Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Phantop/dotfiles synced 2025-02-05 19:16:50 +00:00
2018-11-14 20:01:37 -05:00

738 lines
30 KiB

// ==UserScript==
// @name Discord - Arc Dark
// @namespace http://userstyles.org
// @description A theme for Discord that changes the colors to match the Arc Dark GTK scheme.
// @author sans
// @homepage https://userstyles.org/styles/127986
// @include http://discordapp.com/*
// @include https://discordapp.com/*
// @include http://*.discordapp.com/*
// @include https://*.discordapp.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// @version 0.20180805060411
// ==/UserScript==
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" [class*=\'markup-\'] a,",
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" [class*=\'lookFilled-\'][class*=\'colorBrand-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class*=\'lookFilled-\'][class*=\'colorBrand-\']:hover {",
" background-color: #3c86de !important; }",
" [class*=\'lookGhost-\'][class*=\'colorBrand-\'] {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
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" [class*=\'input-\']:focus, [class*=\'input-\'][class*=\'focused-\'],",
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" [class^=\'select-\'],",
" .Select-control {",
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" [class^=\'select-\'] ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece,",
" .Select-control ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'select-\'] ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb,",
" .Select-control ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" .Select-option {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" .Select-option.is-focused {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'popoutList-\'] {",
" background: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'popoutList-\'] [class*=\'selectableItem-\']:not([class*=\'selected-\']):hover {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'popoutList-\'] ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'botTagRegular-\'] {",
" background: #708090 !important; }",
" .tooltip {",
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" color: #fff !important; }",
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" border-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'contextMenu-\'] [class^=\'item-\']:hover {",
" background: #222D32 !important; }",
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" [class^=\'keybindShortcut-\'] span {",
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" [class^=\'quickswitcher-\'] input {",
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" [class^=\'quickswitcher-\'] [class^=\'resultFocused-\'] {",
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" [class^=\'quickswitcher-\'] ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {",
" background-color: transparent !important; }",
" [class^=\'regionSelectInner-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" border-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'regionSelect-\'] button {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important;",
" border-color: #5294E2 !important;",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class^=\'regionSelect-\'] button:hover {",
" background-color: #3c86de !important; }",
" [class^=\'regionSelectModal-\'] {",
" background: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'regionSelectModalHeader-\'] {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'regionSelectModalOption-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" border-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'regionSelectModalOption-\']:hover {",
" border-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .avatar-uploader-inner {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important;",
" border-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" .avatar-uploader-inner:hover {",
" background: #3c86de !important;",
" box-shadow: none !important; }",
" .avatar-uploader-indicator {",
" background-color: #d0cbc0 !important;",
" -webkit-filter: invert(100%);",
" filter: invert(100%); }",
" [class^=\'guildsWrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'guildsWrapper-\'] ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important;",
" border-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'iconBadge-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'guild-\'] > [class*=\'badge-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'guild-\'] [class^=\'guildInner-\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'guild-\'] [class^=\'guildInner-\']::after {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'guild-\']:hover [class^=\'guildInner-\'], [class^=\'guild-\'][class*=\'selected-\'] [class^=\'guildInner-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class*=\'guildsAdd-\'] {",
" background: #1B2428 !important;",
" border-color: #263238 !important;",
" border-style: solid !important;",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class*=\'guildsAdd-\']:hover {",
" border-color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated header,",
" .form.deprecated h5 {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .form-inner {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .action {",
" background: #1B2428 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .or {",
" display: none !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .create .action-header {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .create .btn-primary {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .create .btn-primary:hover {",
" background-color: #3c86de !important; }",
" .form.deprecated input[type=\'text\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important;",
" border-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated input[type=\'text\']:focus {",
" border-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .form-actions {",
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" border-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .btn-default {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" border-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .btn-primary {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .form.deprecated .btn-primary:hover {",
" background-color: #3c86de !important; }",
" .create-guild-container {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class*=\'unreadMentionsBar-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class*=\'unreadMentionsBar-\']:hover {",
" background-color: #3c86de !important; }",
" [class*=\'searchBar-\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input,",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input::-webkit-input-placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input,",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input:-ms-input-placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input,",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input::-ms-input-placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input,",
" [class^=\'searchBarInner-\'] input::placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" .public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-root {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" .private-channels .channel:hover a,",
" .private-channels .channel.selected a {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" .channel-name + [class^=\'wrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'activityFeed-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class^=\'card-\'] [class*=\'cardHeader-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'card-\'] [class^=\'splashArt-\'] {",
" display: none !important; }",
" [class^=\'card-\'] > [class^=\'body-\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" #friends {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" #friends [class*=\'headerBar-\'],",
" #friends .friends-table,",
" #friends .friends-table-add {",
" background: #263238 !important; }",
" #friends .tab-bar-item-primary {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important;",
" color: #fff !important; }",
" #friends .tab-bar-item-primary.selected {",
" background-color: #fff !important;",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" #friends .tab-bar-item > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" #friends .friends-table-add > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" #friends [class^=\'addFriendInput-\']::-webkit-input-placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" #friends [class^=\'addFriendInput-\']:-ms-input-placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" #friends [class^=\'addFriendInput-\']::-ms-input-placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" #friends [class^=\'addFriendInput-\']::placeholder {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" #friends .friends-row:hover {",
" background: #222D32 !important; }",
" #friends .friends-action {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class*=\'popout-\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class*=\'popout-\'] [class*=\'friendSelected-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class*=\'popout-\'] [class*=\'checked-\'] {",
" border-color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class*=\'popout-\'] [class*=\'checked-\'] polyline {",
" stroke: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class*=\'popout-\'] [class*=\'searchBarTag-\'] {",
" background: #263238 !important;",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class*=\'video-\'] {",
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" [class*=\'video-\'] [class*=\'actions-\'] [class*=\'center-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important;",
" border-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class*=\'video-\'] [class^=\'callAvatarBorder-\']:not([class*=\'soundsharing-\']):not([class*=\'speaking\']) {",
" box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'menu-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'menu-\'] [class^=\'item-\']:hover {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class^=\'menu-\'] [class^=\'item-\']:hover:not([class^=\'invite-\']) [class^=\'label-\'] {",
" color: #fff !important; }",
" [class^=\'menu-\'] [class*=\'invite-\'] {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'menu-\'] [class*=\'invite-\'] [class^=\'icon-\'] {",
" -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(-20deg) !important;",
" filter: hue-rotate(-20deg) !important; }",
" [class^=\'menu-\'] [class^=\'separator-\'] {",
" border-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'channels-\'] > div:first-of-type {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'channels-\'] > [class^=\'container-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'containerDragBefore-\']::before,",
" [class^=\'containerDragAfter-\']::after {",
" background-color: #5294E2; }",
" [class^=\'contentSelectedText\'],",
" [class^=\'contentHoveredText-\'],",
" [class^=\'contentHoveredVoice-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class^=\'contentSelectedText\'] [class^=\'iconSpacing-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'],",
" [class^=\'contentHoveredText-\'] [class^=\'iconSpacing-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'],",
" [class^=\'contentHoveredVoice-\'] [class^=\'iconSpacing-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'contentUnreadText-\'] [class^=\'iconSpacing-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'inviteRow-\']:hover {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'avatarSpeaking-\'] {",
" box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #5294E2, inset 0 0 0 1.5px #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'contentDefaultVoice-\'] [class^=\'flex-\'] [class^=\'wrapper-\'],",
" [class^=\'contentConnectedVoice-\'] [class^=\'flex-\'] [class^=\'wrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428; }",
" [class*=\'popouts-\'] > [class*=\'popout-\'] > [class^=\'container-\'] header {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class*=\'popouts-\'] > [class*=\'popout-\'] > [class^=\'container-\'] section {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class*=\'popouts-\'] > [class*=\'popout-\'] > [class^=\'container-\'] section::after {",
" border-top-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'titleWrapper-\'] [class*=\'title-\'] {",
" background: #263238 !important; }",
" [name=\'NotificationBellOff\'] path:last-child {",
" stroke: #5294E2; }",
" [class*=\'themedPopout-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class*=\'themedPopout-\'] [class^=\'header-\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class*=\'themedPopout-\'] [class^=\'messageGroupWrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class*=\'themedPopout-\'] [class^=\'messageGroupWrapper-\'] [class^=\'jumpButton-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class*=\'themedPopout-\'] [class^=\'messageGroupWrapper-\']:hover [class^=\'actionButtons-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important;",
" box-shadow: none !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchFilter-\'],",
" [class^=\'searchAnswer-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchPopout-\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchPopout-\'] [class^=\'option-\'] [class^=\'answer-\'] {",
" color: #d8d8d8 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchPopout-\'] [class^=\'option-\']:hover, [class^=\'searchPopout-\'] [class^=\'option-\'][class*=\'selected-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'searchPopout-\'] [class^=\'option-\']:hover [class^=\'filter-\'], [class^=\'searchPopout-\'] [class^=\'option-\'][class*=\'selected-\'] [class^=\'filter-\'] {",
" color: #fff !important; }",
" .search-results-wrap {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" .search-header {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" .search-results-wrap .channel-name {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" .search-result::before,",
" .search-result::after {",
" background-image: none !important; }",
" .search-result .hit {",
" background-color: #263238 !important;",
" border-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" box-shadow: none !important; }",
" .search-result .jump-button {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" .highlight {",
" background-color: rgba(82, 148, 226, 0.15) !important; }",
" .react-datepicker,",
" .react-datepicker__header {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" .react-datepicker__day:hover {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .react-datepicker__day--outside-month,",
" .react-datepicker__day--disabled {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" pointer-events: none !important; }",
" .react-datepicker__day--selected::after,",
" [class^=\'datePickerHint-\'] > [class^=\'hintValue-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'messagesWrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class^=\'newMessagesBar-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'welcomeMessage-\'] h1 {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .mention:not([style*=\'background\']),",
" [class*=\'wrapperHover-\'][role=\'button\'] {",
" background-color: rgba(82, 148, 226, 0.15) !important;",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" .mention:not([style*=\'background\']):hover,",
" [class*=\'wrapperHover-\'][role=\'button\']:hover {",
" background-color: rgba(60, 134, 222, 0.15) !important;",
" color: #3c86de !important; }",
" [class*=\'wrapper-\'][role=\'button\'] {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'messages-\'] [class^=\'containerCozy-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'],",
" [class^=\'messages-\'] [class^=\'containerCompact-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important;",
" border-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'messages-\'] [class^=\'containerCozy-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] button,",
" [class^=\'messages-\'] [class^=\'containerCompact-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] button {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important;",
" border-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'messages-\'] [class^=\'containerCozy-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] [class*=\'lookFilled-\'],",
" [class^=\'messages-\'] [class^=\'containerCompact-\'] > [class^=\'wrapper-\'] [class*=\'lookFilled-\'] {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important;",
" border-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'divider-\'] span {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class*=\'dividerRed-\'] > div {",
" background-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class*=\'dividerRed-\'] > span {",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class*=\'isMentioned-\'] {",
" background: rgba(82, 148, 226, 0.15) !important; }",
" [class^=\'isMentionedCozy-\']::after {",
" border-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
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" background: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'dividerEnabled-\'] {",
" border-bottom-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class^=\'chat-\'] > [class^=\'content-\'] {",
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" [class^=\'chat-\'] form {",
" background-color: #263238 !important; }",
" [class^=\'hasMore-\'] button {",
" background: #222D32 !important;",
" border-color: #222D32 !important;",
" color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'channelTextArea-\'] [class^=\'inner-\'],",
" [class^=\'channelTextAreaEnabledNoAttach-\'] [class^=\'innerEnabledNoAttach-\'] {",
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" [class^=\'emojiPicker-\'] [class^=\'dimmer-\'][class*=\'visible-\'] {",
" background-color: rgba(47, 52, 63, 0.9) !important; }",
" [class^=\'emojiPicker-\'] [class^=\'stickyHeader-\'] {",
" background-color: #1B2428 !important; }",
" [class^=\'emojiPicker-\'] ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {",
" background-color: #222D32 !important; }",
" [class^=\'emojiPicker-\'] [class^=\'item-\'][class*=\'selected-\'] {",
" border-color: #5294E2 !important; }",
" [class^=\'diversitySelector-\'] [class^=\'popout-\'] {",
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