2023-12-14 17:21:22 -05:00

461 lines
19 KiB

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.CObjects;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.Components;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.Components.AI;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Things;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Map;
using ProjectZ.InGame.SaveLoad;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Things;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Bosses
class MBossTurtleRock : GameObject
// list of sprite that are in the area of the turtle; this is used to set the visibility because normal layers do not work with the turtle head
private readonly List<GameObject> _spriteList = new List<GameObject>();
private readonly DictAtlasEntry _stoneHead;
private readonly Rectangle[] _headParts = new Rectangle[6];
private readonly Vector2[] _headPartOffset = new Vector2[6];
private readonly Animator _animator;
private readonly AnimationComponent _animationComponent;
private readonly BodyComponent _body;
private readonly AiComponent _aiComponent;
private readonly CSprite _sprite;
private readonly DamageFieldComponent _damageField;
private readonly AiDamageState _aiDamageState;
private readonly DictAtlasEntry _spriteNeck;
private readonly Vector2 _startPosition;
private readonly Vector2 _centerPosition;
private const float AttackSpeed = 1.5f;
private const float ReturnSpeed = 0.5f;
private const int WobbleTime = 140;
private Vector3[] _partPosition = new Vector3[6];
private Vector3[] _partVelocity = new Vector3[6];
private int[] _partBreakOrder = new[] { 0, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 };
private int _partBreakIndex;
private float _partCounter = -500;
private string _saveKey;
private bool _attackable = false;
public MBossTurtleRock() : base("turtle rock") { }
public MBossTurtleRock(Map.Map map, int posX, int posY, string saveKey) : base(map)
// do not spawn if the tutle was already killed
_saveKey = saveKey;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_saveKey) &&
Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString(_saveKey) == "1")
IsDead = true;
Tags = Values.GameObjectTag.Enemy;
_startPosition = new Vector2(posX + 24, posY + 16);
_centerPosition = new Vector2(_startPosition.X, _startPosition.Y + 32);
EntityPosition = new CPosition(_startPosition.X, _startPosition.Y, 0);
EntitySize = new Rectangle(-16, -16, 32, 32);
_body = new BodyComponent(EntityPosition, -8, 0, 16, 16, 8)
CollisionTypes = Values.CollisionTypes.None
_spriteNeck = Resources.GetSprite("turtle neck");
_stoneHead = Resources.GetSprite("turtle rock");
// the top gets split into 4 parts with the middle parts beeing 8px wide
// the bottom is split into two parts
var headWidth = (_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Width - 16) / 2;
var headHeight = _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Height / 2;
_headPartOffset[0] = new Vector2(0, 0);
_headPartOffset[1] = new Vector2(headWidth, 0);
_headPartOffset[2] = new Vector2(headWidth + 8, 0);
_headPartOffset[3] = new Vector2(headWidth + 16, 0);
_headPartOffset[4] = new Vector2(0, headHeight);
_headPartOffset[5] = new Vector2(_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Width / 2, headHeight);
_headParts[0] = new Rectangle(_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.X + (int)_headPartOffset[0].X, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Y + (int)_headPartOffset[0].Y, headWidth, headHeight);
_headParts[1] = new Rectangle(_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.X + (int)_headPartOffset[1].X, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Y + (int)_headPartOffset[1].Y, 8, headHeight);
_headParts[2] = new Rectangle(_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.X + (int)_headPartOffset[2].X, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Y + (int)_headPartOffset[2].Y, 8, headHeight);
_headParts[3] = new Rectangle(_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.X + (int)_headPartOffset[3].X, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Y + (int)_headPartOffset[3].Y, headWidth, headHeight);
_headParts[4] = new Rectangle(_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.X + (int)_headPartOffset[4].X, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Y + (int)_headPartOffset[4].Y, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Width / 2, headHeight);
_headParts[5] = new Rectangle(_stoneHead.SourceRectangle.X + (int)_headPartOffset[5].X, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Y + (int)_headPartOffset[5].Y, _stoneHead.SourceRectangle.Width / 2, headHeight);
// set the part position
for (var i = 0; i < _partPosition.Length; i++)
_partPosition[i] = new Vector3(EntityPosition.X + _headPartOffset[i].X, EntityPosition.Y + _headPartOffset[i].Y, 0);
_animator = AnimatorSaveLoad.LoadAnimator("MidBoss/turtle rock");
_sprite = new CSprite(EntityPosition);
_animationComponent = new AnimationComponent(_animator, _sprite, new Vector2(0, -16));
_aiComponent = new AiComponent();
// deal damage at the neck positions
_aiComponent.Trigger.Add(new AiTriggerUpdate(UpdateDamageNeck));
var stateStone = new AiState();
var stateWobble = new AiState();
stateWobble.Trigger.Add(new AiTriggerCountdown(WobbleTime * 18, TickWobble, WobbleEnd));
var stateBreak = new AiState(UpdateBreak) { Init = InitBreak };
var stateOpenEyes = new AiState(UpdateEyeOpening) { Init = InitOpenEyes };
var stateCome = new AiState(UpdateCome) { Init = InitCome };
var stateInitWait = new AiState();
stateInitWait.Trigger.Add(new AiTriggerCountdown(1000, null, () => _aiComponent.ChangeState("move")));
var stateMove = new AiState(UpdateMove) { Init = InitMove };
var stateWait = new AiState();
stateWait.Trigger.Add(new AiTriggerCountdown(150, null, () => _aiComponent.ChangeState("move")));
var statePreAttack = new AiState();
statePreAttack.Trigger.Add(new AiTriggerCountdown(1000, null, () => _aiComponent.ChangeState("attack")));
var stateAttack = new AiState(UpdateAttack) { Init = InitAttack };
stateAttack.Trigger.Add(new AiTriggerCountdown(600, null, () => _aiComponent.ChangeState("return")));
var stateReturn = new AiState(UpdateReturn);
var stateDead = new AiState();
_aiComponent.States.Add("stone", stateStone);
_aiComponent.States.Add("wobble", stateWobble);
_aiComponent.States.Add("break", stateBreak);
_aiComponent.States.Add("openEyes", stateOpenEyes);
_aiComponent.States.Add("come", stateCome);
_aiComponent.States.Add("initWait", stateInitWait);
_aiComponent.States.Add("move", stateMove);
_aiComponent.States.Add("wait", stateWait);
_aiComponent.States.Add("preAttack", statePreAttack);
_aiComponent.States.Add("attack", stateAttack);
_aiComponent.States.Add("return", stateReturn);
_aiComponent.States.Add("dead", stateDead);
_aiDamageState = new AiDamageState(this, _body, _aiComponent, _sprite, 16, false, false, AiDamageState.BlinkTime * 6)
HitMultiplierX = 0,
HitMultiplierY = 0,
ExplosionOffsetY = 16
var damageCollider = new CBox(EntityPosition, -6, -16, 0, 12, 30, 8);
var hittableBox = new CBox(EntityPosition, -6, -16, 0, 12, 30, 8);
AddComponent(AiComponent.Index, _aiComponent);
AddComponent(BodyComponent.Index, _body);
AddComponent(BaseAnimationComponent.Index, _animationComponent);
AddComponent(OcarinaListenerComponent.Index, new OcarinaListenerComponent(OnSongPlayed));
AddComponent(HittableComponent.Index, new HittableComponent(hittableBox, OnHit));
AddComponent(DrawComponent.Index, new DrawComponent(Draw, Values.LayerPlayer, EntityPosition));
AddComponent(DamageFieldComponent.Index, _damageField = new DamageFieldComponent(damageCollider, HitType.Enemy, 2) { IsActive = false });
AddComponent(CollisionComponent.Index, new BoxCollisionComponent(new CBox(EntityPosition, -8, 0, 16, 14, 8), Values.CollisionTypes.Enemy));
public override void Init()
Map.Objects.GetComponentList(_spriteList, (int)EntityPosition.X - 8 - 16 * 3, (int)EntityPosition.Y - 16, 16 * 7, 16 * 5, DrawComponent.Mask);
private void UpdateDamageNeck()
var startOffset = EntityPosition.Position - _startPosition;
var partCount = (int)((startOffset.Y + 4) / 16);
for (var i = 0; i < partCount; i++)
var percentage = 1 - (startOffset.Y - i * 16) / (startOffset.Y + 8);
var offset = 1 - MathF.Sin(percentage * MathF.PI / 2);
var position = new Vector2(_startPosition.X - 8 + startOffset.X * offset, EntityPosition.Y - i * 16 - 32);
var damageBox = new ProjectZ.Base.Box(position.X, position.Y, 0, 16, 16, 8);
var playerDamageBox = MapManager.ObjLink.DamageCollider.Box;
var direction = playerDamageBox.Center - damageBox.Center;
if (direction != Vector2.Zero)
direction *= 1.5f;
if (damageBox.Intersects(playerDamageBox))
MapManager.ObjLink.HitPlayer(direction, HitType.Sword, 2, false, ObjLink.CooldownTime / 4);
private void UpdateReturn()
// return to the start position
var playerDirection = _centerPosition - EntityPosition.Position;
if (playerDirection.Length() > ReturnSpeed * Game1.TimeMultiplier)
_body.VelocityTarget = playerDirection * ReturnSpeed;
_body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero;
private void InitAttack()
var playerDirection = MapManager.ObjLink.EntityPosition.Position - EntityPosition.Position;
var angle = MathF.Atan2(playerDirection.Y, playerDirection.X);
angle = MathHelper.Clamp(angle, 0, MathF.PI);
_body.VelocityTarget = new Vector2(MathF.Cos(angle), MathF.Sin(angle)) * AttackSpeed;
private void UpdateAttack()
private void InitMove()
_attackable = true;
// move to the left or to the right?
_body.VelocityTarget.X = 0.5f;
if (EntityPosition.X > _startPosition.X)
_body.VelocityTarget *= -1;
private void UpdateMove()
// finished moving?
if (_body.VelocityTarget.X < 0 && EntityPosition.X <= _startPosition.X - 15)
EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2(_startPosition.X - 15, EntityPosition.Y));
if (_body.VelocityTarget.X > 0 && EntityPosition.X >= _startPosition.X + 15)
EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2(_startPosition.X + 15, EntityPosition.Y));
private void EndMove()
_body.VelocityTarget.X = 0;
if (Game1.RandomNumber.Next(0, 2) == 0)
private void InitCome()
_body.VelocityTarget.Y = 0.25f;
private void UpdateCome()
// come out of the hole
if (EntityPosition.Y > _startPosition.Y + 32)
_body.VelocityTarget.Y = 0;
EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2(_startPosition.X, _startPosition.Y + 32));
private void InitOpenEyes()
// start opening the eyes
private void UpdateEyeOpening()
if (!_animator.IsPlaying)
private void InitBreak()
private void UpdateBreak()
_partCounter += Game1.DeltaTime;
// break away
if (_partCounter > _partBreakIndex * 500)
if (_partBreakIndex >= 6)
var partIndex = _partBreakOrder[_partBreakIndex];
_partVelocity[partIndex] = new Vector3(0.45f, 0, 1.5f);
if (partIndex == 0 || partIndex == 1 || partIndex == 4)
_partVelocity[partIndex].X *= -1;
// move the part
for (var i = 0; i < _partBreakIndex; i++)
var partIndex = _partBreakOrder[i];
_partPosition[partIndex] += _partVelocity[partIndex] * Game1.TimeMultiplier;
_partVelocity[partIndex].Z -= 0.25f * Game1.TimeMultiplier;
private void UpdateSpriteLayers()
var rectangle = new Rectangle((int)EntityPosition.X - 8, (int)EntityPosition.Y - 16, 16, 32);
foreach (var sprite in _spriteList)
if (sprite is ObjSprite)
if (!rectangle.Contains(sprite.EntityPosition.Position))
((DrawComponent)sprite.Components[DrawComponent.Index]).Layer = Values.LayerPlayer;
((DrawShadowComponent)sprite.Components[DrawShadowComponent.Index]).IsActive = true;
((DrawComponent)sprite.Components[DrawComponent.Index]).Layer = Values.LayerBottom;
((DrawShadowComponent)sprite.Components[DrawShadowComponent.Index]).IsActive = false;
private void TickWobble(double counter)
_animationComponent.SpriteOffset.X = MathF.Sin((float)(counter / WobbleTime) * 2 * MathF.PI);
private void WobbleEnd()
_animationComponent.SpriteOffset.X = 0;
private void OnDeath()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_saveKey))
Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString(_saveKey, "1");
// stop boss music
Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(-1, 2);
private void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
// change the draw effect
if (_sprite.SpriteShader != null)
ObjectManager.SpriteBatchBegin(spriteBatch, _sprite.SpriteShader);
// draw the nack while moving around outside
var startOffset = EntityPosition.Position - _startPosition;
var partCount = (int)((startOffset.Y + 4) / 16);
for (var i = 0; i < partCount; i++)
var percentage = 1 - (startOffset.Y - i * 16) / (startOffset.Y + 8);
var offset = 1 - MathF.Sin(percentage * MathF.PI / 2);
var position = new Vector2(_startPosition.X - 8 + startOffset.X * offset, EntityPosition.Y - i * 16 - 32);
DrawHelper.DrawNormalized(spriteBatch, _spriteNeck, position, Color.White);
// draw the head
// draw the head parts
if (_aiComponent.CurrentStateId != "wobble")
for (var i = 0; i < _partPosition.Length; i++)
if (_partPosition[i].Z < 0)
var position = new Vector2(_partPosition[i].X - 14, _partPosition[i].Y - _partPosition[i].Z - 16);
DrawHelper.DrawNormalized(spriteBatch, _stoneHead.Texture, position, _headParts[i], Color.White);
// change the draw effect
if (_sprite.SpriteShader != null)
ObjectManager.SpriteBatchBegin(spriteBatch, null);
private Values.HitCollision OnHit(GameObject originObject, Vector2 direction, HitType type, int damage, bool pieceOfPower)
if (_aiDamageState.CurrentLives <= 0)
return Values.HitCollision.None;
// can only be hit after beeing spawned
if (!_attackable || ((type & HitType.Sword) == 0))
return Values.HitCollision.RepellingParticle;
// close the eyes for a short time
if (!_aiDamageState.IsInDamageState())
_aiDamageState.OnHit(originObject, direction, type, damage, false);
if (_aiDamageState.CurrentLives <= 0)
_body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero;
return Values.HitCollision.Enemy;
private void OnSongPlayed(int songIndex)
if (songIndex == 2 && _aiComponent.CurrentStateId == "stone")
Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(56, 2);
((BoxCollisionComponent)Components[CollisionComponent.Index]).IsActive = false;
((DamageFieldComponent)Components[DamageFieldComponent.Index]).IsActive = true;