
674 lines
28 KiB

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using ProjectZ.Base;
using ProjectZ.Base.UI;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Map;
using ProjectZ.InGame.SaveLoad;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Things;
namespace ProjectZ.Editor
class TileEditorScreen
public Map Map;
private TileMap TileMap => Map.TileMap;
public Point Selection;
public Point SelectionStart;
public Point SelectionEnd;
public bool DrawMode;
public bool Drawing;
public bool MarkSelectedTiles;
public bool MultiSelect;
public bool IsSelecting;
public bool[] LayerVisibility = { true, true, false };
private readonly EditorCamera _camera;
private readonly TileSelectionScreen _tileSelectionScreen = new TileSelectionScreen();
private Point _mousePosition;
private int _replaceSelections;
private int _currentLayer;
private int _toolBarWidth = 200;
private bool _removedTile;
public TileEditorScreen(EditorCamera camera)
_camera = camera;
public void Load(ContentManager content)
public void SetupUi(int posY)
var buttonWidth = _toolBarWidth - 10;
var buttonHalfWidth = _toolBarWidth / 2 - 15;
var buttonHeight = 30;
var lableHeight = 20;
var buttonQWidth = buttonWidth - 2 * 5 - buttonHeight * 2;
var dist = 5;
var bigDist = 16;
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(5, posY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight),
Resources.EditorFont, "import tilemap", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, null, ui => { SaveLoadMap.ImportTilemap(); }));
posY += 11;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
var layer = i;
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(
new Rectangle(5, posY += buttonHeight + dist, buttonQWidth, buttonHeight), Resources.EditorFont,
"layer " + layer, "bt1", Values.EditorUiTileEditor,
ui => { ((UiButton)ui).Marked = _currentLayer == layer; },
ui => { ButtonPressedLayer(layer); }));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(5 + buttonQWidth + dist, posY, buttonHeight, buttonHeight),
Resources.EditorFont, "", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, null, ui => ButtonUpdate(ui, layer))
{ ButtonIcon = LayerVisibility[i] ? Resources.EditorEyeOpen : Resources.EditorEyeClosed });
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(5 + buttonQWidth + dist * 2 + buttonHeight, posY, buttonHeight, buttonHeight),
Resources.EditorFont, "", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, null, ui => RemoveTileContent(layer))
{ ButtonIcon = Resources.EditorIconDelete });
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiCheckBox(
new Rectangle(5, posY += buttonHeight + bigDist, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), Resources.EditorFont,
"mark selected tiles", "cb", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, false, null,
ui => { MarkSelectedTiles = ((UiCheckBox)ui).CurrentState; }));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiLabel(new Rectangle(5, posY += buttonHeight + bigDist, buttonHalfWidth, buttonHeight), "from:", Values.EditorUiTileEditor));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiImage(null,
new Rectangle(10 + buttonHalfWidth, posY, 16 * 2, 16 * 2),
new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "from", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, Color.White, UpdateImageFrom));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(5, posY += buttonHeight + bigDist, buttonWidth, buttonHeight),
"change tiles", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, null, ui => { ReplaceTiles(); }));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(5, posY += buttonHeight + dist, buttonWidth, buttonHeight),
"create blur map", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, null, ui => { CreateBlurMap(); }));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(5, posY += buttonHeight + dist, buttonWidth, buttonHeight),
"create blur sides", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTileEditor, null, ui => { CreateBlurMapSides(); }));
public void UpdateTileSelection(GameTime gameTime)
// update tile selection
public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
Game1.EditorUi.CurrentScreen = Values.EditorUiTileEditor;
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap == null)
_removedTile = false;
_mousePosition = InputHandler.MousePosition();
// update the tiled and the object cursor
Selection = GetTiledCursor();
// select the current tile
if (InputHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.Space))
var selection = GetSelection(Selection);
_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles = new[,] { { selection } };
_replaceSelections = selection;
if (InputHandler.KeyDown(Keys.Space))
IsSelecting = true;
// draw
if (!MultiSelect)
SelectionStart = Selection;
SelectionEnd = Selection;
// cursor outside the map? -> resize map
if (InputHandler.MouseLeftDown() && InsideEditor() && !IsInsideTileMap(Selection))
if (InsideEditor() && !Drawing)
if (InputHandler.MouseLeftStart())
DrawMode = true;
Drawing = true;
else if (InputHandler.MouseRightStart())
DrawMode = false;
Drawing = true;
if ((DrawMode && (InputHandler.MouseLeftDown() || InputHandler.MouseLeftReleased()) ||
!DrawMode && (InputHandler.MouseRightDown() || InputHandler.MouseRightReleased())) && Drawing)
if ((InputHandler.KeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || InputHandler.KeyDown(Keys.Space)) &&
(DrawMode && InputHandler.MouseLeftDown() || !DrawMode && InputHandler.MouseRightDown()))
MultiSelect = true;
// no longer in multiselect
if (MultiSelect)
MultiSelect = false;
if (IsSelecting)
if (!IsSelecting)
IsSelecting = false;
MultiSelect = false;
Drawing = false;
// delete the tiles that are marked
if (InputHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.Delete) && MarkSelectedTiles)
if (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles != null)
for (int z = 0; z < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2); z++)
for (var y = 0; y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] >= 0 &&
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] == _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[0, 0])
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] = -1;
if (_removedTile && CutCorners())
public void DrawTileSelection(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
// draw the tileset
_tileSelectionScreen.Draw(spriteBatch, _currentLayer == TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - 1);
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, bool drawCursor)
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap == null)
// draw the visible layers of the map
for (var z = 0; z < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2); z++)
if (LayerVisibility[z])
DrawLayer(spriteBatch, z);
// draw the cursor
// only draw the cursor when the update function was called
if (drawCursor)
new Rectangle(Selection.X * Values.TileSize, Selection.Y * Values.TileSize,
Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize), Color.Red * 0.75f);
// draw the selection
if (MultiSelect)
var left = Math.Min(SelectionStart.X, SelectionEnd.X);
var right = Math.Max(SelectionStart.X, SelectionEnd.X);
var top = Math.Min(SelectionStart.Y, SelectionEnd.Y);
var down = Math.Max(SelectionStart.Y, SelectionEnd.Y);
new Rectangle(
left * Values.TileSize,
top * Values.TileSize,
(right - left + 1) * Values.TileSize,
(down - top + 1) * Values.TileSize), Color.White * 0.5f);
// draw the preview
for (var y = top; y <= down; y++)
for (var x = left; x <= right; x++)
if (!DrawMode)
spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, new Rectangle(
x * Values.TileSize, y * Values.TileSize,
Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize), Color.Red * 0.5f);
private void DrawLayer(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int layer)
// only draw the visible tiles
var startX = Math.Max(0, (int)(-_camera.Location.X / (_camera.Scale * Values.TileSize)));
var startY = Math.Max(0, (int)(-_camera.Location.Y / (_camera.Scale * Values.TileSize)));
var endX = Math.Min(TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0),
(int)((Game1.WindowWidth - _camera.Location.X) / (_camera.Scale * Values.TileSize)) + 1);
var endY = Math.Min(TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1),
(int)((Game1.WindowHeight - _camera.Location.Y) / (_camera.Scale * Values.TileSize)) + 1);
// draw the tilemap
for (var y = startY; y < endY; y++)
for (var x = startX; x < endX; x++)
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, layer] >= 0)
var tileset = layer + 1 == TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) ? TileMap.SprTilesetBlur : TileMap.SprTileset;
new Rectangle(x * Values.TileSize, y * Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize),
new Rectangle(
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, layer] % (TileMap.SprTileset.Width / TileMap.TileSize) * TileMap.TileSize,
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, layer] / (TileMap.SprTileset.Width / TileMap.TileSize) * TileMap.TileSize, TileMap.TileSize, TileMap.TileSize), Color.White);
if (MarkSelectedTiles && _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles != null &&
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, layer] == _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[0, 0])
new Rectangle(x * Values.TileSize, y * Values.TileSize,
Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize), Color.Red * (float)(Math.Sin(Game1.TotalGameTime / 100f) * 0.25f + 0.5f));
public void DrawTop(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
// draw the background
spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, new Rectangle(
0, Game1.WindowHeight - _toolBarWidth, _toolBarWidth, _toolBarWidth), Color.White * 0.25f);
if (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles == null)
var width = _toolBarWidth - 10;
var height = _toolBarWidth - 10;
var max = MathHelper.Max(_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(0), _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(1));
var tileWidth = width / max;
var tileHeight = height / max;
var posX = width / 2 - (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(0) * tileWidth) / 2;
var posY = width / 2 - (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(1) * tileHeight) / 2;
for (var y = 0; y < _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(0); x++)
var tileset = _currentLayer + 1 == TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) ? TileMap.SprTilesetBlur : TileMap.SprTileset;
if (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[x, y] >= 0)
spriteBatch.Draw(tileset, new Rectangle(
5 + posX + x * tileWidth, Game1.WindowHeight - _toolBarWidth + posY + 5 + y * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight), new Rectangle(
_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[x, y] % (TileMap.SprTileset.Width / Values.TileSize) * Values.TileSize,
_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[x, y] / (TileMap.SprTileset.Width / Values.TileSize) * Values.TileSize,
Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize), Color.White);
private void ResizeMap()
var posX = 0;
var posY = 0;
var newWidth = TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0);
var newHeight = TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1);
if (Selection.X < 0)
posX = -Selection.X;
newWidth -= Selection.X;
_camera.Location.X += (int)(Selection.X * _camera.Scale * 16);
else if (Selection.X >= newWidth)
newWidth = Selection.X + 1;
if (Selection.Y < 0)
posY = -Selection.Y;
newHeight -= Selection.Y;
_camera.Location.Y += (int)(Selection.Y * _camera.Scale * 16);
else if (Selection.Y >= newHeight)
newHeight = Selection.Y + 1;
Map.ResizeMap(newWidth, newHeight, posX, posY);
private bool IsInsideTileMap(Point selection)
return 0 <= selection.X && selection.X < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0) &&
0 <= selection.Y && selection.Y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1);
private bool InsideEditor()
return InputHandler.MouseIntersect(new Rectangle(
_toolBarWidth, Values.ToolBarHeight,
Game1.WindowWidth - _toolBarWidth * 2,
Game1.WindowHeight - Values.ToolBarHeight));
private int GetSelection(Point position)
if (IsInsideTileMap(position))
return TileMap.ArrayTileMap[position.X, position.Y, _currentLayer];
return -1;
private Point GetTiledCursor()
var position = new Point(
(int)((_mousePosition.X - _camera.Location.X) / (Values.TileSize * _camera.Scale)),
(int)((_mousePosition.Y - _camera.Location.Y) / (Values.TileSize * _camera.Scale)));
// fix
if (_mousePosition.X - _camera.Location.X < 0)
if (_mousePosition.Y - _camera.Location.Y < 0)
return position;
/// <summary>
/// replace a tile with a different one
/// </summary>
private void ReplaceTiles()
// return if no tile is select
if (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles == null ||
_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(0) <= 0 ||
_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(1) <= 0)
var toSelection = _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[0, 0];
for (var z = 0; z < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2); z++)
for (var y = 0; y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] == _replaceSelections)
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] = toSelection;
private void CreateBlurMap()
for (var y = 0; y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, 0] == -1 && (
TileNotEmpty(x - 1, y, 0) || TileNotEmpty(x + 1, y, 0) || TileNotEmpty(x, y - 1, 0) || TileNotEmpty(x, y + 1, 0) ||
TileNotEmpty(x - 1, y - 1, 0) || TileNotEmpty(x + 1, y - 1, 0) || TileNotEmpty(x - 1, y + 1, 0) || TileNotEmpty(x + 1, y + 1, 0)))
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - 1] = 0;
private void CreateBlurMapSides()
for (var y = 0; y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, 0] == -1)
if (!TileNotEmpty(x - 1, y, 0) && !TileNotEmpty(x, y - 1, 0) && TileNotEmpty(x + 1, y, 0) && TileNotEmpty(x, y + 1, 0))
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - 1] = 3;
if (!TileNotEmpty(x - 1, y, 0) && TileNotEmpty(x, y - 1, 0) && TileNotEmpty(x + 1, y, 0) && !TileNotEmpty(x, y + 1, 0))
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - 1] = 1;
if (TileNotEmpty(x - 1, y, 0) && !TileNotEmpty(x, y - 1, 0) && !TileNotEmpty(x + 1, y, 0) && TileNotEmpty(x, y + 1, 0))
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - 1] = 4;
if (TileNotEmpty(x - 1, y, 0) && TileNotEmpty(x, y - 1, 0) && !TileNotEmpty(x + 1, y, 0) && !TileNotEmpty(x, y + 1, 0))
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - 1] = 2;
private bool TileNotEmpty(int x, int y, int z)
if (x < 0 || TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0) <= x ||
y < 0 || TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1) <= y ||
z < 0 || TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) <= z)
return false;
return TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] >= 0;
private void SelectArea()
var left = Math.Min(SelectionStart.X, SelectionEnd.X);
var right = Math.Max(SelectionStart.X, SelectionEnd.X);
var top = Math.Min(SelectionStart.Y, SelectionEnd.Y);
var down = Math.Max(SelectionStart.Y, SelectionEnd.Y);
_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles = new int[right - left + 1, down - top + 1];
for (var y = top; y <= down; y++)
for (var x = left; x <= right; x++)
_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[x - left, y - top] = GetSelection(new Point(x, y));
private void FillMultiSelection()
if (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles == null)
var left = Math.Min(SelectionStart.X, SelectionEnd.X);
var right = Math.Max(SelectionStart.X, SelectionEnd.X);
var top = Math.Min(SelectionStart.Y, SelectionEnd.Y);
var down = Math.Max(SelectionStart.Y, SelectionEnd.Y);
for (var y = top; y <= down; y++)
for (var x = left; x <= right; x++)
var index = DrawMode ? _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[
(x - left) % _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(0),
(y - top) % _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(1)] : -1;
// do not erase stuff in draw mode
if (DrawMode && index < 0)
DrawTileAt(x, y, _currentLayer, index);
private void DrawTileAt(int x, int y, int z, int index)
// check if the position is inside the tilemap
if (x < 0 || x >= TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0) ||
y < 0 || y >= TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1) ||
z < 0 || z >= TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2))
if (index < 0)
_removedTile = true;
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] = index;
private bool CutCorners()
var posX = TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0);
var posY = TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1);
var newWidth = 0;
var newHeight = 0;
for (var z = 0; z < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2); z++)
for (var y = 0; y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] >= 0)
if (posX > x)
posX = x;
if (newWidth < x + 1)
newWidth = x + 1;
if (posY > y)
posY = y;
if (newHeight < y + 1)
newHeight = y + 1;
// did not change the size?
if (posX == 0 && posY == 0 &&
newWidth == TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0) &&
newHeight == TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1))
return false;
newWidth -= posX;
newHeight -= posY;
Map.ResizeMap(newWidth, newHeight, -posX, -posY);
_camera.Location.X += (int)(posX * _camera.Scale * 16);
_camera.Location.Y += (int)(posY * _camera.Scale * 16);
return true;
private void FillSelection()
if (DrawMode && _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles != null)
// draw selected tiles
var left = Selection.X;
var right = Selection.X + _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(0);
var top = SelectionEnd.Y;
var down = SelectionEnd.Y + _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles.GetLength(1);
for (var y = top; y < down; y++)
for (var x = left; x < right; x++)
// do not erase stuff in draw mode
if (_tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[x - left, y - top] >= 0)
DrawTileAt(x, y, _currentLayer, _tileSelectionScreen.SelectedTiles[x - left, y - top]);
else if (!DrawMode)
// remove tile
DrawTileAt(Selection.X, Selection.Y, _currentLayer, -1);
private void ButtonPressedLayer(int layer)
_currentLayer = layer;
private void ButtonUpdate(UiElement ui, int layer)
LayerVisibility[layer] = !LayerVisibility[layer];
((UiButton)ui).ButtonIcon = LayerVisibility[layer] ? Resources.EditorEyeOpen : Resources.EditorEyeClosed;
private void DeleteTilelayer(int layer)
if (layer >= TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) ||
TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) <= 0)
var newTilemap = new int[
TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - 1];
// move the content to a new tilemap without copying the deleted layer
for (var z = 0; z < newTilemap.GetLength(2); z++)
for (var y = 0; y < newTilemap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < newTilemap.GetLength(0); x++)
var posZ = z == layer ? z + 1 : z;
newTilemap[x, y, posZ] = TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z];
TileMap.ArrayTileMap = newTilemap;
private void RemoveTileContent(int layer)
if (layer >= TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) ||
TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) <= 0)
for (var y = 0; y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, layer] = -1;
private void UpdateImageFrom(UiElement ui)
if (TileMap.SprTileset == null) return;
if (_replaceSelections < 0)
((UiImage)ui).SprImage = null;
((UiImage)ui).SprImage = TileMap.SprTileset;
((UiImage)ui).SourceRectangle =
new Rectangle(
_replaceSelections % (TileMap.SprTileset.Width / Values.TileSize) * Values.TileSize,
_replaceSelections / (TileMap.SprTileset.Width / Values.TileSize) * Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize, Values.TileSize);
public void OffsetTileMap(int offsetX, int offsetY)
var dirY = offsetY < 0 ? 1 : -1;
var dirX = offsetX < 0 ? 1 : -1;
for (var z = 0; z < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2); z++)
for (var y = dirY == 1 ? 0 : TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1) - 1;
(dirY == 1 && y < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1)) || (dirY == -1 && y >= 0); y += dirY)
for (var x = dirX == 1 ? 0 : TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0) - 1;
(dirX == 1 && x < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0)) || (dirX == -1 && x >= 0); x += dirX)
var newX = x - offsetX;
var newY = y - offsetY;
if (0 <= newX && newX < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0) &&
0 <= newY && newY < TileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1))
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] = TileMap.ArrayTileMap[newX, newY, z];
TileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] = -1;