save-position-on-quit = yes screenshot-format = webp screenshot-webp-lossless = yes gapless-audio = yes volume-max = 1000 cache = yes demuxer-max-bytes = 2147483647 demuxer-max-back-bytes = 2147483647 script-opts=ytdl_hook-ytdl_path=yt-dlp audio-file-auto = exact audio-file-paths = ../Custom Tracks:./Custom Tracks:../Audio:./Audio sub-file-paths = ../Subtitles:./Subtitles:../Subs:./Subs use-filedir-conf sub-font = Ubuntu Bold sub-pos = 102 sub-font-size = 24 sub-border-size = 2 osd-font = Cantarell ytdl-raw-options=sub-lang=en profile = gpu-hq hwdec = auto-safe # ty jysze scale = ewa_lanczossharp scale-antiring = .4 cscale = ewa_lanczossharp dscale = ewa_robidoux dscale-param1 = 0 dscale-param2 = 0 dscale-antiring = 0 correct-downscaling = yes sigmoid-upscaling = yes dither-depth = 8 # Set to your displays bitdepth. dither = fruit # Change to "ordered" if 10 or 12 bit display. deband = no # AUTO PROFILES # [SDR] profile-desc = "SDR" profile-cond=p["video-params/gamma"]~="pq" and p["video-params/primaries"]~="bt.2020" and p["video-params/colormatrix"]~="dolbyvision" gamut-mapping-mode = saturation # Do not change. libplacebo-opts = gamut_expansion=yes # Do not change. [HDR WEBDL & Blu-ray / DV Blu-ray] profile-desc = "HDR WEBDL & Blu-ray / DV Blu-ray" profile-cond=p["video-params/gamma"]=="pq" and p["video-params/primaries"]=="bt.2020" and p["video-params/colorlevels"]~="full" tone-mapping = spline # Change to your preferred if necessary. target-prim = bt.709 target-trc = bt.1886 hdr-compute-peak = yes gamut-mapping-mode = perceptual # Change to your preferred if necessary. target-peak = 120 # Adjust this as you see fit. [DV WEBDL] profile-desc = "DV WEBDL" profile-cond=p["video-params/pixelformat"]=="p010" and p["video-params/colorlevels"]=="full" and p["video-params/colormatrix"]=="dolbyvision" tone-mapping = bt.2446a # Change to your preferred if necessary. target-prim = bt.709 target-trc = bt.1886 hdr-compute-peak = yes gamut-mapping-mode = perceptual # Change to your preferred if necessary. target-peak = 120 # Adjust this as you see fit.