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2023-12-14 22:21:22 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using ProjectZ.Base;
using ProjectZ.Base.UI;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Map;
using ProjectZ.InGame.SaveLoad;
using ProjectZ.InGame.Things;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ProjectZ.Editor
internal class TilesetEdit : InGame.Screens.Screen
private class MapData
public string FilePath;
public Map Map;
private class Tile : IComparable<Tile>
public Texture2D SprTile;
public Color[] Data;
public uint Value;
// needed for mapping after sorting the tile list
public int Position;
public int CompareTo(Tile other) => (int)(other.Value - Value);
private readonly List<MapData> _loadedMaps = new List<MapData>();
private readonly List<Tile> _tileSetData = new List<Tile>();
private readonly EditorCamera _camera = new EditorCamera();
private RenderTarget2D _renderTarget;
private int _toolBarWidth = 200;
private int _currentSelection;
private int _selctionEnd;
private int _tileSize = 16;
private int _selectionStart;
public int[,] SelectedTiles;
private bool _selecting;
private int _outputWidth = 15;
private int _outputHeight;
public TilesetEdit(string screenId) : base(screenId) { }
public override void Load(ContentManager content)
var buttonDist = 5;
var buttonWidth = _toolBarWidth - buttonDist * 2;
var buttonWidthHalf = _toolBarWidth - buttonDist * 3;
var buttonHeight = 30;
var posY = Values.ToolBarHeight + buttonDist;
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiRectangle(new Rectangle(0, Values.ToolBarHeight, _toolBarWidth, 0), "left", Values.EditorUiTilesetEditor, Color.Transparent, Color.Black * 0.5f,
ui => { ui.Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, Values.ToolBarHeight, _toolBarWidth, Game1.WindowHeight - Values.ToolBarHeight); }));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(buttonDist, posY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), Resources.EditorFont,
"add map", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTilesetEditor, null, ui => { LoadMaps(); }));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(buttonDist, posY += buttonHeight + buttonDist, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), Resources.EditorFont,
"save", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTilesetEditor, null, ui => { SaveChanges(); }));
Game1.EditorUi.AddElement(new UiButton(new Rectangle(buttonDist, posY += buttonHeight + buttonDist, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), Resources.EditorFont,
"remove all", "bt1", Values.EditorUiTilesetEditor, null, ui => { RemoveAll(); }));
_camera.Location = new Point(400, 250);
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
Game1.EditorUi.CurrentScreen = Values.EditorUiTilesetEditor;
var position = InputHandler.MousePosition();
// update tileset scale
if (InputHandler.MouseWheelUp() && _camera.Scale < 10)
_camera.Scale += 0.25f;
var scale = _camera.Scale / (_camera.Scale - 0.25f);
_camera.Location.X = InputHandler.MousePosition().X - (int)((InputHandler.MousePosition().X - _camera.Location.X) * scale);
_camera.Location.Y = InputHandler.MousePosition().Y - (int)((InputHandler.MousePosition().Y - _camera.Location.Y) * scale);
if (InputHandler.MouseWheelDown() && _camera.Scale > 0.25f)
_camera.Scale -= 0.25f;
var scale = _camera.Scale / (_camera.Scale + 0.25f);
_camera.Location.X = InputHandler.MousePosition().X - (int)((InputHandler.MousePosition().X - _camera.Location.X) * scale);
_camera.Location.Y = InputHandler.MousePosition().Y - (int)((InputHandler.MousePosition().Y - _camera.Location.Y) * scale);
// move the tileset
if (!InputHandler.MouseMiddleStart() && InputHandler.MouseMiddleDown())
_camera.Location += position - InputHandler.LastMousePosition();
// update currentSelection
if (InputHandler.MouseIntersect(new Rectangle(_camera.Location.X, _camera.Location.Y,
(int)(_outputWidth * _tileSize * _camera.Scale),
(int)(_outputHeight * _tileSize * _camera.Scale))))
_currentSelection =
((position.X - _camera.Location.X) / (int)(_tileSize * _camera.Scale)) % _outputWidth +
((position.Y - _camera.Location.Y) / (int)(_tileSize * _camera.Scale)) * _outputWidth;
_selctionEnd = _currentSelection;
if (_currentSelection >= _tileSetData.Count)
_currentSelection = -1;
_currentSelection = -1;
//if (InputHandler.MouseRightStart() && currentSelection != -1)
// selectionStart = currentSelection;
//if (InputHandler.MouseRightPressed())
// if (_currentSelection != -1)
// {
// for (var y = 0; y < SelectedTiles.GetLength(1); y++)
// {
// for (var x = 0; x < SelectedTiles.GetLength(0); x++)
// {
// var pos = SelectedTiles[x, y];
// var dir = pos - SelectedTiles[0, 0] + _currentSelection;
// var temp = _tiles[pos];
// _tiles[pos] = _tiles[dir];
// _tiles[dir] = temp;
// // UpdatePosition(pos, dir);
// }
// }
// }
//// select a tile
//if (InputHandler.MouseLeftStart() && _currentSelection != -1)
// _selecting = true;
// _selectionStart = _currentSelection;
//if (InputHandler.MouseLeftReleased() && _selecting)
// _selecting = false;
// // select multiple tiles
// var start = Math.Min(_selectionStart, _selctionEnd);
// var end = Math.Max(_selectionStart, _selctionEnd);
// SelectedTiles = new int[Math.Abs(end % _world.TileMap.TileCountX - start % _world.TileMap.TileCountX) + 1,
// end / _world.TileMap.TileCountX - start / _world.TileMap.TileCountX + 1];
// for (var y = start / _world.TileMap.TileCountX; y <= end / _world.TileMap.TileCountX; y++)
// for (var x = Math.Min(start % _world.TileMap.TileCountX, end % _world.TileMap.TileCountX);
// x <= Math.Max(start % _world.TileMap.TileCountX, end % _world.TileMap.TileCountX); x++)
// {
// SelectedTiles[x - Math.Min(start % _world.TileMap.TileCountX, end % _world.TileMap.TileCountX),
// y - start / _world.TileMap.TileCountX] = x + y * _world.TileMap.TileCountX;
// }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointWrap, null, null, null, _camera.TransformMatrix);
// draw the tiled background
spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprTiledBlock, new Rectangle(0, 0,
_outputWidth * _tileSize, _outputHeight * _tileSize),
new Rectangle(0, 0,
(_outputWidth * _tileSize) / _tileSize * 2,
(_outputHeight * _tileSize) / _tileSize * 2), Color.White);
// draw the tileset
//spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.sprTileset, new Rectangle(drawPosition.X, drawPosition.Y, (int)(Resources.sprTileset.Width * drawScale), (int)(Resources.sprTileset.Height * drawScale)), Color.White);
// draw all the tiles
for (var i = 0; i < _tileSetData.Count; i++)
spriteBatch.Draw(_tileSetData[i].SprTile, new Rectangle(
i % _outputWidth * _tileSize, i / _outputWidth * _tileSize,
_tileSetData[i].SprTile.Width, _tileSetData[i].SprTile.Height), Color.White);
// draw the current selection
if (_currentSelection >= 0)
spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, new Rectangle(
_currentSelection % _outputWidth * _tileSize,
_currentSelection / _outputWidth * _tileSize,
_tileSize, _tileSize), Color.Red * 0.5f);
// draw all the loaded tilemap
var posY = 0;
foreach (var map in _loadedMaps)
var tileMap = map.Map.TileMap;
for (var z = 0; z < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - (tileMap.BlurLayer ? 1 : 0); z++)
for (var y = 0; y < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (tileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] >= 0)
spriteBatch.Draw(_tileSetData[tileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z]].SprTile,
new Vector2(x * _tileSize + _outputWidth * 16 + 8, posY + y * _tileSize), Color.White);
posY += tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1) * 16 + 8;
//// draw the selection
//if (SelectedTiles != null)
// for (var y = 0; y < SelectedTiles.GetLength(1); y++)
// for (var x = 0; x < SelectedTiles.GetLength(0); x++)
// {
// spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, new Rectangle(_drawPosition.X + (SelectedTiles[x, y] % _world.TileMap.TileCountX) * (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale),
// _drawPosition.Y + (SelectedTiles[x, y] / _world.TileMap.TileCountX) * (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale),
// (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale), (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale)), Color.Red * 0.5f);
// }
//if (_selecting)
// var start = Math.Min(_selectionStart, _selctionEnd);
// var end = Math.Max(_selectionStart, _selctionEnd);
// spriteBatch.Draw(Resources.SprWhite, new Rectangle(
// _drawPosition.X + Math.Min(_selectionStart % _world.TileMap.TileCountX, _selctionEnd % _world.TileMap.TileCountX) * (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale),
// _drawPosition.Y + Math.Min(_selectionStart / _world.TileMap.TileCountX, _selctionEnd / _world.TileMap.TileCountX) * (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale),
// (Math.Abs(_selectionStart % _world.TileMap.TileCountX - _selctionEnd % _world.TileMap.TileCountX) + 1) * (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale),
// (Math.Abs(_selectionStart / _world.TileMap.TileCountX - _selctionEnd / _world.TileMap.TileCountX) + 1) * (int)(_tileSize * _drawScale)), Color.PaleVioletRed * 0.5f);
public void RemoveAll()
public void LoadMaps()
var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog
Filter = "Map file (*.map)|*.map",
Multiselect = true
if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
// add the selected maps
foreach (var fileName in openFileDialog.FileNames)
_outputHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(_tileSetData.Count / (float)_outputWidth);
// sort the tiles
public void SaveChanges()
var saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()
Filter = "Map file (*.png)|*.png"
if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
var filePath = saveFileDialog.FileName;
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
// save the tileset
// save the changes to the map
foreach (var map in _loadedMaps)
// set the path of the new tileset
map.Map.TileMap.TilesetPath = fileName;
// save the map to the original path
SaveLoadMap.SaveMapFile(map.FilePath, map.Map);
public void SaveTileset(string path)
_renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(Game1.Graphics.GraphicsDevice, _outputWidth * _tileSize, _outputHeight * _tileSize);
for (var i = 0; i < _tileSetData.Count; i++)
Game1.SpriteBatch.Draw(_tileSetData[i].SprTile, new Rectangle(
i % _outputWidth * _tileSize, i / _outputWidth * _tileSize,
_tileSetData[i].SprTile.Width, _tileSetData[i].SprTile.Height), Color.White);
using Stream stream = File.Create(path);
_renderTarget.SaveAsPng(stream, _renderTarget.Width, _renderTarget.Height);
public void RemapTiles()
var tileMapping = new int[_tileSetData.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < _tileSetData.Count; i++)
tileMapping[_tileSetData[i].Position] = i;
// map all tiles to the new order
foreach (var maps in _loadedMaps)
var tileMap = maps.Map.TileMap;
MapTileArray(tileMap, tileMapping);
// reset the tile position
for (var i = 0; i < _tileSetData.Count; i++)
_tileSetData[i].Position = i;
public void AddMap(string strPath)
var map = new Map();
SaveLoadMap.LoadMapFile(strPath, map);
var mapData = new MapData() { FilePath = strPath, Map = map };
// get the Color[] data of each tile
var tiles = SplitTileset(map.TileMap.SprTileset);
var tileMapping = new int[tiles.Count];
// add the tiles
for (var i = 0; i < tiles.Count; i++)
// remove tile if it is not used in the image
if (IsTileUsed(map.TileMap, i))
tileMapping[i] = AddTexture(tiles[i]);
// map the tiles from the tilemap to the tiles of the output tileset
MapTileArray(map.TileMap, tileMapping);
private bool IsTileUsed(TileMap tileMap, int index)
for (var z = 0; z < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - (tileMap.BlurLayer ? 1 : 0); z++)
for (var y = 0; y < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (tileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] == index)
return true;
return false;
public void MapTileArray(TileMap tileMap, int[] mapping)
for (var z = 0; z < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(2) - (tileMap.BlurLayer ? 1 : 0); z++)
for (var y = 0; y < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(1); y++)
for (var x = 0; x < tileMap.ArrayTileMap.GetLength(0); x++)
if (tileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] >= 0)
tileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z] = mapping[tileMap.ArrayTileMap[x, y, z]];
public List<Color[]> SplitTileset(Texture2D sprTexture)
var colorData = new Color[sprTexture.Width * sprTexture.Height];
var tileDataList = new List<Color[]>();
for (var y = 0; y < sprTexture.Height / _tileSize; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < sprTexture.Width / _tileSize; x++)
var data = new Color[_tileSize * _tileSize];
for (var iy = 0; iy < _tileSize; iy++)
for (var ix = 0; ix < _tileSize; ix++)
data[ix + iy * _tileSize] = colorData[y * _tileSize * sprTexture.Width + x * _tileSize + ix + iy * sprTexture.Width];
return tileDataList;
/// <summary>
/// returns the index of the tile inside the new tileset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int AddTexture(Color[] data)
var texture = new Texture2D(Game1.Graphics.GraphicsDevice, _tileSize, _tileSize);
// check if the tile is already in use
for (var i = 0; i < _tileSetData.Count; i++)
if (ColorEquals(_tileSetData[i].Data, data))
return i;
uint r = 0;
uint g = 0;
uint b = 0;
uint a = 0;
foreach (var color in data)
r += color.R;
g += color.G;
b += color.B;
a += color.A;
// only works when the tiles are 16x16
uint max = 255 * 16 * 16;
uint value =
((uint)(r / (float)max * 256) << 0) +
((uint)(g / (float)max * 256) << 8) +
((uint)(b / (float)max * 256) << 16) +
((uint)(a / (float)max * 256) << 24);
_tileSetData.Add(new Tile { Data = data, SprTile = texture, Value = value, Position = _tileSetData.Count });
return _tileSetData.Count - 1;
public bool ColorEquals(Color[] first, Color[] second)
if (first.Length != second.Length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < first.Length; i++)
var diff = ColorDiff(first[i], second[i]);
// why is this 30 and not 0?
if (diff > 30)
return false;
return true;
public int ColorDiff(Color first, Color second)
return Math.Abs(first.R - second.R) +
Math.Abs(first.G - second.G) +
Math.Abs(first.B - second.B) +
Math.Abs(first.A - second.A);