mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 21:44:07 +00:00
doas adjustment, mpv font, fix rrsb css, nvim -lm
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ a rmdirs 'ff -t d -x rmdir -p'
a rmlinks 'ff -t l -x rm'
a qb 'qutebrowser --target auto'
a re 'systemctl reboot -i'
a s 'sudo env "PATH=$PATH"'
a s 'doas env "PATH=$PATH"'
a ssh 'kitty +kitten ssh'
a sus 'systemctl suspend'
a tar bsdtar
@ -79,8 +79,9 @@ a history_find 'history -p (string sub -s 2 $argv[1]) | head -n1;:'
a history_last 'history -n1;:'
set junit '(git root)/src/main/java:(git root)/src/test/java:(git root)/../cp/\*'
a jacoco "javacp org.jacoco.cli.internal.Main report (git root)/report/coverage.exec --{class,source}files=(git root)/src/main/java --html report"
a javacp "java -cp $junit"
a junit "javacp org.junit.runner.JUnitCore"
a junit "javacp -javaagent:(git root)/../cp/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=(git root)/report/coverage.exec org.junit.runner.JUnitCore"
a junitc "javac -cp $junit"
for i in (cat ~/.config/qutebrowser/quickmarks | cut -d ' ' -f1)
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ yay -S $pkgs
stow --no-folding -d ~/.dotfiles -t ~/.config .
mkdir -p ~/.parallel/will-cite
wine64 regedit ~/.dotfiles/dracula.reg
wget https://github.com/dracula/rofi/raw/main/theme/config2.rasi -P ~/.config/rofi
wget https://github.com/dracula/kitty/raw/master/dracula.conf -P ~/.config/kitty
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ audio-file-paths = ../Custom Tracks:./Custom Tracks:../Audio:./Audio
sub-file-paths = ../Subtitles:./Subtitles:../Subs:./Subs
#sub-font = Ubuntu Bold
sub-font = Ubuntu Bold
sub-pos = 102
sub-font-size = 24
@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ let g:ale_fixers = {'cpp': ['clang-format']}
let g:ale_linters_ignore = {'cpp': ['clangcheck', 'clangtidy']}
let g:ale_cpp_cc_options = "-std=c++17 -Wall"
let g:ale_cpp_clangd_options = "-std=c++17 -Wall"
let g:ale_c_cc_options = "-Wall -lm"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
div.doc-container div.doc div {max-width: 666pt !important; margin: auto} // better docs mobiles
.docs-gm > #sheets-viewport > div { display: unset !important; }
.bridge-card { form, h5 {display:revert} .showmore {display:none} } // show rss-bridges
.bridge-card, section[id^="bridge-"] { form, h5 {display:revert} .showmore {display:none} } // show rss-bridges
#years-table { .detail-view-container { display: flex } td { background-image: unset } } //quatalog detailed view
/* hide ads and invidious recommends */
Reference in a new issue