import 'dart:math'; import 'package:country_pickers/country.dart'; import 'package:country_pickers/country_picker_dialog.dart'; import 'package:flex_color_picker/flex_color_picker.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_displaymode/flutter_displaymode.dart'; import 'package:fluttericon/font_awesome5_icons.dart'; import 'package:fluttericon/web_symbols_icons.dart'; import 'package:fluttertoast/fluttertoast.dart'; import 'package:freezer/api/definitions.dart'; import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart'; import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; import 'package:scrobblenaut/scrobblenaut.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; import 'package:freezer/api/cache.dart'; import 'package:freezer/api/deezer.dart'; import 'package:freezer/api/download.dart'; import 'package:freezer/api/player/audio_handler.dart'; import 'package:freezer/ui/downloads_screen.dart'; import 'package:freezer/ui/elements.dart'; import 'package:freezer/ui/home_screen.dart'; import 'package:freezer/ui/updater.dart'; import 'package:freezer/translations.i18n.dart'; import 'package:freezer/settings.dart'; import 'package:freezer/main.dart'; class SettingsScreen extends StatefulWidget { const SettingsScreen({super.key}); @override State createState() => _SettingsScreenState(); } class _SettingsScreenState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Settings'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: [ ListTile( title: Text('General'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.settings, color: Color(0xffeca704)), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const GeneralSettings()), ), ListTile( title: Text('Download Settings'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.cloud_download, color: Color(0xffbe3266)), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const DownloadsSettings()), ), ListTile( title: Text('Appearance'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.color_lens, color: Color(0xff4b2e7e)), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const AppearanceSettings()), ), ListTile( title: Text('Quality'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.high_quality, color: Color(0xff384697)), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const QualitySettings()), ), ListTile( title: Text('Deezer'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.equalizer, color: Color(0xff0880b5)), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const DeezerSettings()), ), //Language select ListTile( title: Text('Language'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.language, color: Color(0xff009a85)), onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => SimpleDialog( title: Text('Select language'.i18n), children: List.generate(languages.length, (int i) { final Language l = languages[i]; return ListTile( title: Text(, subtitle: Text("${l.locale}-${}"), onTap: () async { settings.language = "${l.locale}_${}"; await; showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text('Language'.i18n), content: Text( 'Language changed, please restart Freezer to apply!' .i18n), actions: [ TextButton( child: const Text('OK'), onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); Navigator.pop(context); }, ) ], ); }); }); }))); }, ), ListTile( title: Text('Updates'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.update, color: Color(0xff2ba766)), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const UpdaterScreen()), ), ListTile( title: Text('About'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(, color: Colors.grey), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const CreditsScreen()), ), ], ), ); } } class AppearanceSettings extends StatefulWidget { const AppearanceSettings({super.key}); @override State createState() => _AppearanceSettingsState(); } class _AppearanceSettingsState extends State { ColorSwatch _swatch(int c) => ColorSwatch(c, {500: Color(c)}); String _navigationRailAppearanceToString( NavigationRailAppearance navigationRailAppearance) { switch (navigationRailAppearance) { case NavigationRailAppearance.always_expanded: return 'Always expanded'.i18n; case NavigationRailAppearance.expand_on_hover: return 'Expand on hover'.i18n; case NavigationRailAppearance.icons_only: return 'Icons only'.i18n; } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Appearance'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: [ ListTile( title: Text('Theme'.i18n), subtitle: Text( '${'Currently'.i18n}: ${settings.theme.toString().split('.').lastItem}'), leading: const Icon(Icons.color_lens), enabled: !settings.materialYouAccent, onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return SimpleDialog( title: Text('Select theme'.i18n), children: [ SimpleDialogOption( child: Text('Light'.i18n), onPressed: () { settings.theme = Themes.Light;; updateTheme(context); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), SimpleDialogOption( child: Text('Dark'.i18n), onPressed: () { settings.theme = Themes.Dark;; updateTheme(context); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), SimpleDialogOption( child: Text('Black (AMOLED)'.i18n), onPressed: () { settings.theme = Themes.Black;; updateTheme(context); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), SimpleDialogOption( child: Text('Deezer (Dark)'.i18n), onPressed: () { settings.theme = Themes.Deezer;; updateTheme(context); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], ); }); }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Use system theme'.i18n), value: settings.useSystemTheme, onChanged: settings.materialYouAccent ? null : (bool v) async { settings.useSystemTheme = v;; updateTheme(context); }, secondary: const Icon(, SwitchListTile( value: settings.materialYouAccent, title: Text('Use Material You accent'.i18n), onChanged: (bool v) { settings.materialYouAccent = v;; updateTheme(context); }), ListTile( title: Text('Font'.i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.font_download), subtitle: Text(settings.font), onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => FontSelector(() => Navigator.of(context).pop())); }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Player gradient background'.i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.colorize), value: settings.colorGradientBackground, onChanged: (bool v) async { setState(() => settings.colorGradientBackground = v); await; }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Player album art drop shadow'.i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.opacity), value: settings.playerAlbumArtDropShadow, onChanged: (bool v) async { setState(() => settings.playerAlbumArtDropShadow = v); await; }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Blur player background'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Might have impact on performance'.i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.blur_on), value: settings.blurPlayerBackground, onChanged: (bool v) async { setState(() => settings.blurPlayerBackground = v); await; }, ), SwitchListTile( title: const Text('Use player background on lyrics page'), value: settings.playerBackgroundOnLyrics, secondary: const Icon(Icons.wallpaper), onChanged: settings.blurPlayerBackground || settings.colorGradientBackground ? (bool v) { setState(() => settings.playerBackgroundOnLyrics = v);; } : null), ListTile( title: const Text('Screens style'), subtitle: const Text( 'Style of the transition between screens within the app'), leading: const Icon(Icons.auto_awesome_motion), onTap: () => showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return SimpleDialog( title: const Text('Select screens style'), children: [ SimpleDialogOption( child: const Text('Blur slide (might be laggy!)'), onPressed: () { settings.navigatorRouteType = NavigatorRouteType.blur_slide;; Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), SimpleDialogOption( child: const Text('Fade'), onPressed: () { settings.navigatorRouteType = NavigatorRouteType.fade;; Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), SimpleDialogOption( child: const Text('Fade with blur (might be laggy!)'), onPressed: () { settings.navigatorRouteType = NavigatorRouteType.fade_blur;; Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), SimpleDialogOption( child: const Text('Material (default)'), onPressed: () { settings.navigatorRouteType = NavigatorRouteType.material;; Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), SimpleDialogOption( child: const Text('Cupertino (iOS)'), onPressed: () { settings.navigatorRouteType = NavigatorRouteType.cupertino;; Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], ); }), ), SwitchListTile( title: const Text('Enable filled play button'), secondary: const Icon(Icons.play_circle), value: settings.enableFilledPlayButton, onChanged: (bool v) { setState(() => settings.enableFilledPlayButton = v);; }), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Visualizer'.i18n), subtitle: Text( 'Show visualizers on lyrics page. WARNING: Requires microphone permission!' .i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.equalizer), value: settings.lyricsVisualizer, onChanged: null, // TODO: visualizer //(bool v) async { // if (await Permission.microphone.request().isGranted) { // setState(() => settings.lyricsVisualizer = v); // await; // return; // } //}, ), ListTile( title: Text('Primary color'.i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.format_paint), trailing: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: settings.primaryColor, )), enabled: !settings.materialYouAccent, onTap: () async { final color = await showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => const _ColorPicker()); if (color == null) return; settings.primaryColor = color;; updateTheme(context); //showDialog( // context: context, // builder: (context) { // return AlertDialog( // title: Text('Primary color'.i18n), // content: SizedBox( // height: 240, // child: MaterialColorPicker( // colors: [ // ...Colors.primaries, // //Logo colors // _swatch(0xffeca704), // _swatch(0xffbe3266), // _swatch(0xff4b2e7e), // _swatch(0xff384697), // _swatch(0xff0880b5), // _swatch(0xff009a85), // _swatch(0xff2ba766) // ], // allowShades: false, // selectedColor: settings.primaryColor, // onMainColorChange: (ColorSwatch? color) { // if (color == null) return; // settings.primaryColor = color; //; // updateTheme(context); // Navigator.of(context).pop(); // }, // ), // ), // ); // }); }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Use album art primary color'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Warning: might be buggy'.i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.invert_colors), value: settings.useArtColor, onChanged: (v) => setState(() => settings.updateUseArtColor(v)), ), if (MainScreen.of(context).isDesktop) ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.view_sidebar), title: Text('Navigation rail appearance'.i18n), subtitle: Text( '${'Currently'.i18n}: ${_navigationRailAppearanceToString(settings.navigationRailAppearance)}'), onTap: () => showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => SimpleDialog( title: Text('Navigation rail appearance'.i18n), children: NavigationRailAppearance.values .map((value) => SimpleDialogOption( child: Text( _navigationRailAppearanceToString(value)), onPressed: () { settings.navigationRailAppearance = value; Navigator.pop(context); settings .save() .then((_) => updateTheme(context)); })) .toList(growable: false), )), ), //Display mode (Android only!) if (defaultTargetPlatform == ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.screen_lock_portrait), title: Text('Change display mode'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Enable high refresh rates'.i18n), onTap: () async { final modes = await FlutterDisplayMode.supported; // ignore: use_build_context_synchronously showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return SimpleDialog( title: Text('Display mode'.i18n), children: List.generate( modes.length, (i) => SimpleDialogOption( child: Text(modes[i].toString()), onPressed: () async { final navigator = Navigator.of(context); settings.displayMode = i; await; await FlutterDisplayMode.setPreferredMode( modes[i]); navigator.pop(); }, ))); }); }, ) ], ), ); } } class _ColorPicker extends StatefulWidget { const _ColorPicker({super.key}); @override State<_ColorPicker> createState() => _ColorPickerState(); } class _ColorPickerState extends State<_ColorPicker> { Color color = settings.primaryColor; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text('Primary color'.i18n), content: SizedBox( height: 600.0, width: min(MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.9, 600.0), child: SingleChildScrollView( child: ColorPicker( width: 56.0, height: 56.0, borderRadius: 50.0, onColorChanged: (color) => setState(() => this.color = color), color: color, showColorCode: true, pickersEnabled: const { ColorPickerType.both: false, ColorPickerType.primary: true, ColorPickerType.accent: false, false, ColorPickerType.custom: true, ColorPickerType.wheel: true, }, ), ), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, color), child: Text('OK'.i18n)), ], ); } } class FontSelector extends StatefulWidget { final Function callback; const FontSelector(this.callback, {Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _FontSelectorState(); } class _FontSelectorState extends State { String query = ''; List get fonts { return settings.fonts .where((f) => f.toLowerCase().contains(query)) .toList(); } //Font selected void onTap(String font) { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => AlertDialog( title: Text('Warning'.i18n), content: Text( "This app isn't made for supporting many fonts, it can break layouts and overflow. Use at your own risk!" .i18n), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () async { setState(() => settings.font = font); await; Navigator.of(context).pop(); widget.callback(); //Global setState updateTheme(context); }, child: Text('Apply'.i18n), ), TextButton( onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); widget.callback(); }, child: const Text('Cancel'), ) ], )); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( scrollable: false, title: Text("Select font".i18n), content: Column(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0, vertical: 8.0), child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: 'Search'.i18n, prefixIcon: const Icon(, border: const OutlineInputBorder()), onChanged: (q) => setState(() => query = q), ), ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - 300.0, width: 400.0, child: Material( type: MaterialType.transparency, child: ListView.builder( shrinkWrap: true, itemExtent: 56.0, itemCount: fonts.length, itemBuilder: (context, index) => ListTile( title: Text(fonts[index]), onTap: () => onTap(fonts[index]))), ), ), ]), ); } } class QualitySettings extends StatefulWidget { const QualitySettings({super.key}); @override State createState() => _QualitySettingsState(); } class _QualitySettingsState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Quality'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: [ ...(playerHelper.isConnectivityPluginAvailable ? [ ListTile( title: Text('Mobile streaming'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.network_cell, color: Color(0xff384697)), ), const QualityPicker('mobile'), const FreezerDivider(), ListTile( title: Text('Wifi streaming'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.network_wifi, color: Color(0xff0880b5)), ), const QualityPicker('wifi'), ] : [ ListTile( title: Text('Streaming'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(, color: Color(0xff384697))), const QualityPicker('mobile_wifi'), ]), const FreezerDivider(), ListTile( title: Text('Offline'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.offline_pin, color: Color(0xff009a85)), ), const QualityPicker('offline'), const FreezerDivider(), ListTile( title: Text('External downloads'.i18n), leading: const LeadingIcon(Icons.file_download, color: Color(0xff2ba766)), ), const QualityPicker('download'), ], ), ); } } class QualityPicker extends StatefulWidget { final String field; const QualityPicker(this.field, {Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _QualityPickerState(); } class _QualityPickerState extends State { late AudioQuality _quality; bool flacDisabled = !cache.canStreamLossless; bool hqDisabled = !cache.canStreamHQ; @override void initState() { _getQuality(); super.initState(); } //Get current quality void _getQuality() { switch (widget.field) { case 'mobile_wifi': case 'mobile': _quality = settings.mobileQuality; break; case 'wifi': _quality = settings.wifiQuality; break; case 'download': _quality = settings.downloadQuality; break; case 'offline': _quality = settings.offlineQuality; break; } } //Update quality in settings void _updateQuality(AudioQuality? q) async { if (q == null) return; setState(() { _quality = q; }); switch (widget.field) { case 'mobile_wifi': settings.mobileQuality = settings.wifiQuality = _quality; settings.updateAudioServiceQuality(); break; case 'mobile': settings.mobileQuality = _quality; settings.updateAudioServiceQuality(); break; case 'wifi': settings.wifiQuality = _quality; settings.updateAudioServiceQuality(); break; case 'download': settings.downloadQuality = _quality; break; case 'offline': settings.offlineQuality = _quality; break; } await; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: [ RadioListTile( title: const Text('MP3 128kbps'), groupValue: _quality, value: AudioQuality.MP3_128, onChanged: (AudioQuality? q) => _updateQuality(q), ), RadioListTile( title: const Text('MP3 320kbps'), groupValue: _quality, value: AudioQuality.MP3_320, onChanged: hqDisabled ? null : (AudioQuality? q) => _updateQuality(q), ), RadioListTile( title: const Text('FLAC'), groupValue: _quality, value: AudioQuality.FLAC, onChanged: flacDisabled ? null : (AudioQuality? q) => _updateQuality(q), ), if (widget.field == 'download') RadioListTile( title: Text('Ask before downloading'.i18n), groupValue: _quality, value: AudioQuality.ASK, onChanged: (AudioQuality? q) => _updateQuality(q), ) ], ); } } class ContentLanguage { String code; String name; ContentLanguage(this.code,; static List get all => [ ContentLanguage("cs", "Čeština"), ContentLanguage("da", "Dansk"), ContentLanguage("de", "Deutsch"), ContentLanguage("en", "English"), ContentLanguage("us", "English (us)"), ContentLanguage("es", "Español"), ContentLanguage("mx", "Español (latam)"), ContentLanguage("fr", "Français"), ContentLanguage("hr", "Hrvatski"), ContentLanguage("id", "Indonesia"), ContentLanguage("it", "Italiano"), ContentLanguage("hu", "Magyar"), ContentLanguage("ms", "Melayu"), ContentLanguage("nl", "Nederlands"), ContentLanguage("no", "Norsk"), ContentLanguage("pl", "Polski"), ContentLanguage("br", "Português (br)"), ContentLanguage("pt", "Português (pt)"), ContentLanguage("ro", "Română"), ContentLanguage("sk", "Slovenčina"), ContentLanguage("sl", "Slovenščina"), ContentLanguage("sq", "Shqip"), ContentLanguage("sr", "Srpski"), ContentLanguage("fi", "Suomi"), ContentLanguage("sv", "Svenska"), ContentLanguage("tr", "Türkçe"), ContentLanguage("bg", "Български"), ContentLanguage("ru", "Pусский"), ContentLanguage("uk", "Українська"), ContentLanguage("he", "עִברִית"), ContentLanguage("ar", "العربیة"), ContentLanguage("cn", "中文"), ContentLanguage("ja", "日本語"), ContentLanguage("ko", "한국어"), ContentLanguage("th", "ภาษาไทย"), ]; } class DeezerSettings extends StatefulWidget { const DeezerSettings({super.key}); @override State createState() => _DeezerSettingsState(); } class _DeezerSettingsState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Deezer'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: [ ListTile( title: Text('Content language'.i18n), subtitle: Text( '${'Not app language, used in headers. Now'.i18n}: ${settings.deezerLanguage}'), leading: const Icon(Icons.language), onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => SimpleDialog( title: Text('Select language'.i18n), children: List.generate( ContentLanguage.all.length, (i) => ListTile( title: Text(ContentLanguage.all[i].name), subtitle: Text(ContentLanguage.all[i].code), onTap: () async { setState(() => settings.deezerLanguage = ContentLanguage.all[i].code); await; deezerAPI.updateHeaders(); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, )), )); }, ), ListTile( title: Text('Content country'.i18n), subtitle: Text( '${'Country used in headers. Now'.i18n}: ${settings.deezerCountry}'), leading: const Icon(Icons.vpn_lock), onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => CountryPickerDialog( titlePadding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), isSearchable: true, onValuePicked: (Country country) { setState( () => settings.deezerCountry = country.isoCode); deezerAPI.updateHeaders();; }, )); }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Log tracks'.i18n), subtitle: Text( 'Send track listen logs to Deezer, enable it for features like Flow to work properly' .i18n), value: settings.logListen, secondary: const Icon(Icons.history_toggle_off), onChanged: (bool v) { setState(() => settings.logListen = v);; }, ), //TODO: Reimplement proxy // ListTile( // title: Text('Proxy'.i18n), // leading: Icon(Icons.vpn_key), // subtitle: Text(settings.proxyAddress??'Not set'.i18n), // onTap: () { // String _new; // showDialog( // context: context, // builder: (BuildContext context) { // return AlertDialog( // title: Text('Proxy'.i18n), // content: TextField( // onChanged: (String v) => _new = v, // decoration: InputDecoration( // hintText: 'IP:PORT' // ), // ), // actions: [ // TextButton( // child: Text('Cancel'.i18n), // onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(), // ), // TextButton( // child: Text('Reset'.i18n), // onPressed: () async { // setState(() { // settings.proxyAddress = null; // }); // await; // Navigator.of(context).pop(); // }, // ), // TextButton( // child: Text('Save'.i18n), // onPressed: () async { // setState(() { // settings.proxyAddress = _new; // }); // await; // Navigator.of(context).pop(); // }, // ) // ], // ); // } // ); // }, // ) ], ), ); } } class FilenameTemplateDialog extends StatefulWidget { final String? initial; final Function onSave; const FilenameTemplateDialog(this.initial, this.onSave, {Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _FilenameTemplateDialogState(); } class _FilenameTemplateDialogState extends State { TextEditingController? _controller; String? _new; @override void initState() { _controller = TextEditingController(text: widget.initial); _new = _controller!.value.text; super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { //Dialog with filename format return AlertDialog( title: Text('Downloaded tracks filename'.i18n), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ TextField( controller: _controller, onChanged: (String s) => _new = s, ), Container(height: 8.0), Text( '${'Valid variables are'.i18n}: %artists%, %artist%, %title%, %album%, %trackNumber%, %0trackNumber%, %feats%, %playlistTrackNumber%, %0playlistTrackNumber%, %year%, %date%\n\n${"If you want to use custom directory naming - use '/' as directory separator.".i18n}', style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 12.0, ), ) ], ), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text('Cancel'.i18n), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(), ), TextButton( child: Text('Reset'.i18n), onPressed: () { _controller!.value = _controller!.value.copyWith(text: '%artist% - %title%'); _new = '%artist% - %title%'; }, ), TextButton( child: Text('Clear'.i18n), onPressed: () => _controller!.clear(), ), TextButton( child: Text('Save'.i18n), onPressed: () async { widget.onSave(_new); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ) ], ); } } class DownloadsSettings extends StatefulWidget { const DownloadsSettings({super.key}); @override State createState() => _DownloadsSettingsState(); } class _DownloadsSettingsState extends State { double _downloadThreads = settings.downloadThreads.toDouble(); final TextEditingController _artistSeparatorController = TextEditingController(text: settings.artistSeparator); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Download Settings'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: [ ListTile( title: Text('Download path'.i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.folder), subtitle: Text(settings.downloadPath!), onTap: () async { //Check permissions if (!await return; DownloadManager.getDirectory('Pick-a-Path'.i18n).then((path) { if (path == null) return; // user canceled setState(() => settings.downloadPath = path);; }); //Navigate // Navigator.of(context).pushRoute( // builder: (context) => DirectoryPicker( // settings.downloadPath, // onSelect: (String p) async { // setState(() => settings.downloadPath = p); // await; // }, // )); }, ), ListTile( title: Text('Downloads naming'.i18n), subtitle: Text('${'Currently'.i18n}: ${settings.downloadFilename}'), leading: const Icon(Icons.text_format), onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return FilenameTemplateDialog(settings.downloadFilename, (f) async { setState(() => settings.downloadFilename = f); await; }); }); }, ), ListTile( title: Text('Singleton naming'.i18n), subtitle: Text('${'Currently'.i18n}: ${settings.singletonFilename}'), leading: const Icon(Icons.text_format), onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return FilenameTemplateDialog(settings.singletonFilename, (f) async { setState(() => settings.singletonFilename = f); await; }); }); }, ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0), child: Text( '${'Download threads'.i18n}: ${_downloadThreads.round().toString()}', style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0), ), ), Slider( min: 1, max: 16, divisions: 15, value: _downloadThreads, label: _downloadThreads.round().toString(), onChanged: (double v) => setState(() => _downloadThreads = v), onChangeEnd: (double val) async { _downloadThreads = val; setState(() { settings.downloadThreads = _downloadThreads.round(); _downloadThreads = settings.downloadThreads.toDouble(); }); await; //Prevent null if (val > 8 && cache.threadsWarning != true) { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text('Warning'.i18n), content: Text( 'Using too many concurrent downloads on older/weaker devices might cause crashes!' .i18n), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text('Dismiss'.i18n), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(), ) ], ); }); cache.threadsWarning = true; await; } }), const FreezerDivider(), ListTile( title: Text('Tags'.i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.label), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const TagSelectionScreen()), ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Create folders for artist'.i18n), value: settings.artistFolder, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.artistFolder = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.folder), ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Create folders for albums'.i18n), value: settings.albumFolder, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.albumFolder = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.folder)), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Create folder for playlist'.i18n), value: settings.playlistFolder, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.playlistFolder = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.folder)), const FreezerDivider(), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Separate albums by discs'.i18n), value: settings.albumDiscFolder, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.albumDiscFolder = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.album)), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Overwrite already downloaded files'.i18n), value: settings.overwriteDownload, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.overwriteDownload = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.delete)), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Download .LRC lyrics'.i18n), value: settings.downloadLyrics, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.downloadLyrics = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.subtitles)), const FreezerDivider(), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Save cover file for every track'.i18n), value: settings.trackCover, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.trackCover = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.image)), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Save album cover'.i18n), value: settings.albumCover, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.albumCover = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.image)), ListTile( title: Text('Album cover resolution'.i18n), subtitle: Text( "WARNING: Resolutions above 1200 aren't officially supported" .i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.image), trailing: SizedBox( width: 75.0, child: DropdownButton( value: settings.albumArtResolution, items: [400, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800] .map>( (int i) => DropdownMenuItem( value: i, child: Text(i.toString()), )) .toList(), onChanged: (int? n) async { if (n == null) return; setState(() { settings.albumArtResolution = n; }); await; }, ))), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Create .nomedia files'.i18n), subtitle: Text('To prevent gallery being filled with album art'.i18n), value: settings.nomediaFiles, onChanged: (v) { setState(() => settings.nomediaFiles = v);; }, secondary: const Icon(Icons.insert_drive_file)), ListTile( title: Text('Artist separator'.i18n), leading: const Icon(WebSymbols.tag), trailing: SizedBox( width: 75.0, child: TextField( controller: _artistSeparatorController, onChanged: (s) async { settings.artistSeparator = s; await; }, ), ), ), const FreezerDivider(), ListTile( title: Text('Download Log'.i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.sticky_note_2), onTap: () => Navigator.of(context) .pushRoute(builder: (context) => const DownloadLogViewer()), ) ], ), ); } } class TagOption { String title; String value; TagOption(this.title, this.value); } class TagSelectionScreen extends StatefulWidget { const TagSelectionScreen({super.key}); @override State createState() => _TagSelectionScreenState(); } class _TagSelectionScreenState extends State { List tags = [ TagOption("Title".i18n, 'title'), TagOption("Album".i18n, 'album'), TagOption('Artist'.i18n, 'artist'), TagOption('Track number'.i18n, 'track'), TagOption('Disc number'.i18n, 'disc'), TagOption('Album artist'.i18n, 'albumArtist'), TagOption('Date/Year'.i18n, 'date'), TagOption('Label'.i18n, 'label'), TagOption('ISRC'.i18n, 'isrc'), TagOption('UPC'.i18n, 'upc'), TagOption('Track total'.i18n, 'trackTotal'), TagOption('BPM'.i18n, 'bpm'), TagOption('Unsynchronized lyrics'.i18n, 'lyrics'), TagOption('Genre'.i18n, 'genre'), TagOption('Contributors'.i18n, 'contributors'), TagOption('Album art'.i18n, 'art') ]; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Tags'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: List.generate( tags.length, (i) => ListTile( title: Text(tags[i].title), leading: Switch( value: settings.tags.contains(tags[i].value), onChanged: (v) async { //Update if (v) { settings.tags.add(tags[i].value); } else { settings.tags.remove(tags[i].value); } setState(() {}); await; }, ), )), ), ); } } class GeneralSettings extends StatefulWidget { const GeneralSettings({super.key}); @override State createState() => _GeneralSettingsState(); } class _GeneralSettingsState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('General'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: [ SwitchListTile( title: Text('Offline mode'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Will be overridden on start.'.i18n), value: settings.offlineMode, secondary: const Icon(Icons.lock), onChanged: (bool v) { if (v) { setState(() => settings.offlineMode = true); return; } showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { deezerAPI.authorize().then((v) { if (v) { setState(() => settings.offlineMode = false); } else { Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: 'Error logging in, check your internet connections.' .i18n, gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, toastLength: Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } Navigator.of(context).pop(); }); return AlertDialog( title: Text('Logging in...'.i18n), content: const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator())); }); }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Enable equalizer'.i18n), subtitle: Text( 'Might enable some equalizer apps to work. Requires restart of Freezer' .i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.equalizer), value: settings.enableEqualizer, onChanged: (v) async { setState(() => settings.enableEqualizer = v);; }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Ignore interruptions'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Requires app restart to apply!'.i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.not_interested), value: settings.ignoreInterruptions, onChanged: (bool v) async { setState(() => settings.ignoreInterruptions = v); await; }, ), SwitchListTile( title: Text('Use seek buttons as skip'.i18n), subtitle: Text('May be useful for Android TV. '.i18n + 'Requires app restart to apply!'.i18n), secondary: const Icon(Icons.fast_forward), value: settings.seekAsSkip, onChanged: (bool v) async { setState(() => settings.seekAsSkip = v); await; }, ), ListTile( title: Text('LastFM'.i18n), subtitle: Text((settings.lastFMPassword != null && settings.lastFMUsername != null) ? 'Log out'.i18n : 'Login to enable scrobbling.'.i18n), leading: const Icon(FontAwesome5.lastfm), onTap: () async { //Log out if (settings.lastFMPassword != null && settings.lastFMUsername != null) { settings.lastFMUsername = null; settings.lastFMPassword = null; await; await audioHandler.customAction("disableLastFM", {}); setState(() {}); Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: 'Logged out!'.i18n); return; } await showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => const LastFMLogin()); setState(() {}); }, ), ListTile( title: Text( 'Log out'.i18n, style: const TextStyle(color:, ), leading: const Icon(Icons.exit_to_app), onTap: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text('Log out'.i18n), // content: Text('Due to plugin incompatibility, login using browser is unavailable without restart.'.i18n), content: Text( 'Restart of app is required to properly log out!' .i18n), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text('Cancel'.i18n), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(), ), // TextButton( // child: Text('(ARL ONLY) Continue'.i18n), // onPressed: () async { // await logOut(); // Navigator.of(context).pop(); // }, // ), TextButton( child: Text('Log out & Exit'.i18n), onPressed: () async { try { await audioHandler.stop(); await DownloadManager.platform .invokeMethod("kill"); } catch (e) {} await logOut(); SystemNavigator.pop(); }, ) ], ); }); }), ListTile( title: Text('Copy ARL'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Copy userToken/ARL Cookie for use in other apps.'.i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.lock), onTap: () async { if (settings.arl == null) return; Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: settings.arl!)); ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).snack('Copied'.i18n); }, ), ], ), ); } } class LastFMLogin extends StatefulWidget { const LastFMLogin({super.key}); @override State createState() => _LastFMLoginState(); } class _LastFMLoginState extends State { String _username = ''; String _password = ''; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text('Login to LastFM'.i18n), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ TextField( decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Username'.i18n), onChanged: (v) => _username = v, ), Container(height: 8.0), TextField( obscureText: true, decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Password'.i18n), onChanged: (v) => _password = v, ) ], ), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text('Cancel'.i18n), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(), ), TextButton( child: Text('Login'.i18n), onPressed: () async { LastFM last; try { last = await LastFM.authenticate( apiKey: 'b6ab5ae967bcd8b10b23f68f42493829', apiSecret: '861b0dff9a8a574bec747f9dab8b82bf', username: _username, password: _password); } catch (e) { Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: 'Authorization error!'.i18n); return; } //Save settings.lastFMUsername = last.username; settings.lastFMPassword = last.passwordHash; await; await playerHelper.authorizeLastFM(); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], ); } } // class DirectoryPicker extends StatefulWidget { // final String initialPath; // final Function onSelect; // DirectoryPicker(this.initialPath, {this.onSelect, Key key}) : super(key: key); // @override // State createState() => _DirectoryPickerState(); // } // class _DirectoryPickerState extends State { // String _path; // String _previous; // String _root; // @override // void initState() { // _path = widget.initialPath; // super.initState(); // } // Future _resetPath() async { // StorageInfo si = (await PathProviderEx.getStorageInfo())[0]; // setState(() => _path = si.appFilesDir); // } // @override // Widget build(BuildContext context) { // return Scaffold( // appBar: AppBar( // 'Pick-a-Path'.i18n, // actions: [ // IconButton( // icon: Icon( // Icons.sd_card, // semanticLabel: 'Select storage'.i18n, // ), // onPressed: () { // String path = ''; // //Chose storage // showDialog( // context: context, // builder: (context) { // return AlertDialog( // title: Text('Select storage'.i18n), // content: FutureBuilder( // future: PathProviderEx.getStorageInfo(), // builder: (context, snapshot) { // if (snapshot.hasError) return ErrorScreen(); // if (!snapshot.hasData) // return Padding( // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 8.0), // child: Row( // mainAxisAlignment:, // children: [ // CircularProgressIndicator() // ], // ), // ); // return Column( // mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, // children: List.generate( //, (int i) { // StorageInfo si =[i]; // return ListTile( // title: Text(si.rootDir), // leading: Icon(Icons.sd_card), // trailing: Text(filesize(si.availableBytes)), // onTap: () { // setState(() { // _path = si.appFilesDir; // //Android 5+ blocks sd card, so this prevents going outside // //app data dir, until permission request fix. // _root = si.rootDir; // if (i != 0) _root = si.appFilesDir; // }); // Navigator.of(context).pop(); // }, // ); // })); // }, // ), // ); // }); // }) // ], // ), // floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( // child: Icon(Icons.done), // onPressed: () { // //When folder confirmed // if (widget.onSelect != null) widget.onSelect(_path); // Navigator.of(context).pop(); // }, // ), // body: FutureBuilder( // future: Directory(_path).list().toList(), // builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { // //On error go to last good path // if (snapshot.hasError) // Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 50), () { // if (_previous == null) { // _resetPath(); // return; // } // setState(() => _path = _previous); // }); // if (!snapshot.hasData) // return Center( // child: CircularProgressIndicator(), // ); // List data =; // return ListView( // children: [ // ListTile( // title: Text(_path), // ), // ListTile( // title: Text('Go up'.i18n), // leading: Icon(Icons.arrow_upward), // onTap: () { // setState(() { // if (_root == _path) { // Fluttertoast.showToast( // msg: 'Permission denied'.i18n, // gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM); // return; // } // _previous = _path; // _path = Directory(_path).parent.path; // }); // }, // ), // ...List.generate(data.length, (i) { // FileSystemEntity f = data[i]; // if (f is Directory) { // return ListTile( // title: Text(f.path.split('/').last), // leading: Icon(Icons.folder), // onTap: () { // setState(() { // _previous = _path; // _path = f.path; // }); // }, // ); // } // return Container( // height: 0, // width: 0, // ); // }) // ], // ); // }, // ), // ); // } // } class CreditsScreen extends StatefulWidget { const CreditsScreen({super.key}); @override State createState() => _CreditsScreenState(); } class _CreditsScreenState extends State { String _version = ''; static final List> translators = [ ['Xandar Null', 'Arabic'], ['Markus', 'German'], ['Andrea', 'Italian'], ['Diego Hiro', 'Portuguese'], ['Orfej', 'Russian'], ['Chino Pacia', 'Filipino'], ['ArcherDelta & PetFix', 'Spanish'], ['Shazzaam', 'Croatian'], ['VIRGIN_KLM', 'Greek'], ['koreezzz', 'Korean'], ['Fwwwwwwwwwweze', 'French'], ['kobyrevah', 'Hebrew'], ['HoScHaKaL', 'Turkish'], ['MicroMihai', 'Romanian'], ['LenteraMalam', 'Indonesian'], ['RTWO2', 'Persian'] ]; @override void initState() { PackageInfo.fromPlatform().then((info) { setState(() { _version = 'v${info.version}'; }); }); super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('About'.i18n)), body: ListView( children: [ const FreezerTitle(), Text( _version, textAlign:, style: const TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic), ), const FreezerDivider(), ListTile( title: Text('Telegram Channel'.i18n), subtitle: Text('To get latest releases'.i18n), leading: const Icon(FontAwesome5.telegram, color: Color(0xFF27A2DF), size: 36.0), onTap: () { launchUrl(Uri.parse('')); }, ), ListTile( title: Text('Telegram Group'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Official chat'.i18n), leading: const Icon(FontAwesome5.telegram, color: Colors.cyan, size: 36.0), onTap: () => launchUrl(Uri.parse('')), ), ListTile( title: Text('Discord'.i18n), subtitle: Text('Official Discord server'.i18n), leading: const Icon(FontAwesome5.discord, color: Color(0xff7289da), size: 36.0), onTap: () => launchUrl(Uri.parse('')), ), ListTile( title: Text('${'Repository'.i18n} (unavailable)'), subtitle: Text('Source code, report issues there.'.i18n), leading: const Icon(Icons.code, color:, size: 36.0), enabled: false, ), const ListTile( enabled: false, title: Text('Don\'t Donate'), subtitle: Text( 'You should rather support your favorite artists, instead of this app!'), leading: Icon(FontAwesome5.paypal, color:, size: 36.0), ), const FreezerDivider(), const ListTile( title: Text('Pato05'), subtitle: Text('Current Developer - best of all'), ), const ListTile( title: Text('exttex'), subtitle: Text('Ex-Developer'), ), const ListTile( title: Text('Bas Curtiz'), subtitle: Text('Icon, logo, banner, design suggestions, tester'), ), const ListTile( title: Text('Tobs'), subtitle: Text('Alpha testers'), ), const ListTile( title: Text('Deemix'), subtitle: Text('Better app <3'), ), const ListTile( title: Text('Xandar Null'), subtitle: Text('Tester, translations help'), ), ListTile( title: const Text('Francesco'), subtitle: const Text('Tester'), onTap: () { setState(() { settings.primaryColor = const Color(0xff333333); }); updateTheme(context);; }, ), const ListTile( title: Text('Annexhack'), subtitle: Text('Android Auto help'), ), const FreezerDivider(), ...List.generate( translators.length, (i) => ListTile( title: Text(translators[i][0]), subtitle: Text(translators[i][1]), )), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 4, 0, 8), child: Text( 'Huge thanks to all the contributors! <3'.i18n, textAlign:, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0), ), ) ], ), ); } }