if io then io.stdout:setvbuf("no") end function love.conf(t) t.window = { title = "Cave Story Randomizer", icon = 'assets/icon/randoconfig.png', width = 640, height = 480, resizable = false, } t.version = '11.1' t.console = false t.identity = 'CaveStoryRandomizer' t.accelerometerjoystick = false t.gammacorrect = false t.modules.audio = false t.modules.joystick = false t.modules.physics = false t.modules.sound = false t.modules.thread = false t.modules.touch = false t.modules.video = false for _,a in pairs(arg) do if a == "--headless" then t.window, t.modules.window, t.modules.graphics = false, false, false end end t.releases = { -- This is the name of the zip archive which contains your game. title = 'CaveStoryRandomizer', -- This is the name of your game's executable. package = 'Cave Story Randomizer', loveVersion = '11.2', version = 'v2.0-RC2', author = 'duncathan', email = 'dunc@duncathan.com', description = 'A randomizer for Cave Story', homepage = 'https://github.com/cave-story-randomizer/cave-story-randomizer', -- MacOS needs this. identifier = 'CaveStoryRandomizer', excludeFileList = { }, compile = false, releaseDirectory = 'releases', } end