using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using ProjectZ.Base; using ProjectZ.InGame.Controls; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.CObjects; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.Components; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Base.Systems; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Dungeon; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.NPCs; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.Things; using ProjectZ.InGame.GameSystems; using ProjectZ.InGame.Map; using ProjectZ.InGame.SaveLoad; using ProjectZ.InGame.Things; namespace ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects { public partial class ObjLink : GameObject { public enum State { Idle, Pushing, Grabbing, Pulling, Jumping, Attacking, Charging, Blocking, PreCarrying, Carrying, Throwing, CarryingItem, PickingUp, Falling, Ocarina, OcarinaTelport, Rafting, Pushed, FallRotateEntry, Drowning, Drowned, Swimming, Teleporting, MagicRod, Hookshot, Bombing, Powdering, Digging, BootKnockback, TeleporterUpWait, TeleporterUp, TeleportFallWait, TeleportFall, Dying, InitStunned, Stunned, Knockout, SwordShow0, SwordShow1, SwordShowLv2, ShowInstrumentPart0, ShowInstrumentPart1, ShowInstrumentPart2, ShowInstrumentPart3, ShowToadstool, CloakShow0, CloakShow1, Intro, BedTransition, Sequence, FinalInstruments, Frozen } public State CurrentState; private List _bombList = new List(); private List _ocarinaList = new List(); private List _destroyableWallList = new List(); // movement stuff public float PosX => EntityPosition.X; public float PosY => EntityPosition.Y; public float PosZ => EntityPosition.Z; private const float WalkSpeed = 1.0f; private const float WalkSpeedPoP = 20 / 16f; private const float BootsRunningSpeed = 2.0f; private const float SwimSpeed = 0.5f; private const float SwimSpeedA = 1.0f; private float _currentWalkSpeed; private float _waterSoundCounter; private readonly Vector2[] _walkDirection = { new Vector2(-1, 0), new Vector2(0, -1), new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(0, 1) }; public Vector2 ForwardVector { get => _walkDirection[Direction]; } private Vector2 _moveVelocity; private Vector2 _lastMoveVelocity; private Vector2 _lastBaseMoveVelocity; public Vector2 LastMoveVector; private Point _lastTilePosition; public int Direction; private bool _isWalking; // player animations public readonly Animator Animation; private int _animationOffsetX = -7; private int _animationOffsetY = -16; private CSprite _sprite; private float _spriteTransparency; private bool _isVisible; public bool IsVisible { get => _isVisible; set { _isVisible = value; _sprite.IsVisible = value; } } // weapon animations private Animator AnimatorWeapons; private double _fallEntryCounter; // hole stuff private Vector2 _holeResetPoint; private Vector2 _alternativeHoleResetPosition; // map change on hole fall public string HoleResetRoom; public string HoleResetEntryId; public int HoleTeleporterId; public bool WasHoleReset; private double _holeTeleportCounter; // counter to start the level change private float _holeFallCounter; private bool _isFallingIntoHole; // body stuff public BodyComponent _body; public RectangleF BodyRectangle => _body.BodyBox.Box.Rectangle(); public RectangleF PlayerRectangle => new RectangleF(PosX - 4, PosY - 12 - PosZ, 8, 12); private BodyDrawComponent _drawBody; private BodyDrawShadowComponent _shadowComponent; private DrawComponent.DrawTemplate _bodyDrawFunction; // carried object private GameObject _carriedGameObject; private DrawComponent _carriedObjDrawComp; private CarriableComponent _carriedComponent; private Vector3 _carryStartPosition; // show item public GameItem ShowItem; private Vector2 _showItemOffset; // used to only collect the item after it was shown private GameItemCollected _collectedShowItem; private string _pickupDialogOverride; private string _additionalPickupDialog; private double _itemShowCounter; private bool _showItem; private bool _savedPreItemPickup; public bool SavePreItemPickup { get { return _savedPreItemPickup; } } private const int dist0 = 30; private const int dist1 = 15; private readonly Vector2[] _showInstrumentOffset = { new Vector2(-dist1, -dist0), new Vector2(dist1, -dist0), new Vector2(dist0, dist1), new Vector2(dist0, -dist1), new Vector2(dist1, dist0),new Vector2(-dist1, dist0),new Vector2(-dist0, -dist1),new Vector2(-dist0, dist1) }; private readonly int[] _instrumentMusicIndex = { 31, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 }; // show sword lv2 private float _showSwordLv2Counter; private float _showSwordL2ParticleCounter; private bool _shownSwordLv2Dialog; // transition stuff public Vector2? MapTransitionStart; public Vector2? MapTransitionEnd; public Vector2? NextMapPositionStart; public Vector2? NextMapPositionEnd; public string NextMapPositionId; public int DirectionEntry; public bool IsTransitioning; public bool NextMapFallStart; public bool NextMapFallRotateStart; public bool TransitionOutWalking; public bool TransitionInWalking; private bool _wasTransitioning; private bool _startBedTransition; // rail jump private Vector2 _railJumpStartPosition; private Vector2 _railJumpTargetPosition; private float _railJumpPositionZ; private float _railJumpPercentage; private float _railJumpHeight; // swim stuff private Vector2 _swimVelocity; private float _swimBoostCount; private float _diveCounter; // store item picked up by the player public GameItem StoreItem; private int _storeItemWidth; private int _storeItemHeight; private Vector2 _storePickupPosition; private bool _showStealMessage; // follower private GameObjectFollower _objFollower; private ObjCock _objRooster; private ObjMarin _objMaria; private const string _spawnGhostKey = "spawn_ghost"; private ObjGhost _objGhost; private bool _spawnGhost; // boots private bool _bootsHolding; private bool _bootsRunning; private bool _wasBootsRunning; private bool _bootsStop; private float _bootsCounter; private float _bootsRunTime = 500; private float _bootsParticleTime = 120; // trapped state private int _trapInteractionCount; private bool _isTrapped; private bool _trappedDisableItems; // raft private ObjRaft _objRaft; private bool _isRafting; // stonelifter pull private const float PullTime = 100; private const float PullMaxTime = 400; private const float PullResetTime = -133; private float _pullCounter; private bool _isPulling; private bool _wasPulling; // pick up time private const float PreCarryTime = 200; private float _preCarryCounter; // drown stuff private Vector2 _drownResetPosition; private float _drownCounter; private float _drownResetCounter; // sword stuff public Box SwordDamageBox; private float _swordPokeTime = 100; private float _swordPokeCounter; private Vector2[] _shootSwordOffset; private bool _shotSword; public CBox DamageCollider; private Vector2 _hitVelocity; public const int BlinkTime = 66; public const int CooldownTime = BlinkTime * 16; private double _hitCount; private double _hitRepelTime; private double _hitParticleTime; private const float SwordChargeTime = 500; private float _swordChargeCounter; private bool _swordPoked; private bool _stopCharging; private Point[] _pokeAnimationOffset; private bool _isHoldingSword; private bool _isSwingingSword; public bool CarrySword; // items private ObjBoomerang _boomerang = new ObjBoomerang(); private Vector2[] _boomerangOffset; private Vector2[] _arrowOffset; public bool HasFlippers; // arrow private const float ArrowSpeed = 3; private const float ArrowSpeedPoP = 4; // shield public bool CarryShield; private bool _wasBlocking; // hookshot public ObjHookshot Hookshot = new ObjHookshot(); private Vector2[] _hookshotOffset; private bool _hookshotPull; // magic rod private Vector2[] _magicRodOffset; private const float MagicRodSpeed = 3; private const float MagicRodSpeedPoP = 4; // shovel private Vector2[] _shovelOffset; private Point _digPosition; private bool _hasDug; private bool _canDig; private Vector2[] _powderOffset; private Vector2[] _bombOffset; // ocarina private float _ocarinaCounter; private int _ocarinaNoteIndex; private int _ocarinaSong; // jump stuff private bool _canJump = true; private const float JumpAcceleration = 2.35f; private float _railJumpSpeed; // should probably have been a different state because we do not want to be able to use certain items while railjumping compared to normally jumping private bool _railJump; private bool _startedJumping; private bool _hasStartedJumping; // cloak transition private int CloakTransitionTime = 2200; private float _cloakTransitionCounter; private float _cloakPercentage; private int CloakTransitionOutTime = 2500; private float _cloakTransitionOutCounter; // teleport stuff private ObjDungeonTeleporter _teleporter; private string _teleportMap; private string _teleporterId; private float _teleportCounter; private float _teleportCounterFull; private int _teleportState; // instrument stuff // @TODO: replace private Rectangle[] _noteSourceRectangles = { new Rectangle(145, 97, 10, 12), new Rectangle(156, 97, 6, 12) }; private bool[] _noteInit = { false, false }; private int[] _noteSpriteIndex = { 0, 0 }; private double _instrumentPickupTime; private float _instrumentCounter; private float _instrumentEndTime; private int _instrumentIndex; private int _instrumentCycleTime = 1000; private bool _drawInstrumentEffect; private bool _pickingUpInstrument; private bool _pickingUpSword; // push stuff private Vector2 _pushStart; private Vector2 _pushEnd; private float _pushCounter; private int _pushTime; // used by the vaccuum private float _rotationCounter; // stunned state private float _stunnedCounter; private bool _stunnedParticles; // final sequence private int _finalIndex; private double _finalSeqCounter; // save position public string SaveMap; public Vector2 SavePosition; public int SaveDirection; // other stuff public Point CollisionBoxSize; private MapStates.FieldStates _lastFieldState; public bool CanWalk; public bool DisableItems; public bool UpdatePlayer; public bool IsPoking; private bool _pokeStart; private bool _isLocked; private bool _isGrabbed; private bool _isFlying; private bool _inDungeon; #if DEBUG private bool _attackMode; #endif private DictAtlasEntry _stunnedParticleSprite; public ObjLink() : base((Map.Map)null) { EntityPosition = new CPosition(0, 0, 0); EntitySize = new Rectangle(-8, -16, 16, 16); // load the player + sword animations Animation = AnimatorSaveLoad.LoadAnimator("link0"); AnimatorWeapons = AnimatorSaveLoad.LoadAnimator("Objects/sword"); _stunnedParticleSprite = Resources.GetSprite("stunned particle"); CollisionBoxSize = new Point(8, 8); _body = new BodyComponent(EntityPosition, -4, -10, 8, 10, 8) { IsPusher = true, IsSlider = true, MaxJumpHeight = 3, Drag = 0.9f, DragAir = 0.9f, Gravity = -0.15f, Gravity2D = 0.1f, AbsorbPercentage = 1f, HoleOnPull = OnHolePull, HoleAbsorb = OnHoleAbsorb, MoveCollision = OnMoveCollision, CollisionTypes = Values.CollisionTypes.Normal | Values.CollisionTypes.Enemy | Values.CollisionTypes.PlayerItem | Values.CollisionTypes.LadderTop, }; DamageCollider = new CBox(EntityPosition, -5, -10, 10, 10, 8); _powderOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-12, 0), new Vector2(-2, -CollisionBoxSize.Y -5), new Vector2(12, 0), new Vector2(2, 10) }; _boomerangOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-10, -3), new Vector2(-2, -CollisionBoxSize.Y -1), new Vector2(10, -3), new Vector2(2, 6) }; _arrowOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-10, 0), new Vector2(-2, -CollisionBoxSize.Y -1), new Vector2(10, 0), new Vector2(2, 6) }; _magicRodOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-10, -4), new Vector2(-4, -CollisionBoxSize.Y - 8), new Vector2(10, -4), new Vector2(3, 4) }; _shootSwordOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-10, -4), new Vector2(-5, -CollisionBoxSize.Y - 8), new Vector2(10, -4), new Vector2(4, 4) }; _hookshotOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-5, -4), new Vector2(-3, -CollisionBoxSize.Y - 2), new Vector2(5, -4), new Vector2(3, 0) }; _shovelOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-9, -1), new Vector2(0, -14), new Vector2(9, -1), new Vector2(0, 1) }; _bombOffset = new[] { new Vector2(-10, 0), new Vector2(0, -CollisionBoxSize.Y - 2), new Vector2(10, 0), new Vector2(0, 8) }; _pokeAnimationOffset = new[] { new Point(-16, -4), new Point(-4, -CollisionBoxSize.Y - 16), new Point(16, -4), new Point(5, 12) }; _sprite = new CSprite(EntityPosition); // cant just change the offset value without changing the blocking rectangle var animatorComponent = new AnimationComponent(Animation, _sprite, new Vector2(_animationOffsetX, _animationOffsetY)); // custom draw function _drawBody = new BodyDrawComponent(_body, DrawLink, Values.LayerPlayer); _bodyDrawFunction = _drawBody.Draw; _drawBody.Draw = Draw; AddComponent(KeyChangeListenerComponent.Index, new KeyChangeListenerComponent(OnKeyChange)); AddComponent(BodyComponent.Index, _body); AddComponent(BaseAnimationComponent.Index, animatorComponent); AddComponent(CollisionComponent.Index, new BodyCollisionComponent(_body, Values.CollisionTypes.Player)); AddComponent(UpdateComponent.Index, new UpdateComponent(Update)); AddComponent(DrawComponent.Index, _drawBody); AddComponent(DrawShadowComponent.Index, _shadowComponent = new BodyDrawShadowComponent(_body, _sprite)); EntityPosition.AddPositionListener(typeof(CarriableComponent), UpdatePositionCarriedObject); } private void Update() { #if DEBUG if (InputHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.Y)) Game1.GameManager.InitPieceOfPower(); if (InputHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.X)) _attackMode = !_attackMode; if (_attackMode) { var damageBox = new Box(EntityPosition.X - 160, EntityPosition.Y - 140, 0, 320, 280, 16); var damageOrigin = damageBox.Center; //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.Sword1, Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive ? 2 : 1, Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.Bomb, 2, false); Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.Bow, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.Hookshot, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.MagicRod, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.MagicPowder, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.PegasusBootsSword, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.PegasusBootsPush, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.ThrownObject, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.SwordShot, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.SwordHold, 2, false); //Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.SwordSpin, 2, false); } #endif if (CurrentState == State.FallRotateEntry) { _fallEntryCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; Direction = (int)(DirectionEntry + (_fallEntryCounter + 96) / 48) % 4; if (_body.IsGrounded) CurrentState = State.Idle; UpdateAnimation(); } // @HACK // this is only needed because the player should not be able to step into the door 1 frame after finishing the transition // this would cause the door transition to not start if (IsTransitioning || _wasTransitioning) { _wasTransitioning = IsTransitioning; return; } // first photo sequence if (CurrentState == State.Pushed) { _pushCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; // push towards the target position if (_pushCounter > _pushTime) { EntityPosition.Set(_pushEnd); CurrentState = State.Idle; } else { var percentage = MathF.Sin((_pushCounter / _pushTime) * MathF.PI * 0.5f); var newPosition = Vector2.Lerp(_pushStart, _pushEnd, percentage); EntityPosition.Set(newPosition); } } // need to update the bomb to make sure it does not explode while the player is not getting updated if (_carriedComponent != null && _carriedComponent.IsPickedUp) { // used to updated the position to match the animation // gets called twice when moving // not sure how this could be done better UpdatePositionCarriedObject(EntityPosition); } if (!UpdatePlayer) { UpdatePlayer = true; // only update the animation if (!Is2DMode) UpdateAnimation(); else Update2DFrozen(); UpdateOcarinaAnimation(); UpdateDive(); UpdateDrawComponents(); return; } UpdateHeartWarningSound(); if (CurrentState == State.FinalInstruments) { _finalSeqCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_finalIndex == 0) { if (_finalSeqCounter <= 0) { _finalIndex = 1; _finalSeqCounter += 2250; Animation.Play("show1"); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-52-34"); } } else if (_finalIndex == 1) { if (_finalSeqCounter <= 0) ((MapShowSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapShowSystem)]).StartEnding(); } return; } else if (CurrentState == State.CloakShow0) { _cloakTransitionCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; _cloakPercentage = _cloakTransitionCounter / CloakTransitionTime; if (_cloakTransitionCounter > CloakTransitionTime) { _cloakPercentage = 1; if (ShowItem.Name == "cloakBlue") Game1.GameManager.StartDialog("cloak_blue"); if (ShowItem.Name == "cloakRed") Game1.GameManager.StartDialog("cloak_red"); CurrentState = State.CloakShow1; // add the item to the inventory if (_collectedShowItem != null) { Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(_collectedShowItem, 0); _collectedShowItem = null; } ShowItem = null; } } else if (CurrentState == State.CloakShow1) { _cloakTransitionOutCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; var transitionSystem = (MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]; transitionSystem.SetColorMode(Color.White, MathHelper.Clamp(_cloakTransitionOutCounter / 1000f, 0, 1)); if (_cloakTransitionOutCounter > CloakTransitionOutTime) { Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath("color_fairy_4"); Direction = 3; MapTransitionStart = EntityPosition.Position; MapTransitionEnd = MapTransitionStart; TransitionOutWalking = false; // append a map change ((MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]).AppendMapChange( "", "cloakOut", false, true, Color.White, true); } } else if (CurrentState == State.ShowToadstool) { CurrentState = State.Idle; } else if (CurrentState == State.SwordShowLv2) { _showSwordL2ParticleCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; if (_showSwordL2ParticleCounter > 4800 && !_shownSwordLv2Dialog) { _shownSwordLv2Dialog = true; _showSwordL2ParticleCounter = 0; Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(-1, 2); Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath("sword2Collected"); } // make sure to show the sword while the dialog box is open else if (_shownSwordLv2Dialog) { ShowItem = null; CurrentState = State.Idle; } } else if (CurrentState == State.PickingUp && !_pickingUpInstrument && !_pickingUpSword) { Game1.GameManager.FreezeWorldAroundPlayer = true; } else if (CurrentState == State.TeleporterUpWait) { _holeTeleportCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; if (_holeTeleportCounter > 1000) { CurrentState = State.TeleporterUp; _holeTeleportCounter -= 1000; _shadowComponent.Transparency = 0; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-37-25"); } } else if (CurrentState == State.TeleporterUp) { _holeTeleportCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; var time = 400; EntityPosition.Z = (float)(_holeTeleportCounter / time) * 128; Direction = (int)(_holeTeleportCounter / 64) % 4; // fade in var percentage = MathHelper.Clamp(1 - ((float)_holeTeleportCounter - (time - 100)) / 100, 0, 1); _spriteTransparency = percentage; _shadowComponent.Transparency = percentage; if (_holeTeleportCounter > time) { _holeTeleportCounter -= time; if (ObjOverworldTeleporter.TeleporterDictionary.TryGetValue(HoleTeleporterId, out var teleporter)) teleporter.SetNextTeleporterPosition(); else CurrentState = State.Idle; // should not happen } } else if (CurrentState == State.TeleportFallWait) { _holeTeleportCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; var time = 350; if (_holeTeleportCounter > time) { _holeTeleportCounter -= time - 50; _body.Velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); CurrentState = State.TeleportFall; } } else if (CurrentState == State.TeleportFall) { _holeTeleportCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; Direction = (int)(_holeTeleportCounter / 64) % 4; // fade in var percentage = MathHelper.Clamp((float)_holeTeleportCounter / 100, 0, 1); if (_body.IsGrounded) { percentage = 1; CurrentState = State.Idle; UpdateSaveLocation(); // save settings? if (GameSettings.Autosave) { SaveGameSaveLoad.SaveGame(Game1.GameManager); Game1.GameManager.InGameOverlay.InGameHud.ShowSaveIcon(); } } _spriteTransparency = percentage; _shadowComponent.Transparency = percentage; } if (CurrentState == State.Knockout) return; // stunned player if (CurrentState == State.InitStunned && _hitVelocity.Length() < 0.25f) { Animation.Play("stunned"); CurrentState = State.Stunned; } if (CurrentState == State.Stunned && _stunnedCounter > 0) { _stunnedCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_stunnedCounter <= 0) CurrentState = State.Idle; } AnimatorWeapons.Update(); // update all the item stuff // this need to be before the update method to correctly start jumping? UpdateItem(); if (Is2DMode) Update2D(); else Update3D(); UpdateOcarina(); UpdateDamageShader(); _hitCount -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_savedPreItemPickup && (CurrentState == State.Idle || CurrentState == State.Swimming)) EndPickup(); // die? if (Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth <= 0 && !Game1.GameManager.UseShockEffect) OnDeath(); UpdateDrawComponents(); DisableItems = false; HoleResetRoom = null; CanWalk = true; _canJump = true; _isLocked = false; _hasStartedJumping = _startedJumping; _startedJumping = false; _currentWalkSpeed = Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive ? WalkSpeedPoP : WalkSpeed; } #region Draw private void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Game1.DebugText += "Jump Timer: " + _railJumpPercentage + "\n"; Game1.DebugText += "Player State: " + CurrentState; if (!IsVisible) return; // draw the player sprite behind the sword if (Direction != 1 && !_isTrapped) _bodyDrawFunction(spriteBatch); // draw the sword/magic rod if (CurrentState == State.Attacking || CurrentState == State.Charging || CurrentState == State.SwordShow0 || CurrentState == State.MagicRod || (_bootsRunning && CarrySword)) { var changeColor = _swordChargeCounter <= 0 && Game1.TotalGameTime % (8 / 0.06) >= 4 / 0.06 && ObjectManager.CurrentEffect != Resources.DamageSpriteShader0.Effect; // change the draw shader if (changeColor) { spriteBatch.End(); ObjectManager.SpriteBatchBegin(spriteBatch, Resources.DamageSpriteShader0); } AnimatorWeapons.Draw(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 7, EntityPosition.Y - 16 - EntityPosition.Z), Color.White); if (changeColor) { spriteBatch.End(); ObjectManager.SpriteBatchBegin(spriteBatch, null); } } // draw the sword after the first pickup if (CurrentState == State.SwordShow1) { var itemSword = Game1.GameManager.ItemManager["sword1"]; var position = new Vector2( BodyRectangle.X - itemSword.SourceRectangle.Value.Width / 2f, (EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z - 15) - itemSword.SourceRectangle.Value.Height); ItemDrawHelper.DrawItem(spriteBatch, itemSword, position, Color.White, 1, true); } // draw the toadstool if (CurrentState == State.ShowToadstool) { var itemToadstool = Game1.GameManager.ItemManager["toadstool"]; var position = new Vector2( BodyRectangle.X - itemToadstool.SourceRectangle.Value.Width / 2f, (EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z - 15) - itemToadstool.SourceRectangle.Value.Height); ItemDrawHelper.DrawItem(spriteBatch, itemToadstool, position, Color.White, 1); } // draw the player sprite in front of the sword if (Direction == 1 && !_isTrapped) _bodyDrawFunction(spriteBatch); if (_drawInstrumentEffect) DrawInstrumentEffect(spriteBatch); // draw the picked up store item if (StoreItem != null) ItemDrawHelper.DrawItem(spriteBatch, StoreItem, _storePickupPosition, Color.White, 1, true); // draw the shown item if (ShowItem != null) { var itemPosition = EntityPosition.Position + _showItemOffset; itemPosition.Y -= EntityPosition.Z; if (CurrentState == State.CloakShow0) { ItemDrawHelper.DrawItem(spriteBatch, ShowItem, itemPosition, Color.White * (1 - _cloakPercentage), 1, true); } else if (ShowItem.Name == "sword2") { var swordImage = Resources.GetSprite("sword2Show"); DrawHelper.DrawNormalized(spriteBatch, swordImage.Texture, itemPosition, swordImage.ScaledRectangle, Color.White, swordImage.Scale); } else ItemDrawHelper.DrawItem(spriteBatch, ShowItem, itemPosition, Color.White, 1, true); } // draw the object the player is carrying if (_carriedObjDrawComp != null) { _carriedObjDrawComp.IsActive = true; _carriedObjDrawComp.Draw(spriteBatch); _carriedObjDrawComp.IsActive = false; } // draw the dots over the head in the stunned state if (CurrentState == State.Stunned && _stunnedParticles) { var rotation = (float)(Game1.TotalGameTime / 1200) * MathF.PI * 2; var offset0 = new Vector2(MathF.Cos(rotation) * 8 - 2, MathF.Sin(rotation) * 3 - 2); DrawHelper.DrawNormalized(spriteBatch, _stunnedParticleSprite, offset0 + new Vector2(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z - 18), Color.White); var offset1 = new Vector2(MathF.Cos(rotation + MathF.PI) * 8 - 2, MathF.Sin(rotation + MathF.PI) * 3 - 2); DrawHelper.DrawNormalized(spriteBatch, _stunnedParticleSprite, offset1 + new Vector2(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z - 18), Color.White); } if (CurrentState == State.SwordShowLv2) DrawSwordL2Particles(spriteBatch); // draw the notes while showing an instrument { var leftNotePosition = new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 8, EntityPosition.Y - 24); DrawNote(spriteBatch, leftNotePosition, new Vector2(-0.4f, -1.0f), 0); var rightNotePosition = new Vector2(EntityPosition.X + 8, EntityPosition.Y - 24); DrawNote(spriteBatch, rightNotePosition, new Vector2(0.4f, -1.0f), 1); } if (CurrentState == State.FinalInstruments) DrawFinalInstruments(spriteBatch); if (Game1.DebugMode) { // draw the save hole position spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, new Vector2(_holeResetPoint.X - 5, _holeResetPoint.Y - 5), new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), Color.HotPink * 0.65f); // weapon damage rectangle var swordRectangle = SwordDamageBox.Rectangle(); spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, new Vector2(swordRectangle.X, swordRectangle.Y), new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)swordRectangle.Width, (int)swordRectangle.Height), Color.Blue * 0.75f); } } private void DrawSwordL2Particles(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(-32, -16), -125, 300, 200, 0); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(-32, -16), -125 - 250, 300, 200, 0); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(-32, -32), 0, 300, 200, 1); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(-32, -32), -250, 300, 200, 1); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(-24, -52), -50, 450, 50, 2); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(-24, -52), -50 - 250, 450, 50, 2); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(0, -64), -75, 450, 50, 3); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(0, -64), -75 - 250, 450, 50, 3); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(24, -52), -50, 450, 50, 4); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(24, -52), -50 - 250, 450, 50, 4); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(32, -32), 0, 300, 200, 5); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(32, -32), -250, 300, 200, 5); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(32, -16), -125, 300, 200, 6); DrawSwordParticle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 4, EntityPosition.Y - 22), new Vector2(32, -16), -125 - 250, 300, 200, 6); } private void DrawInstrumentEffect(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { var fadeTime = 100; var speed = 500; var center = new Vector2(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y - 20); { var time = (float)(Game1.TotalGameTime % speed); var state = MathF.Sin((time / speed) * MathF.PI * 0.475f); var distance = 32 - 20 * state; var transparency = MathHelper.Clamp(time / fadeTime, 0, 1) * MathHelper.Clamp((speed - time) / fadeTime, 0, 1); var sourceRectangle = time < (speed / 1.65f) ? new Rectangle(194, 114, 12, 12) : new Rectangle(194, 98, 12, 12); for (var y = 0; y < 2; y++) for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++) { var position = new Vector2( center.X - 6 + (x * 2 - 1) * distance, center.Y - 6 + (y * 2 - 1) * distance); spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprItem, position, sourceRectangle, Color.White * transparency, 0, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, (x == 0 ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None) | (y == 0 ? SpriteEffects.FlipVertically : SpriteEffects.None), 0); } } { var time = (float)((Game1.TotalGameTime + speed / 2) % speed); var state = MathF.Sin((time / speed) * MathF.PI * 0.475f); var distance = 40 - 34 * state; var transparency = MathHelper.Clamp(time / fadeTime, 0, 1) * MathHelper.Clamp((speed - time) / fadeTime, 0, 1); var sourceRectangle = time < (speed / 1.65f) ? new Rectangle(176, 116, 16, 8) : new Rectangle(176, 100, 16, 8); for (var y = 0; y < 2; y++) for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++) { var rotation = (float)((x * 2 + y) * Math.PI / 2); var position = new Vector2( center.X + (y == 0 ? (x * 2 - 1) * distance : 0), center.Y + (y == 0 ? 0 : (x * 2 - 1) * distance)); spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprItem, position, sourceRectangle, Color.White * transparency, rotation, new Vector2(16, 4), Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } } } private void DrawFinalInstruments(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (_finalIndex != 1) return; var percentage = 0.25f + Math.Clamp((float)(2500 - _finalSeqCounter) / 2000, 0, 1) * 0.75f; // draw the instruments for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var itemInstrument = Game1.GameManager.ItemManager["instrument" + i]; var position = new Vector2(EntityPosition.X - 8, EntityPosition.Y - 60) + _showInstrumentOffset[i] * percentage; ItemDrawHelper.DrawItem(spriteBatch, itemInstrument, position, Color.White, 1, true); } } private void DrawLink(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { _sprite.Draw(spriteBatch); // draw the colored cloak var texture = _sprite.SprTexture; var cloakColor = Game1.GameManager.CloakColor; if (CurrentState == State.CloakShow0 && ShowItem != null && ShowItem.Name == "cloakBlue") cloakColor = Color.Lerp(cloakColor, ItemDrawHelper.CloakColors[1], _cloakPercentage); else if (CurrentState == State.CloakShow0 && ShowItem != null && ShowItem.Name == "cloakRed") cloakColor = Color.Lerp(cloakColor, ItemDrawHelper.CloakColors[2], _cloakPercentage); _sprite.Color = cloakColor * _spriteTransparency; _sprite.SprTexture = Resources.SprLinkCloak; _sprite.Draw(spriteBatch); _sprite.Color = Color.White * _spriteTransparency; _sprite.SprTexture = texture; } private void DrawNote(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, int noteIndex) { var timeOffset = noteIndex * _instrumentCycleTime / 2; if (_instrumentCounter < timeOffset || (CurrentState != State.ShowInstrumentPart1 || _drawInstrumentEffect) && ((_instrumentCounter - timeOffset) / _instrumentCycleTime + 1) * _instrumentCycleTime + timeOffset > _instrumentEndTime) return; var time = (_instrumentCounter + timeOffset) % _instrumentCycleTime; var transparency = 1.0f; // fade out if (time > _instrumentCycleTime - 100) { _noteInit[noteIndex] = false; transparency = (_instrumentCycleTime - time) / 100f; } // fade in else if (time < 100) { if (!_noteInit[noteIndex]) { _noteInit[noteIndex] = true; _noteSpriteIndex[noteIndex] = Game1.RandomNumber.Next(0, 2); } transparency = time / 100; } position += direction * time * 0.02f + new Vector2(-direction.X, direction.Y) * (float)Math.Sin(time * 0.015) * 0.75f; position += new Vector2( -_noteSourceRectangles[_noteSpriteIndex[noteIndex]].Width / 2f, -_noteSourceRectangles[_noteSpriteIndex[noteIndex]].Height); spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprItem, position, _noteSourceRectangles[_noteSpriteIndex[noteIndex]], Color.White * transparency); } private void DrawSwordParticle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, int timeOffset, int fullTime, int timeDelay, int index) { var fadeTime = 50; var particleTime = (_showSwordL2ParticleCounter + timeOffset) % (fullTime + timeDelay); var percentage = particleTime / fullTime; var colorTransparency = Math.Min((fullTime - particleTime) / fadeTime, particleTime / fadeTime); var particlePosition = position + percentage * direction; var spriteParticle = Resources.GetSprite("sword_particle_" + index); if (0 < particleTime && particleTime < fullTime) DrawHelper.DrawNormalized(spriteBatch, spriteParticle.Texture, particlePosition - spriteParticle.Origin, spriteParticle.ScaledRectangle, Color.White * colorTransparency, spriteParticle.Scale); } private void DrawLight(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { DrawHelper.DrawLight(spriteBatch, new Rectangle((int)EntityPosition.X - 45, (int)EntityPosition.Y - 45, 90, 90), new Color(255, 255, 255) * 0.125f); } public void DrawTransition(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (!IsVisible) return; _bodyDrawFunction(spriteBatch); if (_drawInstrumentEffect) DrawInstrumentEffect(spriteBatch); // draw the shown item if (ShowItem != null) { var itemPosition = EntityPosition.Position + _showItemOffset; ItemDrawHelper.DrawItem(spriteBatch, ShowItem, itemPosition, Color.White, 1, true); } } #endregion private void OnKeyChange() { var strCloak = "cloak_transition"; var cloakTransition = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString(strCloak); if (cloakTransition == "1") { _cloakTransitionCounter = 0; _cloakPercentage = 0; _cloakTransitionOutCounter = 0; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString(strCloak); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString(strCloak, "0"); CurrentState = State.CloakShow0; } // play animation? var strAnimation = "link_direction"; var newDirection = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString(strAnimation); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newDirection)) { Direction = int.Parse(newDirection); UpdateAnimation(); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString(strAnimation, null); } // start moving? [set:link_move,-16,32] var moveValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("link_move"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moveValue)) { var split = moveValue.Split(','); var directionX = float.Parse(split[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var directionY = float.Parse(split[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var velocity = new Vector2(directionX, directionY); _body.VelocityTarget = velocity; Direction = AnimationHelper.GetDirection(velocity); _isWalking = true; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("link_move_collision", "0"); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("link_move"); } var idleValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("link_idle"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idleValue)) { CurrentState = State.Idle; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("link_idle"); } var hideHudValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("hide_hud"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hideHudValue)) { Game1.GameManager.InGameOverlay.HideHud(true); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("hide_hud"); } // start moving? [set:link_push,-16,0,200] var pushValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("link_push"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pushValue)) { var split = pushValue.Split(','); // init movement if (split.Length == 1) { _pushStart = EntityPosition.Position; _pushEnd = new Vector2(80, 94); _pushTime = int.Parse(split[0]); } else { var offsetX = float.Parse(split[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var offsetY = float.Parse(split[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); _pushStart = EntityPosition.Position; _pushEnd = _pushStart + new Vector2(offsetX, offsetY); _pushTime = int.Parse(split[2]); } _pushCounter = 0; CurrentState = State.Pushed; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("link_push"); } // link animation var animationValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("link_animation"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animationValue)) { Animation.Play(animationValue); CurrentState = State.Sequence; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("link_animation"); } var linkFinal = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("link_final"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkFinal)) { _finalIndex = 0; _finalSeqCounter = 1500; Animation.Play("final_stand_down"); CurrentState = State.FinalInstruments; Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(62, 2); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("link_final"); } // start diving? var diveValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("link_dive"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(diveValue)) { _diveCounter = int.Parse(diveValue); CurrentState = State.Swimming; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("link_dive"); } // boomerang trading // can be exchanged for: shovel, feather var boomerangValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("boomerang_trade"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(boomerangValue)) { Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("boomerang_trade"); if (Game1.GameManager.Equipment[1] != null && (Game1.GameManager.Equipment[1].Name == "shovel" || Game1.GameManager.Equipment[1].Name == "feather" || Game1.GameManager.Equipment[1].Name == "magicRod" || Game1.GameManager.Equipment[1].Name == "hookshot")) { Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("tradded_item", Game1.GameManager.Equipment[1].Name); Game1.GameManager.Equipment[1] = null; Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath("npc_hidden_boomerang"); } else { Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath("npc_hidden_reject"); } } var boomerangReturnValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("boomerang_trade_return"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(boomerangReturnValue)) { Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString("boomerang_trade_return"); // remove the boomerang Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("boomerang", 1); // return the traded item var tradedItem = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("tradded_item"); var item = new GameItemCollected(tradedItem); MapManager.ObjLink.PickUpItem(item, true); _pickupDialogOverride = "npc_hidden_4"; } var spawnGhostValue = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString(_spawnGhostKey); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spawnGhostValue)) { _spawnGhost = true; } } private void OnMoveCollision(Values.BodyCollision collision) { // knockback if (CurrentState == State.Idle && _wasBootsRunning) { var knockBack = false; if ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Horizontal) != 0 && Direction % 2 == 0) { var dirX = (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Left) != 0 ? -1 : 1; _body.Velocity.X = -dirX; Game1.GameManager.ShakeScreen(750, 2, 1, 5.5f, 2.5f, dirX, 1); knockBack = true; } if ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Vertical) != 0 && Direction % 2 != 0) { var dirY = (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Top) != 0 ? -1 : 1; _body.Velocity.Y = -dirY; Game1.GameManager.ShakeScreen(750, 1, 2, 2.5f, 5.5f, 1, dirY); knockBack = true; } if (knockBack) { _bootsRunning = false; _bootsCounter = 0; _body.Velocity.Z = 2.0f; CurrentState = State.BootKnockback; var damageOrigin = BodyRectangle.Center; var damageBox = _body.BodyBox.Box; damageBox.X += AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[Direction].X; damageBox.Y += AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[Direction].Y; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-11-0B"); Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, damageBox, HitType.PegasusBootsPush, 0, false); } } // what is this? if ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Floor) != 0) { _moveVelocity = _lastMoveVelocity * 0.5f; _lastBaseMoveVelocity = _moveVelocity; } if (CurrentState == State.BootKnockback && (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Floor) != 0) { CurrentState = State.Idle; _body.Velocity.Z = 0; } if (Is2DMode) OnMoveCollision2D(collision); else { // colliding horizontally or vertically? -> start pushing if (CurrentState == State.Idle && _isWalking && ( (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Horizontal) != 0 && (Direction == 0 || Direction == 2) || (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Vertical) != 0 && (Direction == 1 || Direction == 3))) { var box = _body.BodyBox.Box; // offset by one in the walk direction box.X += AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[Direction].X; box.Y += AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[Direction].Y; var cBox = Box.Empty; var outBox = Box.Empty; // check if the object we are walking into is actually an object where the push animation should be played if (Map.Objects.Collision(box, cBox, _body.CollisionTypes, Values.CollisionTypes.PushIgnore, Direction, _body.Level, ref outBox)) CurrentState = State.Pushing; } if (CurrentState == State.Swimming) { if ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Horizontal) != 0) _moveVelocity.X = 0; if ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Vertical) != 0) _moveVelocity.Y = 0; } // used for scripting (final stript stop at the top of the stairs) Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("link_move_collision", "1"); // stop the hit velocity if the are colliding with a wall // this was done because the player pushes into the hitVelocity direction if ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Horizontal) != 0 && _body.VelocityTarget.X == 0) _hitVelocity.X = 0; if ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Vertical) != 0 && _body.VelocityTarget.Y == 0) _hitVelocity.Y = 0; if (CurrentState == State.Charging && ((collision & Values.BodyCollision.Left) != 0 && Direction == 0 || (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Top) != 0 && Direction == 1 || (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Right) != 0 && Direction == 2 || (collision & Values.BodyCollision.Bottom) != 0 && Direction == 3)) { if (_swordPokeCounter <= 0) { IsPoking = true; _pokeStart = true; Animation.Play("poke_" + Direction); AnimatorWeapons.Play("poke_" + Direction); CurrentState = State.Attacking; _swordChargeCounter = SwordChargeTime; } _swordPokeCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; } } } private void OnHolePull(Vector2 direction, float percentage) { // disable jumping if the player stands on top of a hole // if the hole is 14x14 the player should not be able to stand between the holes and jump out of them // player 8x10 // hole area while standing between 4 14x14 holes: 2x10 + 2x8 = 36 // 1 - 36/80 = 0.55 if (percentage >= 0.55f) _canJump = false; } private void Update3D() { _isWalking = false; WasHoleReset = false; if (CurrentState == State.Intro) { var walkVelocity = ControlHandler.GetMoveVector2(); if (Animation.CurrentAnimation.Id == "intro_sit" && !Game1.GameManager.InGameOverlay.TextboxOverlay.IsOpen && walkVelocity.Length() > Values.ControllerDeadzone) { CurrentState = State.Idle; Direction = 2; StartRailJump(EntityPosition.Position + new Vector2(12, 4), 1, 1); Animation.Play("intro_jump"); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("played_intro", "1"); } return; } // finished jumping into the bed? if (_startBedTransition && CurrentState == State.Idle) { CurrentState = State.BedTransition; _startBedTransition = false; Animation.Play("bed"); } if (CurrentState == State.BedTransition) return; if (CurrentState == State.SwordShow0) { if (!Animation.IsPlaying) { Animation.Play("show2"); _showSwordLv2Counter = 500; CurrentState = State.SwordShow1; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-07-07"); var animation = new ObjAnimator(Map, 0, 0, Values.LayerTop, "Particles/swordPoke", "run", true); animation.EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2( BodyRectangle.X, EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z - 30)); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(animation); } else return; } else if (CurrentState == State.SwordShow1) { _showSwordLv2Counter -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_showSwordLv2Counter < 0) CurrentState = State.Idle; } if (_isRafting && (CurrentState == State.Rafting || CurrentState == State.Charging)) { var moveVelocity = ControlHandler.GetMoveVector2(); var moveVelocityLength = moveVelocity.Length(); if (moveVelocityLength > 1) moveVelocity.Normalize(); if (moveVelocityLength > Values.ControllerDeadzone) { _isWalking = true; _objRaft.TargetVelocity(moveVelocity * 0.5f); if (CurrentState != State.Charging) { var vectorDirection = ToDirection(moveVelocity); Direction = vectorDirection; } } } if (_isFlying && CurrentState == State.Carrying) { var moveVelocity = ControlHandler.GetMoveVector2(); var moveVelocityLength = moveVelocity.Length(); if (moveVelocityLength > 1) moveVelocity.Normalize(); if (moveVelocityLength > Values.ControllerDeadzone) { _objRooster.TargetVelocity(moveVelocity, 0.5f, Direction); var vectorDirection = ToDirection(moveVelocity); Direction = vectorDirection; } } // we need to prevent overlays from being opened because they do not stop the music and it would run out of sync if ((ShowItem != null && ShowItem.Name.StartsWith("instrument")) || CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart0 || CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart1 || CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart2 || CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart3) Game1.GameManager.InGameOverlay.DisableInventoryToggle = true; if (CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart0) { // is the sound effect still playing? if (_instrumentPickupTime + 7500 < Game1.TotalGameTime) { Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(_instrumentMusicIndex[_instrumentIndex], 2); Game1.GbsPlayer.Play(); Game1.GbsPlayer.SoundGenerator.SetStopTime(8); CurrentState = State.ShowInstrumentPart1; } } else if (CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart1) { _instrumentCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; if (_instrumentCounter > 3500) { _drawInstrumentEffect = true; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-43-2B", false); } if (Game1.GbsPlayer.SoundGenerator.WasStopped && Game1.GbsPlayer.SoundGenerator.FinishedPlaying()) { Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(-1, 0); Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(-1, 2); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-44-2C"); _instrumentCounter = 0; CurrentState = State.ShowInstrumentPart2; } } else if (CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart2) { _instrumentCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; var transitionSystem = (MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]; transitionSystem.SetColorMode(Color.White, MathHelper.Clamp(_instrumentCounter / 500f, 0, 1)); if (_instrumentCounter > 2500) { Direction = 3; UpdateAnimation(); CurrentState = State.ShowInstrumentPart3; ShowItem = null; _drawInstrumentEffect = false; Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath($"instrument{_instrumentIndex}Collected"); } } else if (CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart3) { MapTransitionStart = EntityPosition.Position; MapTransitionEnd = MapTransitionStart; TransitionOutWalking = false; EndPickup(); // append a map change ((MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]).AppendMapChange( "", $"d{_instrumentIndex + 1}Finished", false, true, Color.White, true); } if (CurrentState == State.Teleporting) { if (_teleportCounterFull < 1250 || Direction <= 2) _teleportCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; _teleportCounterFull += Game1.DeltaTime; var rotationSpeed = 150 - (float)Math.Sin((_teleportCounterFull / 2000f) * Math.PI) * 50; if (_teleportCounter > rotationSpeed) { _teleportCounter -= rotationSpeed; Direction = (Direction + 1) % 4; UpdateAnimation(); } var transitionSystem = (MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]; if (_teleportState == 0 && _teleportCounterFull >= 1250) { if (_teleporter != null) { _teleportState = 1; EntityPosition.Set(_teleporter.TeleportPosition); _teleporter.Lock(); var goalPosition = Game1.GameManager.MapManager.GetCameraTarget(); MapManager.Camera.SoftUpdate(goalPosition); } else if (Direction == 3 && _teleportCounterFull >= 1450) { MapTransitionStart = EntityPosition.Position; MapTransitionEnd = EntityPosition.Position; TransitionOutWalking = false; transitionSystem.AppendMapChange(_teleportMap, _teleporterId, false, true, Color.White, true); } transitionSystem.SetColorMode(Color.White, 1); } var fadeOutTime = 250.0f; var fadeoutStart = 1750; var fadeoutEnd = 1750 + fadeOutTime; // fading in if (_teleportCounterFull >= 750 && _teleportCounterFull < 1250) { transitionSystem.SetColorMode(Color.White, (_teleportCounterFull - 750) / 500f); } // fading out else if (_teleportState == 1 && _teleportCounterFull >= fadeoutStart && _teleportCounterFull < fadeoutEnd) { transitionSystem.SetColorMode(Color.White, 1 - (_teleportCounterFull - fadeoutStart) / fadeOutTime); } // finished? else if (_teleportState == 1 && _teleportCounterFull >= fadeoutEnd) { _drawBody.Layer = Values.LayerPlayer; transitionSystem.SetColorMode(Color.White, 0); CurrentState = State.Idle; } } UpdateSwimming(); UpdateIgnoresZ(); // hinox should throw the player farther than normal if (CurrentState == State.Stunned) _body.DragAir = 0.95f; else _body.DragAir = 0.9f; // save the last position the player is grounded to use for the reset position if the player drowns if (CurrentState != State.Jumping && CurrentState != State.Drowning && CurrentState != State.Drowned && _body.IsGrounded) { var bodyCenter = new Vector2(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y - _body.Height / 2f); // center the position // can lead to the position being inside something bodyCenter.X = (int)(bodyCenter.X / 16) * 16 + 8; bodyCenter.Y = (int)(bodyCenter.Y / 16) * 16 + 8 + _body.Height / 2f; // found new reset position? if (!Map.GetFieldState(bodyCenter).HasFlag(MapStates.FieldStates.DeepWater)) { var bodyBox = new Box( bodyCenter.X + _body.OffsetX, bodyCenter.Y + _body.OffsetY, 0, _body.Width, _body.Height, _body.Depth); var cBox = Box.Empty; // check it the player is not standing inside something if (!Map.Objects.Collision(bodyBox, Box.Empty, _body.CollisionTypes | Values.CollisionTypes.DrownExclude, 0, 0, ref cBox)) _drownResetPosition = bodyCenter; } } // walk UpdateWalking(); if (CurrentState == State.Drowning) { if (_drownCounter < 300) { _body.Velocity = Vector3.Zero; // align the player to the pixel grid EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2( MathF.Round(EntityPosition.X), MathF.Round(EntityPosition.Y))); } _drownCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_drownCounter <= 0) { IsVisible = false; CurrentState = State.Drowned; _drownResetCounter = 500; } } if (CurrentState == State.Drowned) { _drownResetCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_drownResetCounter <= 0) { CurrentState = State.Idle; CanWalk = true; IsVisible = true; _hitCount = CooldownTime; Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth -= 2; _body.CurrentFieldState = MapStates.FieldStates.None; EntityPosition.Set(_drownResetPosition); } } if (CurrentState == State.Swimming) { if (_diveCounter > -100) { _diveCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; // stop diving if (ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.B)) _diveCounter = 0; } // start diving else if (ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.B)) { StartDiving(1500); } if (_swimBoostCount > -300) _swimBoostCount -= Game1.DeltaTime; else if (ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.A)) _swimBoostCount = 300; if (_swimBoostCount > 0) _moveVelocity *= SwimSpeedA; else _moveVelocity *= SwimSpeed; var distance = _moveVelocity - _swimVelocity; var length = distance.Length(); if (distance != Vector2.Zero) distance.Normalize(); if (length < 0.045f) _swimVelocity = _moveVelocity; else _swimVelocity += distance * (_swimBoostCount > 0 ? 0.06f : 0.045f) * Game1.TimeMultiplier; _moveVelocity = _swimVelocity; } // slows down the walk movement when the player is hit var moveMultiplier = MathHelper.Clamp(1f - _hitVelocity.Length(), 0, 1); // move the player if (CurrentState != State.Hookshot) { _body.VelocityTarget = _moveVelocity * moveMultiplier + _hitVelocity; } LastMoveVector = _moveVelocity; _moveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; if (_hitCount > 0 && _hitVelocity.Length() > 0.05f * Game1.TimeMultiplier) { var hitNormal = _hitVelocity; hitNormal.Normalize(); var slowDownAmount = 0.05f + MathHelper.Clamp(_hitVelocity.Length() / 25f, 0, 0.05f); _hitVelocity -= hitNormal * slowDownAmount * Game1.TimeMultiplier; } else _hitVelocity = Vector2.Zero; // update the jump logic UpdateJump(); // hole falling logic { // update position used to reset the player if he falls into a hole UpdateSavePosition(); // change the room? if (_isFallingIntoHole) { _holeFallCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_holeFallCounter <= 0) { _isFallingIntoHole = false; if (HoleResetRoom != null) { // append a map change ((MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[ typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]).AppendMapChange(HoleResetRoom, HoleResetEntryId); } // teleport on hole fall? else if (HoleTeleporterId >= 0) { _holeTeleportCounter = 0; CurrentState = State.TeleporterUpWait; } } } HoleTeleporterId = -1; // finished falling down the hole? if (CurrentState == State.Falling && !Animation.IsPlaying) OnHoleReset(); } // update links animation UpdateAnimation(); UpdateGhostSpawn(); // stop push animation if (CurrentState == State.Pushing) CurrentState = State.Idle; _lastFieldState = _body.CurrentFieldState; } private void UpdateSwimming() { // we cant use the field state of the body because the raft updates the state while exiting var fieldState = SystemBody.GetFieldState(_body); // start/stop swimming or drowning if (!_isRafting && !_isFlying && fieldState.HasFlag(MapStates.FieldStates.DeepWater) && CurrentState != State.Dying) { if (CurrentState != State.Jumping && _body.IsGrounded && CurrentState != State.PickingUp) { ReleaseCarriedObject(); var inLava = fieldState.HasFlag(MapStates.FieldStates.Lava); if ((HasFlippers && !inLava) && CurrentState != State.Swimming) { CurrentState = State.Swimming; // only push the player if he walks into the water and does not jump if (!_lastFieldState.HasFlag(fieldState)) _body.Velocity = new Vector3(_body.VelocityTarget.X, _body.VelocityTarget.Y, 0) * 0.75f; // splash effect var splashAnimator = new ObjAnimator(Map, 0, 0, 0, 3, Values.LayerPlayer, "Particles/splash", "idle", true); splashAnimator.EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2( _body.Position.X + _body.OffsetX + _body.Width / 2f, _body.Position.Y + _body.OffsetY + _body.Height - _body.Position.Z - 6)); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(splashAnimator); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-14-0E"); _diveCounter = 0; _swimBoostCount = 0; _swimVelocity = Vector2.Zero; } else if (!HasFlippers || inLava) { if (CurrentState != State.Drowning && CurrentState != State.Drowned) { // only push the player if he walks into the water and does not jump if (!_lastFieldState.HasFlag(fieldState)) _body.Velocity = new Vector3(_body.VelocityTarget.X, _body.VelocityTarget.Y, 0) * 0.5f; // splash effect var splashAnimator = new ObjAnimator(Map, 0, 0, 0, 3, Values.LayerPlayer, "Particles/splash", "idle", true); splashAnimator.EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2( _body.Position.X + _body.OffsetX + _body.Width / 2f, _body.Position.Y + _body.OffsetY + _body.Height - _body.Position.Z - 6)); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(splashAnimator); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-03-03"); CurrentState = State.Drowning; _drownCounter = 650; // blink in lava _hitCount = inLava ? CooldownTime : 0; } } } } else if (CurrentState == State.Swimming && (!IsTransitioning || !Map.Is2dMap)) CurrentState = State.Idle; if (CurrentState == State.Swimming) { EntityPosition.Z = 0; _body.IsGrounded = true; } } private void UpdateIgnoresZ() { if (CurrentState == State.Swimming || CurrentState == State.Hookshot || CurrentState == State.TeleporterUp || CurrentState == State.TeleportFallWait || _isFlying || _isGrabbed || _isClimbing) _body.IgnoresZ = true; else _body.IgnoresZ = false; } private void UpdateWalking() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle && (CurrentState != State.Carrying || _isFlying) && CurrentState != State.Charging && CurrentState != State.Swimming && CurrentState != State.CarryingItem && (CurrentState != State.MagicRod || _body.IsGrounded) && (CurrentState != State.Jumping || _railJump) && CurrentState != State.Pushing && CurrentState != State.Blocking && CurrentState != State.Attacking || !CanWalk || _isRafting) return; var walkVelocity = Vector2.Zero; if (!_isLocked && (CurrentState != State.Attacking || !_body.IsGrounded)) walkVelocity = ControlHandler.GetMoveVector2(); var walkVelLength = walkVelocity.Length(); if (walkVelLength > 1) walkVelocity.Normalize(); var vectorDirection = ToDirection(walkVelocity); if (_bootsRunning && (walkVelLength < Values.ControllerDeadzone || vectorDirection != (Direction + 2) % 4)) { if (!_bootsStop) { _moveVelocity = AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[Direction] * BootsRunningSpeed; // can move up or down while running if (Direction % 2 != 0) _moveVelocity.X += walkVelocity.X; else if (Direction % 2 == 0) _moveVelocity.Y += walkVelocity.Y; } } else if (walkVelLength > Values.ControllerDeadzone) { _bootsCounter %= _bootsParticleTime; _bootsRunning = false; #if DEBUG if (InputHandler.KeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) walkVelocity *= 0.25f; #endif // slow down in the grass if (_body.CurrentFieldState.HasFlag(MapStates.FieldStates.Grass) && _body.IsGrounded) _currentWalkSpeed *= 0.8f; // slow down in the water if (_body.CurrentFieldState.HasFlag(MapStates.FieldStates.Water) && _body.IsGrounded) { _currentWalkSpeed *= 0.8f; _waterSoundCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; if (_waterSoundCounter > 250) { _waterSoundCounter -= 250; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-14-0E", false); } } // do not walk when trapped if (!_isTrapped) { _isWalking = true; if (_body.IsGrounded) { // after hitting the ground we still have _lastMoveVelocity if (!_body.WasGrounded) _moveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _moveVelocity += walkVelocity * _currentWalkSpeed; } } // update the direction the player is facing if (CurrentState != State.Attacking && CurrentState != State.Charging) Direction = vectorDirection; } _lastBaseMoveVelocity = _moveVelocity; // when we walk of a cliff set the air move vector // we need to make sure that the player did not started jumping if (!_startedJumping && !_hasStartedJumping && _body.WasGrounded && !_body.IsGrounded) _lastMoveVelocity = _moveVelocity; // the player has momentum when he is in the air and can not be controlled directly like on the ground if (!_body.IsGrounded || _body.Velocity.Z > 0) { var distance = (_lastMoveVelocity - walkVelocity * _currentWalkSpeed).Length(); // trying to move in the air? => slowly change the direction in the air if (distance > 0 && walkVelocity != Vector2.Zero) { var amount = Math.Clamp((0.05f / distance) * Game1.TimeMultiplier, 0, 1); _lastMoveVelocity = Vector2.Lerp(_lastMoveVelocity, walkVelocity * _currentWalkSpeed, amount); } _moveVelocity = _lastMoveVelocity; } } private void UpdateAnimation() { if (Game1.GameManager.UseShockEffect) return; var shieldString = Game1.GameManager.ShieldLevel == 2 ? "ms_" : "s_"; if (!CarryShield) shieldString = "_"; if (_bootsHolding || _bootsRunning) { if (!_bootsRunning) Animation.Play("walk" + shieldString + Direction); else { // run while blocking with the shield Animation.Play((CarryShield ? "walkb" : "walk") + shieldString + Direction); } Animation.SpeedMultiplier = 2.0f; return; } Animation.SpeedMultiplier = 1.0f; if (CurrentState == State.Idle && !_isWalking || CurrentState == State.Charging && !_isWalking || CurrentState == State.Rafting && !_isWalking || CurrentState == State.Teleporting || CurrentState == State.ShowInstrumentPart3 || CurrentState == State.TeleportFall || CurrentState == State.TeleporterUp || CurrentState == State.FallRotateEntry) Animation.Play("stand" + shieldString + Direction); else if (( CurrentState == State.Idle || CurrentState == State.Charging || CurrentState == State.Rafting) && _isWalking) Animation.Play("walk" + shieldString + Direction); else if (CurrentState == State.Blocking) Animation.Play((!_isWalking ? "standb" : "walkb") + shieldString + Direction); else if ((CurrentState == State.Carrying || CurrentState == State.CarryingItem) && !_isFlying) Animation.Play((!_isWalking ? "standc_" : "walkc_") + Direction); else if (CurrentState == State.Carrying && _isFlying) Animation.Play("flying_" + Direction); else if (CurrentState == State.Pushing) Animation.Play("push_" + Direction); else if (CurrentState == State.Grabbing) Animation.Play("grab_" + Direction); else if (CurrentState == State.Pulling) Animation.Play("pull_" + Direction); else if (CurrentState == State.Swimming) { Animation.Play(_diveCounter > 0 ? "dive" : "swim_" + Direction); if (_swimVelocity.Length() < 0.1 && !IsTransitioning) Animation.IsPlaying = false; } else if (CurrentState == State.Drowning) Animation.Play(_drownCounter > 300 ? "swim_" + Direction : "dive"); } private void UpdateHeartWarningSound() { if (Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth <= 4) { } } private void UpdateDive() { _diveCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; } private void UpdateDamageShader() { if (_hitCount > 0) _sprite.SpriteShader = (CooldownTime - _hitCount) % (BlinkTime * 2) < BlinkTime ? Resources.DamageSpriteShader0 : null; else _sprite.SpriteShader = null; } private void UpdateSavePosition() { var bodyCenter = _body.BodyBox.Box.Center; var currentTilePosition = new Point(((int)bodyCenter.X - Map.MapOffsetX * 16) / 160, ((int)bodyCenter.Y - Map.MapOffsetY * 16) / 128); var tileDiff = currentTilePosition - _lastTilePosition; var newResetPosition = _holeResetPoint; _lastTilePosition = currentTilePosition; // update position? if (tileDiff != Point.Zero) { var tileSize = 16; _alternativeHoleResetPosition = Vector2.Zero; if (tileDiff.X == 0) newResetPosition.X = EntityPosition.X; else { if (tileDiff.X > 0) newResetPosition.X = (int)(bodyCenter.X / tileSize) * tileSize; else newResetPosition.X = (int)(bodyCenter.X / tileSize + 1) * tileSize; } if (tileDiff.Y == 0) newResetPosition.Y = EntityPosition.Y; else { if (tileDiff.Y > 0) newResetPosition.Y = (int)(bodyCenter.Y / tileSize) * tileSize; else newResetPosition.Y = (int)(bodyCenter.Y / tileSize + 1) * tileSize; } // check if there is no hole at the new position var bodyBox = new Box(newResetPosition.X + _body.BodyBox.OffsetX, newResetPosition.Y + _body.BodyBox.OffsetY, 0, _body.Width, _body.Height, 8); var outBox = Box.Empty; if (!Map.Objects.Collision(bodyBox, Box.Empty, Values.CollisionTypes.Hole, 0, 0, ref outBox)) _holeResetPoint = newResetPosition; } } public void UpdateSaveLocation() { MapManager.ObjLink.SaveMap = Map.MapName; MapManager.ObjLink.SavePosition = EntityPosition.Position; MapManager.ObjLink.SaveDirection = Direction; } private void SetHoleResetPosition(Vector2 newResetPosition) { _holeResetPoint = newResetPosition; var offset = Map != null ? new Point(Map.MapOffsetX, Map.MapOffsetY) : Point.Zero; _lastTilePosition = new Point(((int)newResetPosition.X - offset.X * 16) / 160, ((int)newResetPosition.Y - offset.Y * 16) / 128); } private void UpdateDrawComponents() { if (_drawInstrumentEffect) _drawBody.Layer = Values.LayerTop; else _drawBody.Layer = (CurrentState == State.Swimming && _diveCounter > 0) ? Values.LayerBottom : Values.LayerPlayer; if (CurrentState == State.Swimming && _diveCounter > 0 || CurrentState == State.Drowning || CurrentState == State.Drowned || CurrentState == State.BedTransition || _isTrapped) _shadowComponent.IsActive = false; else _shadowComponent.IsActive = true; } private void StartDiving(int diveTime) { // splash effect var splashAnimator = new ObjAnimator(Map, 0, 0, 0, 0, Values.LayerTop, "Particles/splash", "idle", true); splashAnimator.EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2( _body.Position.X + _body.OffsetX + _body.Width / 2f, _body.Position.Y + _body.OffsetY + _body.Height - _body.Position.Z - 3)); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(splashAnimator); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-14-0E"); _diveCounter = diveTime; } private void OnHoleReset() { // change the room? if (HoleResetRoom != null) return; _isFallingIntoHole = false; CurrentState = State.Idle; CanWalk = true; _hitCount = CooldownTime; Game1.GameManager.InflictDamage(2); MoveToHoleResetPosition(); } private void MoveToHoleResetPosition() { WasHoleReset = true; EntityPosition.Set(_holeResetPoint); // alternative reset point var cBox = Box.Empty; if (_alternativeHoleResetPosition != Vector2.Zero && Map.Objects.Collision(_body.BodyBox.Box, Box.Empty, _body.CollisionTypes, 0, 0, ref cBox)) { EntityPosition.Set(_alternativeHoleResetPosition); } } private bool InteractWithObject() { var boxSize = 6; var interactionBox = new Box( EntityPosition.X + _walkDirection[Direction].X * (BodyRectangle.Width / 2 + boxSize / 2) - boxSize / 2, BodyRectangle.Center.Y + _walkDirection[Direction].Y * (BodyRectangle.Height / 2 + boxSize / 2) - boxSize / 2, 0, boxSize, boxSize, 16); return Map.Objects.InteractWithObject(interactionBox); } private void ReturnToIdle() { // Return to idle or to rafting if that was the player was rafting before if (_isRafting) CurrentState = State.Rafting; else CurrentState = State.Idle; } private void UpdateGhostSpawn() { if (!_spawnGhost || !Map.IsOverworld) return; var dungeonEntryPosition = new Vector2(1840, 272); var distance = MapManager.ObjLink.EntityPosition.Position - dungeonEntryPosition; if (MathF.Abs(distance.X) > 512 || MathF.Abs(distance.Y) > 256) { _spawnGhost = false; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.RemoveString(_spawnGhostKey); Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(new GameItemCollected("ghost") { Count = 1 }, 0); UpdateFollower(false); _objGhost.StartFollowing(); } } #region item stuff private void UpdateItem() { if (CurrentState == State.Blocking) CurrentState = State.Idle; else _wasBlocking = false; if (CurrentState == State.Grabbing || CurrentState == State.Pulling) CurrentState = State.Idle; _isPulling = false; _isHoldingSword = false; _bootsHolding = false; if (!_isLocked) { // interact with object if ((CurrentState == State.Idle || CurrentState == State.Pushing || CurrentState == State.Swimming || CurrentState == State.CarryingItem) && ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.A) && InteractWithObject()) InputHandler.ResetInputState(); if (_isTrapped && !_trappedDisableItems && (ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.A) || ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.B) || ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.X) || ControlHandler.ButtonPressed(CButtons.Y))) { _trapInteractionCount--; if (_trapInteractionCount <= 0) FreeTrappedPlayer(); } // use/hold item if (!DisableItems && (!_isTrapped || !_trappedDisableItems)) { for (var i = 0; i < Values.HandItemSlots; i++) { if (Game1.GameManager.Equipment[i] != null && ControlHandler.ButtonPressed((CButtons)((int)CButtons.A * Math.Pow(2, i)))) UseItem(Game1.GameManager.Equipment[i]); if (Game1.GameManager.Equipment[i] != null && ControlHandler.ButtonDown((CButtons)((int)CButtons.A * Math.Pow(2, i)))) HoldItem(Game1.GameManager.Equipment[i], ControlHandler.LastButtonDown((CButtons)((int)CButtons.A * Math.Pow(2, i)))); } } } UpdatePegasusBoots(); // shield pushing if (CurrentState == State.Blocking || _bootsRunning && CarryShield) UpdateShieldPush(); // pick up animation if (CurrentState == State.PreCarrying) { _preCarryCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; // change the animation of the player depending on where the picked up object is if (_preCarryCounter > 100) Animation.Play("standc_" + Direction); UpdatePositionCarriedObject(EntityPosition); } // stop attacking if (CurrentState == State.Attacking && !Animation.IsPlaying) { _isSwingingSword = false; if (!_isHoldingSword || _swordPoked || _stopCharging) ReturnToIdle(); else { // start charging sword CurrentState = State.Charging; AnimatorWeapons.Play("stand_" + Direction); _swordPokeCounter = _swordPokeTime; } } if (CurrentState == State.Charging) UpdateCharging(); // hit stuff with the sword if (CurrentState == State.Attacking || _bootsRunning && CarrySword) UpdateAttacking(); if (CurrentState == State.PickingUp) UpdatePickup(); if (!Animation.IsPlaying && (CurrentState == State.Powdering || CurrentState == State.Bombing || CurrentState == State.MagicRod || CurrentState == State.Throwing)) ReturnToIdle(); if (CurrentState == State.Hookshot) UpdateHookshot(); if (CurrentState == State.Digging) UpdateDigging(); _wasPulling = _isPulling; } private void UseItem(GameItemCollected item) { switch (item.Name) { case "sword1": case "sword2": UseSword(); break; case "feather": UseFeather(); break; case "toadstool": UseToadstool(); break; case "powder": UsePowder(); break; case "bomb": UseBomb(); break; case "bow": UseArrow(); break; case "shovel": UseShovel(); break; case "stonelifter": case "stonelifter2": UseStoneLifter(); break; case "hookshot": UseHookshot(); break; case "boomerang": UseBoomerang(); break; case "magicRod": UseMagicRod(); break; case "ocarina": UseOcarina(); break; } } private void HoldItem(GameItemCollected item, bool lastKeyDown) { switch (item.Name) { case "sword1": HoldSword(); break; case "sword2": HoldSword(); break; case "shield": case "mirrorShield": HoldShield(lastKeyDown); break; case "stonelifter": case "stonelifter2": HoldStoneLifter(); break; case "pegasusBoots": HoldPegasusBoots(); break; } } private void UseSword() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Pushing && CurrentState != State.Rafting && (CurrentState != State.Jumping || _railJump) && (CurrentState != State.Swimming || !Map.Is2dMap)) return; var slashSounds = new[] { "D378-02-02", "D378-20-14", "D378-21-15", "D378-24-18" }; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect(slashSounds[Game1.RandomNumber.Next(0, 4)]); Animation.Play("attack_" + Direction); AnimatorWeapons.Play("attack_" + Direction); _swordChargeCounter = SwordChargeTime; IsPoking = false; _pokeStart = false; _stopCharging = false; _swordPoked = false; _shotSword = false; StopRaft(); CurrentState = State.Attacking; } private void HoldSword() { _isHoldingSword = true; } private void UseFeather() { if (Is2DMode) Jump2D(); else Jump(); } private void UseToadstool() { CurrentState = State.ShowToadstool; Animation.Play("show2"); Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath("toadstool_hole"); } private void UsePowder() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Jumping && CurrentState != State.Rafting && (CurrentState != State.Swimming || !Map.Is2dMap)) return; // remove one powder from the inventory if (!Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("powder", 1)) return; var spawnPosition = new Vector2(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y) + _powderOffset[Direction]; Map.Objects.SpawnObject(new ObjPowder(Map, spawnPosition.X, spawnPosition.Y, EntityPosition.Z, true)); if (CurrentState != State.Jumping) { StopRaft(); CurrentState = State.Powdering; Animation.Play("powder_" + Direction); } } private void UseBomb() { // throw the object the player is currently carrying if (_carriedGameObject != null) { ThrowCarriedObject(); return; } if (CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Rafting && (CurrentState != State.Swimming || !Map.Is2dMap)) return; // pick up the bomb if there is one infront of the player var recInteraction = new RectangleF( EntityPosition.X + _walkDirection[Direction].X * (_body.Width / 2) - 4, EntityPosition.Y - _body.Height / 2 + _walkDirection[Direction].Y * (_body.Height / 2) - 4, 8, 8); // find a bomb to carry _bombList.Clear(); Map.Objects.GetObjectsOfType(_bombList, typeof(ObjBomb), (int)recInteraction.X, (int)recInteraction.Y, (int)recInteraction.Width, (int)recInteraction.Height); // pick up the first bomb foreach (var objBomb in _bombList) { var carriableComponent = objBomb.Components[CarriableComponent.Index] as CarriableComponent; if (!carriableComponent.IsActive || !carriableComponent.Rectangle.Rectangle.Intersects(recInteraction)) continue; carriableComponent?.StartGrabbing?.Invoke(); StartPickup(carriableComponent); Animation.Play("pull_" + Direction); return; } // remove one bomb from the inventory if (!Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("bomb", 1)) return; var spawnPosition = new Vector2(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y) + _bombOffset[Direction]; Map.Objects.SpawnObject(new ObjBomb(Map, spawnPosition.X, spawnPosition.Y, true, false, 2000)); CurrentState = State.Bombing; // play animation Animation.Play("powder_" + Direction); } private void UseArrow() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Jumping && CurrentState != State.Rafting && CurrentState != State.Bombing && (CurrentState != State.Swimming || !Map.Is2dMap)) return; // remove one powder from the inventory if (!Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("bow", 1)) return; var spawnPosition = new Vector3( EntityPosition.X + _arrowOffset[Direction].X, EntityPosition.Y + _arrowOffset[Direction].Y + (Map.Is2dMap ? -4 : 0), EntityPosition.Z + (Map.Is2dMap ? 0 : 4)); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(new ObjArrow( Map, spawnPosition, Direction, Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive ? ArrowSpeedPoP : ArrowSpeed)); if (CurrentState != State.Jumping) { StopRaft(); CurrentState = State.Powdering; Animation.Play("powder_" + Direction); } Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-10-0A"); } private void UseShovel() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle || _isClimbing) return; CurrentState = State.Digging; _hasDug = false; // play animation Animation.Play("dig_" + Direction); _digPosition = new Point( (int)((EntityPosition.X + _shovelOffset[Direction].X) / Values.TileSize), (int)((EntityPosition.Y + _shovelOffset[Direction].Y) / Values.TileSize)); _canDig = Map.CanDig(_digPosition); if (_canDig) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-14-0E"); else Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-07-07"); } private void UseStoneLifter() { if (_carriedComponent == null || CurrentState != State.Carrying) return; if (Map.Is2dMap && _isClimbing) return; ThrowCarriedObject(); } private void HoldStoneLifter() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle) return; GameObject grabbedObject = null; if (_carriedComponent == null) { var recInteraction = new RectangleF( EntityPosition.X + _walkDirection[Direction].X * (_body.Width / 2) - 1, EntityPosition.Y - _body.Height / 2 + _walkDirection[Direction].Y * (_body.Height / 2) - 1, 2, 2); // find an object to carry grabbedObject = Map.Objects.GetCarryableObjects(recInteraction); if (grabbedObject != null) { var carriableComponent = grabbedObject.Components[CarriableComponent.Index] as CarriableComponent; if (carriableComponent.IsActive) { CurrentState = State.Grabbing; if (!carriableComponent.IsHeavy || Game1.GameManager.StoneGrabberLevel > 1) carriableComponent?.StartGrabbing?.Invoke(); } } } if (_wasPulling) _pullCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; else _pullCounter = 0; if (CurrentState == State.Grabbing) { var carriableComponent = grabbedObject.Components[CarriableComponent.Index] as CarriableComponent; // is the player pulling in the opposite direction? var moveVec = ControlHandler.GetMoveVector2(); if (carriableComponent?.Pull != null) { // do not continuously play the pull animation if (!carriableComponent.Pull(_pullCounter > 0 ? moveVec : Vector2.Zero) && _pullCounter < 0) _pullCounter = PullResetTime; } if (moveVec.Length() > 0.5) { // pulling into the oposite direction var moveDir = AnimationHelper.GetDirection(moveVec); if ((moveDir + 2) % 4 == Direction) { // do not show the pull animation while resetting if (_pullCounter >= 0) CurrentState = State.Pulling; _isPulling = true; if (!carriableComponent.IsHeavy || Game1.GameManager.StoneGrabberLevel > 1) { // start carrying the object if (_pullCounter >= PullTime && grabbedObject != null) StartPickup(carriableComponent); if (_pullCounter > PullMaxTime) _pullCounter = PullResetTime; } } } } } private void UseHookshot() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Rafting && (!Map.Is2dMap || CurrentState != State.Swimming)) return; var hookshotDirection = CurrentState == State.Swimming ? _swimDirection : Direction; var spawnPosition = new Vector3( EntityPosition.X + _hookshotOffset[hookshotDirection].X, EntityPosition.Y + _hookshotOffset[hookshotDirection].Y, EntityPosition.Z); Hookshot.Start(Map, spawnPosition, AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[hookshotDirection]); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(Hookshot); CurrentState = State.Hookshot; _body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero; _body.HoleAbsorption = Vector2.Zero; _body.IgnoreHoles = true; StopRaft(); // play animation Animation.Play("powder_" + hookshotDirection); } private void UseBoomerang() { if ((CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Jumping && (CurrentState != State.Swimming || !Map.Is2dMap)) || !_boomerang.IsReady) return; var spawnPosition = new Vector3(EntityPosition.X + _boomerangOffset[Direction].X, EntityPosition.Y + _boomerangOffset[Direction].Y, EntityPosition.Z); // can throw into multiple directions var boomerangVector = _lastBaseMoveVelocity; if (boomerangVector != Vector2.Zero) boomerangVector.Normalize(); else boomerangVector = _walkDirection[Direction]; _boomerang.Start(Map, spawnPosition, boomerangVector); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(_boomerang); if (CurrentState != State.Jumping) { CurrentState = State.Powdering; Animation.Play("powder_" + Direction); } } private void UseMagicRod() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Rafting && (CurrentState != State.Swimming || !Map.Is2dMap) && (CurrentState != State.Jumping || _railJump)) return; var spawnPosition = new Vector3(EntityPosition.X + _magicRodOffset[Direction].X, EntityPosition.Y + _magicRodOffset[Direction].Y, EntityPosition.Z); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(new ObjMagicRodShot(Map, spawnPosition, AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[Direction] * (Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive ? MagicRodSpeedPoP : MagicRodSpeed), Direction)); CurrentState = State.MagicRod; _swordChargeCounter = SwordChargeTime; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-13-0D"); StopRaft(); // play animation Animation.Play("rod_" + Direction); AnimatorWeapons.Play("rod_" + Direction); } private void UseOcarina() { if (CurrentState != State.Idle || _isClimbing) return; _ocarinaNoteIndex = 0; _ocarinaCounter = 0; Game1.GbsPlayer.Pause(); if (Game1.GameManager.SelectedOcarinaSong == 0) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-09-09"); else if (Game1.GameManager.SelectedOcarinaSong == 1) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-11-0B"); else if (Game1.GameManager.SelectedOcarinaSong == 2) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-10-0A"); else Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-21-15"); _ocarinaSong = Game1.GameManager.SelectedOcarinaSong; CurrentState = State.Ocarina; Direction = 3; Animation.Play("ocarina"); } private void UpdateOcarina() { if (CurrentState == State.Ocarina) { // finished playing the ocarina song? if (!Animation.IsPlaying) { FinishedOcarinaSong(); return; } UpdateOcarinaAnimation(); } else if (CurrentState == State.OcarinaTelport) { // show the animation while teleporting CurrentState = State.Idle; } } private void UpdateOcarinaAnimation() { if (CurrentState != State.Ocarina) return; _ocarinaCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; if (_ocarinaCounter > 100 + _ocarinaNoteIndex * 910) { _ocarinaNoteIndex++; var dir = _ocarinaNoteIndex % 2 == 1 ? -1 : 1; var objNote = new ObjNote(Map, new Vector2(EntityPosition.X + dir * 7, EntityPosition.Y), dir); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(objNote); } } private void FinishedOcarinaSong() { // continue playing music if (_ocarinaSong != 1) Game1.GbsPlayer.Play(); if (_ocarinaSong == -1) { CurrentState = State.Idle; Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath("ocarina_bad"); return; } if (_ocarinaSong == 1) { CurrentState = State.OcarinaTelport; MapTransitionStart = EntityPosition.Position; MapTransitionEnd = EntityPosition.Position; TransitionOutWalking = false; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-44-2C"); // load the map var transitionSystem = (MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]; if (Map.DungeonMode) { // respawn at the dungeon entry MapManager.ObjLink.SetNextMapPosition(MapManager.ObjLink.SavePosition); transitionSystem.AppendMapChange(MapManager.ObjLink.SaveMap, null, false, false, Color.White, true); } else { // append a map change transitionSystem.AppendMapChange("", "ocarina_entry", false, false, Color.White, true); } transitionSystem.StartTeleportTransition = true; return; } CurrentState = State.Idle; var recInteraction = new RectangleF(EntityPosition.X - 64, EntityPosition.Y - 64 - 8, 128, 128); _ocarinaList.Clear(); Map.Objects.GetComponentList(_ocarinaList, (int)recInteraction.X, (int)recInteraction.Y, (int)recInteraction.Width, (int)recInteraction.Height, OcarinaListenerComponent.Mask); // notify ocarina listener components around the player foreach (var objOcarinaListener in _ocarinaList) { if (recInteraction.Contains(objOcarinaListener.EntityPosition.Position)) { var ocarinaComponent = (OcarinaListenerComponent)objOcarinaListener.Components[OcarinaListenerComponent.Index]; ocarinaComponent.OcarinaPlayedFunction(Game1.GameManager.SelectedOcarinaSong); } } } private void HoldShield(bool lastKeyDown) { if (CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Pushing) return; if (!_wasBlocking) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-22-16"); _wasBlocking = true; CurrentState = State.Blocking; } private void HoldPegasusBoots() { if (CurrentState == State.BootKnockback || _isTrapped) return; _bootsHolding = true; } private void UpdateShieldPush() { if (Animation.CollisionRectangle.IsEmpty || _isTrapped) return; // push with the shield var shieldRectangle = new Box( EntityPosition.X + Animation.CollisionRectangle.X - 7, EntityPosition.Y + Animation.CollisionRectangle.Y - 16, 0, Animation.CollisionRectangle.Width, Animation.CollisionRectangle.Height, 12); var pushedRectangle = Map.Objects.PushObject(shieldRectangle, _walkDirection[Direction] + _body.VelocityTarget * 0.5f, PushableComponent.PushType.Impact); // get repelled from the pushed object if (pushedRectangle != null) { _bootsRunning = false; _bootsCounter = 0; _body.Velocity += new Vector3( -_walkDirection[Direction].X * pushedRectangle.RepelMultiplier, -_walkDirection[Direction].Y * pushedRectangle.RepelMultiplier, 0); if (pushedRectangle.RepelParticle) { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-07-07"); // poke particle Map.Objects.SpawnObject(new ObjAnimator(Map, (int)(pushedRectangle.PushableBox.Box.X + pushedRectangle.PushableBox.Box.Width / 2), (int)(pushedRectangle.PushableBox.Box.Y + pushedRectangle.PushableBox.Box.Height / 2), Values.LayerTop, "Particles/swordPoke", "run", true)); } else { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-09-09"); } } } private void UpdateCharging() { // stop charging if (_isHoldingSword) { // poke objects that walk into the sowrd RectangleF collisionRectangle = AnimatorWeapons.CollisionRectangle; var damageOrigin = BodyRectangle.Center; SwordDamageBox = new Box( collisionRectangle.X + EntityPosition.X + _animationOffsetX, collisionRectangle.Y + EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z + _animationOffsetY, 0, collisionRectangle.Width, collisionRectangle.Height, 4); var hitType = Game1.GameManager.SwordLevel == 1 ? HitType.Sword1 : HitType.Sword2; var damage = Game1.GameManager.SwordLevel == 1 ? 1 : 2; // red cloak doubles damage if (Game1.GameManager.CloakType == GameManager.CloakRed) damage *= 2; // piece of power double the damage if (Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive) damage *= 2; var pieceOfPower = Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive || Game1.GameManager.CloakType == GameManager.CloakRed; var hitCollision = Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, SwordDamageBox, hitType | HitType.SwordHold, damage, pieceOfPower, out var direction, true); // start poking? if (hitCollision != Values.HitCollision.None && hitCollision != Values.HitCollision.NoneBlocking) { _swordPoked = true; Animation.Play("poke_" + Direction); AnimatorWeapons.Play("poke_" + Direction); CurrentState = State.Attacking; // get repelled RepelPlayer(hitCollision, direction); } else if (_swordChargeCounter > 0) { _swordChargeCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; // finished charging? if (_swordChargeCounter <= 0) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-04-04"); } } else { // start charge attack if (_swordChargeCounter <= 0) StartSwordSpin(); else ReturnToIdle(); } } private void StartSwordSpin() { CurrentState = State.Attacking; Animation.Play("swing_" + Direction); AnimatorWeapons.Play("swing_" + Direction); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-03-03"); _swordChargeCounter = SwordChargeTime; _isSwingingSword = true; } private void UpdateAttacking() { if (_bootsRunning && CarrySword) AnimatorWeapons.Play("stand_" + Direction); if (AnimatorWeapons.CollisionRectangle.IsEmpty) return; var damageOrigin = BodyRectangle.Center; if (Map.Is2dMap) damageOrigin.Y -= 4; RectangleF collisionRectangle = AnimatorWeapons.CollisionRectangle; // this lerps the collision box between frames // a rotation collision box would probably be a better option if (AnimatorWeapons.CurrentAnimation.Frames.Length > AnimatorWeapons.CurrentFrameIndex + 1) { var frameState = (float)(AnimatorWeapons.FrameCounter / AnimatorWeapons.CurrentFrame.FrameTime); var collisionRectangleNextFrame = AnimatorWeapons.GetCollisionBox( AnimatorWeapons.CurrentAnimation.Frames[AnimatorWeapons.CurrentFrameIndex + 1]); collisionRectangle = new RectangleF( MathHelper.Lerp(collisionRectangle.X, collisionRectangleNextFrame.X, frameState), MathHelper.Lerp(collisionRectangle.Y, collisionRectangleNextFrame.Y, frameState), MathHelper.Lerp(collisionRectangle.Width, collisionRectangleNextFrame.Width, frameState), MathHelper.Lerp(collisionRectangle.Height, collisionRectangleNextFrame.Height, frameState)); } SwordDamageBox = new Box( collisionRectangle.X + EntityPosition.X + _animationOffsetX, collisionRectangle.Y + EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z + _animationOffsetY, 0, collisionRectangle.Width, collisionRectangle.Height, 4); var hitType = _bootsRunning ? HitType.PegasusBootsSword : (Game1.GameManager.SwordLevel == 1 ? HitType.Sword1 : HitType.Sword2); var damage = Game1.GameManager.SwordLevel == 1 ? 1 : 2; if (_isSwingingSword) { damage *= 2; hitType |= HitType.SwordSpin; } if (_bootsRunning) damage *= 2; // piece of power double the damage if (Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive) damage *= 2; // red cloak doubles the damage if (Game1.GameManager.CloakType == GameManager.CloakRed) damage *= 2; var pieceOfPower = Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive || Game1.GameManager.SwordLevel == 2; var hitCollision = Map.Objects.Hit(this, damageOrigin, SwordDamageBox, hitType, damage, pieceOfPower, out var direction, true); if (_pokeStart) { _pokeStart = false; if (hitCollision != Values.HitCollision.NoneBlocking) { var swordRectangle = AnimatorWeapons.CollisionRectangle; var swordBox = new Box( swordRectangle.X + EntityPosition.X + _animationOffsetX, swordRectangle.Y + EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z + _animationOffsetY, 0, swordRectangle.Width, swordRectangle.Height, 4); var destroyableWall = DestroyableWall(swordBox); if (destroyableWall) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-23-17"); else Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-07-07"); var pokeParticle = new ObjAnimator(Map, 0, 0, Values.LayerTop, "Particles/swordPoke", "run", true); pokeParticle.EntityPosition.X = EntityPosition.X + _pokeAnimationOffset[Direction].X; pokeParticle.EntityPosition.Y = EntityPosition.Y + _pokeAnimationOffset[Direction].Y; Map.Objects.SpawnObject(pokeParticle); } } if (hitCollision != Values.HitCollision.None && hitCollision != Values.HitCollision.NoneBlocking) _stopCharging = true; // shoot the sword if the player has the l2 sword and full health if (!_shotSword && Game1.GameManager.SwordLevel == 2 && Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth >= Game1.GameManager.MaxHearths * 4 && AnimatorWeapons.CurrentFrameIndex == 2) { _shotSword = true; var spawnPosition = new Vector3(EntityPosition.X + _shootSwordOffset[Direction].X, EntityPosition.Y + _shootSwordOffset[Direction].Y - EntityPosition.Z, 0); var objSwordShot = new ObjSwordShot(Map, spawnPosition, Direction); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(objSwordShot); } // spawn hit particle? if ((hitCollision & Values.HitCollision.Particle) != 0 && _hitParticleTime + 225 < Game1.TotalGameTime) { _hitParticleTime = Game1.TotalGameTime; SwordPoke(collisionRectangle); } RepelPlayer(hitCollision, direction); } private void RepelPlayer(Values.HitCollision collisionType, Vector2 direction) { // repel the player if ((collisionType & Values.HitCollision.Repelling) != 0 && _hitRepelTime + 225 < Game1.TotalGameTime) { _hitRepelTime = Game1.TotalGameTime; var multiplier = Map.Is2dMap ? 1.5f : (_bootsRunning ? 1.5f : 1.0f); if ((collisionType & Values.HitCollision.Repelling0) != 0) multiplier = 3.00f; if ((collisionType & Values.HitCollision.Repelling1) != 0) multiplier = 2.25f; if (_bootsRunning) _bootsStop = true; _body.Velocity += new Vector3(-direction.X, -direction.Y, 0) * multiplier; } } private void SwordPoke(RectangleF collisionRectangle) { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-07-07"); // poke particle Map.Objects.SpawnObject(new ObjAnimator(Map, (int)(EntityPosition.X - 8 + collisionRectangle.X + collisionRectangle.Width / 2), (int)(EntityPosition.Y - 15 + collisionRectangle.Y + collisionRectangle.Height / 2), Values.LayerTop, "Particles/swordPoke", "run", true)); } private void UpdatePickup() { if (ShowItem == null) return; _itemShowCounter -= Game1.DeltaTime; if (_itemShowCounter <= 0) { // show pick up text if (_showItem && CurrentState == State.PickingUp) { _showItem = false; // show pickup dialog if (ShowItem.PickUpDialog != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pickupDialogOverride)) Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath(ShowItem.PickUpDialog); else { Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath(_pickupDialogOverride); _pickupDialogOverride = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_additionalPickupDialog)) { Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath(_additionalPickupDialog); _additionalPickupDialog = null; } } _itemShowCounter = 250; if (ShowItem.Name == "sword1") _itemShowCounter = 5850; else if (ShowItem.Name.StartsWith("instrument")) _itemShowCounter = 1000; } else { Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("player_shows_item", "0"); // add the item to the inventory if (_collectedShowItem != null) { Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(_collectedShowItem, 0); _collectedShowItem = null; } // spawn the follower if one was picked up UpdateFollower(false); // sword spin if (ShowItem.Name == "sword1") { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-03-03"); Animation.Play("swing_3"); AnimatorWeapons.Play("swing_3"); CurrentState = State.SwordShow0; _swordChargeCounter = 1; // don't blink ShowItem = null; } else if (ShowItem.Name.StartsWith("instrument")) { // make sure that the music is not playing Game1.GameManager.StopPieceOfPower(); Game1.GameManager.StopGuardianAcorn(); _instrumentCounter = 0; CurrentState = State.ShowInstrumentPart0; } else { ShowItem = null; if (CurrentState == State.PickingUp) CurrentState = State.Idle; } } } } private void EndPickup() { _savedPreItemPickup = false; SaveGameSaveLoad.ClearSaveState(); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.DisableHistory(); } private void UpdateHookshot() { if (Hookshot.IsMoving) return; _body.IgnoreHoles = false; ReturnToIdle(); } private void UpdateDigging() { if (Animation.CurrentFrameIndex > 0 && !_hasDug) { _hasDug = true; if (_canDig) Map.Dig(_digPosition, EntityPosition.Position, Direction); } if (!Animation.IsPlaying) CurrentState = State.Idle; } private void UpdatePegasusBoots() { _wasBootsRunning = _bootsRunning; if (CurrentState != State.Idle || _isClimbing || Map.Is2dMap && Direction % 2 != 0) { _bootsHolding = false; _bootsRunning = false; _bootsCounter = 0; return; } // stop running but start charging with a time boost if (_bootsStop && _body.Velocity.Length() < 0.25f) { _bootsStop = false; _bootsRunning = false; _bootsCounter = _bootsRunTime - 300; } if (_bootsHolding || _bootsRunning) { var lastCounter = _bootsCounter; _bootsCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; // spawn particles if (_bootsCounter % _bootsParticleTime < lastCounter % _bootsParticleTime) { // water splash effect while running water? if (_body.CurrentFieldState.HasFlag(MapStates.FieldStates.Water)) { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-14-0E"); var splashAnimator = new ObjAnimator(_body.Owner.Map, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, "Particles/splash", "idle", true); splashAnimator.EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2( _body.Position.X + _body.OffsetX + _body.Width / 2f, _body.Position.Y + _body.OffsetY + _body.Height - _body.Position.Z - 3)); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(splashAnimator); } else { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-07-07"); var animator = new ObjAnimator(Map, (int)EntityPosition.X, (int)(EntityPosition.Y + 1), 0, -1 - (int)EntityPosition.Z, Values.LayerPlayer, "Particles/run", "spawn", true); Map.Objects.SpawnObject(animator); } } // start running if (!_bootsRunning && _bootsCounter > _bootsRunTime) { _bootsRunning = true; _wasBootsRunning = true; _bootsStop = false; } } else { _bootsCounter = 0; } } private bool Jump(bool force = false, bool playSoundEffect = true) { if ((!force && ( CurrentState != State.Idle && CurrentState != State.Attacking && CurrentState != State.Charging && CurrentState != State.Pushing && CurrentState != State.Blocking && CurrentState != State.Rafting)) || _isTrapped || !_canJump) { if (_isTrapped && playSoundEffect) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-13-0D"); return false; } if (!_body.IsGrounded) return false; // release the carried object if the player is carrying something ReleaseCarriedObject(); if (playSoundEffect) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-13-0D"); if (_isRafting) { // do not move while jumping _moveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _lastMoveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; StopRaft(); } else { // base move velocity does not contain the velocity added in the air // so when we hit the floor and directly jump afterwards we do not get the velocity of the previouse jump _lastMoveVelocity = _lastBaseMoveVelocity; } _startedJumping = true; _body.Velocity.Z = JumpAcceleration; // while attacking the player can still jump but without the animation if (CurrentState != State.Attacking && CurrentState != State.Charging) { // start the jump animation Animation.Play("jump_" + Direction); CurrentState = State.Jumping; } return true; } private void UpdateJump() { if (CurrentState != State.Jumping) return; if (_railJump) { _railJumpPercentage += Game1.TimeMultiplier * _railJumpSpeed; var amount = MathF.Sin(_railJumpPercentage * (MathF.PI * 0.3f)) / MathF.Sin(MathF.PI * 0.3f); var newPosition = Vector2.Lerp(_railJumpStartPosition, _railJumpTargetPosition, amount); EntityPosition.Set(newPosition); EntityPosition.Z = MathF.Sin(_railJumpPercentage * MathF.PI) * _railJumpHeight + _railJumpPercentage * _railJumpPositionZ; if (_railJumpPercentage >= 1) { _railJump = false; _body.IgnoreHeight = false; _body.IgnoresZ = false; _body.Velocity.Z = -1f; _body.JumpStartHeight = _railJumpPositionZ; EntityPosition.Set(_railJumpTargetPosition); EntityPosition.Z = _railJumpPositionZ; _lastMoveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; } } // touched the ground if (!_railJump && _body.IsGrounded && _body.Velocity.Z <= 0) { if ((_body.CurrentFieldState & (MapStates.FieldStates.Water | MapStates.FieldStates.DeepWater)) == 0) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D378-07-07"); if ((_body.CurrentFieldState & MapStates.FieldStates.DeepWater) == 0) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-14-0E"); ReturnToIdle(); } } private void ThrowCarriedObject() { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-08-08"); // play a little throw animation Animation.Play("throw_" + Direction); CurrentState = State.Throwing; _carriedComponent.Throw(_walkDirection[Direction] * 3f); RemoveCarriedObject(); } private void StartPickup(CarriableComponent carriableComponent) { if (carriableComponent?.Init == null) return; _carriedComponent = carriableComponent; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-02-02"); _carryStartPosition = _carriedComponent.Init(); _carriedComponent.IsPickedUp = true; CurrentState = State.PreCarrying; _preCarryCounter = 0; _carriedGameObject = carriableComponent.Owner; _carriedObjDrawComp = carriableComponent.Owner.Components[DrawComponent.Index] as DrawComponent; if (_carriedObjDrawComp != null) _carriedObjDrawComp.IsActive = false; } private void UpdatePositionCarriedObject(CPosition newPosition) { if (_carriedComponent == null) return; var targetPosition = new Vector3(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y, EntityPosition.Z + _carriedComponent.CarryHeight); if (CurrentState == State.PreCarrying) { // finished pickup animation? if (_preCarryCounter >= PreCarryTime) { _preCarryCounter = PreCarryTime; CurrentState = State.Carrying; } var pickupTime = 1 - MathF.Cos((_preCarryCounter / PreCarryTime) * (MathF.PI / 2)); var carryPositionXY = Vector2.Lerp( new Vector2(_carryStartPosition.X, _carryStartPosition.Y), new Vector2(targetPosition.X, targetPosition.Y), 1 - MathF.Cos(pickupTime * (MathF.PI / 2))); var carryPositionZ = MathHelper.Lerp(_carryStartPosition.Z, targetPosition.Z, MathF.Sin(pickupTime * (MathF.PI / 2))); if (!_carriedComponent.UpdatePosition(new Vector3(carryPositionXY.X, carryPositionXY.Y, carryPositionZ))) { CurrentState = State.Idle; ReleaseCarriedObject(); } } else if (!_isFlying) { // move the carried object up/down with the walk animation if (Direction % 2 == 0) targetPosition.Z += _isWalking ? Animation.CurrentFrameIndex : 1; else if (Map.Is2dMap) targetPosition.Z += 1; if (!_carriedComponent.UpdatePosition(targetPosition)) { CurrentState = State.Idle; ReleaseCarriedObject(); } } } #endregion private void StopRaft() { if (_isRafting) { _objRaft.Body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero; _objRaft.Body.AdditionalMovementVT = Vector2.Zero; _objRaft.Body.LastAdditionalMovementVT = Vector2.Zero; } } private void StealItem() { StopHoldingItem(); // used in ObjStoreItem to not return the item to the shelf Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("result", "0"); Game1.GameManager.SaveName = "Thief"; // add the item to the inventory var strItem = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("itemShopItem"); var strCount = Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.GetString("itemShopCount"); var item = new GameItemCollected(strItem) { Count = int.Parse(strCount) }; // gets picked up PickUpItem(item, false, false); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("stoleItem", "1"); _showStealMessage = true; } private void OnHoleAbsorb() { if (CurrentState == State.Falling || CurrentState == State.TeleporterUpWait || CurrentState == State.TeleporterUp || CurrentState == State.PickingUp || CurrentState == State.Dying) return; CurrentState = State.Falling; FreeTrappedPlayer(); ReleaseCarriedObject(); _railJump = false; _isFallingIntoHole = true; _holeFallCounter = 350; Animation.Play("fall"); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-12-0C"); } private void OnDeath() { if (CurrentState == State.Dying) return; // has potion? var potion = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("potion"); if (potion != null && potion.Count >= 1) { Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("potion", 1); Game1.GameManager.HealPlayer(99); ItemDrawHelper.EnableHeartAnimationSound(); return; } Game1.GameManager.StopMusic(true); Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-08-08"); CurrentState = State.Dying; Animation.Play("dying"); // set the correct start frame depending on the direction the player is facing int[] dirToFrame = { 0, 2, 1, 3 }; Animation.SetFrame(dirToFrame[Direction]); ((GameOverSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(GameOverSystem)]).StartDeath(); } private void ReleaseCarriedObject() { // let the carried item fall down if (_carriedComponent == null) return; _carriedComponent.Throw(new Vector2(0, 0)); RemoveCarriedObject(); } private void RemoveCarriedObject() { _carriedComponent.IsPickedUp = false; _carriedComponent = null; _carriedGameObject = null; if (_carriedObjDrawComp != null) { _carriedObjDrawComp.IsActive = true; _carriedObjDrawComp = null; } } private void UpdateFollower(bool mapInit) { var hasFollower = false; // check if marin is following the player var itemMarin = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("marin"); if (itemMarin != null && itemMarin.Count > 0) { _objFollower = _objMaria; hasFollower = true; } // check if the rooster is following the player var itemRooster = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("rooster"); if (itemRooster != null && itemRooster.Count > 0) { _objFollower = _objRooster; hasFollower = true; } // check if the ghost is following the player var itemGhost = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("ghost"); if (itemGhost != null && itemGhost.Count > 0) { _objFollower = _objGhost; hasFollower = true; } if (hasFollower) { // check if the follower is already spawned if (_objFollower.Map != Map) { if (mapInit && NextMapPositionStart.HasValue) _objFollower.EntityPosition.Set(NextMapPositionStart.Value); else _objFollower.EntityPosition.Set(EntityPosition.Position); _objFollower.Map = Map; Map.Objects.SpawnObject(_objFollower); } } // remove the current follower from the map else if (_objFollower != null) { Map.Objects.DeleteObjects.Add(_objFollower); _objFollower = null; } } private void UpdateStoreItemPosition(CPosition position) { _storePickupPosition.X = position.X - _storeItemWidth / 2f; _storePickupPosition.Y = position.Y - EntityPosition.Z - 14 - _storeItemHeight; } #region public public void InitGame() { Animation.Play((CarryShield ? "stands_" : "stand_") + Direction); _spriteTransparency = 1; _inDungeon = false; NextMapFallStart = false; NextMapFallRotateStart = false; Game1.GameManager.SwordLevel = 0; Game1.GameManager.ShieldLevel = 0; Game1.GameManager.StoneGrabberLevel = 0; Game1.GameManager.SelectedOcarinaSong = -1; Game1.GameManager.OcarinaSongs[0] = 0; Game1.GameManager.OcarinaSongs[1] = 0; Game1.GameManager.OcarinaSongs[2] = 0; Game1.GameManager.HasMagnifyingLens = false; _spawnGhost = false; HasFlippers = false; StoreItem = null; _body.IsActive = true; _objMaria = new ObjMarin(Map, 0, 0); _objRooster = new ObjCock(Map, 0, 0, null); _objGhost = new ObjGhost(Map, 0, 0); MapInit(); CurrentState = State.Idle; } public void MapInit() { if (CurrentState != State.Swimming && CurrentState != State.OcarinaTelport) CurrentState = State.Idle; _boomerang.Reset(); Hookshot.Reset(); _hookshotPull = false; _railJump = false; IsVisible = true; _isRafting = false; _isFlying = false; _isClimbing = false; _isTrapped = false; _shadowComponent.IsActive = true; _isGrabbed = false; ShowItem = null; _collectedShowItem = null; _objFollower = null; _hitRepelTime = 0; _hitParticleTime = 0; _hitCount = 0; _sprite.SpriteShader = null; _moveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _lastMoveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _hitVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _body.Velocity = Vector3.Zero; _body.IgnoreHeight = false; _body.IgnoreHoles = false; _body.DeepWaterOffset = -3; _body.Level = 0; _body.IsGrounded = true; _bootsHolding = false; _bootsRunning = false; _bootsCounter = 0; _carriedGameObject = null; _carriedComponent = null; _carriedObjDrawComp = null; _drawInstrumentEffect = false; _diveCounter = 0; _swimVelocity = Vector2.Zero; if (NextMapFallStart) { EntityPosition.Z = 64; _body.Velocity.Z = -3.75f; _body.IgnoresZ = false; _body.JumpStartHeight = EntityPosition.Z; NextMapFallStart = false; } if (NextMapFallRotateStart) { EntityPosition.Z = 160; _body.Velocity.Z = -3.75f; _body.IgnoresZ = false; _body.IsGrounded = false; _body.JumpStartHeight = EntityPosition.Z; _fallEntryCounter = 0; CurrentState = State.FallRotateEntry; NextMapFallRotateStart = false; } if (NextMapPositionEnd.HasValue) SetHoleResetPosition(NextMapPositionEnd.Value); if (Is2DMode) MapInit2D(); // reset guardian acorn and piece of power except when in a dungeon if (!_inDungeon || Map == null || !Map.DungeonMode) { Game1.GameManager.StopGuardianAcorn(); Game1.GameManager.StopPieceOfPower(); } if (Map != null && Map.DungeonMode) _inDungeon = true; else _inDungeon = false; Game1.GameManager.UseShockEffect = false; } public void InitEnding() { CurrentState = State.Sequence; Animation.Play("stand_1"); } public void FinishLoadingMap(Map.Map map) { Map = map; Is2DMode = map.Is2dMap; if (NextMapPositionStart.HasValue) SetPosition(NextMapPositionStart.Value); MapInit(); UpdateFollower(true); if (_objFollower != null) _objFollower.EntityPosition.Set(NextMapPositionStart.Value); } public void Respawn() { Animation.Play((CarryShield ? "stands_" : "stand_") + Direction); StoreItem = null; _body.IsActive = true; var hearts = 3; if (Game1.GameManager.MaxHearths >= 14) hearts = 10; else if (Game1.GameManager.MaxHearths >= 10) hearts = 7; else if (Game1.GameManager.MaxHearths >= 6) hearts = 5; Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth = hearts * 4; Game1.GameManager.DeathCount++; MapInit(); } public void StartIntro() { // set the music Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(27, 2); CurrentState = State.Intro; Animation.Play("intro"); NextMapPositionStart = null; NextMapPositionEnd = null; SetPosition(new Vector2(56, 51)); MapManager.Camera.ForceUpdate(Game1.GameManager.MapManager.GetCameraTarget()); MapManager.ObjLink.SaveMap = Map.MapName; MapManager.ObjLink.SavePosition = new Vector2(70, 70); MapManager.ObjLink.SaveDirection = 3; } public void SetPosition(Vector2 newPosition) { _body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero; EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2(newPosition.X, newPosition.Y)); } public void FreezePlayer() { UpdatePlayer = false; _isWalking = false; _bootsRunning = false; // stop movement // on the boat the player should still move up/down while playing the sequence if (Map != null && !Map.Is2dMap) { // make sure to fall down when jumping into a game sequence _body.Velocity.X = 0; _body.Velocity.Y = 0; if (CurrentState == State.Jumping || CurrentState == State.Powdering) CurrentState = State.Idle; } _body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero; _moveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _hitVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _swimVelocity = Vector2.Zero; // stop push animation if (CurrentState == State.Pushing) CurrentState = State.Idle; if (Map != null && Map.Is2dMap) UpdateAnimation2D(); else UpdateAnimation(); } public bool HitPlayer(Box box, HitType type, int damage, float pushMultiplier = 1.75f) { var boxDir = BodyRectangle.Center - box.Center; // if the player is standing inside the box the hit is not blockable var blockable = Math.Abs(boxDir.X) > box.Width / 2 || Math.Abs(boxDir.Y) > box.Height / 2; var intersection = BodyRectangle.GetIntersection(box.Rectangle()); var direction = BodyRectangle.Center - intersection.Center; if (direction == Vector2.Zero) direction = boxDir; if (direction != Vector2.Zero) direction.Normalize(); return HitPlayer(direction * pushMultiplier, type, damage, blockable); } public bool HitPlayer(Vector2 direction, HitType type, int damage, bool blockable, int damageCooldown = CooldownTime) { if (_hitCount > 0 || CurrentState == State.Dying || CurrentState == State.PickingUp || CurrentState == State.Drowning || CurrentState == State.Drowned || CurrentState == State.Knockout || IsDiving() || Game1.GameManager.UseShockEffect || !UpdatePlayer || _isTrapped) return false; // block the attack? if (blockable && (CurrentState == State.Blocking || _bootsRunning && CarryShield)) { _bootsHolding = false; _bootsRunning = false; _bootsCounter = 0; // is the player blocking this direction var vectorDirection = ToDirection(-direction); if (Direction == vectorDirection) return false; } // jump a little if we get hit by a spike if ((type & HitType.Spikes) != 0) { _body.Velocity.Z = 1.0f; } // redirect the down force to the sides if (Map.Is2dMap && _body.IsGrounded && direction.Y > 0) { direction.X += Math.Sign(direction.X) * Math.Abs(direction.Y) * 0.5f; direction.Y = 0; } // fall down on damage taken while climbing if (Map.Is2dMap && _isClimbing) _isClimbing = false; if (!_isRafting) _hitVelocity += direction; if (_hitCount > 0) return false; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D370-03-03"); _hitCount = damageCooldown; Game1.GameManager.InflictDamage(damage); // TODO_2: this should be optional (in config file or game settings?) //if(false) { // freeze the screen and shake var freezeTime = 67; var shakeMult = (100.0f / freezeTime) * MathF.PI; Game1.FreezeTime = Game1.TotalGameTime + freezeTime; Game1.GameManager.ShakeScreen(freezeTime, (int)(direction.X * 2), (int)(direction.Y * 2), shakeMult, shakeMult); UpdateDamageShader(); } return true; } public void FreezeAnimationState() { CurrentState = State.Frozen; Animation.Pause(); } public void StartOcarinaDuo() { CurrentState = State.Ocarina; _ocarinaNoteIndex = 0; _ocarinaCounter = 0; Animation.Play("ocarina_duo"); } public void StopOcarinaDuo() { CurrentState = State.Idle; } public void StartFlying(ObjCock objCock) { _isFlying = true; _objRooster = objCock; } public void StopFlying() { _isFlying = false; _body.IgnoresZ = false; _body.IsGrounded = false; _body.JumpStartHeight = 0; _lastMoveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; if (_objRooster != null) _objRooster.StopFlying(); } public void SeqLockPlayer() { UpdatePlayer = false; if (Map.Is2dMap) UpdateAnimation2D(); else UpdateAnimation(); } public void LockPlayer() { _isLocked = true; } public void TrapPlayer(bool disableItems = false) { _isTrapped = true; _trappedDisableItems = disableItems; _trapInteractionCount = 8; } public bool StealShield() { // steal the shield if it is in the first 4 slots for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (Game1.GameManager.Equipment[i] != null && Game1.GameManager.Equipment[i].Name == "shield") { Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("shield", 1); return true; } } return false; } public void FreeTrappedPlayer() { _isTrapped = false; } public void ShortenDive() { _diveCounter = 350; } public void StartRaftRiding(ObjRaft objRaft) { if (CurrentState != State.Jumping) CurrentState = State.Rafting; _isRafting = true; _objRaft = objRaft; _body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero; _body.IgnoreHeight = true; } public void RaftJump(Vector2 targetPosition) { if (CurrentState == State.Jumping) return; CurrentState = State.Jumping; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-13-0D"); Direction = 3; Animation.Play("jump_" + Direction); if (_objRaft != null) { _objRaft.Jump(targetPosition, 100); } } public void ExitRaft() { CurrentState = State.Idle; _isRafting = false; _objRaft = null; EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2(EntityPosition.X, EntityPosition.Y - 1)); } public void SetHoleResetPosition(Vector2 position, int direction) { if (direction == 0) _alternativeHoleResetPosition = new Vector2(position.X + MathF.Ceiling(_body.Width / 2f), position.Y + 8 + MathF.Ceiling(_body.Height / 2f)); else if (direction == 1) _alternativeHoleResetPosition = new Vector2(position.X + 8, position.Y + _body.Height); else if (direction == 2) _alternativeHoleResetPosition = new Vector2(position.X + 16 - MathF.Ceiling(_body.Width / 2f), position.Y + 8 + MathF.Ceiling(_body.Height / 2f)); else if (direction == 3) _alternativeHoleResetPosition = new Vector2(position.X + 8, position.Y + 16); // also used for the drown reseet point _drownResetPosition = _alternativeHoleResetPosition; } public void Knockout(Vector2 direction, string resetDoor) { if (CurrentState == State.Knockout) return; CurrentState = State.Knockout; MapTransitionStart = MapManager.ObjLink.EntityPosition.Position; MapTransitionEnd = MapManager.ObjLink.EntityPosition.Position + direction * 80; TransitionOutWalking = false; // append a map change var transitionSystem = ((MapTransitionSystem)Game1.GameManager.GameSystems[typeof(MapTransitionSystem)]); transitionSystem.AppendMapChange(Map.MapName, resetDoor, false, false, Color.White, false); transitionSystem.StartKnockoutTransition = true; } public void GroundStun(int stunTime = 1250) { // do not stun the player when he is in the air if (_body.IsGrounded && CurrentState != State.Jumping) Stun(stunTime); } public void Stun(int stunTime, bool particle = false) { if (CurrentState == State.Dying) return; CurrentState = State.InitStunned; _stunnedParticles = particle; _stunnedCounter = stunTime; } public void StartGrab() { _isGrabbed = true; } public void EndGrab() { _isGrabbed = false; } public void StartThrow(Vector3 direction) { _body.Velocity = direction; _body.IsGrounded = false; _body.JumpStartHeight = 0; } public void StartHoldingItem(GameItem item) { CurrentState = State.CarryingItem; StoreItem = item; _storeItemWidth = item.SourceRectangle.Value.Width; _storeItemHeight = item.SourceRectangle.Value.Height; EntityPosition.AddPositionListener(typeof(ObjLink), UpdateStoreItemPosition); UpdateStoreItemPosition(EntityPosition); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("holdItem", "1"); } public void StopHoldingItem() { CurrentState = State.Idle; StoreItem = null; // this removes all listeners with the ObjLink as a key EntityPosition.PositionChangedDict.Remove(typeof(ObjLink)); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("holdItem", "0"); } public void SlowDown(float speed) { if (CurrentState != State.Jumping) _currentWalkSpeed = speed; } public void StartBedTransition() { _startBedTransition = true; } public void StartJump() { if (CurrentState != State.Dying && CurrentState != State.PickingUp) Jump(true); } public void StartRailJump(Vector2 goalPosition, float jumpHeightMultiply, float jumpSpeedMultiply, float goalPositionZ = 0) { if (CurrentState == State.Swimming) CurrentState = State.Idle; if (!Jump(false, false)) return; Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect("D360-08-08"); _railJump = true; _railJumpStartPosition = EntityPosition.Position; _railJumpTargetPosition = goalPosition; // values for distance of 16 _railJumpSpeed = 0.045f * jumpSpeedMultiply; _railJumpHeight = 12 * jumpHeightMultiply; _railJumpPositionZ = goalPositionZ; _railJumpPercentage = 0; _body.IgnoreHeight = true; _body.IgnoresZ = true; _body.Velocity.Z = 0; } public Vector2 RailJumpTarget() { return _railJumpTargetPosition; } public float RailJumpSpeed() { return _railJumpSpeed; } public float RailJumpHeight() { return _railJumpHeight; } public float GetRailJumpAmount() { if (!_railJump) return 0; return _railJumpPercentage; } public void RotatePlayer() { if (_bootsRunning) return; _rotationCounter += Game1.DeltaTime; // 8 frames per direction if (_rotationCounter > 133) { _rotationCounter -= 133; if (!_isWalking) { Direction = (Direction + 1) % 4; // rotate the sword if the player is currently charging if (CurrentState == State.Charging) AnimatorWeapons.Play("stand_" + Direction); } } } public void StartTeleportation(ObjDungeonTeleporter teleporter) { _teleporter = teleporter; CurrentState = State.Teleporting; _drawBody.Layer = Values.LayerTop; _teleportState = 0; _teleportCounter = 0; _teleportCounterFull = 0; } public void ShockPlayer(int time) { // stop running to not continuously run into the enemy _bootsHolding = false; _bootsRunning = false; _bootsCounter = 0; CurrentState = State.Idle; // shock the player Game1.GameManager.UseShockEffect = true; Game1.GameManager.ShakeScreen(time, 4, 0, 8.5f, 0); Game1.GameManager.InflictDamage(4); } public void StartHookshotPull() { _hookshotPull = true; if (Map.Is2dMap) { _body.Velocity.Y = 0; _body.LastVelocityCollision = Values.BodyCollision.None; } // if the player is on the upper level he will not get pulled through water and we can move through colliders if ((_body.CurrentFieldState & MapStates.FieldStates.UpperLevel) != 0) { _body.IsGrounded = false; _body.Level = MapStates.GetLevel(_body.CurrentFieldState); } } public bool UpdateHookshotPull() { var distance = _body.BodyBox.Box.Center - Hookshot.HookshotPosition.Position; var pullVector = AnimationHelper.DirectionOffset[Direction]; // reached the end of the hook or collided with an object before if (distance.Length() < (distance + pullVector).Length() || (_body.LastVelocityCollision != Values.BodyCollision.None && (_body.SlideOffset == Vector2.Zero || _body.BodyBox.Box.Contains(Hookshot.HookshotPosition.Position))) || CurrentState == State.Dying) { _hookshotPull = false; _body.IgnoresZ = false; _body.IgnoreHoles = false; _body.Level = 0; return false; } _body.VelocityTarget = pullVector * 3; return true; } public void StartTeleportation(string teleportMap, string teleporterId) { _teleporter = null; CurrentState = State.Teleporting; _drawBody.Layer = Values.LayerTop; _teleportMap = teleportMap; _teleporterId = teleporterId; _teleportState = 0; _teleportCounter = 0; _teleportCounterFull = 0; ReleaseCarriedObject(); } public void StartWorldTelportation(Vector2 newPosition) { CurrentState = State.TeleportFallWait; var positionDistance = EntityPosition.Position - newPosition; var fallPosition = new Vector3(newPosition.X, newPosition.Y, 128); EntityPosition.Set(fallPosition); if (_objFollower != null) { var itemGhost = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("ghost"); if (itemGhost != null && itemGhost.Count >= 0) _objFollower.EntityPosition.Set(new Vector2(fallPosition.X, fallPosition.Y)); else _objFollower.EntityPosition.Set(fallPosition); } // only jump to the new position if it is a different teleporter at a different location if (positionDistance.Length() > 64) MapManager.Camera.ForceUpdate(Game1.GameManager.MapManager.GetCameraTarget()); } public void SetWalkingDirection(int direction) { Direction = direction; UpdateAnimation(); } public void PickUpItem(GameItemCollected itemCollected, bool showItem, bool showDialog = true, bool playSound = true) { if (itemCollected == null) return; var item = Game1.GameManager.ItemManager[itemCollected.Name]; // the base item has the max count and other information var baseItem = Game1.GameManager.ItemManager[item.Name]; // save the game before entering the show animation to support exiting the game while the item is shown _savedPreItemPickup = true; if (item.PickUpDialog != null && !Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.HistoryEnabled) { SaveGameSaveLoad.FillSaveState(Game1.GameManager); Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.EnableHistory(); } _showItem = false; _pickingUpInstrument = false; _pickingUpSword = false; // upgrade the sword var equipmentPosition = 0; if (item.Name == "sword1") { _pickingUpSword = true; Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(14, 2); } else if (item.Name == "sword2") { equipmentPosition = Game1.GameManager.GetEquipmentSlot("sword1"); Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("sword1", 99); Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(itemCollected, equipmentPosition); Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(14, 2); } else if (item.Name == "mirrorShield") { equipmentPosition = Game1.GameManager.GetEquipmentSlot("shield"); Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("shield", 99); Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(itemCollected, equipmentPosition); } else if (baseItem.Name == "shield") { var mirrorShield = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("mirrorShield"); if (mirrorShield != null) { Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect(item.SoundEffectName, true, 1, 0, item.TurnDownMusic); return; } } else if (itemCollected.Name == "stonelifter2") { equipmentPosition = Game1.GameManager.GetEquipmentSlot("stonelifter"); Game1.GameManager.RemoveItem("stonelifter", 99); Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(itemCollected, equipmentPosition); } else if (itemCollected.Name == "heartMeterFull") { Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(36, 2); } else if (itemCollected.Name == "heartMeter") { var heart = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("heartMeter"); // hearts was expanded => show different dialog if (heart?.Count == 3) _additionalPickupDialog = "heartMeterFilled"; } // hearth if (item.Name == "heart") { Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth += itemCollected.Count * 4; if (Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth > Game1.GameManager.MaxHearths * 4) Game1.GameManager.CurrentHealth = Game1.GameManager.MaxHearths * 4; } // pick up item is an accessory else if ((item.ShowAnimation == 1 || item.ShowAnimation == 2) && showItem) { // stop player movement _body.Velocity = Vector3.Zero; _body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero; _moveVelocity = Vector2.Zero; _hitVelocity = Vector2.Zero; // pick up and show an item ShowItem = item; // hold the item over the head with one or two hands (to the left side or the middle) if (item.ShowAnimation == 1) _showItemOffset.X = 0; else _showItemOffset.X = -4; _showItemOffset.Y = -15; if (ShowItem.Name == "guardianAcorn") Game1.GameManager.InitGuardianAcorn(); else if (ShowItem.Name == "pieceOfPower") Game1.GameManager.InitPieceOfPower(); // @HACK: piece of power shows the sword image when picked up if (ShowItem.Name == "pieceOfPower") { var swordItem = Game1.GameManager.GetItem("sword1"); if (swordItem != null && swordItem.Count > 0) ShowItem = Game1.GameManager.ItemManager["sword1PoP"]; else ShowItem = Game1.GameManager.ItemManager["sword2PoP"]; } // make sure to use the right source rectangle if the shown item does not have one var sourceRectangle = ShowItem.SourceRectangle ?? baseItem.SourceRectangle.Value; if (ShowItem.MapSprite != null) sourceRectangle = ShowItem.MapSprite.SourceRectangle; else if (baseItem.MapSprite != null) sourceRectangle = baseItem.MapSprite.SourceRectangle; // spawn pickup animation if (item.ShowEffect) Map.Objects.SpawnObject(new ObjPickupAnimation(Map, EntityPosition.X + _showItemOffset.X, EntityPosition.Y - EntityPosition.Z + _showItemOffset.Y - sourceRectangle.Height / 2)); _showItemOffset -= new Vector2(sourceRectangle.Width / 2f, sourceRectangle.Height); CurrentState = State.PickingUp; Game1.GameManager.SaveManager.SetString("player_shows_item", "1"); Animation.Play("show" + item.ShowAnimation); _itemShowCounter = item.ShowTime; _showItem = true; // make sure to collect the item the player is currently showing if (_collectedShowItem != null) Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(_collectedShowItem, 0); _collectedShowItem = itemCollected; if (ShowItem.Name == "sword2") { _shownSwordLv2Dialog = false; _showSwordL2ParticleCounter = 0; CurrentState = State.SwordShowLv2; } // not sure if this is what should happen here ReleaseCarriedObject(); } else { Game1.GameManager.CollectItem(itemCollected, equipmentPosition); } if (item.Name.StartsWith("instrument")) { // stop playing music Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(26, 2); _instrumentPickupTime = Game1.TotalGameTime; _instrumentIndex = int.Parse(item.Name.Replace("instrument", "")); _pickingUpInstrument = true; } if (item.PickUpDialog != null && !_showItem && showDialog) { Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath(item.PickUpDialog); } // play sound if (playSound && item.SoundEffectName != null) Game1.GameManager.PlaySoundEffect(item.SoundEffectName, true, 1, 0, item.TurnDownMusic); if (item.MusicName >= 0) Game1.GameManager.SetMusic(item.MusicName, 1); } #region map change public void SetNextMapPosition(Vector2 playerPosition) { // this will be used to set the position of the player after loading the map // one of them should always be null // the playerPosition is used after loading a savestate NextMapPositionStart = playerPosition; NextMapPositionEnd = playerPosition; NextMapPositionId = null; } public void SetNextMapPosition(string nextMapPositionId) { // this will be used to set the position of the player after loading the map // one of them should always be null // the nextMapPositionId is used after going though a door NextMapPositionId = nextMapPositionId; NextMapPositionStart = null; NextMapPositionEnd = null; } public void OnAppendMapChange() { if (_objMaria != null) _objMaria.OnAppendMapChange(); } public void StartTransitioning() { IsTransitioning = true; _drawBody.Layer = Values.LayerTop; // if the transitioning starts from a jump the player would have no animation otherwise //_moved = true; _isWalking = true; _bootsRunning = false; // stole item? if (StoreItem != null) StealItem(); ReleaseCarriedObject(); // release the cock if link is flying if (MapManager.ObjLink.IsFlying()) MapManager.ObjLink.StopFlying(); // make sure the player walks if (MapTransitionStart.HasValue && MapTransitionEnd.HasValue && CurrentState != State.Swimming && CurrentState != State.BedTransition && CurrentState != State.Knockout && CurrentState != State.OcarinaTelport) CurrentState = State.Idle; _body.VelocityTarget = Vector2.Zero; if (Map.Is2dMap) { if (_ladderCollision) { _isClimbing = true; Direction = 1; } // prefent the player from falling down while climbing up a ladder //if ((Direction % 2) != 0) _body.IgnoresZ = true; // fall down //else if (_body.Velocity.Y < 0) _body.Velocity.Y = 0.0f; } else { _body.Velocity = Vector3.Zero; } } public void UpdateMapTransitionOut(float state) { if (MapTransitionStart.HasValue && MapTransitionEnd.HasValue) { var newPosition = Vector2.Lerp(MapTransitionStart.Value, MapTransitionEnd.Value, state); // fall down to the ground //if (Map.Is2dMap && (Direction % 2) == 0) // newPosition.Y = EntityPosition.Y; SetPosition(newPosition); } // lock the camera while transitioning if (!Map.Is2dMap || Direction == 1) Game1.GameManager.MapManager.UpdateCameraY = MapTransitionStart == MapTransitionEnd; _isWalking = TransitionOutWalking; if (Is2DMode) UpdateAnimation2D(); else UpdateAnimation(); } public void UpdateMapTransitionIn(float state) { // make sure to not start falling while transitioning into a 2d map with a ladder if (state == 0 && Map.Is2dMap) _body.IgnoresZ = true; if (DirectionEntry >= 0) Direction = DirectionEntry; if (NextMapPositionStart.HasValue && NextMapPositionEnd.HasValue) { var newPosition = Vector2.Lerp(NextMapPositionStart.Value, NextMapPositionEnd.Value, state); SetPosition(newPosition); // transition the follower out if (_objFollower != null && NextMapPositionStart.Value != NextMapPositionEnd.Value) { var followerPosition = Vector2.Lerp(NextMapPositionStart.Value, NextMapPositionEnd.Value, state * 0.5f); _objFollower.SetPosition(followerPosition); } } // lock the camera while transitioning if (!Map.Is2dMap || Direction == 1) Game1.GameManager.MapManager.UpdateCameraY = NextMapPositionStart == NextMapPositionEnd; _isWalking = TransitionInWalking; // set the hole and water reset position to be at the transition entrance _holeResetPoint = EntityPosition.Position; _drownResetPosition = EntityPosition.Position; UpdateSwimming(); UpdateIgnoresZ(); if (Is2DMode) UpdateAnimation2D(); else UpdateAnimation(); } public void EndTransitioning() { _body.HoleAbsorption = Vector2.Zero; IsTransitioning = false; if (!Map.Is2dMap) { _body.Velocity.X = 0; _body.Velocity.Y = 0; } // this is because the water is deeper than 0 if ((SystemBody.GetFieldState(_body) & MapStates.FieldStates.DeepWater) == 0 && CurrentState != State.Swimming && !_isClimbing) _body.IgnoresZ = false; _drawBody.Layer = Values.LayerPlayer; MapManager.Camera.CameraFollowMultiplier = 1.0f; if (_showStealMessage) { _showStealMessage = false; Game1.GameManager.StartDialogPath("shopkeeper_steal"); } // restart the music if (Game1.GameManager.PieceOfPowerIsActive || Game1.GameManager.GuardianAcornIsActive) Game1.GameManager.StartPieceOfPowerMusic(); } #endregion public Vector2 GetSwimVelocity() { return _swimVelocity; } public ObjMarin GetMarin() { return _objMaria; } #endregion #region is functions public bool IsDiving() { return _diveCounter > 0; } public bool IsGrounded() { return _body.IsGrounded && !_railJump && !_isFlying; } public bool IsJumping() { return CurrentState == State.Jumping; } public bool IsRailJumping() { return _railJump; } public bool IsHoleAbsorb() { return _isFallingIntoHole; } public bool IsDashing() { return _bootsRunning; } public bool IsStunned() { return CurrentState == State.Stunned; } public bool IsTrapped() { return _isTrapped; } public bool IsFlying() { return _isFlying && CurrentState == State.Carrying; } public bool IsUsingHookshot() { return CurrentState == State.Hookshot; } #endregion } }