package moe.oko.Kiafumi.command.utility; import moe.oko.Kiafumi.Kiafumi; import moe.oko.Kiafumi.command.CommandClass; import moe.oko.Kiafumi.model.Server; import moe.oko.Kiafumi.util.CommandInfo; import moe.oko.Kiafumi.util.CommandType; import moe.oko.Kiafumi.util.EmbedUI; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission; import; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.OptionType; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Permits modification of server settings, critical class to functionality. * @author Kay */ public class SettingCommand extends CommandClass { @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return true; //Another non-disable command } @Override public String getName() { return "Settings"; } @Override public void newCommand(String name, SlashCommandInteractionEvent e) { if(e.getGuild() != null) { Server server = Kiafumi.instance.getServerManager().getOrCreateServer(e.getGuild()); switch (name) { case "settings": e.deferReply().queue(); //No options, just fire an embed off... EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(EmbedUI.INFO) .setTitle("Kiafumi Settings") .setDescription(server.getOpts()) .setFooter(EmbedUI.BRAND) .setTimestamp(; e.getHook().sendMessageEmbeds(; return; case "setting": //User is attempting a settings modification. Check if admin. if(!e.getMember().hasPermission(Permission.ADMINISTRATOR) && !e.getMember().isOwner()) { e.deferReply(true).queue(); //Private reply, other people can't see this if ephemeral. e.getHook().sendMessage("**You cannot run this command**").queue(); return; } switch(e.getSubcommandName().toLowerCase()) { case "view": e.deferReply().queue(); String opt = e.getOption("name").getAsString(); EmbedBuilder eb1 = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(EmbedUI.INFO) .setTitle(opt) .setDescription("Value: `" + server.getOptionByString(opt) + '`') .setFooter(EmbedUI.BRAND) .setTimestamp(; e.getHook().sendMessageEmbeds(; return; case "set": e.deferReply().queue(); String opt1 = e.getOption("name").getAsString(); String opt2 = e.getOption("value").getAsString(); String response = server.setOptionByString(opt1, opt2); EmbedBuilder eb2 = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(EmbedUI.SUCCESS) .setTitle(opt1) .setDescription(response) .setFooter(EmbedUI.BRAND) .setTimestamp(; e.getHook().sendMessageEmbeds(; return; case "clear": e.deferReply().queue(); String opt3 = e.getOption("name").getAsString(); String response1 = server.resetOptionByString(opt3); EmbedBuilder eb3 = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(EmbedUI.SUCCESS) .setTitle(opt3) .setDescription(response1) .setFooter(EmbedUI.BRAND) .setTimestamp(; e.getHook().sendMessageEmbeds(; return; } } } } @Override public List getSlashCommandInfo() { List si = new ArrayList<>(); CommandInfo ci2 = new CommandInfo("setting", "Permits modification, viewing, and clearing of settings.", CommandType.COMMAND); //For those looking here for inspiration, you CANNOT mix options and subcommands. You can only have one or the other. CommandInfo ci = new CommandInfo("view", "Shows the current value for the setting provided.", CommandType.SUBCOMMAND); ci.addOption("name", "The name of the setting to display", OptionType.STRING, true); ci2.addSubcommand(ci); CommandInfo ci3 = new CommandInfo("set", "sets a setting for the guild you are in", CommandType.SUBCOMMAND); ci3.addOption("name", "The name of the setting to modify", OptionType.STRING, true); ci3.addOption("value", "The value to set the setting to", OptionType.STRING, true); ci2.addSubcommand(ci3); CommandInfo ci4 = new CommandInfo("clear", "reverts a setting back to its default value", CommandType.SUBCOMMAND); ci4.addOption("name", "Name of the setting to clear", OptionType.STRING, true); ci2.addSubcommand(ci4); CommandInfo ci5 = new CommandInfo("settings", "displays all settings available for the guild.", CommandType.COMMAND); si.add(ci5); si.add(ci2); return si; } }