#[macro_use] extern crate log; #[cfg_attr(feature = "scripting", macro_use)] #[cfg(feature = "scripting")] extern crate lua_ffi; extern crate strum; #[macro_use] extern crate strum_macros; use std::{env, mem}; use std::cell::UnsafeCell; use std::path; use std::time::Instant; use ggez::{Context, ContextBuilder, GameError, GameResult}; use ggez::conf::{Backend, WindowMode, WindowSetup}; use ggez::event::{KeyCode, KeyMods}; use ggez::filesystem::mount_vfs; use ggez::graphics; use ggez::graphics::{Canvas, DrawParam, window}; use ggez::graphics::glutin_ext::WindowUpdateExt; use ggez::input::keyboard; use ggez::mint::ColumnMatrix4; use ggez::nalgebra::Vector2; use log::*; use pretty_env_logger::env_logger::Env; use winit::event::{ElementState, Event, KeyboardInput, WindowEvent}; use winit::event_loop::ControlFlow; use crate::builtin_fs::BuiltinFS; use crate::scene::loading_scene::LoadingScene; use crate::scene::Scene; use crate::shared_game_state::{SharedGameState, TimingMode}; use crate::ui::UI; mod bmfont; mod bmfont_renderer; mod builtin_fs; mod bullet; mod caret; mod common; mod components; mod difficulty_modifier; mod encoding; mod engine_constants; mod entity; mod frame; mod inventory; mod input; mod live_debugger; mod macros; mod map; mod menu; mod npc; mod physics; mod player; mod profile; mod rng; mod scene; #[cfg(feature = "scripting")] mod scripting; mod settings; mod shaders; mod shared_game_state; mod stage; mod sound; mod text_script; mod texture_set; mod ui; mod weapon; struct Game { scene: Option>, state: UnsafeCell, ui: UI, def_matrix: ColumnMatrix4, start_time: Instant, last_tick: u128, next_tick: u128, loops: u64, } impl Game { fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let s = Game { scene: None, ui: UI::new(ctx)?, def_matrix: DrawParam::new().to_matrix(), state: UnsafeCell::new(SharedGameState::new(ctx)?), start_time: Instant::now(), last_tick: 0, next_tick: 0, loops: 0, }; Ok(s) } fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { if let Some(scene) = self.scene.as_mut() { let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *self.state.get() }; match state_ref.timing_mode { TimingMode::_50Hz | TimingMode::_60Hz => { let last_tick = self.next_tick; while self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos() >= self.next_tick && self.loops < 10 { if (state_ref.settings.speed - 1.0).abs() < 0.01 { self.next_tick += state_ref.timing_mode.get_delta() as u128; } else { self.next_tick += (state_ref.timing_mode.get_delta() as f64 / state_ref.settings.speed) as u128; } self.loops += 1; } if self.loops == 10 { log::warn!("Frame skip is way too high, a long system lag occurred?"); self.last_tick = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos(); self.next_tick = self.last_tick + (state_ref.timing_mode.get_delta() as f64 / state_ref.settings.speed) as u128; self.loops = 0; } if self.loops != 0 { scene.draw_tick(state_ref)?; self.last_tick = last_tick; } for _ in 0..self.loops { scene.tick(state_ref, ctx)?; } } TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => { scene.tick(state_ref, ctx)?; } } } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *self.state.get() }; if state_ref.timing_mode != TimingMode::FrameSynchronized { let mut elapsed = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos(); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { // Even with the non-monotonic Instant mitigation at the start of the event loop, there's still a chance of it not working. // This check here should trigger if that happens and makes sure there's no panic from an underflow. if elapsed < self.last_tick { elapsed = self.last_tick; } } let n1 = (elapsed - self.last_tick) as f64; let n2 = (self.next_tick - self.last_tick) as f64; state_ref.frame_time = n1 / n2; } self.loops = 0; graphics::clear(ctx, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0].into()); graphics::set_transform(ctx, DrawParam::new() .scale(Vector2::new(state_ref.scale, state_ref.scale)) .to_matrix()); graphics::apply_transformations(ctx)?; if let Some(scene) = self.scene.as_mut() { scene.draw(state_ref, ctx)?; if state_ref.settings.touch_controls { state_ref.touch_controls.draw(state_ref.canvas_size, &state_ref.constants, &mut state_ref.texture_set, ctx)?; } graphics::set_transform(ctx, self.def_matrix); graphics::apply_transformations(ctx)?; self.ui.draw(state_ref, ctx, scene)?; } graphics::present(ctx)?; Ok(()) } fn key_down_event(&mut self, key_code: KeyCode, _key_mod: KeyMods, repeat: bool) { if repeat { return; } let state = unsafe { &mut *self.state.get() }; match key_code { KeyCode::F7 => { state.set_speed(1.0) } KeyCode::F8 => { if state.settings.speed > 0.2 { state.set_speed(state.settings.speed - 0.1); } } KeyCode::F9 => { if state.settings.speed < 3.0 { state.set_speed(state.settings.speed + 0.1); } } KeyCode::F10 => { state.settings.debug_outlines = !state.settings.debug_outlines } KeyCode::F11 => { state.settings.god_mode = !state.settings.god_mode } KeyCode::F12 => { state.settings.infinite_booster = !state.settings.infinite_booster } _ => {} } } fn key_up_event(&mut self, _key_code: KeyCode, _key_mod: KeyMods) { // } } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] fn request_perms() -> GameResult { use jni::objects::JValue; use jni::objects::JObject; let native_activity = ndk_glue::native_activity(); let vm_ptr = native_activity.vm(); let vm = unsafe { jni::JavaVM::from_raw(vm_ptr) }?; let vm_env = vm.attach_current_thread()?; fn perm_name<'a, 'b, 'c>(vm_env: &'b jni::AttachGuard<'a>, name: &'c str) -> GameResult> { let class = vm_env.find_class("android/Manifest$permission")?; Ok(vm_env.get_static_field(class, name.to_owned(), "Ljava/lang/String;")?) } fn has_permission(vm_env: &jni::AttachGuard, activity: &jni::sys::jobject, name: &str) -> GameResult { let perm_granted = { let class = vm_env.find_class("android/content/pm/PackageManager")?; vm_env.get_static_field(class, "PERMISSION_GRANTED", "I")?.i()? }; let perm = perm_name(vm_env, name)?; let activity_obj = JObject::from(*activity); let result = vm_env.call_method(activity_obj, "checkSelfPermission", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I", &[perm])?.i()?; Ok(result == perm_granted) } let str_class = vm_env.find_class("java/lang/String")?; let array = vm_env.new_object_array(2, str_class, JObject::null())?; vm_env.set_object_array_element(array, 0, perm_name(&vm_env, "READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE")?.l()?)?; vm_env.set_object_array_element(array, 1, perm_name(&vm_env, "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE")?.l()?)?; let activity_obj = JObject::from(native_activity.activity()); loop { if has_permission(&vm_env, &native_activity.activity(), "READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE")? && has_permission(&vm_env, &native_activity.activity(), "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE")? { break; } vm_env.call_method(activity_obj, "requestPermissions", "([Ljava/lang/String;I)V", &[JValue::from(array), JValue::from(0)])?; } Ok(()) } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] #[cfg_attr(target_os = "android", ndk_glue::main(backtrace = "on"))] pub fn android_main() { println!("main invoked."); request_perms().expect("Failed to attach to the JVM and request storage permissions."); env::set_var("CAVESTORY_DATA_DIR", "/sdcard/doukutsu"); let _ = std::fs::create_dir("/sdcard/doukutsu/"); let _ = std::fs::write("/sdcard/doukutsu/.nomedia", b""); init().unwrap(); } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] static BACKENDS: [Backend; 2] = [ Backend::OpenGLES { major: 3, minor: 0 }, Backend::OpenGLES { major: 2, minor: 0 } ]; #[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))] static BACKENDS: [Backend; 4] = [ Backend::OpenGL { major: 3, minor: 2 }, Backend::OpenGLES { major: 3, minor: 2 }, Backend::OpenGLES { major: 3, minor: 0 }, Backend::OpenGLES { major: 2, minor: 0 } ]; fn init_ctx + Clone>(event_loop: &winit::event_loop::EventLoopWindowTarget<()>, resource_dir: P) -> GameResult { for backend in BACKENDS.iter() { let ctx = ContextBuilder::new("doukutsu-rs") .window_setup(WindowSetup::default().title("Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari (doukutsu-rs)")) .window_mode(WindowMode::default() .resizable(true) .min_dimensions(320.0, 240.0) .dimensions(854.0, 480.0)) .add_resource_path(resource_dir.clone()) .backend(*backend) .build(event_loop); match ctx { Ok(mut ctx) => { mount_vfs(&mut ctx, Box::new(BuiltinFS::new())); return Ok(ctx); } Err(err) => { log::warn!("Failed to create backend using config {:?}: {}", backend, err); } } } Err(GameError::EventLoopError("Failed to initialize OpenGL backend. Perhaps the driver is outdated?".to_string())) } pub fn init() -> GameResult { pretty_env_logger::env_logger::from_env(Env::default().default_filter_or("info")) .filter(Some("gfx_device_gl::factory"), LevelFilter::Warn) .init(); let resource_dir = if let Ok(data_dir) = env::var("CAVESTORY_DATA_DIR") { path::PathBuf::from(data_dir) } else if let Ok(manifest_dir) = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") { let mut path = path::PathBuf::from(manifest_dir); path.push("data"); path } else { path::PathBuf::from("data") }; info!("Resource directory: {:?}", resource_dir); info!("Initializing engine..."); let event_loop = winit::event_loop::EventLoop::new(); let mut context: Option; let mut game: Option = None; #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { loop { match ndk_glue::native_window().as_ref() { Some(_) => { println!("NativeScreen Found:{:?}", ndk_glue::native_window()); break; } None => () } } } context = Some(init_ctx(&event_loop, resource_dir.clone())?); event_loop.run(move |event, target, flow| { #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { // Windows' system clock implementation isn't monotonic when the process gets switched to another core. // Rust has mitigations for this, but apparently aren't very effective unless Instant is called very often. let _ = Instant::now(); } if let Some(ctx) = &mut context { ctx.process_event(&event); if let Some(game) = &mut game { game.ui.handle_events(ctx, &event); } else { let mut new_game = Game::new(ctx).unwrap(); let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *new_game.state.get() }; state_ref.next_scene = Some(Box::new(LoadingScene::new())); game = Some(new_game); #[cfg(feature = "scripting")] { unsafe { let game_ref = game.as_mut().unwrap(); let state_ref = game_ref.state.get(); (&mut *state_ref).lua.update_refs(game_ref.state.get(), ctx as *mut Context); } } } } match event { Event::Resumed => { #[cfg(target_os = "android")] if context.is_none() { context = Some(init_ctx(target, resource_dir.clone()).unwrap()); } let _ = target; if let Some(game) = &mut game { game.loops = 0; } } Event::Suspended => { #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { context = None; } if let Some(game) = &mut game { game.loops = 0; } } Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => { match event { WindowEvent::CloseRequested => { if let Some(game) = &mut game { let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *game.state.get() }; state_ref.shutdown(); } *flow = ControlFlow::Exit; } WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { // Minimizing a window on Windows causes this event to get called with a 0x0 size if size.width != 0 && size.height != 0 { if let (Some(ctx), Some(game)) = (&mut context, &mut game) { let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *game.state.get() }; state_ref.tmp_canvas = Canvas::with_window_size(ctx).unwrap(); state_ref.game_canvas = Canvas::with_window_size(ctx).unwrap(); state_ref.lightmap_canvas = Canvas::with_window_size(ctx).unwrap(); state_ref.handle_resize(ctx).unwrap(); graphics::window(ctx).update_gfx(&mut game.ui.main_color, &mut game.ui.main_depth); } } } WindowEvent::Touch(touch) => { if let Some(game) = &mut game { let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *game.state.get() }; state_ref.touch_controls.process_winit_event(state_ref.scale, touch); } } WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input: KeyboardInput { state: el_state, virtual_keycode: Some(keycode), modifiers, .. }, .. } => { if let (Some(ctx), Some(game)) = (&mut context, &mut game) { match el_state { ElementState::Pressed => { let repeat = keyboard::is_key_repeated(ctx); game.key_down_event(keycode, modifiers.into(), repeat); } ElementState::Released => { game.key_up_event(keycode, modifiers.into()); } } } } _ => {} } } Event::RedrawRequested(win) => { if let (Some(ctx), Some(game)) = (&mut context, &mut game) { if win == window(ctx).window().id() { ctx.timer_context.tick(); game.draw(ctx).unwrap(); } } } Event::MainEventsCleared => { if let (Some(ctx), Some(game)) = (&mut context, &mut game) { game.update(ctx).unwrap(); #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { ctx.timer_context.tick(); game.draw(ctx).unwrap(); // redraw request is unimplemented on shitdroid } window(ctx).window().request_redraw(); let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *game.state.get() }; if state_ref.shutdown { log::info!("Shutting down..."); *flow = ControlFlow::Exit; return; } if state_ref.next_scene.is_some() { mem::swap(&mut game.scene, &mut state_ref.next_scene); state_ref.next_scene = None; game.scene.as_mut().unwrap().init(state_ref, ctx).unwrap(); game.loops = 0; state_ref.frame_time = 0.0; } } } _ => {} } }) }