BREAKING NEWS: Fedimint and Piped will be shutting down on the 3rd of July, at 12:00 P.M. EST
Fedimint Fedimint [JM]
Element Element [JM]
Femgit Femgit [EM]
Piped Piped [JM]
Nitter Nitter [E]
CloudTube CloudTube [EM]
Libreddit Libreddit [M]

Welcome to! is a service provider built for and run by LGBTQIA+ people. Founded in 2020, we're a non-profit run by Lux and Luna focusing on providing privacy-respecting FOSS services.

Id. Description
E The website is enhanced with optional JavaScript features
J The website requires JavaScript to function
M The website requires a modern browser to run on

Femgit icon by j0. leaf graciously donated by Ember.
© 2020-2023 Licensed under the ISC license.

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