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synced 2025-03-23 18:39:21 +00:00
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using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.CObjects;
using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.Components;
using ProjectZ.InGame.SaveLoad;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Things;
namespace ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Things
class ObjBook : GameObject
private readonly BodyComponent _body;
private readonly CSprite _sprite;
private readonly DictAtlasEntry _spriteBook;
private readonly DictAtlasEntry _spriteBookOpen;
private readonly string _strKey;
private readonly string _dialogKey;
// when the dialogKey + "_open" key is set the book sprite will be shown as opened
private readonly string _openBookKey;
private bool _hasFallen;
public ObjBook() : base("book_0") { }
public ObjBook(Map.Map map, int posX, int posY, string strKey, string dialogKey, int spriteIndex) : base(map)
EntityPosition = new CPosition(posX + 8, posY + 16, 0);
EntitySize = new Rectangle(-8, -16, 16, 18);
_strKey = strKey;
_dialogKey = dialogKey;
_openBookKey = dialogKey + "_open";
spriteIndex = MathHelper.Clamp(spriteIndex, 0, 3);
// has the book already fallen down?
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_strKey) && Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString(_strKey) != "1")
EntityPosition.Z = 30;
EntitySize = new Rectangle(-Values.FieldWidth / 2, -32, Values.FieldWidth, Values.FieldHeight);
_hasFallen = true;
_spriteBook = Resources.GetSprite("book_" + spriteIndex);
_spriteBookOpen = Resources.GetSprite("book_open");
_sprite = new CSprite(_spriteBook, EntityPosition, new Vector2(-4, -11));
var tileRectangle = map.GetField(posX, posY);
_body = new BodyComponent(EntityPosition, -4, -11, 8, 11, 8)
IsActive = false,
Gravity = -0.125f,
Bounciness = 0.45f,
var interactionBox = new CBox(EntityPosition, -6, -11, 0, 12, 13, 8);
if (!_hasFallen)
var hitBox = new CBox(EntityPosition.X + EntitySize.X, EntityPosition.Y + EntitySize.Y, 0, EntitySize.Width, EntitySize.Height, 16);
AddComponent(HittableComponent.Index, new HittableComponent(hitBox, OnHit));
AddComponent(BodyComponent.Index, _body);
AddComponent(InteractComponent.Index, new InteractComponent(interactionBox, OnInteract));
AddComponent(KeyChangeListenerComponent.Index, new KeyChangeListenerComponent(OnKeyChange));
AddComponent(DrawComponent.Index, new DrawCSpriteComponent(_sprite, Values.LayerBottom));
private void OnKeyChange()
var keyState = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString(_openBookKey);
var openBook = keyState == "1";
_sprite.SetSprite(openBook ? _spriteBookOpen : _spriteBook);
_sprite.DrawOffset.X = -_sprite.SourceRectangle.Width / 2 * _sprite.Scale;
_sprite.DrawOffset.Y = -11;
private bool OnInteract()
return true;
private Values.HitCollision OnHit(GameObject gameObject, Vector2 direction, HitType damageType, int damage, bool pieceOfPower)
if (_hasFallen)
return Values.HitCollision.None;
if (damageType == HitType.PegasusBootsPush)
return Values.HitCollision.None;
private void StartFalling()
_hasFallen = true;
_body.IsActive = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_strKey))
Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString(_strKey, "1");