mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 21:26:47 +00:00
The great big Fedora switch commit
Ultramarine edition
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ a all2jxl 'fd -e{png,jpg,ppm} -x cjxl -e 8 -d 0 {} {.}.jxl \; -x rm'
a awall 'xwinwrap -fdt -fs -- mpv -wid WID ~/Pictures/Wall/Anim/$argv* --loop --no-osc'
a base64d 'echo (echo $argv | base64 -d 2>/dev/null) | tee /dev/stderr 2>| clip;:'
a catbox 'curl https://catbox.moe/user/api.php -F reqtype=fileupload -F fileToUpload=@$argv;:'
a clip 'xclip -sel clip'
a clip 'xsel -ib'
a cpugov 's cpupower frequency-set -g performance'
a dirdl 'wget -r -k -p -np -e robots=off'
a dl 'not test "$argv" && cd ~/Downloads || aria2c -c -{j,s,x}16'
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ a rmlinks 'ff -t l -x rm'
a qb 'qutebrowser --target auto'
a re 'systemctl reboot -i'
a s 'sudo env "PATH=$PATH"'
a se 's eopkg'
a se 's dnf'
a sus 'systemctl suspend'
a tar bsdtar
a tcsv 'curl -sL http://torrents-csv.ml/service/search?q=$argv | jq ".[]|.name,.infohash,.seeders";:'
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ a temp 'curl temp.sh -T'
a tldr 'curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tldr-pages/tldr/main/pages/{common,linux}/$argv.md;:'
a transfer 'curl https://transfer.sh/(basename $argv) -T'
a uneopkg 'parallel "unzip -op {} install.tar.xz | tar xf -" ::: *.eopkg'
a up 'se up --y'
a up 'se update -y'
a v vi
a venv 'python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate.fish && pip3 install -r requirements.txt'
a vi nvim
a wallp 'gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file://(realpath $argv);:'
a wm 'startx (which $argv[1]) $argv[2..-1];:'
a ydl 'pipx run yt-dlp'
a ydl 'yt-dlp'
a 7zstd '7z a -m0=zstd -mx22 -mmt=8 -mfb=273 -md=1536m -ms=on (realpath $argv[1]).7z'
a compress '7z a -m0=flzma2 -mx9 -mmt=8 -mfb=273 -md=1536m -ms=on (realpath $argv[1]).7z'
@ -1,32 +1,40 @@
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
alias s=sudo se="s eopkg -y" g=git
set -e
alias s=sudo se="s dnf -y" g=git
gnome="gnome-photos gnome-mpv gnome-terminal nautilus rhythmbox"
se rm $gnome firefox libreoffice-common onboard thunderbird
gnome="clapper gnome-photos gnome-mpv gnome-terminal nautilus rhythmbox"
se remove $gnome firefox libreoffice onboard PackageKit-command-not-found thunderbird
pkgs="advancecomp arcanist aria2 audacious audacity autojump avidemux bleachbit caja
ccache corectrl dolphin-emu fd fish fzf gifsicle gimp git-extras htop ifuse
innoextract jpegoptim keepassxc kitty linux-tools-cpupower llvm-clang lrzip lynx
mkvtoolnix moreutils mpv ncdu neovim nicotine-plus nnn opus-tools p7zip parallel
qt-creator qutebrowser ripgrep solbuild spectacle spek starship sxiv syncthing tig
tlp tor upx usbmuxd yt-dlp zathura-mupdf"
se up; se it -c system.devel $pkgs
pip3 install adblock pipx-in-pipx readability-lxml
pkgs="advancecomp aria2 audacious audacity autojump avidemux bleachbit bsdtar bzip3
caja ccache corectrl dolphin-emu engrampa fd-find fish fzf gifsicle gimp
git-credential-libsecret git-extras htop ifuse innoextract intel-clear-sans-fonts
jdupes jpegoptim keepassxc kernel-tools kitty libjxl-utils lynx megatools mkvtoolnix
moreutils mpv ncdu netsurf neovim nicotine+ nnn opus-tools oxipng p7zip pandoc
parallel pipx pngquant qt-creator qutebrowser python3-readability-lxml qrencode
ripgrep rofi sass shellcheck spectacle starship stow sxiv syncthing tig tlp tor
torsocks ubuntumono-nerd-fonts upx usbmuxd wimlib-utils yt-dlp zathura-pdf-mupdf
se update; se install $pkgs
stow --no-folding -d ~/.dotfiles -t ~/.config .
rm ~/.gtkrc-2.0
ln -s ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtkrc ~/.gtkrc-2.0
mkdir -p ~/.parallel/will-cite
wget https://github.com/dracula/rofi/raw/main/theme/config2.rasi -P ~/.config/rofi
wget https://github.com/dracula/kitty/raw/master/dracula.conf -P ~/.config/kitty
wget https://github.com/dracula/musikcube/raw/main/dracula.json -P ~/.config/musikcube
wget https://github.com/dracula/musikcube/raw/main/dracula.json -P ~/.config/musikcube/themes
wget https://github.com/mrzool/bash-sensible/raw/master/sensible.bash -O ~/.bashrc
wget https://github.com/savq/paq-nvim/raw/master/lua/paq.lua -P ~/.config/nvim/lua
wget https://source.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git/plain/resources/adblock.css\
https://nitter.it/css/themes/dracula.css -P ~/.config/qutebrowser
q=qutebrowser; wget https://github.com/$q/$q/raw/master/misc/userscripts/readability\
https://github.com/$q/$q/raw/master/misc/userscripts/qr -P ~/.config/$q/userscripts
chmod +x ~/.config/qutebrowser/userscripts/*
un(){ F=$(mktemp); mkdir -p "$2"; curl https://api.github.com/repos/"$1"/releases |\
grep -om1 http.\*zip | wget -i- -O"$F"; unzip "$F" -d "$2";}
un bloc97/Anime4k ~/.config/mpv/shaders
@ -34,16 +42,15 @@ un mozilla/pdf.js ~/.local/share/qutebrowser/pdfjs
chsh -s "$(which fish)"
fish -c "aliases;clean"
s usermod -aG docker "$USER"
g g p:appdwarf ~/.appdwarf
g g p:solus-stuff ~/.solus
g g p:phantop.github.io ~/.site
g g p:haiku-icons ~/.local/share/icons/Haiku
g g gh:dracula/gtk ~/.local/share/themes/dracula
nvim +PaqInstall +q
parallel gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface {}-theme Haiku ::: cursor icon
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Ant-Dracula
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme dracula
for i in ~/.dotfiles/dconf/*; do
dconf reset -f "$(basename $i | sed 's/^/./;s#\.#/#g;s#.toml#/#')"
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ name='Gurk'
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
fish_add_path -g ~/.appdwarf/{,apps/bin} ~/{.dotfiles,.local,,Games}/bin /usr/lib64/ccache/bin
fish_add_path -g ~/.appdwarf/{,apps/bin} ~/{.dotfiles,.local,,Games}/bin /usr/lib64/ccache /sbin
export EDITOR=nvim MANPAGER='nvim +Man!' USE_CCACHE=1
export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.local/share/themes/dracula/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
set fish_greeting
set fish_color_command --bold
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
gtk-font-name = "Clear Sans 12"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
font_family Ubuntu Mono
font_family UbuntuMono Nerd Font
font_size 12.5
include dracula.conf
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
a['re'] = 'restart'
a['css-reload'] = 'set content.user_stylesheets user.css'
a['scss-reload'] = 'spawn -u /bin/bash -c "sassc $QUTE_CONFIG_DIR/user.{s,}css"'
a['scss-reload'] = 'spawn -u /bin/bash -c "sass $QUTE_CONFIG_DIR/user.{s,}css"'
a['remove-sticky'] = 'jseval -q document.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(e=>{["sticky","fixed"].includes(getComputedStyle(e).position)&&e.parentNode.removeChild(e)})'
a['toggle-dark'] = 'reload;;jseval -q const meta=document.createElement("meta");meta.name="color-scheme";document.head.appendChild(meta).content="dark";;stop'
a['monolith-save'] = 'spawn kitty fish -c "monolith {url} -o'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ c.url.searchengines['s'] = 'farside.link/searxng/search?q={}'
c.url.searchengines['y'] = 'farside.link/invidious/search?q={}'
c.url.searchengines['m'] = 'morty.ononoki.org/?mortyurl={}'
c.url.searchengines['a'] = 'annas-archive.org/search?q={}'
c.url.searchengines['DEFAULT'] = c.url.searchengines['s']
c.url.searchengines['DEFAULT'] = c.url.searchengines['l']
c.url.start_pages = c.url.default_page = 'minifocs.fly.dev'
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from qutebrowser.api import interceptor
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl
from PyQt6.QtCore import QUrl
import operator
o = operator.methodcaller
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
c.fonts.default_family = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font"
c.fonts.default_size = "11.5pt"
c.zoom.default = "125%"
cc = c.colors
ccc = cc.completion
cct = cc.tabs
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
@each $i in $aria {[aria-label$="#{$i}"] {display: none}}
[class^="private"] [class^="search"], [href="/store"] {display: none}
font-family: "Ubuntu Mono";
font-family: "UbuntuMono Nerd Font";
background: url(
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ configuration {
run-command: "fish -c '{cmd}'";
run-list-command: "'fish -c functions'";
* { font: "mono 12"; }
* { font: "UbuntuMono Nerd Font 15"; }
Reference in a new issue