use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io; use std::io::Cursor; use std::io::Seek; use std::io::SeekFrom; use std::iter::Peekable; use std::str::FromStr; use byteorder::ReadBytesExt; use itertools::Itertools; use num_derive::FromPrimitive; use num_traits::FromPrimitive; use crate::{SharedGameState, str}; use crate::bitfield; use crate::common::{Direction, FadeDirection, FadeState}; use crate::ggez::{Context, GameResult}; use crate::ggez::GameError::ParseError; use crate::scene::game_scene::GameScene; /// Engine's text script VM operation codes. #[derive(EnumString, Debug, FromPrimitive, PartialEq)] #[repr(i32)] pub enum OpCode { // ---- Internal opcodes (used by bytecode, no TSC representation) /// internal: no operation _NOP = 0, /// internal: unimplemented _UNI, /// internal: string marker _STR, /// internal: implicit END marker _END, // ---- Official opcodes ---- /// , pub line_2: Vec, pub line_3: Vec, } impl Default for TextScriptVM { fn default() -> Self { TextScriptVM::new() } } pub struct TextScriptVMScripts { pub global_script: TextScript, pub scene_script: TextScript, } impl TextScriptVMScripts { pub fn find_script(&self, event_num: u16) -> Option<&Vec> { if let Some(tsc) = self.scene_script.event_map.get(&event_num) { return Some(tsc); } else if let Some(tsc) = self.global_script.event_map.get(&event_num) { return Some(tsc); } None } } fn read_cur_varint(cursor: &mut Cursor<&Vec>) -> GameResult { let mut result = 0u32; for o in 0..5 { let n = cursor.read_u8()?; result |= (n as u32 & 0x7f) << (o * 7); if n & 0x80 == 0 { break; } } Ok(((result << 31) ^ (result >> 1)) as i32) } /// Decodes UTF-8 character in a less strict way. /// fn read_cur_wtf8(cursor: &mut Cursor<&Vec>, max_bytes: u32) -> (u32, char) { let result: u32; let consumed: u32; if max_bytes == 0 { return (0, '\u{fffd}'); } match cursor.read_u8() { Ok(byte @ 0x00..=0x7f) => { consumed = 1; result = byte as u32; } Ok(byte @ 0xc2..=0xdf) if max_bytes >= 2 => { let byte2 = { if let Ok(n) = cursor.read_u8() { n } else { return (1, '\u{fffd}'); } }; consumed = 2; result = (byte as u32 & 0x1f) << 6 | (byte2 as u32 & 0x3f); } Ok(byte @ 0xe0..=0xef) if max_bytes >= 3 => { let byte2 = { if let Ok(n) = cursor.read_u8() { n } else { return (1, '\u{fffd}'); } }; let byte3 = { if let Ok(n) = cursor.read_u8() { n } else { return (2, '\u{fffd}'); } }; consumed = 3; result = (byte as u32 & 0x0f) << 12 | (byte2 as u32 & 0x3f) << 6 | (byte3 as u32 & 0x3f); } Ok(byte @ 0xf0..=0xf4) if max_bytes >= 4 => { let byte2 = { if let Ok(n) = cursor.read_u8() { n } else { return (1, '\u{fffd}'); } }; let byte3 = { if let Ok(n) = cursor.read_u8() { n } else { return (2, '\u{fffd}'); } }; let byte4 = { if let Ok(n) = cursor.read_u8() { n } else { return (3, '\u{fffd}'); } }; consumed = 4; result = (byte as u32 & 0x07) << 18 | (byte2 as u32 & 0x3f) << 12 | (byte3 as u32 & 0x3f) << 6 | (byte4 as u32 & 0x3f); } _ => { return (1, '\u{fffd}'); } } (consumed, std::char::from_u32(result).unwrap_or('\u{fffd}')) } impl TextScriptVM { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { scripts: TextScriptVMScripts { global_script: TextScript::new(), scene_script: TextScript::new(), }, state: TextScriptExecutionState::Ended, strict_mode: false, suspend: true, flags: TextScriptFlags(0), face: 0, current_line: TextScriptLine::Line1, line_1: Vec::with_capacity(24), line_2: Vec::with_capacity(24), line_3: Vec::with_capacity(24), } } pub fn set_global_script(&mut self, script: TextScript) { self.scripts.global_script = script; if !self.suspend { self.reset(); } } pub fn set_scene_script(&mut self, script: TextScript) { self.scripts.scene_script = script; if !self.suspend { self.reset(); } } pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Ended; self.clear_text_box(); } pub fn clear_text_box(&mut self) { self.flags.0 = 0; self.face = 0; self.current_line = TextScriptLine::Line1; self.line_1.clear(); self.line_2.clear(); self.line_3.clear(); } pub fn start_script(&mut self, event_num: u16) { self.reset(); self.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event_num, 0); log::info!("Started script: #{:04}", event_num); } pub fn run(state: &mut SharedGameState, game_scene: &mut GameScene, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { loop { if state.textscript_vm.suspend { break; } match state.textscript_vm.state { TextScriptExecutionState::Ended => { state.control_flags.set_flag_x04(false); break; } TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, ip) => { state.control_flags.set_flag_x04(true); state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptVM::execute(event, ip, state, game_scene, ctx)?; if state.textscript_vm.state == TextScriptExecutionState::Ended { state.textscript_vm.reset(); } } TextScriptExecutionState::Msg(event, ip, remaining, timer) => { if timer > 0 { state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Msg(event, ip, remaining, timer - 1); break; } if let Some(bytecode) = state.textscript_vm.scripts.find_script(event) { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(bytecode); as u64))?; let (consumed, chr) = read_cur_wtf8(&mut cursor, remaining); match chr { '\n' if state.textscript_vm.current_line == TextScriptLine::Line1 => { state.textscript_vm.current_line = TextScriptLine::Line2; } '\n' if state.textscript_vm.current_line == TextScriptLine::Line2 => { state.textscript_vm.current_line = TextScriptLine::Line3; } '\n' => { state.textscript_vm.line_1.clear(); state.textscript_vm.line_1.append(&mut state.textscript_vm.line_2); state.textscript_vm.line_2.append(&mut state.textscript_vm.line_3); } '\r' => {} _ if state.textscript_vm.current_line == TextScriptLine::Line1 => { state.textscript_vm.line_1.push(chr); } _ if state.textscript_vm.current_line == TextScriptLine::Line2 => { state.textscript_vm.line_2.push(chr); } _ if state.textscript_vm.current_line == TextScriptLine::Line3 => { state.textscript_vm.line_3.push(chr); } _ => {} } if (remaining - consumed) > 0 { let ticks = if state.key_state.jump() || { 1 } else { 4 }; state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Msg(event, ip + consumed, remaining - consumed, ticks); } else { state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, ip + consumed); } } else { state.textscript_vm.reset(); } } TextScriptExecutionState::WaitTicks(event, ip, ticks) => { if ticks == 0 { state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, ip); } else { state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::WaitTicks(event, ip, ticks - 1); break; } } TextScriptExecutionState::WaitInput(event, ip) => { if state.key_trigger.jump() || { state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, ip); } break; } TextScriptExecutionState::WaitFade(event, ip) => { if state.fade_state == FadeState::Hidden || state.fade_state == FadeState::Visible { state.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, ip); } break; } } } Ok(()) } pub fn execute(event: u16, ip: u32, state: &mut SharedGameState, game_scene: &mut GameScene, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let mut exec_state = state.textscript_vm.state; if let Some(bytecode) = state.textscript_vm.scripts.find_script(event) { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(bytecode); as u64))?; let op_maybe: Option = FromPrimitive::from_i32(read_cur_varint(&mut cursor) .unwrap_or_else(|_| OpCode::END as i32)); if let Some(op) = op_maybe { println!("opcode: {:?}", op); match op { OpCode::_NOP => { exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::_UNI => {} OpCode::_STR => { let len = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u32; if state.textscript_vm.flags.render() { exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Msg(event, cursor.position() as u32, len, 4); } else { // simply skip the text if we aren't in message mode. exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32 + len); } } OpCode::_END | OpCode::END => { state.control_flags.set_flag_x01(true); state.control_flags.set_control_enabled(true); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Ended; } OpCode::PRI => { state.control_flags.set_flag_x01(false); state.control_flags.set_control_enabled(false); game_scene.player.shock_counter = 0; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::KEY => { state.control_flags.set_flag_x01(true); state.control_flags.set_control_enabled(false); game_scene.player.up = false; game_scene.player.down = false; game_scene.player.shock_counter = 0; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::FRE => { state.control_flags.set_flag_x01(true); state.control_flags.set_control_enabled(true); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::MYD => { let new_direction = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; if let Some(direction) = Direction::from_int(new_direction) { game_scene.player.direction = direction; } exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::SMC => { game_scene.player.cond.set_hidden(false); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::HMC => { game_scene.player.cond.set_hidden(true); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::WAI => { let ticks = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u32; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::WaitTicks(event, cursor.position() as u32, ticks); } OpCode::NOD => { exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::WaitInput(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::FLp | OpCode::FLm => { let flag_num = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; state.game_flags.set(flag_num, op == OpCode::FLp); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::FLJ => { let flag_num = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; let event_num = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u16; if let Some(true) = state.game_flags.get(flag_num) { exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event_num, 0); } else { exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } } OpCode::EVE => { let event_num = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u16; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event_num, 0); } OpCode::MM0 => { game_scene.player.vel_x = 0; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::CMP => { let pos_x = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; let pos_y = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; let tile_type = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u8; if let Some(ptr) = * + pos_x) { *ptr = tile_type; } exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::MLp => { let life = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; += life; game_scene.player.max_life += life; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::FAC => { let face = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u16; state.textscript_vm.face = face; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::CLR => { state.textscript_vm.current_line = TextScriptLine::Line1; state.textscript_vm.line_1.clear(); state.textscript_vm.line_2.clear(); state.textscript_vm.line_3.clear(); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::MSG | OpCode::MS2 | OpCode::MS3 => { state.textscript_vm.face = 0; state.textscript_vm.current_line = TextScriptLine::Line1; state.textscript_vm.line_1.clear(); state.textscript_vm.line_2.clear(); state.textscript_vm.line_3.clear(); state.textscript_vm.flags.set_render(true); state.textscript_vm.flags.set_background_visible(op != OpCode::MS2); state.textscript_vm.flags.set_flag_x10(state.textscript_vm.flags.flag_x40()); state.textscript_vm.flags.set_position_top(op != OpCode::MSG); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::CLO => { state.textscript_vm.flags.set_render(false); state.textscript_vm.flags.set_background_visible(false); state.textscript_vm.flags.set_flag_x10(false); state.textscript_vm.flags.set_position_top(false); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::TRA => { let map_id = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; let event_num = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u16; let pos_x = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as isize * 16 * 0x200; let pos_y = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as isize * 16 * 0x200; let mut new_scene = GameScene::new(state, ctx, map_id)?; new_scene.player = game_scene.player.clone(); new_scene.player.vel_x = 0; new_scene.player.vel_y = 0; new_scene.player.x = pos_x; new_scene.player.y = pos_y; state.textscript_vm.suspend = true; state.next_scene = Some(Box::new(new_scene)); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event_num, 0); } OpCode::MOV => { let pos_x = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as isize * 16 * 0x200; let pos_y = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as isize * 16 * 0x200; game_scene.player.vel_x = 0; game_scene.player.vel_y = 0; game_scene.player.x = pos_x; game_scene.player.y = pos_y; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::FAI => { let fade_type = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; if let Some(direction) = FadeDirection::from_int(fade_type) { state.fade_state = FadeState::FadeIn(15, direction); } exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::WaitFade(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::FAO => { let fade_type = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; if let Some(direction) = FadeDirection::from_int(fade_type) { state.fade_state = FadeState::FadeOut(-15, direction.opposite()); } exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::WaitFade(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::QUA => { let count = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u16; state.quake_counter = count; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::MNA => { game_scene.display_map_name(160); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::CMU => { let song_id = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as usize; state.sound_manager.play_song(song_id, &state.constants, ctx)?; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::FMU => { state.sound_manager.save_state()?; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::RMU => { state.sound_manager.restore_state()?; exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } OpCode::DNP => { let event_num = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)? as u16; game_scene.npc_map.remove_by_event(event_num, &mut state.game_flags); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } // unimplemented opcodes // Zero operands OpCode::AEp | OpCode::CAT | OpCode::CIL | OpCode::CPS | OpCode::CRE | OpCode::CSS | OpCode::ESC | OpCode::FLA | OpCode::INI | OpCode::LDP | OpCode::MLP | OpCode::SAT | OpCode::SLP | OpCode::SPS | OpCode::STC | OpCode::SVP | OpCode::TUR | OpCode::WAS | OpCode::ZAM => { log::warn!("unimplemented opcode: {:?}", op); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } // One operand codes OpCode::BOA | OpCode::BSL | OpCode::FOB | OpCode::FOM | OpCode::UNI | OpCode::MYB | OpCode::GIT | OpCode::NUM | OpCode::DNA | OpCode::MPp | OpCode::SKm | OpCode::SKp | OpCode::EQp | OpCode::EQm | OpCode::ITp | OpCode::ITm | OpCode::AMm | OpCode::UNJ | OpCode::MPJ | OpCode::YNJ | OpCode::XX1 | OpCode::SIL | OpCode::LIp | OpCode::SOU | OpCode::SSS | OpCode::ACH => { let par_a = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; log::warn!("unimplemented opcode: {:?} {}", op, par_a); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } // Two operand codes OpCode::FON | OpCode::AMp | OpCode::NCJ | OpCode::ECJ | OpCode::ITJ | OpCode::SKJ | OpCode::AMJ | OpCode::SMP | OpCode::PSp => { let par_a = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; let par_b = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; log::warn!("unimplemented opcode: {:?} {} {}", op, par_a, par_b); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } // Three operand codes OpCode::ANP | OpCode::CNP | OpCode::INP | OpCode::TAM => { let par_a = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; let par_b = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; let par_c = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; log::warn!("unimplemented opcode: {:?} {} {} {}", op, par_a, par_b, par_c); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } // Four operand codes OpCode::MNP | OpCode::SNP => { let par_a = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; let par_b = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; let par_c = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; let par_d = read_cur_varint(&mut cursor)?; log::warn!("unimplemented opcode: {:?} {} {} {} {}", op, par_a, par_b, par_c, par_d); exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(event, cursor.position() as u32); } } } else { exec_state = TextScriptExecutionState::Ended; } } else { return Ok(TextScriptExecutionState::Ended); } Ok(exec_state) } } pub struct TextScript { event_map: HashMap>, } impl Clone for TextScript { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { event_map: self.event_map.clone(), } } } impl Default for TextScript { fn default() -> Self { TextScript::new() } } impl TextScript { pub fn new() -> TextScript { Self { event_map: HashMap::new(), } } /// Loads, decrypts and compiles a text script from specified stream. pub fn load_from(mut data: R) -> GameResult { let mut buf = Vec::new(); data.read_to_end(&mut buf)?; let half = buf.len() / 2; let key = if let Some(0) = buf.get(half) { 0xf9 } else { (-(*buf.get(half).unwrap() as isize)) as u8 }; for (idx, byte) in buf.iter_mut().enumerate() { if idx == half { continue; } *byte = byte.wrapping_add(key); } TextScript::compile(&buf, false) } pub fn get_event_ids(&self) -> Vec { self.event_map.keys().copied().sorted().collect_vec() } /// Compiles a decrypted text script data into internal bytecode. pub fn compile(data: &[u8], strict: bool) -> GameResult { log::debug!("data: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(data)); let mut event_map = HashMap::new(); let mut iter = data.iter().copied().peekable(); let mut last_event = 0; while let Some(&chr) = iter.peek() { match chr { b'#' => {; let event_num = TextScript::read_number(&mut iter)? as u16; TextScript::skip_until(b'\n', &mut iter)?; last_event = event_num; if event_map.contains_key(&event_num) { if strict { return Err(ParseError(format!("Event {} has been defined twice.", event_num))); } match TextScript::skip_until(b'#', &mut iter).ok() { Some(_) => { continue; } None => { break; } } } let bytecode = TextScript::compile_event(&mut iter, strict)?; log::info!("Successfully compiled event #{} ({} bytes generated).", event_num, bytecode.len()); event_map.insert(event_num, bytecode); } b'\r' | b'\n' | b' ' | b'\t' => {; } n => { return Err(ParseError(format!("Unexpected token in event {}: {}", last_event, n as char))); } } } Ok(TextScript { event_map }) } fn compile_event>(iter: &mut Peekable, strict: bool) -> GameResult> { let mut bytecode = Vec::new(); let mut char_buf = Vec::with_capacity(16); while let Some(&chr) = iter.peek() { match chr { b'#' => { if !char_buf.is_empty() { TextScript::put_string(&mut char_buf, &mut bytecode); } // some events end without { if !char_buf.is_empty() { TextScript::put_string(&mut char_buf, &mut bytecode); }; let n = iter.next_tuple::<(u8, u8, u8)>() .map(|t| [t.0, t.1, t.2]) .ok_or_else(|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; let code = String::from_utf8_lossy(&n); TextScript::compile_code(code.as_ref(), strict, iter, &mut bytecode)?; } _ => { char_buf.push(chr);; } } } Ok(bytecode) } fn put_string(buffer: &mut Vec, out: &mut Vec) { TextScript::put_varint(OpCode::_STR as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(buffer.len() as i32, out); out.append(buffer); } fn put_varint(val: i32, out: &mut Vec) { let mut x = ((val as u32) >> 31) ^ ((val as u32) << 1); while x > 0x80 { out.push((x & 0x7f) as u8 | 0x80); x >>= 7; } out.push(x as u8); } fn read_varint>(iter: &mut I) -> GameResult { let mut result = 0u32; for o in 0..5 { let n =|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; result |= (n as u32 & 0x7f) << (o * 7); if n & 0x80 == 0 { break; } } Ok(((result << 31) ^ (result >> 1)) as i32) } fn compile_code>(code: &str, strict: bool, iter: &mut Peekable, out: &mut Vec) -> GameResult { let instr = OpCode::from_str(code).map_err(|_| ParseError(format!("Unknown opcode: {}", code)))?; match instr { // Zero operand codes OpCode::AEp | OpCode::CAT | OpCode::CIL | OpCode::CLO | OpCode::CLR | OpCode::CPS | OpCode::CRE | OpCode::CSS | OpCode::END | OpCode::ESC | OpCode::FLA | OpCode::FMU | OpCode::FRE | OpCode::HMC | OpCode::INI | OpCode::KEY | OpCode::LDP | OpCode::MLP | OpCode::MM0 | OpCode::MNA | OpCode::MS2 | OpCode::MS3 | OpCode::MSG | OpCode::NOD | OpCode::PRI | OpCode::RMU | OpCode::SAT | OpCode::SLP | OpCode::SMC | OpCode::SPS | OpCode::STC | OpCode::SVP | OpCode::TUR | OpCode::WAS | OpCode::ZAM => { TextScript::put_varint(instr as i32, out); } // One operand codes OpCode::BOA | OpCode::BSL | OpCode::FOB | OpCode::FOM | OpCode::QUA | OpCode::UNI | OpCode::MYB | OpCode::MYD | OpCode::FAI | OpCode::FAO | OpCode::WAI | OpCode::FAC | OpCode::GIT | OpCode::NUM | OpCode::DNA | OpCode::DNP | OpCode::FLm | OpCode::FLp | OpCode::MPp | OpCode::SKm | OpCode::SKp | OpCode::EQp | OpCode::EQm | OpCode::MLp | OpCode::ITp | OpCode::ITm | OpCode::AMm | OpCode::UNJ | OpCode::MPJ | OpCode::YNJ | OpCode::EVE | OpCode::XX1 | OpCode::SIL | OpCode::LIp | OpCode::SOU | OpCode::CMU | OpCode::SSS | OpCode::ACH => { let operand = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; TextScript::put_varint(instr as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand as i32, out); } // Two operand codes OpCode::FON | OpCode::MOV | OpCode::AMp | OpCode::NCJ | OpCode::ECJ | OpCode::FLJ | OpCode::ITJ | OpCode::SKJ | OpCode::AMJ | OpCode::SMP | OpCode::PSp => { let operand_a = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; if strict { TextScript::expect_char(b':', iter)?; } else {|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; } let operand_b = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; TextScript::put_varint(instr as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_a as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_b as i32, out); } // Three operand codes OpCode::ANP | OpCode::CNP | OpCode::INP | OpCode::TAM | OpCode::CMP => { let operand_a = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; if strict { TextScript::expect_char(b':', iter)?; } else {|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; } let operand_b = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; if strict { TextScript::expect_char(b':', iter)?; } else {|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; } let operand_c = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; TextScript::put_varint(instr as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_a as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_b as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_c as i32, out); } // Four operand codes OpCode::TRA | OpCode::MNP | OpCode::SNP => { let operand_a = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; if strict { TextScript::expect_char(b':', iter)?; } else {|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; } let operand_b = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; if strict { TextScript::expect_char(b':', iter)?; } else {|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; } let operand_c = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; if strict { TextScript::expect_char(b':', iter)?; } else {|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended.")))?; } let operand_d = TextScript::read_number(iter)?; TextScript::put_varint(instr as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_a as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_b as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_c as i32, out); TextScript::put_varint(operand_d as i32, out); } _ => { TextScript::put_varint(OpCode::_UNI as i32, out); log::warn!("Unimplemented opcode: {:?}", instr); } } Ok(()) } fn expect_newline>(iter: &mut Peekable) -> GameResult { if let Some(b'\r') = iter.peek() {; } TextScript::expect_char(b'\n', iter) } fn expect_char>(expect: u8, iter: &mut I) -> GameResult { let res =; match res { Some(n) if n == expect => { Ok(()) } Some(n) => { Err(ParseError(format!("Expected {}, found {}", expect as char, n as char))) } None => { Err(ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended."))) } } } fn skip_until>(expect: u8, iter: &mut Peekable) -> GameResult { while let Some(&chr) = iter.peek() { if chr == expect { return Ok(()); } else {; } } Err(ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended."))) } /// Reads a 4 digit TSC formatted number from iterator. /// Intentionally does no '0'..'9' range checking, since it was often exploited by modders. fn read_number>(iter: &mut Peekable) -> GameResult { Some(0) .and_then(|result||v| result + 1000 * v.wrapping_sub(b'0') as i32)) .and_then(|result||v| result + 100 * v.wrapping_sub(b'0') as i32)) .and_then(|result||v| result + 10 * v.wrapping_sub(b'0') as i32)) .and_then(|result||v| result + v.wrapping_sub(b'0') as i32)) .ok_or_else(|| ParseError(str!("Script unexpectedly ended."))) } pub fn has_event(&self, id: u16) -> bool { self.event_map.contains_key(&id) } } #[test] fn test_varint() { for &n in [1_i32, 23, 456, 7890, 12345, -1, -23, -456].iter() { let mut out = Vec::new(); TextScript::put_varint(n, &mut out); let result = TextScript::read_varint(&mut out.iter().copied()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, n); } }