use std::cell::UnsafeCell; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use scripting::tsc::text_script::ScriptMode; use crate::data::builtin_fs::BuiltinFS; use crate::framework::context::Context; use crate::framework::error::GameResult; use crate::framework::filesystem::{mount_user_vfs, mount_vfs}; use crate::framework::graphics; use crate::framework::graphics::VSyncMode; use crate::framework::ui::UI; use crate::framework::vfs::PhysicalFS; use crate::game::shared_game_state::{Fps, SharedGameState, TimingMode}; use crate::graphics::texture_set::{G_MAG, I_MAG}; use crate::scene::loading_scene::LoadingScene; use crate::scene::Scene; pub mod caret; pub mod frame; pub mod inventory; pub mod map; pub mod npc; pub mod physics; pub mod player; pub mod profile; pub mod scripting; pub mod settings; pub mod shared_game_state; pub mod stage; pub mod weapon; pub struct LaunchOptions { pub server_mode: bool, pub editor: bool, } lazy_static! { pub static ref GAME_SUSPENDED: Mutex = Mutex::new(false); } pub struct Game { pub(crate) scene: Option>, pub(crate) state: UnsafeCell, ui: UI, start_time: Instant, last_tick: u128, next_tick: u128, pub(crate) loops: u32, next_tick_draw: u128, present: bool, fps: Fps, } impl Game { fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let s = Game { scene: None, ui: UI::new(ctx)?, state: UnsafeCell::new(SharedGameState::new(ctx)?), start_time: Instant::now(), last_tick: 0, next_tick: 0, loops: 0, next_tick_draw: 0, present: true, fps: Fps::new(), }; Ok(s) } pub(crate) fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { if let Some(scene) = &mut self.scene { let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *self.state.get() }; let speed = if state_ref.textscript_vm.mode == ScriptMode::Map && state_ref.textscript_vm.flags.cutscene_skip() { 4.0 * state_ref.settings.speed } else { 1.0 * state_ref.settings.speed }; match state_ref.settings.timing_mode { TimingMode::_50Hz | TimingMode::_60Hz => { let last_tick = self.next_tick; while self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos() >= self.next_tick && self.loops < 10 { if (speed - 1.0).abs() < 0.01 { self.next_tick += state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() as u128; } else { self.next_tick += (state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() as f64 / speed) as u128; } self.loops += 1; } if self.loops == 10 { log::warn!("Frame skip is way too high, a long system lag occurred?"); self.last_tick = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos(); self.next_tick = self.last_tick + (state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() as f64 / speed) as u128; self.loops = 0; } if self.loops != 0 { scene.draw_tick(state_ref)?; self.last_tick = last_tick; } for _ in 0..self.loops { scene.tick(state_ref, ctx)?; } self.fps.tick_count = self.fps.tick_count.saturating_add(self.loops as u32); } TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => { scene.tick(state_ref, ctx)?; } } } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *self.state.get() }; match ctx.vsync_mode { VSyncMode::Uncapped | VSyncMode::VSync => { self.present = true; } _ => unsafe { self.present = false; let divisor = match ctx.vsync_mode { VSyncMode::VRRTickSync1x => 1, VSyncMode::VRRTickSync2x => 2, VSyncMode::VRRTickSync3x => 3, _ => std::hint::unreachable_unchecked(), }; let delta = (state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() / divisor) as u64; let now = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos(); if now > self.next_tick_draw + delta as u128 * 4 { self.next_tick_draw = now; } while self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos() >= self.next_tick_draw { self.next_tick_draw += delta as u128; self.present = true; } }, } if !self.present { std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2)); self.loops = 0; return Ok(()); } if ctx.headless { self.loops = 0; state_ref.frame_time = 1.0; return Ok(()); } if state_ref.settings.timing_mode != TimingMode::FrameSynchronized { let mut elapsed = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos(); // Even with the non-monotonic Instant mitigation at the start of the event loop, there's still a chance of it not working. // This check here should trigger if that happens and makes sure there's no panic from an underflow. if elapsed < self.last_tick { elapsed = self.last_tick; } let n1 = (elapsed - self.last_tick) as f64; let n2 = (self.next_tick - self.last_tick) as f64; state_ref.frame_time = if state_ref.settings.motion_interpolation { n1 / n2 } else { 1.0 }; } unsafe { G_MAG = if state_ref.settings.subpixel_coords { state_ref.scale } else { 1.0 }; I_MAG = state_ref.scale; } self.loops = 0; graphics::prepare_draw(ctx)?; graphics::clear(ctx, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0].into()); if let Some(scene) = &mut self.scene { scene.draw(state_ref, ctx)?; if state_ref.settings.touch_controls { state_ref.touch_controls.draw( state_ref.canvas_size, state_ref.scale, &state_ref.constants, &mut state_ref.texture_set, ctx, )?; } if state_ref.settings.fps_counter { self.fps.act(state_ref, ctx, self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos())?; } self.ui.draw(state_ref, ctx, scene)?; } graphics::present(ctx)?; Ok(()) } } pub fn init(options: LaunchOptions) -> GameResult { let _ = simple_logger::SimpleLogger::new() .without_timestamps() .with_colors(true) .with_level(log::Level::Info.to_level_filter()) .init(); #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "horizon")))] let resource_dir = if let Ok(data_dir) = std::env::var("CAVESTORY_DATA_DIR") { PathBuf::from(data_dir) } else { let mut resource_dir = std::env::current_exe()?; if resource_dir.file_name().is_some() { let _ = resource_dir.pop(); } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { let mut bundle_dir = resource_dir.clone(); let _ = bundle_dir.pop(); let mut bundle_exec_dir = bundle_dir.clone(); let mut csplus_data_dir = bundle_dir.clone(); let _ = csplus_data_dir.pop(); let _ = csplus_data_dir.pop(); let mut csplus_data_base_dir = csplus_data_dir.clone(); csplus_data_base_dir.push("data"); csplus_data_base_dir.push("base"); bundle_exec_dir.push("MacOS"); bundle_dir.push("Resources"); if bundle_exec_dir.is_dir() && bundle_dir.is_dir() { log::info!("Running in macOS bundle mode"); if csplus_data_base_dir.is_dir() { log::info!("Cave Story+ Steam detected"); resource_dir = csplus_data_dir; } else { resource_dir = bundle_dir; } } } resource_dir.push("data"); resource_dir }; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "horizon")))] log::info!("Resource directory: {:?}", resource_dir); log::info!("Initializing engine..."); let mut context = Context::new(); #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "horizon")))] mount_vfs(&mut context, Box::new(PhysicalFS::new(&resource_dir, true))); #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "horizon")))] let project_dirs = match directories::ProjectDirs::from("", "", "doukutsu-rs") { Some(dirs) => dirs, None => { use crate::framework::error::GameError; return Err(GameError::FilesystemError(String::from("No valid home directory path could be retrieved."))); } }; #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { let mut data_path = PathBuf::from(ndk_glue::native_activity().internal_data_path().to_string_lossy().to_string()); let mut user_path = data_path.clone(); data_path.push("data"); user_path.push("saves"); let _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(&data_path); let _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(&user_path); log::info!("Android data directories: data_path={:?} user_path={:?}", &data_path, &user_path); mount_vfs(&mut context, Box::new(PhysicalFS::new(&data_path, true))); mount_user_vfs(&mut context, Box::new(PhysicalFS::new(&user_path, false))); } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "horizon")))] { if crate::framework::filesystem::open(&context, "/.drs_localstorage").is_ok() { let mut user_dir = resource_dir.clone(); user_dir.push("_drs_profile"); let _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(&user_dir); mount_user_vfs(&mut context, Box::new(PhysicalFS::new(&user_dir, false))); } else { mount_user_vfs(&mut context, Box::new(PhysicalFS::new(project_dirs.data_local_dir(), false))); } } mount_vfs(&mut context, Box::new(BuiltinFS::new())); if options.server_mode { log::info!("Running in server mode..."); context.headless = true; } let game = UnsafeCell::new(Game::new(&mut context)?); let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *((&mut *game.get()).state.get()) }; #[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")] { state_ref.lua.update_refs(unsafe { (&*game.get()).state.get() }, &mut context as *mut Context); } state_ref.next_scene = Some(Box::new(LoadingScene::new())); { &mut *game.get() })?; Ok(()) }