/* ================================================= */ /* Rofi config by vinnya3 */ /* Icon pack: Papirus */ /* Font: Gohu Font */ /* ================================================= */ * { /* Make text color white and background fully transparent */ text-color: #D8DEE9; background-color: #282A36; /* This variables change other elements color * Change here and it will change over all the * theme (for an unified experience) */ fc-color: #D8DEE9; bg-color: #282A36; fc-color-trans: #D8DEE9; bg-color-trans: #282A36; font: "GohuFont 11"; } /* ================================================= */ /* Main container */ /* ================================================= */ #window { fullscreen: false; border: 0px 0px 30px 0px; border-color: @bg-color-trans; orientation: horizontal; } #button { padding: 10px; } #button selected { font: "GohuFont SemiBold 11"; background-color: @fc-color-trans; } /* ================================================= */ /* ================================================= */ /* Input bar */ /* ================================================= */ #inputbar { background-color: @bg-color; padding: 5px; spacing: 5px; } #prompt { font: "GohuFont SemiBold 11"; } #entry { font: "GohuFont 11"; width: 15em; } /* ================================================= */ /* ================================================= */ /* List view */ /* ================================================= */ #listview { /*spacing: 0.5em;*/ } #element { font: "GohuFont 11"; padding: 12px 1.5em 12px 14px; } #element selected normal { background-color: #3B4252; } #element normal active { background-color: #3B4252; } #element normal ur gent { background-color: Orange; } #element alternate normal { } #element alternate active { text-color: @focus-col; } #element alternate urgent { background-color: OrangeRed; } #element selected active { background-color: #3B4252; } #element selected urgent { background-color: DarkOrange; } /* vim:ft=css */