# MIT License # Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco Lourenço & Daniel Wehner # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. set -g __done_version 1.7.3 function __done_get_focused_window_id if type -q lsappinfo lsappinfo info -only bundleID (lsappinfo front) | cut -d '"' -f4 else if type -q xprop and test $DISPLAY xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2 end end function __done_is_tmux_window_active set -q fish_pid; or set -l fish_pid %self not tmux list-panes -a -F "#{session_attached} #{window_active} #{pane_pid}" | string match -q "1 0 $fish_pid" end function __done_is_process_window_focused # Return false if the window is not focused if test $__done_initial_window_id != (__done_get_focused_window_id) return 1 end # If inside a tmux session, check if the tmux window is focused if type -q tmux and test -n "$TMUX" __done_is_tmux_window_active return $status end return 0 end # verify that the system has graphical capabilites before initializing if test -z "$SSH_CLIENT" # not over ssh and test -n __done_get_focused_window_id # is able to get window id set -g __done_initial_window_id '' set -q __done_min_cmd_duration; or set -g __done_min_cmd_duration 5000 set -q __done_exclude; or set -g __done_exclude 'git (?!push|pull)' function __done_started --on-event fish_preexec set __done_initial_window_id (__done_get_focused_window_id) end function __done_ended --on-event fish_prompt set -l exit_status $status # backwards compatibilty for fish < v3.0 set -q cmd_duration; or set -l cmd_duration $CMD_DURATION if test $cmd_duration and test $cmd_duration -gt $__done_min_cmd_duration # longer than notify_duration and not __done_is_process_window_focused # process pane or window not focused and not string match -qr $__done_exclude $history[1] # don't notify on git commands which might wait external editor # Store duration of last command set -l humanized_duration (echo "$cmd_duration" | humanize_duration) set -l title "Done in $humanized_duration" set -l wd (pwd | sed "s,^$HOME,~,") set -l message "$wd/ $history[1]" set -l sender $__done_initial_window_id # workarout terminal notifier bug when sending notifications from inside tmux # https://github.com/julienXX/terminal-notifier/issues/216 if test $TMUX set sender "tmux" end if test $exit_status -ne 0 set title "Failed ($exit_status) after $humanized_duration" end if set -q __done_notification_command eval $__done_notification_command else if type -q terminal-notifier # https://github.com/julienXX/terminal-notifier terminal-notifier -message "$message" -title "$title" -sender "$sender" -activate "$__done_initial_window_id" else if type -q osascript # AppleScript osascript -e "display notification \"$message\" with title \"$title\"" else if type -q notify-send # Linux notify-send set -l urgency if test $exit_status -ne 0 set urgency "--urgency=critical" end notify-send $urgency --icon=terminal --app-name=fish "$title" "$message" else # anything else echo -e "\a" # bell sound end end end end function __done_uninstall -e done_uninstall # Erase all __done_* functions functions -e __done_ended functions -e __done_started functions -e __done_get_focused_window_id functions -e __done_is_tmux_window_active functions -e __done_is_process_window_focused # Erase __done variables set -e __done_version end