
801 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cookie_jar/cookie_jar.dart';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:dio_cookie_manager/dio_cookie_manager.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
import 'package:freezer/api/cache.dart';
import 'package:freezer/api/definitions.dart';
import 'package:freezer/api/spotify.dart';
import 'package:freezer/settings.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:async';
class DeezerAPI {
/// Shorthand for GetIt.instance<DeezerAPI>()
static DeezerAPI get instance => GetIt.instance<DeezerAPI>();
// from deemix:
static const CLIENT_ID = "172365";
static const CLIENT_SECRET = "fb0bec7ccc063dab0417eb7b0d847f34";
static const USER_AGENT_SUFFIX =
'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36';
static const WINDOWS_USER_AGENT =
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) $USER_AGENT_SUFFIX";
static const MACOS_USER_AGENT =
'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 14_0) $USER_AGENT_SUFFIX';
static const USER_AGENTS = <TargetPlatform, String>{ WINDOWS_USER_AGENT, WINDOWS_USER_AGENT,
TargetPlatform.iOS: MACOS_USER_AGENT,
TargetPlatform.macOS: MACOS_USER_AGENT,
TargetPlatform.linux: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) $USER_AGENT_SUFFIX',
static String get userAgent => USER_AGENTS[defaultTargetPlatform]!;
static final _logger = Logger('DeezerAPI');
final CookieJar cookieJar;
set arl(String? arl) {
if (arl == null) {
cookieJar.saveFromResponse(Uri.https(''), [
Cookie('arl', arl)
..domain = ''
..httpOnly = true
..sameSite = SameSite.none = true
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
String? token;
String? userId;
String? userName;
String? favoritesPlaylistId;
String? sid;
late String deezerLanguage;
late String deezerCountry;
late String licenseToken;
late bool canStreamLossless;
late bool canStreamHQ;
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
late final dio = Dio(BaseOptions(
headers: headers,
responseType: ResponseType.json,
validateStatus: (status) => true))
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
Future<bool>? _authorizing;
//Get headers
Map<String, String> get headers => {
"User-Agent": userAgent,
"Content-Language": '$deezerLanguage-$deezerCountry',
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Charset": "utf-8,ISO-8859-1;q=0.7,*;q=0.3",
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"Connection": "keep-alive",
Future<void> logout() async {
2024-02-13 16:53:25 +00:00
// actual logout from deezer API
await dio.get('');
await dio.get('');
// delete all cookies
await cookieJar.deleteAll();
void updateHeaders() {
dio.options.headers = headers;
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Call private API
Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>> callApi(String method,
{Map<dynamic, dynamic>? params,
String? gatewayInput,
CancelToken? cancelToken}) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
final res = await'',
queryParameters: {
'api_version': '1.0',
'api_token': token,
'input': '3',
'method': method,
//Used for homepage
if (gatewayInput != null) 'gateway_input': gatewayInput
data: jsonEncode(params),
cancelToken: cancelToken);
final body =;
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
// In case of error "Invalid CSRF token" retrieve new one and retry the same call
if (body!['error'].isNotEmpty &&
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
body['error'].containsKey('VALID_TOKEN_REQUIRED') &&
await rawAuthorize()) {
return callApi(method, params: params, gatewayInput: gatewayInput);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return body;
Future<Map> callPublicApi(String path) async {
final res = await dio.get('$path');
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Wrapper so it can be globally awaited
Future<bool> authorize() async => _authorizing ??= rawAuthorize();
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
// this didn't last very long now, did it?
// //Login with email FROM DEEMIX-JS
// Future<String> getArlByEmail(String email, String password) async {
// //Get MD5 of password
// final md5Password = md5.convert(utf8.encode(password)).toString();
// final hash = md5
// .convert(utf8
// .encode([CLIENT_ID, email, md5Password, CLIENT_SECRET].join('')))
// .toString();
// //Get access token
// // String url =
// // "$email&password=$md5password&device=panasonic&output=json";
// // http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
// // String? accessToken = jsonDecode(response.body)["access_token"];
// final res = await dio.get('',
// queryParameters: {
// 'app_id': CLIENT_ID,
// 'login': email,
// 'password': md5Password,
// 'hash': hash
// },
// options: Options(responseType: ResponseType.json));
// print(;
// final accessToken =['access_token'] as String?;
// if (accessToken == null) {
// throw Exception('login failed, access token is null');
// }
// print(accessToken);
// return getArlByAccessToken(accessToken);
// }
Future<String> getArlByAccessToken(String accessToken) async {
//Get SID in cookieJar
final res =
await dio.get("",
options: Options(headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer $accessToken',
'User-Agent': userAgent,
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Get ARL
final arlRes = await dio.get("",
queryParameters: {
'method': 'user.getArl',
'input': '3',
'api_version': '1.0',
'api_token': 'null',
options: Options(responseType: ResponseType.json));
final arl =["results"];
if (arl == null) throw Exception('couldn\'t obtain ARL');
return arl;
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Authorize, bool = success
Future<bool> rawAuthorize({Function? onError}) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
try {
final data = await callApi('deezer.getUserData');
if (data['results']?['USER']?['USER_ID'] == null ||
data['results']['USER']['USER_ID'] == 0) {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return false;
} else {
token = data['results']['checkForm'];
userId = data['results']['USER']['USER_ID'].toString();
userName = data['results']['USER']['BLOG_NAME'];
favoritesPlaylistId = data['results']['USER']['LOVEDTRACKS_ID'];
canStreamHQ = data['results']['USER']['OPTIONS']['web_hq'] as bool ||
data['results']['USER']['OPTIONS']['mobile_hq'] as bool;
canStreamLossless =
data['results']['USER']['OPTIONS']['web_lossless'] as bool ||
data['results']['USER']['OPTIONS']['mobile_lossless'] as bool;
licenseToken =
data['results']['USER']['OPTIONS']['license_token'] as String;
settings.checkQuality(canStreamHQ, canStreamLossless);
cache.canStreamHQ = canStreamHQ;
cache.canStreamLossless = canStreamLossless;
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
if (cache.favoritesPlaylistId != favoritesPlaylistId) {
cache.favoritesPlaylistId = favoritesPlaylistId;
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return true;
} catch (e) {
if (onError != null) onError(e);
_logger.warning('Login Error (D): $e');
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return false;
//URL/Link parser
Future<DeezerLinkResponse?> parseLink(Uri uri) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
if ( == '' || == '') {
if (uri.pathSegments.length < 2) return null;
if (uri.pathSegments[uri.pathSegments.length - 1] == 'radio') {
return DeezerLinkResponse(
type: DeezerLinkResponse.typeFromString(
uri.pathSegments[uri.pathSegments.length - 3]),
id: uri.pathSegments[uri.pathSegments.length - 2]);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return DeezerLinkResponse(
type: DeezerLinkResponse.typeFromString(
uri.pathSegments[uri.pathSegments.length - 2]),
id: uri.pathSegments[uri.pathSegments.length - 1]);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Share URL
if ( == '' || == '') {
http.BaseRequest request = http.Request('HEAD', uri);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
request.followRedirects = false;
http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
String newUrl = response.headers['location']!;
return parseLink(Uri.parse(newUrl));
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
if ( == '') {
if (uri.pathSegments.length < 2) return null;
String spotifyUri = 'spotify:${uri.pathSegments.sublist(0, 2).join(':')}';
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
try {
if (uri.pathSegments[0] == 'track') {
String id = await SpotifyScrapper.convertTrack(spotifyUri);
return DeezerLinkResponse(type: DeezerMediaType.track, id: id);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
if (uri.pathSegments[0] == 'album') {
String id = await SpotifyScrapper.convertAlbum(spotifyUri);
return DeezerLinkResponse(type: DeezerMediaType.album, id: id);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
} catch (e) {
// we don't care about errors apparently
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return null;
//Check if Deezer available in country
static Future<bool?> chceckAvailability() async {
try {
http.Response res =
await http.get(Uri.parse(''));
return jsonDecode(res.body)["open"];
} catch (e) {
return null;
/// Get single track url
/// Shorcut for [getTracksUrl([trackToken], format)[0]]
Future<GetTrackUrlResponse> getTrackUrl(
String trackToken, String format) async =>
(await getTracksUrl([trackToken], format))[0];
Future<List<GetTrackUrlResponse>> getTracksUrl(
List<String> trackTokens, String format) async {
final response = await
Uri.https('', '/v1/get_url'),
body: jsonEncode({
"license_token": licenseToken,
"media": [
"type": "FULL",
"formats": [
{"cipher": "BF_CBC_STRIPE", "format": format},
"cipher": "BF_CBC_STRIPE",
"format": "MP3_MISC" // allow for custom MP3s
"track_tokens": trackTokens,
headers: headers,
print('getTracksUrl($trackTokens, $format)');
final data = (jsonDecode(response.body) as Map)['data'] as List;
return {
if (data['errors'] != null) {
if (data['errors'][0]['code'] == 2002) {
return GetTrackUrlResponse(
error: {'code': 2002, 'message': 'Wrong geolocation'});
return GetTrackUrlResponse(error: data['errors'][0] as Map);
if (data['media'] == null) return GetTrackUrlResponse();
return GetTrackUrlResponse(
sources: (data['media'][0]['sources'] as List)
.map<TrackUrlSource>((e) => TrackUrlSource.fromPrivateJson(
(e as Map).cast<String, dynamic>()))
.toList(growable: false));
}).toList(growable: false);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
Future<SearchResults> search(String? query) async {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> data = await callApi('deezer.pageSearch',
params: {'nb': 128, 'query': query, 'start': 0});
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return SearchResults.fromPrivateJson(data['results']);
2024-02-13 16:53:25 +00:00
Future<List<Track>> getTracks(List<String> ids) async {
final data = await callApi('song.getListData', params: {'sng_ids': ids});
return (data['results']['data'] as List)
.map<Track>((t) => Track.fromPrivateJson(t as Map))
.toList(growable: false);
2024-02-12 02:37:26 +00:00
Future<Track> track(String id) async {
2024-02-13 16:53:25 +00:00
return (await getTracks([id]))[0];
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Get album details, tracks
Future<Album> album(String? id) async {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> data = await callApi('deezer.pageAlbum', params: {
'alb_id': id,
'header': true,
'lang': settings.deezerLanguage
return Album.fromPrivateJson(data['results']['DATA'],
songsJson: data['results']['SONGS']);
//Get artist details
Future<Artist> artist(String? id) async {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> data = await callApi('deezer.pageArtist', params: {
'art_id': id,
'lang': settings.deezerLanguage,
return Artist.fromPrivateJson(data['results']['DATA'],
topJson: data['results']['TOP'],
albumsJson: data['results']['ALBUMS'],
highlight: data['results']['HIGHLIGHT']);
//Get playlist tracks at offset
Future<List<Track>?> playlistTracksPage(String? id, int start,
{int nb = 2000 /*was 50*/}) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
Map data = await callApi('deezer.pagePlaylist', params: {
'playlist_id': id,
'lang': settings.deezerLanguage,
'nb': nb,
'tags': true,
'start': start
return data['results']['SONGS']['data']
.map<Track>((json) => Track.fromPrivateJson(json))
//Get playlist details
Future<Playlist> playlist(String? id, {int nb = 5000}) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
Map<dynamic, dynamic> data = await callApi('deezer.pagePlaylist', params: {
'playlist_id': id,
'lang': settings.deezerLanguage,
'nb': nb,
'tags': true,
'start': 0
return Playlist.fromPrivateJson(data['results']['DATA'],
songsJson: data['results']['SONGS']);
//Get playlist with all tracks
Future<Playlist> fullPlaylist(String? id) async {
return await playlist(id, nb: 100000);
//Add track to favorites
Future addFavoriteTrack(String id) async {
await callApi('favorite_song.add', params: {'SNG_ID': id});
//Add album to favorites/library
Future addFavoriteAlbum(String? id) async {
await callApi('album.addFavorite', params: {'ALB_ID': id});
//Add artist to favorites/library
Future addFavoriteArtist(String? id) async {
await callApi('artist.addFavorite', params: {'ART_ID': id});
Future<void> addFavoriteShow(String id) =>
callApi('show.addFavorite', params: {'SHOW_ID': id});
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Remove artist from favorites/library
Future removeArtist(String? id) async {
await callApi('artist.deleteFavorite', params: {'ART_ID': id});
// Mark track as disliked
Future dislikeTrack(String id) async {
await callApi('favorite_dislike.add', params: {'ID': id, 'TYPE': 'song'});
//Add tracks to playlist
Future addToPlaylist(String trackId, String? playlistId,
{int offset = -1}) async {
await callApi('playlist.addSongs', params: {
'offset': offset,
'playlist_id': playlistId,
'songs': [
[trackId, 0]
//Remove track from playlist
Future removeFromPlaylist(String trackId, String? playlistId) async {
await callApi('playlist.deleteSongs', params: {
'playlist_id': playlistId,
'songs': [
[trackId, 0]
//Get users playlists
Future<List<Playlist>> getPlaylists() async {
Map data = await callApi('deezer.pageProfile',
params: {'nb': 2000, 'tab': 'playlists', 'user_id': userId});
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return data['results']['TAB']['playlists']['data']
.map<Playlist>((json) => Playlist.fromPrivateJson(json, library: true))
//Get favorite albums
Future<List<Album>> getAlbums() async {
Map data = await callApi('deezer.pageProfile',
params: {'nb': 2000, 'tab': 'albums', 'user_id': userId});
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
List albumList = data['results']['TAB']['albums']['data'];
List<Album> albums = albumList
.map<Album>((json) => Album.fromPrivateJson(json, library: true))
return albums;
//Remove album from library
Future<void> removeAlbum(String? id) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
await callApi('album.deleteFavorite', params: {'ALB_ID': id});
//Remove track from favorites
Future<void> removeFavorite(String id) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
await callApi('favorite_song.remove', params: {'SNG_ID': id});
Future<void> removeFavoriteShow(String id) =>
callApi('show.deleteFavorite', params: {'SHOW_ID': id});
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Get favorite artists
Future<List<Artist>?> getArtists() async {
Map data = await callApi('deezer.pageProfile',
params: {'nb': 40, 'tab': 'artists', 'user_id': userId});
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return data['results']['TAB']['artists']['data']
.map<Artist>((json) => Artist.fromPrivateJson(json, library: true))
//Get lyrics by track id
Future<Lyrics> lyrics(String? trackId, {CancelToken? cancelToken}) async {
Map data = await callApi('song.getLyrics',
params: {'sng_id': trackId}, cancelToken: cancelToken);
if (data['error'] != null && data['error'].length > 0) {
throw Exception('Deezer reported error: ${data['error']}');
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return Lyrics.fromPrivateJson(data['results']);
Future<SmartTrackList> smartTrackList(String? id) async {
Map data = await callApi('deezer.pageSmartTracklist',
params: {'smarttracklist_id': id});
return SmartTrackList.fromPrivateJson(data['results'],
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
songsJson: data['results']['SONGS']);
Future<List<Track>?> flow([String? config]) async {
Map data = await callApi('radio.getUserRadio', params: {
if (config != null) 'config_id': config,
'user_id': userId,
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return data['results']['data']
?.map<Track>((json) => Track.fromPrivateJson(json))
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
//Get homepage/music library from deezer
Future<HomePage> homePage() async {
List grid = [
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
Map data = await callApi('page.get',
gatewayInput: jsonEncode({
"PAGE": "home",
"VERSION": "2.5",
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"deeplink-list": ["deeplink"],
"list": ["episode"],
"grid-preview-one": grid,
"grid-preview-two": grid,
"slideshow": grid,
"message": ["call_onboarding"],
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"grid": grid,
"horizontal-grid": grid,
"horizontal-list": ["track", "song"],
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"item-highlight": ["radio"],
"large-card": ["album", "playlist", "show", "video-link"],
"long-card-horizontal-grid": grid,
"ads": [], //Nope
"small-horizontal-grid": ["flow"],
"filterable-grid": ["flow"],
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"LANG": settings.deezerLanguage,
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return HomePage.fromPrivateJson(data['results']);
/// Log song listen to deezer
Future logListen(
String trackId, {
/// Amount of times the track's been seeked
int seek = 0,
/// Amount of times the track's been paused
int pause = 0,
/// 1 if the track was listened in sync, 0 otherwise
int sync = 1,
/// If the track is skipped to the next song
bool next = false,
/// If the track is skipped to the previous song
bool prev = false,
/// When the timestamp has begun as UTC int (in SECONDS)
int? timestamp,
}) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
await callApi('log.listen', params: {
'params': {
timestamp ?? (DateTime.timestamp().millisecondsSinceEpoch) ~/ 1000,
'ts_listen': DateTime.timestamp().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000,
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
'type': 1,
'stat': {
'seek': seek, // amount of times seeked
'pause': pause, // amount of times paused
'sync': sync,
if (next) 'next': true,
if (prev) 'prev': true,
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
'media': {'id': trackId, 'type': 'song', 'format': 'MP3_128'}
Future<HomePage> getChannel(String? target) async {
List grid = [
Map data = await callApi('page.get',
gatewayInput: jsonEncode({
'PAGE': target,
"VERSION": "2.5",
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"deeplink-list": ["deeplink"],
"list": ["episode"],
"grid-preview-one": grid,
"grid-preview-two": grid,
"slideshow": grid,
"message": ["call_onboarding"],
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
"grid": grid,
"horizontal-grid": grid,
"item-highlight": ["radio"],
"large-card": ["album", "playlist", "show", "video-link"],
"ads": [] //Nope
"LANG": settings.deezerLanguage,
return HomePage.fromPrivateJson(data['results']);
//Add playlist to library
Future addPlaylist(String id) async {
await callApi('playlist.addFavorite',
params: {'parent_playlist_id': int.parse(id)});
//Remove playlist from library
Future removePlaylist(String id) async {
await callApi('playlist.deleteFavorite',
params: {'playlist_id': int.parse(id)});
//Delete playlist
Future deletePlaylist(String? id) async {
await callApi('playlist.delete', params: {'playlist_id': id});
//Create playlist
//Status 1 - private, 2 - collaborative
Future<String> createPlaylist(String? title,
{String? description = "",
int? status = 1,
List<String> trackIds = const []}) async {
Map data = await callApi('playlist.create', params: {
'title': title,
'description': description,
'songs': trackIds
.map<List>((id) => [int.parse(id), trackIds.indexOf(id)])
'status': status
//Return playlistId
return data['results'].toString();
//Get part of discography
Future<List<Album>?> discographyPage(String artistId,
{int start = 0, int nb = 50}) async {
Map data = await callApi('album.getDiscography', params: {
'art_id': int.parse(artistId),
'discography_mode': 'all',
'nb': nb,
'start': start,
'nb_songs': 30
return data['results']['data']
.map<Album>((a) => Album.fromPrivateJson(a))
Future<List<String>?> searchSuggestions(String? query,
{CancelToken? cancelToken}) async {
Map data = await callApi('search_getSuggestedQueries',
params: {'QUERY': query}, cancelToken: cancelToken);
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return (data['results']['SUGGESTION'] as List?)
?.map<String>((s) => s['QUERY'] as String)
//Get smart radio for artist id
Future<List<Track>?> smartRadio(String artistId) async {
Map data = await callApi('smart.getSmartRadio',
params: {'art_id': int.parse(artistId)});
return data['results']['data']
.map<Track>((t) => Track.fromPrivateJson(t))
//Update playlist metadata, status = see createPlaylist
Future updatePlaylist(String id, String title, String description,
{int? status = 1}) async {
await callApi('playlist.update', params: {
'description': description,
'title': title,
'playlist_id': int.parse(id),
'status': status,
'songs': []
//Get shuffled library
Future<List<Track>?> libraryShuffle({int start = 0}) async {
Map data = await callApi('tracklist.getShuffledCollection',
params: {'nb': 50, 'start': start});
return data['results']['data']
.map<Track>((t) => Track.fromPrivateJson(t))
//Get similar tracks for track with id [trackId]
Future<List<Track>> playMix(String? trackId) async {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
Map data = await callApi('song.getContextualTrackMix', params: {
'sng_ids': [trackId]
return data['results']['data']!
.map<Track>((t) => Track.fromPrivateJson(t))
Future<List<Track>> getSearchTrackMix(String trackId,
[bool? startWithInputTrack = true]) async {
Map data = await callApi('song.getSearchTrackMix', params: {
'sng_id': trackId,
if (startWithInputTrack != null)
'start_with_input_track': startWithInputTrack,
return data['results']['data']!
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
.map<Track>((t) => Track.fromPrivateJson(t))
Future<List<ShowEpisode>?> allShowEpisodes(String? showId) async {
Map data = await callApi('deezer.pageShow', params: {
'country': settings.deezerCountry,
'lang': settings.deezerLanguage,
'nb': 1000,
'show_id': showId,
'start': 0,
'user_id': int.parse(userId!)
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return data['results']['EPISODES']['data']
.map<ShowEpisode>((e) => ShowEpisode.fromPrivateJson(e))
class PipeAPI {
Future<void> getTrackToken(String trackId) async {}