use std::ops::Div; use std::time::Instant; use bitvec::vec::BitVec; use chrono::{Datelike, Local}; use gfx::{self, *}; use ggez::{Context, filesystem, GameResult, graphics}; use ggez::filesystem::OpenOptions; use ggez::graphics::{Canvas, Shader}; use num_traits::clamp; use crate::bmfont_renderer::BMFontRenderer; use crate::caret::{Caret, CaretType}; use crate::common::{ControlFlags, Direction, FadeState, KeyState}; use crate::engine_constants::EngineConstants; use crate::npc::{NPC, NPCTable}; use crate::profile::GameProfile; use crate::rng::RNG; use crate::scene::game_scene::GameScene; use crate::scene::Scene; use crate::sound::SoundManager; use crate::stage::StageData; use crate::str; use crate::text_script::{ScriptMode, TextScriptExecutionState, TextScriptVM}; use crate::texture_set::{TextureSet, g_mag}; use crate::touch_controls::TouchControls; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum TimingMode { _50Hz, _60Hz, FrameSynchronized, } impl TimingMode { pub fn get_delta(self) -> usize { match self { TimingMode::_50Hz => { 1000000000 / 50 } TimingMode::_60Hz => { 1000000000 / 60 } TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => { 0 } } } pub fn get_delta_millis(self) -> f64 { match self { TimingMode::_50Hz => { 1000.0 / 50.0 } TimingMode::_60Hz => { 1000.0 / 60.0 } TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => { 0.0 } } } pub fn get_tps(self) -> usize { match self { TimingMode::_50Hz => { 50 } TimingMode::_60Hz => { 60 } TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => { 0 } } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Season { None, Halloween, Christmas, } impl Season { pub fn current() -> Season { let now = Local::now(); if (now.month() == 10 && > 25) || (now.month() == 11 && < 3) { Season::Halloween } else if (now.month() == 12 && > 23) || (now.month() == 0 && < 7) { Season::Christmas } else { Season::None } } } pub struct Settings { pub god_mode: bool, pub infinite_booster: bool, pub speed: f64, pub seasonal_textures: bool, pub original_textures: bool, pub shader_effects: bool, pub motion_interpolation: bool, pub debug_outlines: bool, pub touch_controls: bool, } gfx_defines! { constant WaterShaderParams { resolution: [f32; 2] = "u_Resolution", t: f32 = "u_Tick", } } pub struct Shaders { pub water_shader: Shader, pub water_shader_params: WaterShaderParams, } impl Shaders { pub fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let water_shader_params = WaterShaderParams { t: 0.0, resolution: [0.0, 0.0], }; Ok(Shaders { water_shader: Shader::new( ctx, "/builtin/shaders/basic_150.vert.glsl", "/builtin/shaders/water_150.frag.glsl", water_shader_params, "WaterShaderParams", None, )?, water_shader_params, }) } } pub struct SharedGameState { pub timing_mode: TimingMode, pub control_flags: ControlFlags, pub game_flags: BitVec, pub fade_state: FadeState, /// RNG used by game state, using it for anything else might cause unintended side effects and break replays. pub game_rng: RNG, /// RNG used by graphics effects that aren't dependent on game's state. pub effect_rng: RNG, pub quake_counter: u16, pub teleporter_slots: Vec<(u16, u16)>, pub carets: Vec, pub key_state: KeyState, pub key_trigger: KeyState, pub touch_controls: TouchControls, pub base_path: String, pub npc_table: NPCTable, pub npc_super_pos: (isize, isize), pub stages: Vec, pub new_npcs: Vec, pub frame_time: f64, pub scale: f32, pub shaders: Shaders, pub tmp_canvas: Canvas, pub game_canvas: Canvas, pub lightmap_canvas: Canvas, pub canvas_size: (f32, f32), pub screen_size: (f32, f32), pub next_scene: Option>, pub textscript_vm: TextScriptVM, pub season: Season, pub constants: EngineConstants, pub font: BMFontRenderer, pub texture_set: TextureSet, pub sound_manager: SoundManager, pub settings: Settings, pub shutdown: bool, key_old: u16, } impl SharedGameState { pub fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let screen_size = graphics::drawable_size(ctx); let scale = screen_size.1.div(235.0).floor().max(1.0); unsafe { g_mag = scale }; let canvas_size = (screen_size.0 / scale, screen_size.1 / scale); let mut constants = EngineConstants::defaults(); let mut base_path = "/"; let settings = SharedGameState::load_settings(ctx)?; if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/base/Nicalis.bmp") { info!("Cave Story+ (PC) data files detected."); constants.apply_csplus_patches(); base_path = "/base/"; } else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/base/lighting.tbl") { info!("Cave Story+ (Switch) data files detected."); constants.apply_csplus_patches(); constants.apply_csplus_nx_patches(); base_path = "/base/"; } else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/mrmap.bin") { info!("CSE2E data files detected."); } else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/stage.dat") { info!("NXEngine-evo data files detected."); } let font = BMFontRenderer::load(base_path, &constants.font_path, ctx) .or_else(|_| BMFontRenderer::load("/", "builtin/builtin_font.fnt", ctx))?; let season = Season::current(); let mut texture_set = TextureSet::new(base_path); if constants.is_cs_plus { texture_set.apply_seasonal_content(season, &settings); } println!("lookup path: {:#?}", texture_set.paths); Ok(SharedGameState { timing_mode: TimingMode::_50Hz, control_flags: ControlFlags(0), game_flags: bitvec::bitvec![0; 8000], fade_state: FadeState::Hidden, game_rng: RNG::new(0), effect_rng: RNG::new(Instant::now().elapsed().as_nanos() as i32), quake_counter: 0, teleporter_slots: Vec::with_capacity(8), carets: Vec::with_capacity(32), key_state: KeyState(0), key_trigger: KeyState(0), touch_controls: TouchControls::new(), base_path: str!(base_path), npc_table: NPCTable::new(), npc_super_pos: (0, 0), stages: Vec::with_capacity(96), new_npcs: Vec::with_capacity(8), frame_time: 0.0, scale, shaders: Shaders::new(ctx)?, tmp_canvas: Canvas::with_window_size(ctx)?, game_canvas: Canvas::with_window_size(ctx)?, lightmap_canvas: Canvas::with_window_size(ctx)?, screen_size, canvas_size, next_scene: None, textscript_vm: TextScriptVM::new(), season, constants, font, texture_set, sound_manager: SoundManager::new(ctx)?, settings, shutdown: false, key_old: 0, }) } fn load_settings(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { Ok(Settings { god_mode: false, infinite_booster: false, speed: 1.0, seasonal_textures: true, original_textures: false, shader_effects: true, motion_interpolation: true, debug_outlines: false, touch_controls: cfg!(target_os = "android"), }) } pub fn reload_textures(&mut self) { let mut texture_set = TextureSet::new(self.base_path.as_str()); if self.constants.is_cs_plus { texture_set.apply_seasonal_content(self.season, &self.settings); } self.texture_set = texture_set; } pub fn start_new_game(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let mut next_scene = GameScene::new(self, ctx, 13)?; next_scene.player.x = 10 * 16 * 0x200; next_scene.player.y = 8 * 16 * 0x200; self.fade_state = FadeState::Hidden; self.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(200, 0); self.next_scene = Some(Box::new(next_scene)); Ok(()) } pub fn start_intro(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let mut next_scene = GameScene::new(self, ctx, 72)?; next_scene.player.cond.set_hidden(true); next_scene.player.x = 3 * 16 * 0x200; next_scene.player.y = 3 * 16 * 0x200; next_scene.intro_mode = true; self.fade_state = FadeState::Hidden; self.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(100, 0); self.next_scene = Some(Box::new(next_scene)); Ok(()) } pub fn save_game(&mut self, game_scene: &mut GameScene, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { if let Ok(data) = filesystem::open_options(ctx, "/Profile.dat", OpenOptions::new().write(true).create(true)) { let profile = GameProfile::dump(self, game_scene); profile.write_save(data)?; } else { log::warn!("Cannot open save file."); } Ok(()) } pub fn load_or_start_game(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { if let Ok(data) = filesystem::user_open(ctx, "/Profile.dat") { match GameProfile::load_from_save(data) { Ok(profile) => { self.reset(); let mut next_scene = GameScene::new(self, ctx, profile.current_map as usize)?; profile.apply(self, &mut next_scene, ctx); self.next_scene = Some(Box::new(next_scene)); return Ok(()); } Err(e) => { log::warn!("Failed to load save game, starting new one: {}", e); } } } else { log::warn!("No save game found, starting new one..."); } self.start_new_game(ctx) } pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.control_flags.0 = 0; self.game_flags = bitvec::bitvec![0; 8000]; self.fade_state = FadeState::Hidden; self.game_rng = RNG::new(0); self.teleporter_slots.clear(); self.quake_counter = 0; self.carets.clear(); self.key_state.0 = 0; self.key_trigger.0 = 0; self.key_old = 0; self.new_npcs.clear(); self.textscript_vm.set_mode(ScriptMode::Map); self.textscript_vm.suspend = true; } pub fn handle_resize(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { self.screen_size = graphics::drawable_size(ctx); self.scale = self.screen_size.1.div(240.0).floor().max(1.0); self.canvas_size = (self.screen_size.0 / self.scale, self.screen_size.1 / self.scale); unsafe { g_mag = self.scale }; graphics::set_screen_coordinates(ctx, graphics::Rect::new(0.0, 0.0, self.screen_size.0, self.screen_size.1))?; Ok(()) } pub fn update_key_trigger(&mut self) { let mut trigger = self.key_state.0 ^ self.key_old; trigger &= self.key_state.0; self.key_old = self.key_state.0; self.key_trigger = KeyState(trigger); } pub fn tick_carets(&mut self) { for caret in self.carets.iter_mut() { caret.tick(&self.effect_rng, &self.constants); } self.carets.retain(|c| !c.is_dead()); } pub fn create_caret(&mut self, x: isize, y: isize, ctype: CaretType, direct: Direction) { self.carets.push(Caret::new(x, y, ctype, direct, &self.constants)); } pub fn set_speed(&mut self, value: f64) { self.settings.speed = clamp(value, 0.1, 3.0); self.frame_time = 0.0; if let Err(err) = self.sound_manager.set_speed(value as f32) { log::error!("Error while sending a message to sound manager: {}", err); } } pub fn current_tps(&self) -> f64 { self.timing_mode.get_tps() as f64 * self.settings.speed } pub fn shutdown(&mut self) { self.shutdown = true; } }