# freezer Free, unlimited, without DRM music streaming app, which uses Deezer as backend. This app is still in BETA, so it is missing features and contains bugs. If you want to report bug or request feature, please open an issue. ## Downloads: Downloads are distributed in [Telegram channel](https://t.me/+lm3uxdt8exgzODA0). ## Compile from source Install flutter SDK: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install (Optional) Generate keys for release build: https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/android Download source: ``` git clone https://fem.mint.lgbt/pato05/freezer.git ``` Compile: ``` flutter pub get flutter pub run build_runner build flutter build apk # or windows/linux ``` NOTE: You have to use own keys, or build debug using `flutter build apk --debug` ## Disclaimer ``` Freezer was not developed for piracy, but educational and private usage. It may be illegal to use this in your country! I am not responsible in any way for the usage of this app. ```