#!/bin/sh set -e # exit on failure IFS=$(printf '\n\t') # smarter ifs error() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } help() { echo "Usage: wallmanip [options...]" echo '*defaults*: -a PAD -p CENTER -r 16:9' echo " -a, --action One of {blurpad, crop, pad, reflect}" echo " -f, --filename Specify file. Switch can be omitted." echo " -p, --position One of {top, bottom, left, right}" echo " -r, --ratio Specify aspect ratio, as W:H (e.g. 16:9)" echo " -s, --scale Specify output resolution, as WxH (e.g. 1920x1080)" echo " -h, --help Print this help text" echo " -v, --version Print the wallmanip version" exit } { # block to initially set config vars ACTION=PAD FILE='' POS=CENTER RATIOW=16 RATIOH=9 RESIZE=0 SCALEW=1920 SCALEH=1080 } # handle symlink names case "$(basename "$0")" in blurborder ) ACTION=BLURPAD ;; croptop ) ACTION=CROP POS=TOP ;; padjpeg ) ;; esac while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -a | --action ) ACTION=$(echo "$2" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]") shift 2 ;; -p | --position ) POS=$(echo "$2" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]") shift 2 ;; -r | --ratio ) RATIOW=$(echo "$2" | cut -d: -f1) RATIOH=$(echo "$2" | cut -d: -f2) shift 2 ;; -s | --scale ) RESIZE=1 SCALEW=$(echo "$2" | cut -dx -f1) SCALEH=$(echo "$2" | cut -dx -f2) shift 2 ;; --resize ) RESIZE=1 shift ;; --version | -v ) printf '\e[32m' echo 'wallmanip 2024.05.11' printf '\e[36m' echo Built by July 🏳️‍🌈 printf '\e[0m' exit ;; -h | --help) help ;; -f | --filename) shift;; *) [ "$FILE" != '' ] && help # give helptext if already set FILE=$1 shift 1 ;; esac done { # initial error/sanity checking blocking test -f "$FILE" || error Invalid/missing filename identify -format '' "$FILE" || error File is not an image case "$ACTION" in BLURPAD | CROP | SCALE | PAD | REFLECT) ;; *) error Invalid action ;; esac case "$POS" in BOTTOM | CENTER | LEFT | RIGHT | TOP ) ;; *) error Invalid position ;; esac for i in "$RATIOW" "$RATIOH" "$SCALEW" "$SCALEH"; do if [ -n "$i" ] && [ "$i" -eq "$i" ]; then continue fi error Invalid numerical argument done } divide() { # helper for precise division printf '3k %s %s /p' "$1" "$2" | dc } truncate() { # specify truncation of floats where desired cut -d. -f1 } { # build image information img_height=$(identify -format %h "$FILE") img_width=$(identify -format %w "$FILE") des_ratio=$(divide "$RATIOW" "$RATIOH") img_ratio=$(divide "$img_width" "$img_height") wide="$(echo "$img_ratio > $des_ratio" | bc )" jpg="$(file -bi "$FILE" | grep -q '^image/jpeg' && echo 1 || echo 0)" jxl="$(file -bi "$FILE" | grep -q '^image/jxl' && echo 1 || echo 0)" out="$(dirname "$FILE")/tran_$(basename "$FILE")" work=$(mktemp) } { # build working jpeg file, for as needed if [ "$jxl" -eq 1 ]; then djxl "$FILE" "$work" --output_format jpg elif [ "$jpg" -eq 1 ]; then cp "$FILE" "$work" else cjpegli "$FILE" "$work" fi if [ "$wide" -eq 1 ] && [ "$ACTION" != CROP ]; then jpegtran -rotate 90 -outfile "$work" "$work" img_height=$(identify -format %h "$work") img_width=$(identify -format %w "$work") des_ratio=$(divide 1 "$des_ratio") fi } border() { border=$(mktemp) backdrop=$(mktemp) des_width=$(echo "$des_ratio * $img_height" | bc | truncate) gravity=center magick "$work" -bordercolor black -border 10x0 PPM:"$border" magick "$work" -blur 0x7 -resize "$des_width"x PPM:"$backdrop" composite -gravity $gravity "$border" "$backdrop" PPM:"$backdrop" magick "$backdrop" -gravity center -crop "x$img_height+0" JPEG:"$work" rm -f "$border" "$backdrop" } crop() { des_height=$(divide "$img_width" "$des_ratio" | truncate) offset=$(echo "$img_height - $des_height" | bc) case $POS in LEFT | TOP ) offset=0 ;; CENTER ) offset=$(echo "$offset / 2" | bc) ;; RIGHT | BOTTOM ) ;; esac jpegtran -crop "$img_width"x"$des_height"+0+"$offset" -outfile "$work" "$work" } pad() { des_width=$(echo "$des_ratio * $img_height" | bc | truncate) offset=$(echo "$des_width - $img_width" | bc) case $POS in LEFT | BOTTOM ) offset=0 ;; CENTER ) offset=$(echo "$offset / 2" | bc) ;; RIGHT | TOP ) ;; esac jpegtran -crop "$des_width$1+$offset" -outfile "$work" "$work" } case "$ACTION" in BLURPAD ) border ;; CROP ) crop ;; REFLECT ) pad r;; PAD ) pad f;; esac { # transfer back to output file if [ "$wide" -eq 1 ] && [ "$ACTION" != CROP ]; then jpegtran -rotate 270 -outfile "$work" "$work" fi if [ "$RESIZE" -eq 1 ]; then ffmpeg -i "$work" -vf zscale="$SCALEW":"$SCALEH":filter=spline36 -vcodec ppm -f image2pipe - | magick - JPEG:"$work" fi if [ "$jxl" -eq 1 ]; then cjxl "$work" "$out" elif [ "$jpg" -eq 1 ]; then cp "$work" "$out" else djpegli "$work" "$out" fi } rm "$work" -f