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mirror of https://github.com/Phantop/dotfiles synced 2024-09-30 05:59:35 +00:00
Phantop 05337cb26d Miscellaneous command/package/redirect fixes
Also adds the mpv-mpris library/script back
2021-03-03 14:41:09 -05:00

46 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable file

gnome=$(eval echo eog evolution-data-server file-roller gnome-{calendar,photos,mpv,terminal} nautilus onboard rhythmbox)
sudo eopkg rm celluloid firefox $gnome hexchat libreoffice-common thunderbird transmission
sudo eopkg up
sudo eopkg it -c system.devel
audio="audacious audacious-plugins audacity opus-tools quodlibet spek"
dev="docker-compose git-extras llvm-clang neovim parallel solbuild tig tor upx"
gui="bleachbit caja engrampa keepassx kitty lutris vorta"
media="feh gaupol gmic-gimp jpegoptim mpv playerctl usbmuxd rsync viewnior zathura-poppler"
rice="adapta-gtk-theme ant-dracula-gtk-theme devilspie2 font-ubuntu-ttf rofi starship stow"
term="advancecomp autojump fd fish fzf innoextract most ncdu p7zip ranger ripgrep rsync tmux"
web="arcanist aria2 deluge qutebrowser openssh-server speedtest-cli subliminal"
sudo eopkg it $audio $dev $gui $media $rice $term $web
sudo eopkg rm --ignore-dependency tracker
parallel pip3 install --user --upgrade ::: adblock pipipxx readability-lxml sh
parallel pipx install ::: deemix soundscrape tldr
rm ~/.bashrc
cd ~/.dotfiles
fd -E .git -t d -H -x mkdir -p ~/{}
stow .
mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/shaders && cd ~/.config/mpv/shaders && rm *
curl https://api.github.com/repos/bloc97/Anime4K/releases/latest | grep -wo http.\*zip | aria2c -i-; unzip *; rm *zip
rm ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim
aria2c https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/raw/master/plug.vim -d ~/.config/nvim/autoload
nvim +PlugUpdate +q +q
sudo systemctl mask tracker-{store,miner-fs,miner-rss,extra,miner-apps,writeback}
sudo systemctl enable --now docker tor
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
chsh -s /usr/bin/fish
git g gh:iv-org/invidious ~/.invid
git g gh:Phantop/solus-stuff ~/.solus
git g gh:Phantop/phantop.github.io ~/.site
git g gh:Phantop/haiku-icons ~/.local/share/icons/Haiku
cd ~/.solus && git update-index --assume-unchanged packager
fish -c "aliases;invid;clean"