mode and editor mode at the same time."); exit(1); } let result = doukutsu_rs::init(options); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] unsafe { use winapi::_core::ptr::null_mut; use winapi::um::winuser::MessageBoxW; use winapi::um::winuser::MB_OK; use winapi::shared::ntdef::LPCWSTR; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::os::windows::prelude::*; if let Err(e) = result { let title: LPCWSTR = OsStr::new("Error!") .encode_wide().chain(Some(0)).collect::>().as_ptr(); let message: LPCWSTR = OsStr::new(format!("Whoops, doukutsu-rs crashed: {}", e).as_str()) .encode_wide().chain(Some(0)).collect::>().as_ptr(); MessageBoxW(null_mut(), message, title, MB_OK); exit(1); } } if let Err(e) = result { eprintln!("Initialization error: {}", e); exit(1); } }