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2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:freezer/api/deezer.dart';
import 'package:freezer/api/importer.dart';
import 'package:freezer/settings.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:spotify/spotify.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
class SpotifyScrapper {
//Parse spotify URL to URI (spotify:track:1234)
static String? parseUrl(String url) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
if (uri.pathSegments.length > 3) return null; //Invalid URL
if (uri.pathSegments.length == 3) {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return 'spotify:${uri.pathSegments[1]}:${uri.pathSegments[2]}';
if (uri.pathSegments.length == 2) {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return 'spotify:${uri.pathSegments[0]}:${uri.pathSegments[1]}';
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return null;
//Get spotify embed url from uri
static String getEmbedUrl(String uri) =>
// or
static Future<String> resolveLinkUrl(String url) async {
http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
Match match = RegExp(r'window\.top\.location = validate\("(.+)"\);')
static Future<String?> resolveUrl(String url) async {
if (url.contains("link.tospotify") || url.contains("")) {
return parseUrl(await resolveLinkUrl(url));
return parseUrl(url);
//Extract JSON data form spotify embed page
static Future<Map> getEmbedData(String url) async {
http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
dom.Document document = parse(response.body);
dom.Element element = document.getElementById('resource')!;
//Some are URL encoded
try {
return jsonDecode(element.innerHtml);
} catch (e) {
return jsonDecode(Uri.decodeComponent(element.innerHtml));
static Future<SpotifyPlaylist> playlist(String uri) async {
//Load data
String url = getEmbedUrl(uri);
Map data = await getEmbedData(url);
SpotifyPlaylist playlist = SpotifyPlaylist.fromJson(data);
return playlist;
//Get Deezer track ID from Spotify URI
static Future<String> convertTrack(String uri) async {
Map data = await getEmbedData(getEmbedUrl(uri));
SpotifyTrack track = SpotifyTrack.fromJson(data);
Map deezer = await deezerAPI.callPublicApi('track/isrc:${track.isrc!}');
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return deezer['id'].toString();
//Get Deezer album ID by UPC
static Future<String> convertAlbum(String uri) async {
Map data = await getEmbedData(getEmbedUrl(uri));
SpotifyAlbum album = SpotifyAlbum.fromJson(data);
Map deezer = await deezerAPI.callPublicApi('album/upc:${album.upc!}');
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
return deezer['id'].toString();
class SpotifyTrack {
String? title;
List<String>? artists;
String? isrc;
SpotifyTrack({this.title, this.artists, this.isrc});
factory SpotifyTrack.fromJson(Map json) => SpotifyTrack(
title: json['name'],
json['artists'].map<String>((a) => a["name"].toString()).toList(),
isrc: json['external_ids']['isrc']);
//Convert track to importer track
ImporterTrack toImporter() {
return ImporterTrack(title, artists, isrc: isrc);
class SpotifyPlaylist {
String? name;
String? description;
List<SpotifyTrack>? tracks;
String? image;
SpotifyPlaylist({, this.description, this.tracks, this.image});
factory SpotifyPlaylist.fromJson(Map json) => SpotifyPlaylist(
name: json['name'],
description: json['description'],
image: (json['images'].length > 0) ? json['images'][0]['url'] : null,
tracks: json['tracks']['items']
.map<SpotifyTrack>((j) => SpotifyTrack.fromJson(j['track']))
//Convert to importer tracks
List<ImporterTrack> toImporter() {
return tracks!.map((t) => t.toImporter()).toList();
class SpotifyAlbum {
String? upc;
factory SpotifyAlbum.fromJson(Map json) =>
SpotifyAlbum(upc: json['external_ids']['upc']);
class SpotifyAPIWrapper {
HttpServer? _server;
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
late SpotifyApi spotify;
late User me;
//Try authorize with saved credentials
Future<bool> trySaved() async {
if (settings.spotifyClientId == null ||
settings.spotifyClientSecret == null ||
settings.spotifyCredentials == null) return false;
final credentials = SpotifyApiCredentials(
settings.spotifyClientId, settings.spotifyClientSecret,
accessToken: settings.spotifyCredentials!.accessToken,
refreshToken: settings.spotifyCredentials!.refreshToken,
scopes: settings.spotifyCredentials!.scopes,
expiration: settings.spotifyCredentials!.expiration);
spotify = SpotifyApi(credentials);
me = await;
await _save();
return true;
Future authorize(String? clientId, String? clientSecret) async {
SpotifyApiCredentials credentials =
SpotifyApiCredentials(clientId, clientSecret);
spotify = SpotifyApi(credentials);
//Create server
_server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 42069);
late String responseUri;
//Get URL
final grant = SpotifyApi.authorizationCodeGrant(credentials);
const redirectUri = "http://localhost:42069";
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
final scopes = [
final authUri =
grant.getAuthorizationUrl(Uri.parse(redirectUri), scopes: scopes);
//Wait for code
await for (HttpRequest request in _server!) {
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//Exit window
request.response.headers.set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8");
"<body><h1>You can close this page and go back to Freezer.</h1></body><script>window.close();</script>");
//Get token
if (request.uri.queryParameters["code"] != null) {
2023-07-29 02:17:26 +00:00
responseUri = request.uri.toString();
//Create spotify
spotify = SpotifyApi.fromAuthCodeGrant(grant, responseUri);
me = await;
await _save();
Future _save() async {
//Save credentials
final spotifyCredentials = await spotify.getCredentials();
final saveCredentials = SpotifyCredentialsSave(
accessToken: spotifyCredentials.accessToken,
refreshToken: spotifyCredentials.refreshToken,
scopes: spotifyCredentials.scopes,
expiration: spotifyCredentials.expiration);
settings.spotifyClientSecret = spotifyCredentials.clientId;
settings.spotifyClientSecret = spotifyCredentials.clientSecret;
settings.spotifyCredentials = saveCredentials;
//Cancel authorization
void cancelAuthorize() {
_server?.close(force: true);
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