use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Cursor, Read}; use std::sync::Arc; use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, LE}; use crate::common::{Color, Rect}; use crate::encoding::read_cur_shift_jis; use crate::framework::context::Context; use crate::framework::error::GameError::ResourceLoadError; use crate::framework::error::{GameError, GameResult}; use crate::framework::filesystem; use crate::shared_game_state::TileSize; use crate::stage::{PxPackScroll, PxPackStageData, StageData}; static SUPPORTED_PXM_VERSIONS: [u8; 1] = [0x10]; static SUPPORTED_PXE_VERSIONS: [u8; 2] = [0, 0x10]; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Map { pub width: u16, pub height: u16, pub tiles: Vec, pub attrib: [u8; 0x100], pub tile_size: TileSize, } static SOLID_TILES: [u8; 8] = [0x05, 0x41, 0x43, 0x46, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57]; static WATER_TILES: [u8; 16] = [0x02, 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3]; #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum WaterRegionType { WaterLine, WaterDepth, } impl Map { pub fn load_pxm(mut map_data: R, mut attrib_data: R) -> GameResult { let mut magic = [0; 3]; map_data.read_exact(&mut magic)?; if &magic != b"PXM" { return Err(ResourceLoadError("Invalid magic".to_owned())); } let version = map_data.read_u8()?; if !SUPPORTED_PXM_VERSIONS.contains(&version) { return Err(ResourceLoadError(format!("Unsupported PXM version: {:#x}", version))); } let width = map_data.read_u16::()?; let height = map_data.read_u16::()?; let mut tiles = vec![0u8; (width * height) as usize]; let mut attrib = [0u8; 0x100]; log::info!("Map size: {}x{}", width, height); map_data.read_exact(&mut tiles)?; if attrib_data.read_exact(&mut attrib).is_err() { log::warn!("Map attribute data is shorter than 256 bytes!"); } Ok(Map { width, height, tiles, attrib, tile_size: TileSize::Tile16x16 }) } pub fn load_pxpack( mut map_data: R, root: &str, data: &mut StageData, ctx: &mut Context, ) -> GameResult { let mut magic = [0u8; 16]; map_data.read_exact(&mut magic)?; // based on if &magic != b"PXPACK121127a**\0" { return Err(ResourceLoadError("Invalid magic".to_owned())); } fn read_string(map_data: &mut R) -> GameResult { let mut bytes = map_data.read_u8()? as u32; let mut raw_chars = Vec::new(); raw_chars.resize(bytes as usize, 0u8); raw_chars)?; let mut raw_chars = Cursor::new(raw_chars); let mut chars = Vec::new(); chars.reserve(bytes as usize); while bytes > 0 { let (consumed, chr) = read_cur_shift_jis(&mut raw_chars, bytes); chars.push(chr); bytes -= consumed; } Ok(chars.iter().collect()) } fn skip_string(map_data: &mut R) -> GameResult { let bytes = map_data.read_u8()? as u32; for _ in 0..bytes { map_data.read_u8()?; } Ok(()) } let map_name = read_string(&mut map_data)?; skip_string(&mut map_data)?; // left, right, up, down skip_string(&mut map_data)?; skip_string(&mut map_data)?; skip_string(&mut map_data)?; skip_string(&mut map_data)?; // spritesheet map_data.read_u16::()?; map_data.read_u16::()?; map_data.read_u8()?; let bg_color = Color::from_rgb(map_data.read_u8()?, map_data.read_u8()?, map_data.read_u8()?); let mut tileset_fg = read_string(&mut map_data)?; map_data.read_u8()?; // ignored let scroll_fg = PxPackScroll::from(map_data.read_u8()?); let mut tileset_mg = read_string(&mut map_data)?; map_data.read_u8()?; // ignored let scroll_mg = PxPackScroll::from(map_data.read_u8()?); let mut tileset_bg = read_string(&mut map_data)?; map_data.read_u8()?; // ignored let scroll_bg = PxPackScroll::from(map_data.read_u8()?); if tileset_fg.is_empty() { tileset_fg = data.tileset.filename() } if tileset_mg.is_empty() { tileset_mg = data.tileset.filename() } if tileset_bg.is_empty() { tileset_bg = data.tileset.filename() } let mut tiles = Vec::new(); let mut attrib = [0u8; 0x100]; let mut magic = [0u8; 8]; map_data.read_exact(&mut magic)?; if &magic != b"pxMAP01\0" { return Err(ResourceLoadError("Invalid magic".to_owned())); } let width_fg = map_data.read_u16::()?; let height_fg = map_data.read_u16::()?; map_data.read_u8()?; log::info!("Foreground map size: {}x{}", width_fg, height_fg); let size_fg = width_fg as u32 * height_fg as u32; tiles.resize(size_fg as usize, 0u8); map_data.read_exact(&mut tiles[0..size_fg as usize])?; map_data.read_exact(&mut magic)?; if &magic != b"pxMAP01\0" { return Err(ResourceLoadError("Invalid magic".to_owned())); } let width_mg = map_data.read_u16::()?; let height_mg = map_data.read_u16::()?; log::info!("Middleground map size: {}x{}", width_mg, height_mg); let size_mg = width_mg as u32 * height_mg as u32; if size_mg != 0 { tiles.resize(size_fg as usize + size_mg as usize, 0u8); map_data.read_u8()?; map_data.read_exact(&mut tiles[size_fg as usize..(size_fg as usize + size_mg as usize)])?; } map_data.read_exact(&mut magic)?; if &magic != b"pxMAP01\0" { return Err(ResourceLoadError("Invalid magic".to_owned())); } let width_bg = map_data.read_u16::()?; let height_bg = map_data.read_u16::()?; log::info!("Background map size: {}x{}", width_bg, height_bg); let size_bg = width_bg as u32 * height_bg as u32; if size_bg != 0 { map_data.read_u8()?; tiles.resize(size_fg as usize + size_mg as usize + size_bg as usize, 0u8); map_data.read_exact( &mut tiles [(size_fg as usize + size_mg as usize)..(size_fg as usize + size_mg as usize + size_bg as usize)], )?; } if let Ok(mut attrib_data) = filesystem::open(ctx, [root, "Stage/", &tileset_fg, ".pxa"].join("")) { if attrib_data.read_exact(&mut attrib).is_err() { log::warn!("Map attribute data is shorter than 256 bytes!"); } } else if let Ok(mut attrib_data) = filesystem::open(ctx, [root, "Stage/", &tileset_fg, ".pxattr"].join("")) { attrib_data.read_exact(&mut magic)?; if &magic != b"pxMAP01\0" { return Err(ResourceLoadError("Invalid magic".to_owned())); } attrib_data.read_u16::()?; attrib_data.read_u16::()?; attrib_data.read_u8()?; if attrib_data.read_exact(&mut attrib).is_err() { log::warn!("Map attribute data is shorter than 256 bytes!"); } for attr in &mut attrib { *attr = match *attr { 1 | 45 => 0x41, 2 | 66 => 0x44, 3 | 67 => 0x46, 4 | 68 => 0x43, 5 => 0x42, 7 => 0x4a, 8 => 0x50, 9 => 0x51, 10 => 0x52, 11 => 0x53, 12 => 0x54, 13 => 0x55, 14 => 0x56, 15 => 0x57, 40 => 0x5a, 41 => 0x5b, 42 => 0x5c, 43 => 0x5d, 64 => 0x60, 65 | 109 => 0x61, 69 => 0x62, 72 => 0x70, 73 => 0x71, 74 => 0x72, 75 => 0x73, 76 => 0x74, 77 => 0x75, 78 => 0x76, 79 => 0x77, 104 => 0x7a, 105 => 0x7b, 106 => 0x7c, 107 => 0x7d, _ => 0, }; } } else { log::warn!( "No tile attribute data found for foreground tileset {}, collision might be broken.", tileset_fg ); } if !map_name.is_empty() { = map_name; } data.background_color = bg_color; data.pxpack_data = Some(PxPackStageData { tileset_fg, tileset_mg, tileset_bg, scroll_fg, scroll_mg, scroll_bg, size_fg: (width_fg, height_fg), size_mg: (width_mg, height_mg), size_bg: (width_bg, height_bg), offset_mg: size_fg, offset_bg: size_fg + size_mg, }); Ok(Map { width: width_fg, height: height_fg, tiles, attrib, tile_size: TileSize::Tile8x8 }) } pub fn get_attribute(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> u8 { if x >= self.width as usize || y >= self.height as usize { return 0; } self.attrib[*self.tiles.get(self.width as usize * y + x).unwrap_or(&0u8) as usize] } pub fn find_water_regions(&self) -> Vec<(WaterRegionType, Rect)> { let mut result = Vec::new(); if self.height == 0 || self.width == 0 { return result; } let mut walked = vec![false; self.width as usize * self.height as usize]; let mut rects = Vec::>::new(); for x in 0..self.width { for y in 0..self.height { let idx = self.width as usize * y as usize + x as usize; if walked[idx] { continue; } let attr = self.get_attribute(x as usize, y as usize); if !WATER_TILES.contains(&attr) { continue; } walked[idx] = true; let mut rect = Rect::new(x, y, x, y); let mut queue = vec![(0b1100, x, y)]; while let Some((flow_flags, fx, fy)) = queue.pop() { let idx = self.width as usize * fy as usize + fx as usize; walked[idx] = true; if fx < rect.left { rect.left = fx; for y in { walked[self.width as usize * y as usize + rect.left as usize] = true; } } if fx > rect.right { rect.right = fx; for y in { walked[self.width as usize * y as usize + rect.right as usize] = true; } } if fy < { = fy; for x in rect.left..rect.right { walked[self.width as usize * as usize + x as usize] = true; } } if fy > rect.bottom { rect.bottom = fy; for x in rect.left..rect.right { walked[self.width as usize * rect.bottom as usize + x as usize] = true; } } let mut check = |flow_flags: u8, ex: i32, ey: i32| { if ex < 0 || ex >= self.width as i32 || ey < 0 || ey >= self.height as i32 { return; } if walked[self.width as usize * ey as usize + ex as usize] { return; } let attr = self.get_attribute(ex as usize, ey as usize); if WATER_TILES.contains(&attr) { queue.push((flow_flags, ex as u16, ey as u16)); } }; if flow_flags & 0b0001 != 0 { check(0b1011, fx as i32 - 1, fy as i32); } if flow_flags & 0b0100 != 0 { check(0b1110, fx as i32 + 1, fy as i32); } if flow_flags & 0b0010 != 0 { check(0b0111, fx as i32, fy as i32 - 1); } if flow_flags & 0b1000 != 0 { check(0b1101, fx as i32, fy as i32 + 1); } } rects.push(rect); } } walked.fill(false); for mut rect in rects { let line =; let line_up = - 1; let min_x = rect.left; let max_x = rect.right; += 1; result.push((WaterRegionType::WaterDepth, rect)); let mut x = min_x; let mut length = 0; let mut make_water_line = false; loop { let idx = self.width as usize * line as usize + x as usize; let attr = self.get_attribute(x as usize, line as usize); let attr_up = if > 0 { self.get_attribute(x as usize, line_up as usize) } else { 0x41 }; if !SOLID_TILES.contains(&attr_up) && !WATER_TILES.contains(&attr_up) { make_water_line = true; } if !walked[idx] && WATER_TILES.contains(&attr) { length += 1; } else if length != 0 { let bounds = Rect::new(x - length, line, x, line); result.push(( if make_water_line { WaterRegionType::WaterLine } else { WaterRegionType::WaterDepth }, bounds, )); length = 0; } else { length = 0; } walked[idx] = true; x += 1; if x >= max_x { if length != 0 { let bounds = Rect::new(x - length, line, x, line); result.push(( if make_water_line { WaterRegionType::WaterLine } else { WaterRegionType::WaterDepth }, bounds, )); } break; } } } result } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NPCData { pub id: u16, pub x: i16, pub y: i16, pub flag_num: u16, pub event_num: u16, pub npc_type: u16, pub flags: u16, pub layer: u8, } impl NPCData { pub fn load_from(mut data: R) -> GameResult> { let mut magic = [0; 3]; data.read_exact(&mut magic)?; if &magic != b"PXE" { return Err(ResourceLoadError("Invalid magic".to_owned())); } let version = data.read_u8()?; if !SUPPORTED_PXE_VERSIONS.contains(&version) { return Err(ResourceLoadError(format!("Unsupported PXE version: {:#x}", version))); } let count = data.read_u32::()? as usize; let mut npcs = Vec::with_capacity(count); for i in 0..count { let x = data.read_i16::()?; let y = data.read_i16::()?; let flag_num = data.read_u16::()?; let event_num = data.read_u16::()?; let npc_type = data.read_u16::()?; let flags = data.read_u16::()?; // booster's lab also specifies a layer field in version 0x10, prob for multi-layered maps let layer = if version == 0x10 { data.read_u8()? } else { 0 }; npcs.push(NPCData { id: 170 + i as u16, x, y, flag_num, event_num, npc_type, flags, layer }) } Ok(npcs) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct WaterParamEntry { pub color_top: Color, pub color_middle: Color, pub color_bottom: Color, } pub struct WaterParams { entries: HashMap, } impl WaterParams { pub fn new() -> WaterParams { WaterParams { entries: HashMap::new() } } pub fn load_from(&mut self, data: R) -> GameResult { fn next_u8<'a>(s: &mut impl Iterator, error_msg: &str) -> GameResult { match { None => Err(GameError::ParseError("Out of range.".to_string())), Some(v) => v.trim().parse::().map_err(|_| GameError::ParseError(error_msg.to_string())), } } for line in BufReader::new(data).lines() { match line { Ok(line) => { let mut splits = line.split(':'); if splits.clone().count() != 5 { return Err(GameError::ParseError("Invalid count of delimiters.".to_string())); } let tile_min = next_u8(&mut splits, "Invalid minimum tile value.")?; let tile_max = next_u8(&mut splits, "Invalid maximum tile value.")?; if tile_min > tile_max { return Err(GameError::ParseError("tile_min > tile_max".to_string())); } let mut read_color = || -> GameResult { let cstr =; if !cstr.starts_with('[') || !cstr.ends_with(']') { return Err(GameError::ParseError("Invalid format of color value.".to_string())); } let mut csplits = cstr[1..cstr.len() - 1].split(','); if csplits.clone().count() != 4 { return Err(GameError::ParseError("Invalid count of delimiters.".to_string())); } let r = next_u8(&mut csplits, "Invalid red value.")?; let g = next_u8(&mut csplits, "Invalid green value.")?; let b = next_u8(&mut csplits, "Invalid blue value.")?; let a = next_u8(&mut csplits, "Invalid alpha value.")?; Ok(Color::from_rgba(r, g, b, a)) }; let color_top = read_color()?; let color_middle = read_color()?; let color_bottom = read_color()?; let entry = WaterParamEntry { color_top, color_middle, color_bottom }; for i in tile_min..=tile_max { self.entries.insert(i, entry); } } Err(e) => return Err(GameError::IOError(Arc::new(e))), } } Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn loaded(&self) -> bool { !self.entries.is_empty() } pub fn get_entry(&self, tile: u8) -> &WaterParamEntry { static DEFAULT_ENTRY: WaterParamEntry = WaterParamEntry { color_top: Color::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), color_middle: Color::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), color_bottom: Color::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), }; self.entries.get(&tile).unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_ENTRY) } }