diff --git a/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/hnews.js b/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/hnews.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c3ee94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/hnews.js
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+// ==UserScript==
+// @name Hacker News - Bluish Gray (2020)
+// @namespace http://userstyles.org
+// @description Bluish Gray Hacker News. I recommend installing it with Stylus.
+// @author pyxelr
+// @homepage https://userstyles.org/styles/157400
+// @include http://news.ycombinator.com/*
+// @include https://news.ycombinator.com/*
+// @include http://*.news.ycombinator.com/*
+// @include https://*.news.ycombinator.com/*
+// @include http://hn.algolia.com/*
+// @include https://hn.algolia.com/*
+// @include http://*.hn.algolia.com/*
+// @include https://*.hn.algolia.com/*
+// @run-at document-start
+// @version 0.20200416203351
+// ==/UserScript==
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+if (false || (document.domain == "news.ycombinator.com" || document.domain.substring(document.domain.indexOf(".news.ycombinator.com") + 1) == "news.ycombinator.com"))
+ css += [
+ "/* Hacker News - Bluish Gray (2020)",
+ " v1.2.2 (2019-11-10)",
+ " Author: Pawel Cislo (pyxelr) ",
+ " Repository: https://github.com/pyxelr/Hacker_News_-_Bluish_Gray",
+ " Userstyle: https://userstyles.org/styles/157400/hacker-news-bluish-gray-2020",
+ " UserCSS: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pyxelr/Hacker_News_-_Bluish_Gray/master/HackerNews-BluishGray.user.css",
+ " License: MIT",
+ "*/ ",
+ "body {",
+ " background: #2b3033 !important;",
+ " color: #f0ffff !important;",
+ " font-family: \"Open Sans\", \"Bitstream Vera Sans\", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif !important;",
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+ " border-right: 1px solid #000 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " /* ==== HEADER ==== */",
+ "",
+ " /* header that\'s normally an orange bar at top (selects divider above footer too?) */",
+ " body > center > table[width=\"85%\"] td[bgcolor=\"#ff6600\"] {",
+ " background: linear-gradient(to top, #45515b 0%, #4b5762 100%) !important;",
+ " padding: 3px 4px !important;",
+ " box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.2);",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* \"Hacker News\" text in header */",
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+ " font-size: 110% !important;",
+ " text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #666, 1px -1px 0 #666, -1px 1px 0 #666, 1px 1px 0 #666 !important;",
+ " color: #e2e6e9 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* size reducement and black border around orange \"Y\" logo */",
+ "",
+ " #hnmain > tbody > tr:first-of-type table img {",
+ " box-sizing: border-box;",
+ " border: 1px black solid !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* currently selected link in header */",
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+ " color: #f93 !important;",
+ " font-weight: bold !important;",
+ " text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " text-decoration: underline !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " color: #b1b1b1 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* colorize \'|\' characters in header (and hopefully nothing else) */",
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+ " color: #878f8f !important;",
+ " }",
+ " ",
+ " .pagetop > a[href^=\"user?\"] {",
+ " color: #f0ffff !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " /* ==== FRONT PAGE NEWS LISTING ==== */",
+ "",
+ " .title {",
+ " font-size: 14px !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .title a.storylink:link {",
+ " color: #f0ffff !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .title a.storylink:visited {",
+ " color: #878f8f !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .storylink, .subtext {",
+ " padding-left: 8px !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .subtext {",
+ " padding-bottom: 8px !important;",
+ " font-size: 12px !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .itemlist .subtext, .itemlist .subtext * {",
+ " color: #878f8f !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .sitestr {",
+ " color: #6d7474 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .title .rank {",
+ " padding-right: 8px !important;",
+ " padding-left: 8px !important;",
+ " color: #444848 !important;",
+ " font-size: 11px !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* \"More\" link at bottom */",
+ " .morespace + tr a.morelink {",
+ " color: #b9d3d3 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .votearrow {",
+ " filter: invert(100%) !important;",
+ " -webkit-filter: invert(100%) !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .subtext > a:last-child:visited {",
+ " color: #474f4f !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .subtext .hnuser {",
+ " font-weight: bold !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " /* ==== COMMENTS ==== */",
+ "",
+ " .comment,",
+ " .comment > span {",
+ " font-family: \"Open Sans\", \"Bitstream Vera Sans\", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif !important;",
+ " font-size: 14px !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .comment .c00 {",
+ " color: #f0ffff !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .comhead .hnuser {",
+ " color: #abc3c3 !important;",
+ " font-weight: bold !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* space between individual comments */",
+ " .athing.comtr .default {",
+ " padding-bottom: 10px !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " .c9c, .c9c a:link, .c9c a:visited { opacity: 0.5 !important; }",
+ " .cae, .cae a:link, .cae a:visited { opacity: 0.4 !important; }",
+ " .cbe, .cbe a:link, .cbe a:visited { opacity: 0.3 !important; }",
+ " .cce, .cce a:link, .cce a:visited { opacity: 0.2 !important; }",
+ " .cdd, .cdd a:link, .cdd a:visited { opacity: 0.1 !important; }",
+ "",
+ " .c00, .c00 a:link,",
+ " .c5a, .c5a a:link, .c5a a:visited,",
+ " .c73, .c73 a:link, .c73 a:visited,",
+ " .c82, .c82 a:link, .c82 a:visited,",
+ " .c88, .c88 a:link, .c88 a:visited,",
+ " .c9c, .c9c a:link, .c9c a:visited,",
+ " .cae, .cae a:link, .cae a:visited,",
+ " .cbe, .cbe a:link, .cbe a:visited,",
+ " .cce, .cce a:link, .cce a:visited,",
+ " .cdd, .cdd a:link, .cdd a:visited",
+ " {",
+ " color:#f0ffff !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " a[href^=\"reply\"]:link {",
+ " color: #666c6c !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " a[href^=\"reply\"]:visited {",
+ " color: #333636 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " a[href^=\"reply\"]:hover {",
+ " color: #abc3c3 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* animate opacity of dimmed comments */",
+ " .c5a, .c73, .c82, .c88, .c9c,",
+ " .cae, .cbe, .cce, .cdd {",
+ " transition: opacity 0.5s !important;",
+ " transition-duration: 0.4s !important;",
+ " transition-delay: 0.2s !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* allow easier reading of dimmed comments */",
+ " .c5a:hover, .c73:hover, .c82:hover, .c88:hover, .c9c:hover,",
+ " .cae:hover, .cbe:hover, .cce:hover, .cdd:hover {",
+ " opacity: 1.0 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .comhead {",
+ " color: #6d7474 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .comment pre {",
+ " background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .comment > span > a:link,",
+ " .comment > span > p a:link {",
+ " color: #abc3c3 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .comment > span > a:visited,",
+ " .comment > span > p a:visited {",
+ " color: #505b5b !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .votearrow:hover {",
+ " filter: invert(100%) brightness(1.5) !important;",
+ " -webkit-filter: invert(100%) brightness(1.5) !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* Ask HN text at top of commments */",
+ " #hnmain table:first-child tr[id].athing + tr + tr[style=\"height:2px\"] + tr td {",
+ " font-family: \"Open Sans\", \"Bitstream Vera Sans\", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif !important;",
+ " font-size: 15px !important;",
+ " color: #f0ffff !important;",
+ " /* line-height: 1.33 !important; */",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " /* background color of search box, comment box and drop-down menu */",
+ " body > center > table, input, textarea, select {",
+ " background-color: #222 !important;",
+ " }",
+ " /* darker border around search box, comment box and drop-down menu*/",
+ " input, textarea, select {",
+ " border: 1px solid #828282 !important;",
+ " }",
+ " /* bright input text in search box, comment box and drop-down menu */",
+ " td.title a:link, span.comment font, span.comment font a:link, u a:link, span.yclinks a:link, body:not([id]),",
+ " td:nth-child(2):not(.subtext) > a:link, input, textarea, select, p > a, a > u, .c00, .c00 a:link,",
+ " a[href=\"http://www.ycombinator.com/apply/\"] {",
+ " color: #ccc !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " /* ==== FOOTER ==== */",
+ "",
+ " #hnmain > tbody > tr:last-child {",
+ " background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #212121 0%, #131313 100%) !important;",
+ "",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " background: transparent !important;",
+ " border-top: 1px solid #778888 !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " /* ==== OTHER ==== */",
+ "",
+ " /* textbox formatting help */",
+ " .admin, .admin td, .admin p {",
+ " color: #f0ffff !important;",
+ " font-size: 14px !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* bookmarklet text */",
+ " table[width=\"500\"] #main > #first {",
+ " color: #000 !important;",
+ " }"
+ ].join("\n");
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+ "/* invertion of algolia logo in the footer */",
+ " .search-wrapper img",
+ " {",
+ " filter: invert(50%) !important; ",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* text highlight color of search results */",
+ " .main .search-results em {",
+ " background-color: #b1bcbc !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " /* dark drop-down menus */",
+ " .wrap-dd-select",
+ " {",
+ " background-color: #222 !important;",
+ " border: 1px solid #828282 !important;",
+ " color: #ccc !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " ",
+ " /* Dropdown */",
+ " .Dropdown_label",
+ " {",
+ " color:#c2c2c2;",
+ " }",
+ " .Dropdown_list li button {",
+ " color: #f3f3f3;",
+ " background-color: #45515b;",
+ " }",
+ " ",
+ " /* Story */",
+ " .Story_title a ",
+ " {",
+ " color: #F0FFFF;",
+ " }",
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+ " {",
+ " color: #6d7474;",
+ " font-size: 11px;",
+ " word-break: break-all;",
+ " }",
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+ " {",
+ " color: #ababab;",
+ " }",
+ " ",
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+ " }",
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+ " }",
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+ " {",
+ " background-color: #45515b !important;",
+ " }",
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+ " color: #f3f3f3;",
+ " }",
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+ " {",
+ " color:#a0a0a0;",
+ " }",
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+ " {",
+ " background:#222;",
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+ " border-left: 1px solid #000 !important;",
+ " border-right: 1px solid #000 !important;",
+ " }",
+ " /* Settings view */",
+ " .Settings",
+ " {",
+ " background-color:#222;",
+ " }",
+ " .Settings h2",
+ " {",
+ " color:#bcbcbc;",
+ " }",
+ " .Settings label ",
+ " {",
+ " color:#a0a0a0;",
+ " }",
+ " ",
+ " /* Other */",
+ " .Pagination",
+ " {",
+ " background-color:#45515b;",
+ " }",
+ " .Footer_list a ",
+ " {",
+ " color: #a0a0a0;",
+ " }",
+ " ",
+ " /* darker border around search box, comment box and drop-down menu*/",
+ " input, textarea, select {",
+ " border: 1px solid #828282 !important;",
+ " }",
+ " /* bright input text in search box, comment box and drop-down menu */",
+ " td.title a:link, span.comment font, span.comment font a:link, u a:link, span.yclinks a:link, body:not([id]),",
+ " td:nth-child(2):not(.subtext) > a:link, input, textarea, select, p > a, a > u, .c00, .c00 a:link,",
+ " a[href=\"http://www.ycombinator.com/apply/\"] {",
+ " color: #ccc !important;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " /* ==== OTHER ==== */",
+ " body {",
+ " background-color: #292929;",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " background-color: #292929;",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " color: #9a9a9a;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ "",
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+ " color: #9a9a9a;",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " background-color: #292929;",
+ " color: #9a9a9a;",
+ " }",
+ "",
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+ " color: #e2e6e9 !important; ",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " #main > div > header {",
+ " background-color: #292929;",
+ " color: #9a9a9a;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .main .search-results em {",
+ " background-color: #dadada !important; /* net net net :D */",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .search-pagination li.active button {",
+ " border-color: #dadada;",
+ " color: #dadada;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " footer {",
+ " background-color: #292929;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " footer a {",
+ " color: #9a9a9a;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " #main > div > section > section > section > div.item.ng-scope > div.item-main > div.item-content-wrapper p {",
+ " color: #dadada;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " .edit-settings {",
+ " background-color: #292929;",
+ " }"
+ ].join("\n");
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+ GM_addStyle(css);
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