2023-12-14 17:21:22 -05:00

482 lines
19 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using ProjectZ.Base;
using ProjectZ.Base.UI;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Controls;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Overlay.Sequences;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Pages;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Things;
namespace ProjectZ.InGame.Overlay
public class OverlayManager
public float HudTransparency = 1;
public bool DisableOverlayToggle;
public bool DisableInventoryToggle;
enum MenuState
None, Menu, Inventory, PhotoBook, GameSequence
private MenuState _currentMenuState = MenuState.None;
private MenuState _lastMenuState = MenuState.None;
public TextboxOverlay TextboxOverlay;
public HudOverlay InGameHud;
private InventoryOverlay _inventoryOverlay;
private MapOverlay _mapOverlay;
private DungeonOverlay _dungeonOverlay;
private PhotoOverlay _photoOverlay;
private Dictionary<string, GameSequence> _gameSequences = new Dictionary<string, GameSequence>();
private string _currentSequenceName;
private RenderTarget2D _menuRenderTarget2D;
private UiRectangle _blurRectangle;
private Rectangle _recInventory;
private Rectangle _recMap;
private Rectangle _recMapCenter;
private Rectangle _recDungeon;
private Vector2 _menuPosition;
private Point _inventorySize;
private Point _mapSize;
private Point _dungeonSize;
private Point _overlaySize;
private double _fadeCount;
private float _fadeAnimationPercentage;
private float _hudState = 1;
private float _hudPercentage;
private bool _hideHud;
private readonly int _marginMap = 0;
private readonly int _margin = 2;
private readonly int _fadeTime = 200;
private const int ChangeTime = 125;
private int _fadeDir;
private int _scale;
private float _changeCount;
private int _overlayWidth;
private int _overlayHeight;
private bool _fading;
private bool _updateInventory = true;
private bool _isChanging;
public OverlayManager()
// setup blurry overlay
_blurRectangle = (UiRectangle)Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(
new UiRectangle(Rectangle.Empty, "background", Values.ScreenNameGame, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, null));
public void Load(ContentManager content)
_gameSequences.Add("map", new MapOverlaySequence());
_gameSequences.Add("marinBeach", new MarinBeachSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("marinCliff", new MarinCliffSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("towerCollapse", new TowerCollapseSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("shrine", new ShrineSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("picture", new PictureSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("photo", new PhotoSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("bowWow", new BowWowSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("castle", new CastleSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("gravestone", new GravestoneSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("weatherBird", new WeatherBirdSequence());
_gameSequences.Add("final", new FinalSequence());
_mapSize = new Point(144 + 2 * _marginMap, 144 + 2 * _marginMap);
_dungeonSize = new Point(80, 106);
_inventorySize = new Point(268, 208);
_overlaySize = new Point(_inventorySize.X + _margin + _dungeonSize.X, _inventorySize.Y);
TextboxOverlay = new TextboxOverlay();
InGameHud = new HudOverlay();
_mapOverlay = new MapOverlay(_mapSize.X, _mapSize.Y, _marginMap, false);
_inventoryOverlay = new InventoryOverlay(_inventorySize.X, _inventorySize.Y);
_dungeonOverlay = new DungeonOverlay(_dungeonSize.X, _dungeonSize.Y);
_photoOverlay = new PhotoOverlay();
public void OnLoad()
_hideHud = false;
_fadeCount = 0;
public void Update()
// toggle game menu
if ((_currentMenuState == MenuState.None || _currentMenuState == MenuState.Menu) &&
// toggle inventory/map
if ((_currentMenuState == MenuState.None || _currentMenuState == MenuState.Inventory) &&
ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.Select) && !DisableInventoryToggle && !_hideHud && !TextboxOverlay.IsOpen)
if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.None)
// update the textbox
else if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.Menu)
Game1.UpdateGame = false;
else if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.Inventory)
Game1.UpdateGame = false;
if (_isChanging)
_changeCount += (_updateInventory ? 1 : -1) * Game1.DeltaTime;
if (_changeCount >= ChangeTime || _changeCount < 0)
_isChanging = false;
_changeCount = _updateInventory ? ChangeTime : 0;
_updateInventory = !_updateInventory;
if (ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.Start) && !TextboxOverlay.IsOpen)
if (_updateInventory)
_mapOverlay.IsSelected = !_updateInventory;
// update the text box
else if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.PhotoBook)
Game1.UpdateGame = false;
// update the text box
else if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.GameSequence)
Game1.ForceDialogUpdate = true;
Game1.UpdateGame = false;
// update the text box
InGameHud.Update(_hudPercentage, (1 - _hudPercentage) * HudTransparency);
DisableOverlayToggle = false;
DisableInventoryToggle = false;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
// draw the game ui; fade out with overlay fadein
InGameHud.DrawTop(spriteBatch, _hudPercentage, (1 - _hudPercentage) * HudTransparency);
// draw the text box
// draw the inventory/map/photo overlay/gamesequence
if (_fadeAnimationPercentage > 0)
if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.Inventory || _lastMenuState == MenuState.Inventory)
// draw the menu on the screen
var menuY = 25 * _scale * (1 - _fadeAnimationPercentage);
var menuColor = Color.White * _fadeAnimationPercentage;
int dungeonOffset;
if (!Game1.GameManager.MapManager.CurrentMap.DungeonMode)
dungeonOffset = (_margin + _dungeonSize.X) * _scale / 2;
// try to align the inventory while the dungeon panel is on the side of it
// when the resololution is not wide enough move the inventory to the left
dungeonOffset = Math.Clamp((_margin + _dungeonSize.X) * _scale / 2, -16, (Game1.WindowWidth - _overlayWidth) / 2 - 8);
spriteBatch.Draw(_menuRenderTarget2D, new Rectangle(
(int)_menuPosition.X + dungeonOffset, (int)(_menuPosition.Y - menuY), _overlayWidth, _overlayHeight), menuColor);
else if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.PhotoBook || _lastMenuState == MenuState.PhotoBook)
_photoOverlay.Draw(spriteBatch, _fadeAnimationPercentage);
else if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.GameSequence || _lastMenuState == MenuState.GameSequence)
_gameSequences[_currentSequenceName].Draw(spriteBatch, _fadeAnimationPercentage);
if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.Inventory)
var selectStr = "";
if (ControlHandler.LastKeyboardDown && ControlHandler.ButtonDictionary[CButtons.Start].Keys.Length > 0)
selectStr = ControlHandler.ButtonDictionary[CButtons.Start].Keys[0].ToString();
if (!ControlHandler.LastKeyboardDown && ControlHandler.ButtonDictionary[CButtons.Start].Buttons.Length > 0)
selectStr = ControlHandler.ButtonDictionary[CButtons.Start].Buttons[0].ToString();
var strType = Game1.LanguageManager.GetString((_updateInventory ? "overlay_map" : "overlay_inventory"), "error");
var inputHelper = selectStr + ": " + strType;
//var selectTextSize = Resources.GameFont.MeasureString(inputHelper);
spriteBatch.DrawString(Resources.GameFont, inputHelper,
new Vector2(8 * Game1.UiScale, Game1.WindowHeight - 16 * Game1.UiScale), Color.White * _fadeAnimationPercentage, 0, Vector2.Zero, Game1.UiScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
public void DrawRenderTarget(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
if (_fadeAnimationPercentage > 0 && (_currentMenuState == MenuState.GameSequence || _lastMenuState == MenuState.GameSequence))
if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.Inventory)
// draw the inventory on a separate rendertarget
private void DrawInventory(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null, null);
var percentage = MathF.Sin(-MathF.PI / 2 + (_changeCount / ChangeTime) * MathF.PI) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// draw the inventory
_inventoryOverlay.Draw(spriteBatch, _recInventory, Color.White * (1 - percentage));
// draw the map
var mapRectangle = new Rectangle(
(int)MathHelper.Lerp(_recMap.X, _recMapCenter.X, percentage),
(int)MathHelper.Lerp(_recMap.Y, _recMapCenter.Y, percentage), _recMap.Width, _recMap.Height);
_mapOverlay.Draw(spriteBatch, mapRectangle, Color.White);
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, SamplerState.PointClamp);
// draw the dungeon stuff
_dungeonOverlay.Draw(spriteBatch, _recDungeon, Color.White * (1 - percentage));
public void ResolutionChanged()
_blurRectangle.Rectangle.Width = Game1.WindowWidth;
_blurRectangle.Rectangle.Height = Game1.WindowHeight;
_scale = Game1.UiScale;
_overlayWidth = _overlaySize.X * _scale;
_overlayHeight = _overlaySize.Y * _scale;
_menuPosition = new Vector2(
Game1.WindowWidth / 2 - _overlayWidth / 2, Game1.WindowHeight / 2 - _overlayHeight / 2);
public void UpdateRenderTarget()
if (_menuRenderTarget2D == null || _menuRenderTarget2D.Width != _overlayWidth || _menuRenderTarget2D.Height != _overlayHeight)
_menuRenderTarget2D = new RenderTarget2D(Game1.Graphics.GraphicsDevice, _overlayWidth, _overlayHeight);
// 144 = size of the map
_recInventory = new Rectangle(0, 0, _inventorySize.X * _scale, _inventorySize.Y * _scale);
_recMap = new Rectangle(
_recInventory.Right - 6 * _scale - _mapSize.X * _scale,
_recInventory.Bottom - 6 * _scale - _mapSize.Y * _scale, _mapSize.X * _scale, _mapSize.Y * _scale);
_recMapCenter = new Rectangle(
_recInventory.Width / 2 - _mapSize.X / 2 * _scale,
_recInventory.Height / 2 - _mapSize.Y / 2 * _scale, _mapSize.X * _scale, _mapSize.Y * _scale);
_recDungeon = new Rectangle(
_recInventory.Right + _margin * _scale,
_recInventory.Bottom - _dungeonSize.Y * _scale,
_dungeonSize.X * _scale, _dungeonSize.Y * _scale);
public void OpenPhotoOverlay()
public void StartSequence(string name)
if (!_gameSequences.ContainsKey(name))
_currentSequenceName = name;
public GameSequence GetCurrentGameSequence()
if (_currentSequenceName != null && _gameSequences.ContainsKey(_currentSequenceName))
return _gameSequences[_currentSequenceName];
return null;
public void ToggleInventoryMap()
_isChanging = true;
public bool UpdateCameraAndAnimation()
return (_currentMenuState != MenuState.Inventory && TextboxOverlay.IsOpen) || _currentMenuState == MenuState.GameSequence;
public void HideHud(bool hidden)
_hideHud = hidden;
private void UpdateFade()
// update the fading effect
if (_fading)
_fadeCount += Game1.DeltaTime * _fadeDir;
// finished closing/opening
if (_fadeCount <= 0 || _fadeCount >= _fadeTime)
_fading = false;
_fadeCount = MathHelper.Clamp((float)_fadeCount, 0, _fadeTime);
var fadePercentage = (float)_fadeCount / _fadeTime;
_fadeAnimationPercentage = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2 * fadePercentage);
_blurRectangle.BackgroundColor = Color.Black * 0.5f * _fadeAnimationPercentage;
_blurRectangle.BlurColor = Values.GameMenuBackgroundColor * _fadeAnimationPercentage;
if (_fadeAnimationPercentage <= 0 && _currentSequenceName != null && _currentMenuState == MenuState.None)
_currentSequenceName = null;
// hide the hud
if (TextboxOverlay.IsOpen || _currentMenuState != MenuState.None || _hideHud)
_hudState = AnimationHelper.MoveToTarget(_hudState, 1, 0.1f * Game1.TimeMultiplier);
else if (!Game1.GameManager.DialogIsRunning() && (Game1.UpdateGame || Game1.ForceDialogUpdate))
_hudState = AnimationHelper.MoveToTarget(_hudState, 0, 0.1f * Game1.TimeMultiplier);
_hudPercentage = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2 * _hudState);
private void ToggleState(MenuState newState)
if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.None)
private void SetState(MenuState newState)
// don't change the state if a textbox is open
if (TextboxOverlay.IsOpen || DisableOverlayToggle)
// pause the currently playing soundeffects
if (newState == MenuState.Inventory || newState == MenuState.Menu)
if (newState == MenuState.Inventory || newState == MenuState.Menu)
if (newState == MenuState.Inventory)
_isChanging = false;
_changeCount = 0;
_updateInventory = true;
else if (newState == MenuState.Menu)
// don't open the menu while closing it
Game1.UiPageManager.ChangePage(typeof(GameMenuPage), null, PageManager.TransitionAnimation.TopToBottom, PageManager.TransitionAnimation.TopToBottom);
_fading = true;
_fadeDir = 1;
_lastMenuState = _currentMenuState;
_currentMenuState = newState;
public void CloseOverlay()
if (_currentMenuState == MenuState.Inventory || _currentMenuState == MenuState.Menu)
_fading = true;
_fadeDir = -1;
_lastMenuState = _currentMenuState;
_currentMenuState = MenuState.None;
Game1.UiPageManager.PopAllPages(PageManager.TransitionAnimation.TopToBottom, PageManager.TransitionAnimation.TopToBottom);
public bool MenuIsOpen()
return _currentMenuState == MenuState.Menu;