2023-12-14 17:21:22 -05:00

129 lines
5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Things;
namespace ProjectZ.Base.UI
public class UiEditList<T> : UiElement
public int SelectedEntry;
private readonly List<T> _list;
private const int Padding = 5;
private const int ButtonDistance = 1;
private const int ButtonHeight = 16;
private int _currentSelection = -1;
private int _startSelection = -1;
private int _scrollPosition;
private bool _isSwapping;
public UiEditList(Rectangle rectangle, SpriteFont font, List<T> list, string elementId, string screen, UiFunction update)
: base(elementId, screen)
Rectangle = rectangle;
_list = list;
UpdateFunction = update;
Font = font;
public override void Update()
var listEntrySize = (ButtonHeight + ButtonDistance);
_currentSelection = -1;
if (InputHandler.MouseIntersect(Rectangle))
// scroll through the list
if (InputHandler.MouseWheelUp())
if (InputHandler.MouseWheelDown())
var maxVisibleEntries = Rectangle.Height / listEntrySize;
var maxScrollPosition = maxVisibleEntries >= _list.Count ? 0 : _list.Count - maxVisibleEntries;
_scrollPosition = Math.Clamp(_scrollPosition, 0, maxScrollPosition);
_currentSelection = (InputHandler.MouseState.Y - Rectangle.Y + _scrollPosition * listEntrySize) / listEntrySize;
if (_currentSelection < _list.Count && InputHandler.MouseLeftStart())
_isSwapping = true;
SelectedEntry = _currentSelection;
_startSelection = _currentSelection;
if (_isSwapping && InputHandler.MouseLeftDown())
// swap entries?
if (_startSelection != _currentSelection && _currentSelection < _list.Count)
var copy = _list[_startSelection];
_list[_startSelection] = _list[_currentSelection];
_list[_currentSelection] = copy;
_startSelection = _currentSelection;
SelectedEntry = _currentSelection;
if (!InputHandler.MouseLeftDown())
_isSwapping = false;
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
var posY = Rectangle.Y;
for (var i = _scrollPosition; i < _list.Count; i++)
var marked = _currentSelection == i || SelectedEntry == i;
// draw the background
var buttonRectangle = new Rectangle(Rectangle.X + Padding, posY + Padding, Rectangle.Width - Padding * 2, ButtonHeight);
spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, buttonRectangle, marked ? FontColor : BackgroundColor);
// draw the text
var text = _list[i].ToString();
var labelSize = Font.MeasureString(text);
var textPosition = new Vector2((int)(Rectangle.X + Rectangle.Width / 2 - labelSize.X / 2), (int)(posY + ButtonDistance + ButtonHeight / 2 - labelSize.Y / 2 + 2));
spriteBatch.DrawString(Font, text, textPosition, marked ? BackgroundColor : FontColor);
posY += ButtonHeight + ButtonDistance;
// draw the scrollbar
if(_list.Count > 0)
var listEntrySize = (ButtonHeight + ButtonDistance);
var maxVisibleEntries = Rectangle.Height / listEntrySize;
var maxScrollPosition = maxVisibleEntries >= _list.Count ? 0 : _list.Count - maxVisibleEntries;
var scrollBarHeight = (int)((maxVisibleEntries / (float)_list.Count) * Rectangle.Height);
if (maxScrollPosition > 0)
// draw the bar background
new Rectangle(Rectangle.Right - Padding + 1, Rectangle.Y, Padding - 2, Rectangle.Height), Values.ColorBackgroundLight);
// draw the bar
new Rectangle(Rectangle.Right - Padding + 1,
Rectangle.Y + (int)((_scrollPosition / (float)maxScrollPosition) * (Rectangle.Height - scrollBarHeight)), Padding - 2, scrollBarHeight), BackgroundColor);