// ==UserScript== // @name Discord Simple Clear // @namespace http://userstyles.org // @description Simple CSS for customizable background and bg opacity. Popular discord styles usually don't work/get abandoned for some reason ??? so I made this one which should be easy to update. // @author birb-naise // @homepage https://userstyles.org/styles/175085 // @include http://discordapp.com/* // @include https://discordapp.com/* // @include http://*.discordapp.com/* // @include https://*.discordapp.com/* // @include http://discord.com/* // @include https://discord.com/* // @include http://*.discord.com/* // @include https://*.discord.com/* // @run-at document-start // @version 0.20200206055911 // ==/UserScript== (function() {var css = [ "/* ------BACKGROUND------ */", "body {", " background: url(\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/610991459323084801/625107142092783616/moon3.png\");", " background-size: cover;", "}", ".appMount-3lHmkl {", " background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);", "}", "", "/* ------REMOVE GREY/WHITE BG COLORS------ */", ".theme-dark,", ".theme-light {", " --header-primary: #fff;", " --header-secondary: #b9bbbe;", " --text-normal: #dcddde;", " --text-muted: #9d9d9d;", " --channels-default: #8e9297;", " --interactive-normal: #b9bbbe;", " --interactive-hover: #dcddde;", " --interactive-active: #fff;", " --interactive-muted: #4f545c;", " --background-primary: transparent;", " --background-secondary: transparent;", " --background-secondary-alt: transparent;", " --background-tertiary: transparent;", " --background-floating: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);", " --channeltextarea-background: transparent;", " --deprecated-panel-background: transparent;", " --background-modifier-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, .42);", " --background-modifier-selected: rgba(0, 0, 0, .45);", "}", "", "/* ------POP-UP------ */", ".modal-yWgWj-,", ".footer-3rDWdC {", " background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) !important;", "}", "", "", "/*remove borders*/", ".header-2o-2hj,", ".searchBar-6Kv8R2,", ".content-yTz4x3::before {", " box-shadow: none !important;", "}", "", "/*misc*/", ".container-1D34oG, /*friends list*/", ".scrollbar-2rkZSL, /*scrollbar*/", ".pad-29zQak,", ".track-1JN30G {", " background: transparent !important;", "}", "", "/* ------SCROLLBAR------ */", ".scrollbar-2rkZSL {", " width: 8px;", "}", ".thumb-2JwNFC {", " background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) !important;", "}", ".track-1JN30G,", ".thumb-2JwNFC {", " border: none !important;", "}", "", "/* ------EMBEDDED TEXT------ */", ".embedProvider-3k5pfl,", ".embedDescription-1Cuq9a,", ".embedFields-2IPs5Z,", ".embedAuthorName-3mnTWj,", ".embedFooterText-28V_Wb {", " color: #f2f2f2 !important;", "}" ].join("\n"); if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") { GM_addStyle(css); } else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") { PRO_addStyle(css); } else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") { addStyle(css); } else { var node = document.createElement("style"); node.type = "text/css"; node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); if (heads.length > 0) { heads[0].appendChild(node); } else { // no head yet, stick it whereever document.documentElement.appendChild(node); } } })();